Throne of Vientiane Civilization

Chapter 343 Afraid of embarrassment, didn’t dare to ask

A blizzard is sweeping across the grassland, and as villages close to the grassland area, Black Moon Village and Salt Lake Village have undoubtedly also suffered some impacts. The snow may be relatively weaker, but it is no longer suitable to go out. Days passed.

Taking advantage of the snowstorm, Zhou Xu simply asked everyone here who needed to learn to read to attend cram school at Wang Dong's place.

Anyway, they were idle, and they were bored eating and sleeping every day, so they might as well let Wang Dong teach them how to read.

People used to say that it is best to learn a language when you are young. If you have good learning ability, you will learn faster.

But in Zhou Xu's opinion, there was no such thing.

Adults cannot learn. To put it bluntly, they simply don’t want to learn and are rejecting it. The pressure is not yet in place.

If you throw this person directly into a place where everyone speaks a foreign language, and he cannot survive without learning, you will know whether he can learn it or not.

Not only did the subordinates show no resistance to their leader's arrangements, but they all showed great enthusiasm, so their learning efficiency could not be poor.

During this period, Zhou Xu himself was methodically exercising his mantra power at his residence in Black Moon Village.

On these days when you are stable and have nothing else to do, it is most appropriate to exercise your mantra power intensely.

Anyway, when the consumption was almost done, he went to sleep and rested. When he was almost recovered, he started exercising again. For Zhou Xu himself, this whole process did not feel boring at all.

In essence, he really enjoys the process of improving his strength bit by bit, which is also reflected in his development strategy of slowly farming.

At the same time, the recruits who followed Zhou Xu's order and left the recruit training camp early the next morning and headed towards Tieshan Village were lucky enough to avoid the blizzard.

However, it is quite cold, especially after nightfall, when the temperature in the Gobi area basically drops directly below freezing.

Fortunately, most of the clothes to keep out the cold are in place this year.

The combination of linen clothes and fur clothes makes the condition much better than before.

Riding on an ox cart, the twenty recruits quickly crossed the Gobi area and arrived at the station at the foot of the barren mountain.

Looking up at the bare mountain outside the barren mountain, as a member of the new recruits, Hongshi couldn't help but feel a trace of sadness on his face.

To be honest, he didn't expect that he would be able to come back here again.

I didn't wait too long at the inn here. Although the barren mountain village had been moved to the other side, the original location of the village was not abandoned. Instead, it was converted into an outpost and was garrisoned.

When they set out, they had already asked messengers to send news in advance.

Estimating the time, someone from the outpost was quickly sent down to take them up the mountain.

This leader is still necessary.

At this stage, they don't have that much manpower and material resources to build mountain roads, and except for some individual staff members who often need to travel between mountains and plains due to work reasons, others don't come here at all.

Having an experienced guide who takes them up the mountain on a suitable route can greatly reduce the risk of accidents.

"Okay, let's gather and get ready to go up the mountain!"

In the station at the foot of the mountain, Hongshi shouted and waved to the resting soldiers to get up.

After training for a period of time, with his outstanding performance, he has now successfully become the squadron leader Dangdang, and this batch of recruits is under his control.

Although it has been a long time since I climbed a mountain road, Hongshi's performance was not bad at all.

You must know that many of these twenty recruits were recruited in the mountains. Before being recruited, they had been mountain people for more than ten or twenty years.

The skill of ‘mountain climbing’ has long been ingrained in their bones, and there is no possibility of forgetting it.

Following the leader, the group maintained good efficiency. When they climbed halfway up the mountain, snowflakes began to fall from the air.

In winter, there will be heavy snow and even blizzards in the mountains.

The first snow after winter came even earlier than on the grassland. The further we went up the mountain, the colder it became, causing the soldiers to wrap up their clothes unconsciously.

When they arrived at the outpost located on the inside of the barren mountain, considering the time, it was already evening and they wanted to rest here for the night.

The outpost who received the news in advance and confirmed the situation also made arrangements in advance. After receiving the people, they led them directly inside.

During this process, many people, including Hongshi, were sizing up the outpost.

After they were captured, the person responsible for escorting them took them directly over the barren mountain to the station at the foot of the mountain. They had never been here before.

Now when I see it here, even Hongshi is surprised.

At first glance, it looks like a village.

Afraid of embarrassment, I didn't dare to ask.

Otherwise, the guards stationed at this outpost would tell them clearly that this place was really a village before.

Although with the relocation of Huangshan Village, this place was downgraded to an outpost, this does not mean that they will demolish some of the original buildings here.

This created a special outpost whose specifications were significantly higher than the normal level. This special outpost also allowed this special outpost to temporarily receive twenty recruits, and there was no pressure at all for them to settle in.

But this is not their final destination. Their destination is Tieshan Village on the border of their Great Zhou Dynasty.

The next morning, after breakfast, they set off immediately.

The location of the barren mountain outpost was originally halfway up the mountain inside the barren mountain. The way down the mountain was much faster than the way up the mountain, allowing them to reach the foot of the mountain relatively easily.

Then their entire worldview began to be continuously impacted!

There are outpost facilities at the foot of the mountain, and Hongshi and the others know this.

Because when they were taken here as prisoners, they rested at the foot of the mountain here.

As a result, they soon discovered that, let alone the foot of the mountain, the entire mountain area had undergone earth-shaking changes, which made them wonder if they had come to the wrong place.

The trees and vegetation that grew here have basically disappeared, leaving this mountain col area with a wide and bright view at a glance.

After a brief walk, they quickly discovered a large number of cultivated fields on the gentle terrain, as well as specially dug ditches.

After walking for a while through the field area, the relocation was completed this year. The newly built Barren Mountain Village immediately caught the eyes of Hongshi and others. In every aspect, it was better than the old village halfway up the mountain. Including the fields outside the village, the size of the entire village has more than doubled!

Update sent, thanks to the book friend "Little Panda Who Loves Fish" for the tip!

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