Thriller Tour Group

980 Team building on the way back, the fishing guy’s anguish

With vast expanse of blue waves and rippling water, there is a Ghost City Mountain under Zhangren Peak of Qingcheng Mountain, also known as Yuecheng Mountain. The gurgling stream from Gaotai Mountain flows down to the valley between Zhangren Peak and Qinglonggang Mountain beside Yuecheng Mountain, forming a very beautiful mountain lake called Yuecheng Lake.

In the past, when the scenic spot got off work at six o'clock every night, fishermen often came to Yuecheng Lake to fish. Now the entire Qingcheng Mountain is closed, and there are no tourists to disturb you. In the drizzle, two figures in raincoats can be seen in the green lakeside fishing in the drizzle and breeze——

The shorter figure on the left raised three rods in less than a minute, and the rods were all big carp. The man on the right had no movement in his fishing rod. He looked straight to the left and saw that the man on the left had caught another carp. Finally, Big Fish Queen couldn't stand it any longer. She threw her bamboo hat and protested angrily: "Director, you are cheating!"

"There is nothing we can do, Yushu, we can't eat the fish I caught."

Wei Xun picked off the big golden-red koi that was hooked, and saw its bright fish eyes, flashing with a lively aura that ordinary fish don't have. At first glance, he looked like a spiritual mountain fish spirit, so he had no choice but to smile and put it back. Throw it back into Yuecheng Lake.

As the first brigade on the way back, we have connections with major forces over the years. With An Xuefeng as the host and Wei Xun as our tour guide, the hotel and the way back out are more and more closely connected. What happened in the mountains in reality Everyone knew a little bit about the various changes in their return journey, and this time the hotel reviewed them in advance when they were released into the human world, and approved that they could use the title appropriately within the Qingcheng Mountain area to assist the explorers who had made great achievements again.

...If you are not familiar with the hotel or Wei Xun enough, you may have to be nervous and prepare with all your strength, trying to help him. However, when everyone on the way back home saw that the hotel mission showed 'within Qingcheng Mountain', they immediately Now we understand the current situation - since Director Cui didn't destroy Qingcheng Mountain, he should have become the Lord of Qingcheng Mountain now.

Then there is a high probability that they are going to Director Cui's new site. He specifically applied to the hotel to ask for all the help on the way back. He is afraid that he wants to do a collective pollution cleanup for everyone on the new site, just like the dream chasers eating a banquet! So after preparing as usual, everyone packed their things.

Bai Xiaosheng brought brand new parchment and portable pen and ink, Wan Xiangchun silently prepared a large empty purse, Lu Shucheng quietly brought pots and pans for the picnic, good charcoal and complete seasonings. Wang Yushu tacitly brought a full set of top-notch fishing equipment and copied a set for Wei Xun, while Mao Xiaole was full of hope and prepared a laptop capable of coding. Wang Pengpai watched with joy as everyone prepared to contact his old acquaintances at Xuanxue to borrow the safe house at the foot of Qingcheng Mountain.

There is no safe house in Qingcheng Mountain on the way home, and we cannot transfer directly from the hotel, but our good friends, the Metaphysics Brigade, are there. After Wang Pengpai made contact, An Xuefeng also came back from the hotel, bringing three admission orders approved by the hotel, two of which were given to Yu Hehui and Tong Hege, so that they could enter Qingcheng Mountain with the team in an upright manner. , and the other one was prepared for Zhang Xingzang.

This time something happened in Qingcheng Mountain, and the dream chasers wanted to go into the dreamland to deal with the pollution for everyone in Rongcheng. Zhang Xingzang was very worried and stayed on the way home. Now that the matter has come to an end, Dream Chaser has assisted Bingyi in making a great contribution, and he still needs to deal with the follow-up matters. Who knows what his current mental state is like. There is still hard work without credit. It is always appropriate to reward him and his passengers to meet as soon as possible to deal with the pollution, right? .

What's more, An Xuefeng had a more legitimate reason - when Yu Hehui and Tong Hege arrived, Yu Hehui held a golden-red sunbird in his arms and said that it was 'Wei Xun' whose situation was not very good at the moment. He hoped to go there this time. Qingcheng Mountain's Cui Dao can help relieve the pollution, but it also needs the help of Zhang Xingzang, who masters the Four Spirits and is proficient in Suzaku clay sculptures, to 'stabilize its power'.

