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After Wei Xun released another fish spirit, Wang Yushu finally couldn't stand it any longer. He pitifully condemned his behavior as a violation of the fishing order and reduced the fun of fishing - only by catching wild fish in an authentic way can you enjoy the harvest. , like this fish essence was caught and then put back, rounding off, isn’t this a free whoring for the New Qingcheng Mountain God! You must know that Wei Xun holds the body of the fish and throws the fish back every time. This fish spirit is so shameless and has such close contact with their Cui Cui. If Captain An knew about it, would he go crazy? When Team An comes, kill them all!

Wei Xun couldn't help but wave his hand after hearing this. What Wang Yushu said was indeed reasonable. Although Wei Xun felt that Yu Jing didn't have much IQ, he had a natural affection and admiration for him, but he didn't have much scheming. It's just that the fish essence is not hairy, and the scales are smooth and have no texture. Wei Xun is not very interested in getting close to the fish essence. Moreover, the fish essence cannot be used to cook for Lu Shucheng. It is of no great use. Let's add fish. It's really rude.

So Wei Xun fished out the fish spirit again, and gave it a majestic lecture in the name of the mountain god, and asked it to send a message to the whole lake. The fish spirit is not allowed to come closer, nor can it drive away fish schools - of course, it cannot be done secretly. Ordinary fish are hung on the fishhook of Lord Mountain God. Anyway, just go to the bottom of the lake and play by yourself without disturbing him.

After reluctantly giving ten round and shiny lake beads to the mountain god, the golden carp spirit returned to the lake obediently and carried out the mountain god's order. Wei Xun and Wang Yushu could finally enjoy some peace and normalcy. fishing time. The rain was heavy, creating circles of ripples on the lake. Even if the travelers were strong and healthy, this contained a trace of pollution in the mountains. The cold rainwater would still feel cold after being soaked in it for a long time. It happened that the lake beads sent by the fish spirit contained some demonic power. It has the effect of protecting from wind and rain, and can also absorb some pollution.

Wei Xun and Wang Yushu each brought one bead, and the remaining beads were given to the other team members by Wan Xiangchun, who was the fastest. After Wan Xiangchun returned to the lake, they both gained something, and there were all the beads in the fish basket. There are half a basket of fresh carp and crucian carp.

However, Wei Xun failed to catch the golden toad that Wan Xiangchun could use to steal money to relieve his mental pollution, as Wei Xun thought.

"Bangs play with golden toads, fishing for money step by step. If you use money as bait for fishing, the probability of success will be higher."

Bai Xiaosheng, who had been observing and recording under the shade of the trees by the lake, suggested. It is not easy to catch the golden toad, but Wei Xun is sitting in the blessed land of Zhaogong Mountain, and he has all kinds of copper coins, silver coins and money. Wei Xun asked Wang Yushu to copy a few more fishing rods for him. The fishing lines of different fishing rods were tied with copper coins, silver coins and gold produced in the blessed land of Zhaogong Mountain, and he threw them into the water for fishing. He soon had a big harvest.

"Ding dong, ding dong!"

The sound of money hitting was heard, and a golden toad bigger than An Xuefeng's palm was caught by Wei Xun with one stroke. Its back is dazzling golden yellow, its eyes are like two golden beads, its belly and the soles of its claws are silver white, and its cry is different from ordinary frogs. It is the sound of money hitting each other. It sounds very festive when you listen to it, and it is heavy when you hold it in your hand. It's like catching such a big ball of gold. It struggled very vigorously, but once Wei Xun put it in an empty fish basket, it stopped struggling and nestled directly in the innermost part of the fish basket.

"Hey, this is called wealth not being exposed."

Wang Yushu teased for a while and said with a smile: "Such a fat golden toad must be delicious. Sister Cheng will be happy when she sees it."

