Throne of Vientiane Civilization

Chapter 344 The action begins

However, this time it was still early, so they were not allowed to visit the village. They were only allowed to rest for a while, and then they quickly continued on their way. There was still a lot of mountain road to go from Tieshan Village to this location.

Theoretically speaking, Hongshi and the others could not be unfamiliar with the road to that area, but considering that the location had been moved, according to previous practice, Huangshan Village still sent a guide to them.

For the next section of the journey, they had to eat and sleep in the open air. They climbed over mountains and ridges all the way, and finally arrived at their border village, Tieshan Village!

"Recruit squadron, squadron leader Hongshi and all twenty recruits are here to report!"

The previous training was still in vain. Even Hongshi now does things in a very orderly manner.

As the highest military officer in Tieshan Village, or even in the entire mountainous area, Shi Lei nodded with satisfaction.

"Thank you for your hard work along the way. Your accommodation has been arranged for you. Go down and rest first."


After leaving Shi Lei's office, Hong Shi had just walked outside. As his vice-captain, Kuroki came over and poked him twice with his elbow.

"How about it?"

While asking questions, she also winked at him, causing Hongshi to give him a fierce look.

"What are you stabbing?! I am your superior, please behave yourself!"

After saying that, he ignored him and turned around to leave.

Of course Hongshi knew what Heimu was talking about. When they first fought, he and Shi Lei were considered opponents. Later, they were defeated by Zhou Chongshan and became prisoners, while Shi Lei suddenly transformed into his chief officer.

To say that he didn't feel uncomfortable at all would be a lie.

But he is not a fool. From the moment he was captured, this identity was destined.

He could now face Shi Lei as the leader of a squadron of new recruits instead of a slave. This was already a great favor to their leader.

Although his Hongshi character is a bit straight sometimes, he is not stupid, and at the same time he is not that ignorant.

What Hongshi didn't notice during this period was that Shi Lei smiled as he looked at his back as he turned away.

Based on Hong Shi's strength and character, Shi Lei had already expected that the other party would join the army sooner or later, but he didn't expect that this day would come so quickly, and that the other party would directly become a squadron leader.

Thinking back to the other person's appearance before, and then looking at his serious appearance now, after comparing the before and after, Shi Lei's mood was also very strange.

But no matter what, in this recruitment operation, he had more red stones under his command, which always made him feel a little more confident.

Their leader's orders came faster than the recruit squadron, so while the recruit squadron was still on the road, he had already launched a search operation first.

After all, as a high-level executive of Da Zhou, Shi Lei was well aware of the current situation. He knew that their leader's move would need to be against time, and the sooner the better.

Earlier, they had considered that Tieshan Village had not yet been completed and there was no time to do a lot of things here. Therefore, their strategy here had always been to guard their one-third of an acre of land and try not to cause more trouble to themselves.

Now that Tieshan Village has been basically completed, and he has received an order from their leader to recruit the population, Shi Lei naturally won't waste any time in taking action.

Other primitive tribes are different from them. They rely on the food they have stored in advance in autumn. In winter, they rarely need to go out to hunt.

Under normal circumstances, one would just spend the winter comfortably in the village, recuperate, and then start working hard again in the coming spring.

But there is no way to solve the food problem of other primitive tribes. In winter, their hunting pressure will increase day by day, and they will have to go out to hunt frequently.

Coupled with the recent snowfall, thick snow has piled up everywhere in the mountains. Whether people or animals have passed by, the traces are too obvious.

This allowed the scouts who were responsible for the reconnaissance mission to locate the target relatively easily and reported it to Shi Lei.

After confirming the news, Shi Lei made a rough estimate in his mind and asked the twenty recruits who had just arrived to rest for one night before officially setting off early the next morning.

After all, according to their leader's wishes, while recruiting the population during this operation, they also need to train this group of new recruits so that they can properly accumulate some experience.

But in fact, in this era, it is unrealistic to say that anyone has no fighting experience at all, let alone Hongshi and the others. This makes them, to a large extent, unlikely to be affected by the upcoming battle. Too nervous.

Not counting the newly arrived squadron of new recruits, their original garrison strength in Tieshan Village was thirty people, twenty were regular soldiers of the ordinary army, and ten were rattan armor soldiers equipped with rattan armor, which was an elite combat force.

Normally, when the main focus is on defense, even if there are fifty or sixty people on the opposite side, as defenders, they can defeat the opponent relatively easily.

But once they need to take the initiative and become the attacker, the situation will be different.

Because considering some unexpected situations and out of caution, Shi Lei would definitely not let all the troops in his hand go out, and would have to leave people to guard Tieshan Village just in case, to ensure that their retreat was not cut off.

In this way, Shi Lei thought about the issue of the distribution of offensive and defensive forces, and finally decided to let 20 regular army soldiers stay in Tieshan Village to ensure the stability of the village.

Under this premise, ten Tengjia soldiers took the new recruit squadron to perform the recruitment task. In addition, they also brought twenty militiamen to assist in the operation.

This militia was temporarily recruited, and they went with them, but their main task was not to fight, but to take custody of the captured prisoners after the battle.

Otherwise, with only thirty people, they would have to fight, collect the population, and take care of the prisoners, which would definitely be too busy.

Early the next morning, the operation officially began.

Since the scouts had already visited all the points first, they took action with a clear goal in mind and headed straight for the opponent's camp.

During this period, people from the opposite tribe should have discovered some traces of their scouts, and they obviously increased their vigilance. They discovered them before they completely approached, causing the battle to break out early.

"Incoming formation!"

The small unexpected situation did not make Hongshi and the others confused. After all, before they were incorporated, they were serious combatants.

As the squadron leader, Hongshi quickly ordered the formation just like he did during the previous tactical formation training.

But the ten vine armor soldiers headed by Shi Lei didn't move much.

Hong Shi saw this scene in his eyes, and there was not much surprise on his face.

Before setting off, Shi Lei had already made it clear to him that while performing the recruitment mission this time, he was also training them.

The existence of him and the Vine Armor Soldiers is to provide an extra layer of protection for this operation. Unless something happens beyond their control, he and the Vine Armor Soldiers will not take action easily!

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