In fact, everyone knows very well that this golden and red bird is just the incarnation of a tourist from Cui Dao. The hotel's attitude is ambiguous. Taking them to Qingcheng Mountain this time is another way to cross the road. However, because of the importance the hotel attaches to Qingcheng Mountain, He will definitely allow it. Yu Hehui can be said to have taken the hotel to the extreme.

"Everyone knows the content of this mission, so I won't say more."

An Xuefeng said lightly before setting off. He had neat short hair, dark eyebrows, and intimidating eyes. He was wearing a combat uniform and outlined a strong and vigorous posture. He wore tactical gloves on his big hands and held a cold return knife. He was so energetic that he looked extremely serious in front of the team members who were going to have a picnic, as if he, An Xuefeng, was the only one among a group of big guys who was going to do something serious.

When Captain An's extremely oppressive gaze swept over them, everyone on the way back subconsciously tensed up. Lu Shucheng was worried just now and asked Bai Xiaosheng if she had seen the new and very useful comb she had stocked before. She wanted Director Cui to comb her wolf hair. Just as she was imagining the scene of Director Cui combing her hair and letting out a dreamy chuckle, Lu Shucheng suddenly felt a chill on the top of her head, and a sense of crisis suddenly arose, as if someone was staring at her, it was Team An who was staring over!

When Team An was in a bad state of mind, the entire team was beaten by him before. As a werewolf, Lu Shucheng naturally surrendered to his enemy wolf. After feeling his gaze, Lu Shucheng immediately corrected his attitude and kept a straight face. No more small talk. Bai Xiaosheng pushed up his glasses and said in a voice that was neither too high nor too low but that everyone could hear: "I haven't seen your comb, but you can ask the security team. After all, the team leader has the authority. The Captain of the Property Brigade can easily find it.”

"No, no, no, no, it's just a comb. I have many more."

Lu Shucheng was excited and said in a low voice with a grimace. She really didn't think she had to trouble the captain over a small comb. Bai Xiaosheng responded lightly, glanced at An Xuefeng from the corner of his eye, and saw that he had naturally withdrawn his gaze just now, and started to talk about the precautions for going to Qingcheng Mountain this time, and no longer glared at Lu Shucheng.

Obviously, An Xuefeng must have taken the combs that Lu Shucheng kept. I'm afraid he was still a little possessive, so he temporarily confiscated all Lu Shucheng's combs without saying a word, just in case she invited Wei Xun to comb her hair this time. Bai Xiaosheng pressed the parchment in his hand silently, and let go before An Xuefeng looked over with a warning look, but all the analysis was recorded in his brain. Pushing up his glasses, Bai Xiaosheng felt a rare sense of refreshment. Every bit of new data analyzed could overcome the restlessness of pollution.

Bai Xiaosheng, who has always been calm, is full of expectations for going to Qingcheng Mountain this time. Although he has analyzed Wei Xun many times, Wei Xun can bring him more surprises every time and always satisfy his analytical addiction. On the way home, the group set off to Qingcheng Mountain via the Metaphysics Safe House. When they saw Wei Xun standing at the ruins of Jianfu Palace and talking to them about the previous disaster that occurred in Jianfu Palace, Bai Xiaosheng unfolded the parchment and recorded and analyzed the data. He just felt My thinking is clear!

"In reality, there has been no disaster as severe as Qingcheng Mountain. It seems to be relatively stable so far."

An Xuefeng and Wei Xun stood next to the corn shoots having fun in the giant pit. As soon as they arrived at Qingcheng Mountain, Dream Chaser said hello to Wei Xun and took Zhang Xingzang to the Zhaogong Mountain Blessed Land, so as not to disturb them on their way back to communicate and relieve pollution. Wei Xun readily agreed, and directly let his mount Black Tiger carry Zhang Xingzang into the blessed land of Zhao Gongshan... Ahem, although the Black Tiger was sent away in time, when Wei Xun and An Xuefeng just met, An Xuefeng remained calm. She sniffed the tip of her nose, and in the next second she raised her arms and put her arms around his shoulders, bringing her lover into her arms.

Wei Xun:.