Golden toads have no spirituality and are not considered spirits. They are all toads that were originally native to Yuecheng Lake and were mutated by the wealth left by bangs. However, wealth does not play a role in enlightening the wisdom of the animals born in the earth. There are so many money trees in the Zhaogong Mountain Blessed Land, but none of them has become a spirit. The golden toad born from the variation of wealth is just a meat that is firmer and plumper, without any impurities or internal organs. The whole body is made of fresh meat transformed from wealth. Its bite is only attracted by Zhao Gongshan's wealth. After eating it, it can When people's financial luck improves over a period of time, their mood will also improve.

"Let's fish with gold."

The other rods also started to move. When Wei Xun took a look, he saw that the golden toads caught with silver coins and copper coins were much smaller than those caught with gold coins. The golden toads caught with silver coins were only as big as Wei Xun's fist, while those caught with copper coins were much smaller. The golden toad came up smaller, only slightly larger than the bottle cap, and the color was not as bright as the previous golden toad. The fist-sized golden toad was more white-gold, while the bottle-cap-sized golden toad was impure dark gold.

But at least this is the result of pure wealth. Just like Wang Yushu amusing himself next to him, using Wei Xun's wealth to make a nest, and using a dollar of steel to catch a small golden toad, that is like a complete toad. Just the forehead is a bit golden. This is a local drug, and the meat cannot be eaten. He put the penis back into the lake, and when he looked up, he saw Wei Xun also put the smaller golden toad back into the lake, leaving only the largest one, so he suggested.

“It’s better to fish together.”

At this moment, Wan Xiangchun, who had been silent all this time, said: "The layers of the power of the God of Wealth contained in gold, silver, and copper coins are essentially different. Together they can represent all levels of wealth in the world. Use them to catch Golden toad actually represents different fortunes.”

"Only when you have the wealth of a small family, the wealth of a middle family, and the wealth of everyone can you be considered a truly complete God of Wealth. Cui Dao himself has a lot of assets. If he wants to better grasp the power of the God of Wealth and understand the power of the God of Wealth, he should pay more attention to copper coins. , the wealth represented by the silver dollar will not make it difficult to achieve perfection. "

Although it is said that the wealth in this world is in the hands of a very small number of people, gold represents the vast majority of financial resources. But what the God of Wealth has always been more interested in is the fireworks. It is the expectation and belief that every household comes to worship the God of Wealth every year and festival. It is the largest group of people. Just like in the Zhaogong Mountain Blessed Land, there are the most bronze money trees, which is the foundation of everything. Cui Dao has always been rich, but the more he becomes like this, the more he needs to deeply understand the financial power contained in bronze and silver coins in order to realize the true meaning of the power of the God of Wealth.

"Been taught a lesson."

After listening to Wan Xiangchun's advice, Wei Xun was sincere. He has gained too much recently, but time is tight. He can rarely study and explore a title as thoroughly as before, and he is not even professional in mythology. Although he served as the Nordic God of Fire and the Babylonian God of the Abyss, both Nordic mythology and Babylonian mythology were wiped out by Wei Xun, and Western mythology is essentially different from their Eastern mythology.

If you take a detour at the beginning, it will be difficult to correct it later, and there will not be so much room for trial and error. The effect of adding a good brigade is reflected in this. The teammates are all senior and have their own unique insights into power, and they don't hide their secrets. This can save a lot of time and avoid many detours.

After listening to Wan Xiangchun's words, Wei Xun continued to use copper coins, silver coins, and gold as bait when fishing again, and he also experienced more carefully when fishing for golden toads. After thinking about this carefully and fishing for a few more rounds, Wei Xun suddenly discovered that the speed of fishing for golden toads with copper coins and silver coins was getting slower and slower. Sometimes the bait disappeared before the golden toad took the bait, even if he tried his best to mobilize financial resources. , it is difficult to change this situation. Often when he was paying close attention, the bait of copper coins and silver dollars was still there. Once the gold side was hooked, he would change his attention for a moment and then regain his consciousness, and the two baits would disappear again.

"The accident in the mountains has a huge subtle impact on reality."

