Thriller Tour Group

965 The person in charge of the Western District... paid for three years and three years...

[They are just barbarians, they are not in my eyes]

Qingcheng's father-in-law said calmly: "What code name or Tao name is so important? I need to know it."

So domineering, but what Qingcheng's father-in-law said was just as Wei Xun expected. The old man didn't take the two West District principals seriously at all. After exchanging a look with Dream Chaser, Wei Xun saw that Dream Chaser was also confused. He really didn't understand how the hotel could send two West District managers to deal with the actual pollution in the East District. Qingcheng's father-in-law was afraid that he wouldn't even listen to what the West District managers said, let alone talk about cooperation and inclusion in the attractions. It was simply impossible. Well!

Moreover, Qingcheng's father-in-law is by no means an exception. There are really many local immortals, ghosts, gods, and monsters with this attitude. In other words, basically the local gods don’t have a good attitude towards outsiders!

In fact, the gods in various places are originally born from human consciousness, and their strength fluctuates accordingly. People from outside spread more propaganda, and more people believe in outside gods. This is equivalent to indirectly weakening the power of local gods. Like Odin, they are faced with the invasion of foreign gods. The Babylonian gods have always been hostile to angels (George was the founder of the Tower of Babel, and the Babylonian gods even hated him too), all because of the number of believers and the strength of their faith. own strength.

Therefore, basically the local gods do not welcome foreign visitors, and it is basically impossible for foreign principals to carry out work locally. Like when we were at the Ming Tombs, * * * and? ? ? The joint representatives of the hotel discussed with Taizong, but failed to fully include the Ming Tombs into the hotel's attractions. But at that time, the attitude of the dragons in the Ming Tombs was quite friendly.

If there were two other people in charge of the Western District, I'm afraid Taizong wouldn't let them enter the Minngling Tomb.

Wei Xun chatted with his father-in-law in Qingcheng for a few more words and found that it was really hard. Qingcheng's father-in-law only likes to chat with people who belong to the same Taoist religion, and his temperament is a bit like wind and rain. It was clear that the pollution of Qingcheng Mountain was imminent, and he himself had been very anxious before, so he had resorted to sending out souls to occupy Wei Xun's Lost Paradise. But now he is wholeheartedly discussing the Qingjing Sutra with Taoist Master Kongkong, and is eagerly concerned about how he has made such progress in singing sutras that even gods are amazed.

Taoist Master Kongkong wanted to change the topic, but Qingcheng's father-in-law was not happy yet, so he closed his eyes and hummed. He didn't continue until Taoist Master Kongkong talked about the Jing Jing Sutra again. He was like a stubborn old man with a bad temper. Wei Xun I really want to be called Grandpa.

However, it has only just reached four o'clock in the afternoon, and the tasks originally planned for today have already been completed beyond normal. Qingcheng's father-in-law was not in a hurry, and Qingcheng Mountain would probably not fall for a while. Wei Xun simply let Taoist Master Qingkong chat with Qingcheng's father-in-law, while he and Dream Chaser talked about the person in charge.

In the past, talking about the person in charge was a dangerous thing for Wei Xun. After all, the person in charge itself represents excess energy, which is equivalent to explosive pollution. Even calling his name will trigger the pollution. But now Wei Xun has a little black cloak, and his spirit is much stronger. Moreover, he is not in the hotel in reality, but in his own lost paradise. In his eyes, he has a bodyguard from his father-in-law in Qingcheng. It is rare to have such a good environment to follow him. Dreamers’ unbridled discussions.

‘The possibility of it being # # # is not high, he has always been stationed in the abyss’

Dream Chaser analyzed: ‘@@@It’s possible, $$$possible as well. They are both powerful Western District principals. In addition to the three of them, there is also one person in charge of the West District, ααα, who lives a reclusive life, does not like to get involved in things, and his strength is somewhat unpredictable. But he seems to have been sent to supervise the out-of-control pollution incident in the Parliament. The pollution in the Parliament itself is serious, so it is unlikely that the hotel will send him here.'

@@@, $$$, the people inside Qingcheng Mountain who are negotiating with Qingcheng’s father-in-law are probably the two of them plus Cen Qin Slice.

‘At first? ? ? How did you end up staying here with us? ’

Talking about the person in charge of the West District, Wei Xun was curious. Did he first meet him when he entered the hotel? ? ? The person in charge has been in the East District since then, and his words and actions are no different from those of the local person in charge. Did he find out later? ? ? Is it the astrologer who slices it up and surrenders to the fate-seeking person, and has never thought about it more? ? ? It was originally a matter of being the person in charge of the West District, because he really integrated into it.

However, it can be seen from some details that this kind of ‘integration’ may not be recognized by the local ‘aboriginals’. Although An Xuefeng once said that the hotel has already closed the door? ? ? He was classified as the person in charge of the East District, but when the funeral palace in the suburbs of Beijing competed for the right to choose the side for the pre-match match, two people in charge, one from the East and the other from the West, were sent to supervise? ? ? What can be represented is the person in charge of the Western District.