He suspected that An Xuefeng must have smelled something, but the more he acted at this time, the more he wanted to act as if nothing had happened. Wei Xun went to the tiankeng of Jianfu Palace to talk about business. At the same time, he saw that the black tiger finally disappeared, and his father With his 'father' standing next to him, the corn shoots were really happy and crazy. For a while, the tender yellow tentacles surged like golden waves of wheat, listening to its eager 'father! Father! father! ’ After calling out repeatedly, An Xuefeng was obviously in a much better mood and even had the time to make some pyramid sand to entertain the worms.

Sure enough, he had to rely on his elders to divert An Xuefeng's attention. Wei Xun sighed inwardly and took advantage of An Xuefeng's good mood to let him escape and find Lu Shucheng and the others to discuss it.

Bai Xiaosheng can meet his needs just by observing Wei Xun's analysis. Wang Yushu wants to fish, Lu Shucheng wants to cook, and Wan Xiangchun wants to steal money. Wei Xun can just come one by one and get it all done tonight.

"There is Yuecheng Lake in Qingcheng Mountain. The carp in the lake is very delicious. It is said that the immortal Liu Haichan also practiced here."

Wei Xun smiled and said, Liu Haichan is the protagonist of "Liu Hai Playing with Golden Toad" who often appears in various New Year pictures. He is the founder of Taoism Quanzhen Taoism, but he is better known to the people for his ability to bring Wealth is linked to luck and wealth. However, Liu Hai did not receive the title of God of Wealth. He was regarded as a quasi-god of wealth. Qingcheng's father-in-law was not sure whether Liu Haichan was still practicing in Yuecheng Lake, but it was true that there were many golden toads in the lake who were born out of wealth.

Wei Xun thought very well. He and Wang Yushu were fishing in the lake here. Wang Yushu was very happy when he caught carp. The relief effect was very good by himself. Wan Xiangchun caught a golden toad with copper coins in its mouth just for Wan Xiangchun to steal. Who said this was not money theft? In the process of fishing for golden toads, Wei Xun can also have a deeper understanding of the wealth left by Liu Hai, so that he can quickly control the entire wealth and control the blessed land.

Moreover, Liu Hai is good at alchemy and should have left some caves where he practiced in the past. Maybe it was Tong Hege's opportunity. As a Tianhu, Yu Hehui felt something vaguely when he entered Qingcheng Mountain. There is the Tianshi Mansion at the foot of Longhu Mountain in Yingtan, Jiangxi. There is a Fox Immortal Hall in the backyard of the Tianshi Temple. Its origin is that Zhang Daoling, the founder of Zhengdao, once rescued a fox fairy who had been practicing Taoism for two thousand years and was about to achieve Zhengguo.

In gratitude to Master Zhang for saving his life, the Fox Fairy no longer did bad things and often repaid his kindness. This led to the legend of "Fox Fairy repays his kindness three times, and the Heavenly Master set up a beautiful tower". This time, Tong Hege and Yu Hehui happened to take this opportunity to patrol the mountain. Search the Qingcheng Mountain land for opportunities.

When the moon reaches the zenith, the fishing activity is over, and the fish caught can be used as ingredients for cooking with Lu Shucheng in the evening, providing relief for her alone. Now Qingcheng Mountain is half of Wei Xun's territory, even if it is not as powerful as Lost Paradise, but now that Qingcheng's father-in-law has temporarily gone to the hotel, Wei Xun is the only mountain owner of Qingcheng Mountain today, and is used to provide collective relief for the return journey. Definitely not bad.

When the night got dark, the dream chaser came back from inspecting the dreamland and called Zhang Xingzang. They had a supper together in Qingcheng Mountain. It was so comfortable.

However, who knew that Wei Xun would get stuck in the fishing aspect. He sat down by the lake and started fishing. Without waiting for Wang Yushu to enthusiastically tell him about nest making techniques and fish luring techniques, the fish spirits in Yuecheng Lake were grateful for the mountain owner's kindness in saving the mountain, and began to actively bite the hook. There was even a huge fight over the hook, and all the really edible fish were frightened and ran away. Wang Yushu had no fishing experience at all!

"Okay, okay, you are just using people to make a nest!"

There is no such thing as fishing!

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