Throne of Vientiane Civilization

Chapter 509 Huh? Do they still have fighting strength?

Originally, he wanted to visit various parts of the temple, but after being disturbed by the barrier, Zhou Xu honestly went back to rest.

During this time, Bam said he was hungry and wanted to eat.

Zhou Xu, who was now a guardian, would naturally not let him go hungry and directly asked Li Ce and others to make some food and send it over.

Li Ce also acted quickly. As soon as he turned his head, he sent in a roasted whole lamb.

Bam drooled at the smell. Before anyone could put down the roasted whole lamb, he had already pounced on it and started gnawing wildly.

The image of the son of the Dragon God was shattered on the ground.

No, it has long been broken into pieces.

He had been sleeping for who knows how many years, how hungry was he?

Zhou Xu wasn't hungry at the moment. While Bam was cooking, he simply leaned on the side and began to close his eyes and rest.

His timely stop made his current state not too bad, and he would probably be able to recover after a while.

During this process, Zhou Xu's mind was not idle, and he was slowly sorting out some of the intelligence information he had obtained previously.

Not to mention anything else, both Dragon God Ceylon and Bam called him ‘Zhou Hongxu’ before.

Of course, Zhou Xu is no stranger to this name.

Because this is his real name!

He even mentioned it to Wang Dong when they were chatting.

Wang Dong boasted that the name was good and had the meaning of inheriting the king's business.

He hadn't taken it to heart at the time, but now it seems...

[Does my real name really mean anything? 】

[Before, Dragon God Ceylon called me the last descendant of the Great Zhou Dynasty. My current country name is also called ‘Zhou’. Is it a coincidence? Or……】

As his thoughts whirled, Zhou Xu opened his eyes and looked at Bam.

The sight before him immediately surprised him.

"Boy, do you have enough to eat?"

Even though Bam is only so big now, his appetite is not small at all. He ate nearly half of the roasted lamb in a daze, and then he touched his swollen belly and collapsed to the side with a comfortable look on his face.

Looking at Bam's look, Zhou Xu realized that he really hadn't thought much about it before.

Now that I think about it, their internal food consumption will probably increase in the future.

Inadvertently thinking too far, Zhou Xu quickly pulled his thoughts back from the distant thoughts.

"Speaking of which, do you have any impression of 'Da Zhou'?"

"Aren't you just from Dazhou?"

Bam answered casually while picking his teeth with the tips of his claws.

"Then what is my relationship with that 'Big Zhou'?"

"I don't know, you didn't tell me."

Regarding the answer Bam gave, Zhou Xu felt helpless, but after thinking about it, he felt helpless.

Even according to their human age, Bam is still just a child. Normally, how could he talk to a child like this?

Thinking of this, Zhou Xu simply changed the question.

"Then what do you know?"

Faced with this question, Bam's expression was stunned. It felt like he was performing a fairly stable performance after asking and answering questions, but then you suddenly let him play freely. He didn't know what to do, and Zhou Zhou was confused. Xu also became a little melancholy.

"Okay, tell me something you know. You just called Chitose a dangerous creature. Does this dangerous creature refer to the level of extraordinary creatures?"

Bam does know about this problem.

"To be precise, this is a graded distinction between some special creatures that pose a threat, and it is not limited to extraordinary creatures."

"In other words, as long as the creature is a sufficient threat, this rating can be used to distinguish it?"

"That's right."

Bam nodded.

"It is generally divided into three levels: danger level, disaster level and natural disaster level."

"Danger level, referred to as danger level, refers to creatures that can easily threaten some groups and small facilities."

"Disaster level, basically it can pose a threat to a city."

"The natural disaster level is literally what it means. The threat it can bring to you is no less than a natural disaster."

Bam's statement was quite simple and clear. After listening to it, Zhou Xu nodded and had a rough idea.

"There won't be any further up?"

"The higher levels are generally filled with existences such as ghosts and gods. They cannot be easily summarized at this level."

"I understand."

Zhou Xu nodded again.

"Oh, by the way, how much do you know about lizard people?"

"Lizard Man? What do you know about him? He's just a handyman for us."

"I'm talking about the composition of combat power."

"Ah? Do they still have fighting strength?"

Bam looked confused, and at the same time he was confused about Zhou Xu.

"Otherwise? You Gulong Clan won't fight on your own, right?"

After Zhou Xu asked this question, the figure of Dragon God Ceylon subconsciously appeared in his mind.

It doesn’t seem impossible?

But Bam waved his hand.

"Although it is not impossible to rely on ourselves, it is too tiring to do everything by ourselves."


"We, the Ancient Dragon Clan, are very few in number, so we created many servants to work for us."

‘Dazhou’ is another family’s business, so it’s natural that Bam doesn’t know about it. Now when he talked about his own family’s affairs, he immediately talked about it like a treasure trove.

"Generally, there are ordinary dragons below our ancient dragons. The ordinary dragons are divided into upper dragons, middle dragons and lower dragons. Below the ordinary dragons, there are dragon people and sub-dragons."

"Ordinary battles are left to the Dragonites and Yalongs. If the enemy is difficult to deal with, the lower dragons, the middle dragons, and even the upper dragons will be dispatched in sequence."

"As for the lizard people..."

After saying this, Bam showed a trace of distress on his face, as if he didn't know what to say.

"From a bloodline point of view, the dragon bloodline in the dragon tribe and the Yalong tribe is actually very thin. In your words, even for ordinary dragon tribes, they are unrelated relatives. For us in ancient times, Not to mention the Dragon Clan."

"And the lizardmen don't even have the blood of our dragon family in essence. They were created to handle some daily chores for us."

[Good guy, in the dragon system, the status of lizardmen is equivalent to low-level servants, right? ! 】

This is really a situation that Zhou Xu didn't expect at all.

What Zhou Xu didn't know at this moment was that what Bam said was true, but Bam's understanding of the lizard people was not sufficient.

Because after Bam fell into a deep sleep, due to the large number of ordinary dragons, dragon people and even sub-dragons sacrificed in the war, the dragon god Ceylon blessed a large number of lizard people to fill the gap in combat power. As a follow-up combat force, it was invested in the war to fill the vacancies.

At the end of the war, it was considered a good performance, definitely not as bad as Bam said.

Of course, among the combat power composition of their dragon clan, the lizardmen basically belong to the lowest level of combat power. This is also a fact.

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