Wang Yushu had enjoyed his fishing, and the several fish baskets he had brought were all filled with big, lively fish. Now he was watching Wei Xun fishing for golden toads with great interest. Seeing this, he couldn't help but sigh: "First, Babylon was destroyed, and the source of pollution was destroyed. In reality, the sun, moon and stars disappeared for several days, and now there are accidents in the mountains, earthquakes everywhere, and people are panicking. "

"If popularity is not strong, financial luck will be poor. Once something goes wrong, small households have the worst ability to withstand risks, and their financial luck will also be lost the most."

In a year of great calamity, being able to live well and have enough to eat and drink is already the highest luxury. Who has the heart to seek wealth? Wei Xun used copper coins, which represented the wealth of the people, and silver coins, which represented the wealth of wealthy families, as bait. When he fished naturally, the bait disappeared, indicating that his financial resources were integrating into the world and feeding back to the world. Let believers of the God of Wealth have more good luck and survive the next disaster.

Hearing what he said, Wei Xun responded with a 'hmm', without changing his expression, he tied the baited fishing line with copper coins again, and then listened to Wang Yushu's emotion, and continued to hang bait after the copper coins were swallowed again.

"Alas, it's hard for the people to prosper and it's hard for the people to die."

Wang Yushu has always been an emotional person. Before Wei Xun came back, he would cry happily to vent the pressure of pollution. All his reliable companions were by his side. Director Cui was providing him with mental relief. Wang Yushu became more rational. My sensibility is amplified and more emotions are released. I look at the cloudy sky and the drizzle full of pollution. I think about the journey, the experience in the hotel, the year-end celebration that is just around the corner, and the hopeless future of rushing to the battlefield. Seeing Wei Xun's disappearing bait again, he couldn't help but sigh. He didn't know whether it was tears or rain that wet the corners of his eyes.

Another quarter of an hour passed. Seeing that Wang Yushu was still expressing his emotions, Bai Xiaosheng under the tree over there couldn't stand listening anymore. He put away the parchment and stood up, and said calmly: "I think you are almost feeling better." Okay, it’s getting dark, it’s time to eat.”

"I feel pretty good now. It's great to have Director Cui."

Wang Yushu restrained his emotions and felt his own condition. He couldn't help but feel refreshed and said: "I'm fine. It depends on what Xiaopeng says."

"I'm fine too."

Wan Xiangchun, who passed by Wei Xun from time to time to observe the fish's behavior, said calmly with his hands behind his hands.

"Is this good?"

Wang Yushu was a little confused and didn't see Wan Xiangchun take action. Is this good? But thinking that only Captain An and Bai Xiaosheng in the team could capture the moment when Wan Xiangchun stole money, Wang Yushu was relieved, and then became curious about where Wan Xiangchun, such a big golden toad, had stolen it. Yes, he must have stolen more than one.

When Wei Xun took the fish basket and Bai Xiaosheng got up to find Lu Shucheng, he saw Wang Yushu still hanging around Wan Xiangchun and asked curiously. The big money bag Wan Xiangchun brought was already full. But there was no movement, it didn't look like it was pretending to be a living thing.

"Although Wan Xiangchun's hobby is a bit special, research shows that many birds like shiny things, and the golden-winged roc is no exception."

On the way to the depths of the forest, Bai Xiaosheng said to Wei Xun: "Feihong's Golden Crow Qi Lecheng enjoys the joy of collecting and decorating the place, but Wan Xiangchun likes the process of acquiring. What Wang Yushu actually said Yes, the God of Wealth's copper coins and silver coins are scattered in Qingcheng Mountain, which is a return of wealth to the world, and will further increase your control over the power of the God of Wealth - Wan Xiangchun will scatter those copper coins for you. "

Wei Xun:.

Why do copper coins and silver dollars on fishing lines keep disappearing? Why hasn't a little golden toad taken the bait for so long?

Because these two kinds of baits were stolen by Wan Xiangchun without saying a word!

What kind of copper coins merge into nature and return to the world? Wan Xiangchun has been stealing fishing bait! Thinking of Wan Xiangchun's previous proposal and saying so many things that made Wei Xun feel very reasonable, the fundamental purpose was to let him continue to use copper coins and silver dollars as bait - and also knew that he would save money for Director Cui and only steal copper coins and not silver dollars. Gold, right? So considerate. Wei Xun felt very complicated when he thought that just now he really felt that Wan Xiangchun's serious words were very reasonable and inspired him.

Grand travelers are really very thoughtful, and there are very few like Mao Xiaole and Lu Shucheng. When he thought of Mao Xiaole eagerly bringing his computer, Wei Xun felt full of affection for him, and then he perfunctorily played with the corn shoots. Just kidding, Mao Xiaole finished all his personal relief work yesterday, he won’t write another word!

Thinking of Mao Xiaole being so obedient and obedient, Wei Xun felt comfortable. It was relaxing to socialize with people who were careless. This reminded him of Yin Yang Butterfly. He has not been to the Mutual Aid Alliance until he returned to the hotel. If a former butcher tour guide wanted to leave and return to the Butcher Alliance after Xi Mingren came out of the mountain, Wei Xun would not stop him, as long as he handed over some withdrawal funds according to regulations.

Presumably even the most arrogant tour guide will abide by his rules. Now Bingyi is not the Wuxia Amon of the past. Countless people in the hotel are looking forward to the carnival dinner in a few days, wondering whether the Explorer can soar into the sky. What level can be directly upgraded to, whether it is necessary to punch the psychic, kick the Yin-Yang butterfly, and whether the elite leaders who have been controlling the front line will react in any way.

...But I guess there won’t be any reaction. After all, the Butcher Alliance and the Mutual Aid Alliance are black-hearted brother enterprises. Unless the two sides fall out, the East District Director will have to be respectful when meeting the explorers - Dream Chaser, who is the most indifferent to life-hungry people. Man has become a good brother to the explorer, who else can stand up to him? An Xuefeng? Don't be kidding, Wei Xun has never been alive, and An Xuefeng has not made any statement about the East District Butchers Alliance's war - if the Explorers and Life-Fakers fall out, An Xuefeng will definitely take the lead in entering the Butchers Alliance. one person.

Now that the return journey is so quiet, everyone knows that the relationship between the explorer and the life-seeker is really good... Hey, there are real brothers in this hotel.

In other words, Yin-Yang Butterfly is young and has been specially raised to be crooked, so he doesn't understand these worldly things. After identifying his eldest brother, he has been worried, thinking about how he would sacrifice his life to save his eldest brother if Master Xie Mingren wanted to attack his eldest brother one day. Even the heroic sacrifice has been rehearsed many times in the mind, and he no longer looks like he was caring for his old age like before. Smart people like psychics all know that just by looking at An Xuefeng's performance, they know that the relationship between the Explorer and the Life-Haunter is really not bad.

It's a pity that the Yin-Yang butterfly is a demonic insect and is not considered furry. Wei Xun just thought about him for a while, when he saw the big plush wolf transformed by Lu Shucheng emerge from the leaf bushes, enthusiastically put its big head directly into his arms, and forgot about the Yin-Yang Butterfly. To be honest, a werewolf is more comfortable to touch than an ordinary wolf. After burrowing in rain-filled leaves and shrubs for so long, an ordinary wolf would be soaked to the skin, and it would definitely not feel good to hold it up. But werewolves have hot blood, and Lu Shucheng has been hunting in Qingcheng Mountain for so many times, and the hair on his body is still dry, only the tips of the hair are a little damp.

And she also collected various delicacies and some wild game - a deer that was so polluted that the spots on its fur turned into eyes, a python that was tens of meters long and whose scales were turned out due to pollution, and a nest of quilts. The pollution was so distorted that each pheasant sprouted two pairs of wings and four legs - everyone said Cui Dao had a special taste, Chef Lu must have taken everyone's preferences into consideration!

"Awww~aowwwww~" (The obvious pollution on the surface of Qingcheng Mountain is gone. These deer and pheasants are considered fish that slipped through the net. They were caught by me at the pen throwing trough)

While Captain An was away, Lu Shucheng fell into Wei Xun's arms like a coquettish wolf, his big tail swishing happily, splashing water on Bai Xiaosheng's shoe.

"Aww, ow, aw, aw~" (Unfortunately, Liu Haichan is probably no longer in Qingcheng Mountain. I just tried to replay the myth several times and he didn't show up.)

Lu Shucheng howled depressedly, and swept his fluffy wolf tail over the dying giant python. He thrust his head into Wei Xun's hand, curled his scarlet wolf tongue, and spit out an orange dragon ball. For this picnic, Lu Shucheng was well prepared. Dragon beads can add a unique and delicious flavor to all aquatic products. She just needs to add them to the soup when making soup. It is almost a must-have for her.

This time I used it to catch bangs, but unfortunately I didn't succeed.

Many people know that the boy who teases Jin Chan in the New Year pictures is actually called Liu Hai, but his story is not widely circulated. It used to be said that the Dragon King of the South China Sea had a daughter who turned into a golden toad and traveled around the world while the Dragon King was out. But she was almost killed by a ferocious python. At the critical moment, Liu Hai, who was chopping firewood next to her, saved her.

The Dragon King's daughter was deeply grateful to Liu Hai and gave him the dragon ball. After meeting in the Dragon Palace, she still missed it and once again turned into a golden toad and sneaked out of the Dragon Palace to see Liu Hai quietly. In order to attract Liu Hai's attention, she transformed into a string of money and threw it to Liu Hai. She held the silk thread with the money in her hand, hoping that he would find her.

So it is said that Liu Hai uses money to catch the golden toad, but in the story itself, it is the golden toad that uses money to 'fish' Liu Hai. Later, they encountered the vicious python sneak attack again. Under the guidance of Little Golden Toad, Liu Hai discovered that the python cut it into two pieces with a knife. In gratitude to Little Golden Toad for saving his life, Liu Hai sighed and said, "Little Golden Toad, what little Golden Toad, if you... What a wonderful girl, we can get married.' After that, he tied the silk thread with money on the little golden toad's body.

Who would have thought that the little golden toad turned into a beautiful girl, holding the silk thread and smiling at him. From then on, they became husband and wife, and their love was unquestionable.

"Aww~Awwwwww~" (The Dragon Balls are here, the giant python is here, and I just turned into gold. Even this failed to activate the scene replay. It seems that Liu Hai is really not practicing here. )

Lu Shucheng groaned regretfully: "What a pity, otherwise I could show off my skills in making a big dish for us tonight, roasting the whole God of Wealth - ow!"

She suddenly screamed in pain. On the other side, Bai Xiaosheng stepped on the big wolf's tail and said coldly: "How many times have I told you that you are not allowed to eat gods in human form? How about roasting the God of Wealth?"

"Have you roasted a god before?"

Wei Xun also asked with great interest.

"Ouch, ow, ow..." (Haha, I remembered it wrong, it was about eating golden toads, not banging toads, haha)

Thinking that Cui Dao was also the God of Wealth, Lu Shucheng's big wolf was frightened. He whined a few words, then looked around and used to develop his furry specialties. The wolf's tail would wrap around Wei Xun's legs in an attempt to pass the test cutely. However, when he heard a very majestic wolf howl coming from the forest ahead, the big wolf Lu Shucheng trembled all over, stood up immediately, and stood aside honestly with his tail between his legs. The next second, he saw the majestic White Wolf King walking out of the forest.

The moment he saw the White Wolf King, Wei Xun's eyes lit up. The White Wolf King is much bigger than Lu Shucheng. He has a slender waist and long legs. He holds his head high and his chest high. He is very beautiful. There is a faint light on the tips of the snow-white and smooth wolf fur. It seems to be natural in the dark and dense forest. With soft light, the dark sky seems to be illuminated by it.

In particular, there is a brocade thangka folded triangular scarf hanging on King White Wolf's chest. It has a dark red background and is embroidered with various gods and Buddhas. Obviously, King Anlang is wearing a thangka that contains the magical power of the Prince's Snow Mountain to Wei Xunzai. After carefully searching around the mountain, it finally appeared. This thangka looks even more mysterious and noble, like a snow-capped mountain spirit coming to a dense forest. It is extremely pure and dreamy.

It was so beautiful, so good-looking that Wei Xun couldn't help but step forward, hugged the White Wolf King, rubbed its head and big thick ears, buried his head in the wolf's neck and sucked hard. The White Wolf King was obviously not very happy. He knocked Wei Xun to the ground with his head. He pressed the tip of his black wet nose against his body and sniffed inch by inch. He made unhappy grunts and nibbled lightly with his teeth from time to time, as if to warn him. A butterfly-like companion.

Bai Xiaosheng and Lu Shucheng had left at some point. The rain kept falling, but Wei Xun couldn't feel the slightest chill. The White Wolf King was like a thick yurt that enveloped him completely. After sniffing his whole body, he felt cold again. Licking his cheek tenderly and licking his white hair, Wei Xun wrapped his arms around the white wolf king's neck and kissed its eyes with a smile. It seemed like they were the only ones left in the world, a wolf, far away from everything else. The hustle and bustle blended into this vast mountain forest.

It wasn't until it got dark and the rain stopped, and Mao Xiaole and the others lit a fire by the Yuecheng Lake, that An Xuefeng and Wei Xun, one tall and one short, walked out of the deep forest, looking particularly harmonious.

In order to compensate, Wei Xun took out the dried dragon meat, a specialty of Iceland. Lu Shucheng suddenly became happy and discussed various ways to make dragon meat. The dream chaser who originally tried to help was dumbfounded and left behind his back. He held the golden red sun bird and chatted with Zhang Xingzang. As the night got darker, Tong Hege and Yu Hehui also rushed back from the deep forest one after another. It can be seen from the ups and downs of the breath that both of them have gained a lot.

The night is just right, and the strong and mellow fragrance gradually spreads. The carp, ginkgo and ginseng soup pot has been set on the fire, and the golden toad with plump meat and bones is cut into pieces and ready to be stir-fried. The flames were beeping loudly. Wei Xun and Lu Shucheng were processing the heavily contaminated pheasant and venison together, listening to others sitting around the fire chatting.

"I heard that the Lizard Duke is still making trouble in the Parliament."

Wang Yushu, who was well-informed, said enthusiastically: "Hey, it's the biggest show of the year. Guess what? It seems that the dealer in the parliament fell in love with the wolf at first sight and insisted on recognizing him as his brother. The Lizard Duke refused to do it and said this with a stiff neck. The wolf is his playmate for Silver Moon Killer."

The well-informed peak travelers could roughly guess what was going on. The Lizard Duke told the dealer obviously to be wary of the hotel. But the matter has not yet come to an end. Even if the hotel continues to pay attention to the crisis in the mountains, sooner or later it will turn its attention here again.

It all depends on who of them will compromise in the end and who will succeed in the wolf fight.

"Hey, if you ask me, it's lucky that our Cui people have left Qingcheng Mountain and didn't get involved in their affairs."

As soon as the words changed, Wang Yushu said with a smile: "I heard from the arms dealer that the meeting during the day will be very chaotic. The dealer and the Lizard Duke both want to take the wolf away as soon as possible, and they are both confident and let the wolf choose."

"Guess what, the wolf didn't choose any of them, and whimpering, he finally found his way to a cell... But no, it was the same cell where Captain An, Director Cui, Lifexiker and Devourer had been. , the wolf just stayed in the cell and refused to leave. I think it might be looking for our Director Cui! "

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