This also indirectly shows that the local aborigines still do not recognize him. In the hotel's view, he can still play the role of 'the person in charge of the Western District'. In addition, Tianshou Mountain must have had some signs of pollution at that time. According to the rules Within the scope, the hotel sent an east district manager and a west district manager who had obtained the east district status. It must have judged that the probability of such an east-west combination being accepted by the indigenous people was much greater than that of other east-west boss combinations.

‘Haha, if he wants to stay, he will naturally stay’

The dream chaser said slowly, half-heartedly wanting to brush this topic off: "He is a boss. He can't live anywhere. As long as the hotel approves it, no one can drive him away."

‘So how did he prevent the aboriginal people from rejecting him? ’

Wei Xun's thoughts were originally focused on Qingcheng's father-in-law, but he could immediately tell from the dream chaser's words that there must be something going on. He allowed Taoist Master Kongkong and Qingcheng's father-in-law to reminisce freely, but his attention turned to Dream Chaser. He did not speak or answer Dream Chaser's words, but stared at Dream Chaser with interest and silence. The dream chaser also shut up his mouth and raised his brows, feeling a little annoyed. Then he suddenly came close to him and helped him smooth his hair that was soaked in the spring water of the Fountain of Destiny. He used a slightly exaggerated way. He whispered in an intimate tone: "Oh, I accidentally had a daydream just now and saw a very handsome crystal dragon."

"I just came to my senses and was thinking about it. Isn't this dragon my brother? To be honest, even if the alienated form is a Western dragon, it's still different. The Duke of Lizard is called a big lizard. You changed it. The dragon actually doesn’t look purely Western, I think it’s very beautiful.”

【nice? Is a pot-bellied lizard good-looking? I really can’t think of it——]

Qingcheng's father-in-law's unbelievable fairy sound swept through Wei Xun's mind, and then he was diverted from the topic by Taoist Master Kongkong. Anyway, only Wei Xun could hear this fairy sound, so he just pretended to have heard nothing and praised the dreamer all the time. The praise made the dreamer's raised eyebrows fall, and he was floating in the fountain of fate with a half-smile. Looking at him, as if to see what other rainbow farts he could blow out.

After getting along with Wei Xun for a long time, Dream Chaser has learned bad things. He is not as embarrassed to his friends as before. He always has a sense of responsibility when Wei Xun calls him brother. This time he listened to Wei Xun praise him for a minute or two. , then he smiled and said to him: "What I said is true. As long as the hotel approves and the principal is assigned to the East District, he can survive in the East District. This is the principal who has mastered some of the hotel rules. Even if Even if the aboriginal people in the entire Eastern District are hostile, he can survive'

"I just want the aborigines not to be rejected. That's really impossible. Who made him defect to the life-seeking people with such great fanfare?"

The dream chaser wrote lightly: "The Ming Man always stayed in the Sun Gate at that time, elusive and elusive. No one could force him to come out. I was so anxious at the time that I had to do something. At least I couldn't let them have a person in charge and a person in charge." A tour guide joins forces'

At that time, Dream Chaser was also a well-known A-3 guide, and he had a particularly good reputation among the aborigines in major scenic spots. Although his alienated dragon form is closer to that of a Western dragon, the title "Dream Chaser" also sounds a bit confusing. But his more well-known orange titles among the aborigines are 'Ru Meng Ling' and 'Yi Pillow of Yellow Liang'. However, Dream Chaser and Wei Xun both traveled abroad in these two times, and Wei Xun has never seen them. , after all, dream catchers are more useful abroad.

Who doesn’t love Huang Liang’s dream? Even gods have many unattainable regrets. Even if it cannot be realized, it is good to get temporary joy in a dream. Except for immortals like Qingcheng's father-in-law, who are stuck in one place and are arrogant and only want to communicate with Taoists, most of the local gods, gods, demons and ghosts get along pretty well with the dream chasers.

He said that whoever he should be wary of and guard against, everyone would give face to, especially? ? ? He is indeed a Western boss, and he has a depressed face on weekdays, which is really unpleasant.

So under the plan of Dream Chaser, in? ? ? During the year when he was in charge of the hotel, was he right? ? ? The aboriginal people who had a normal attitude all turned against each other, and even the live broadcasts of the journey were having troubles one after another. After a whole year? ? ? After losing everything, I heard the dreamer write lightly: "It's almost the same as this year..."

From then on? ? ? Not to mention being great together with the Life-haunters, the assets of the East End Butchers Alliance have shrunk by part. What a pity it was later? ? ? I don’t know what reason I came up with, but I’ve never been on duty at a hotel again, which makes Dream Chaser feel regretful.

Unexpectedly, Dream Chaser had done this before. Wei Xun felt his scalp was numb as he listened, and he couldn't help but become more obedient when he met Dream Chaser's thoughtful gaze. According to the dreamer, that year and? ? ? The person who is running the hotel together is... He is a lonely and helpless boss who has died, but he is facing someone who has also traveled thousands of miles from the West District to the East District? ? ? , affectionate like real relatives.

‘He just wants to get involved with the Butcher Alliance’

The dream chaser said disdainfully, "It's just... unlucky anyway, and?" ? ? He was still so attentive when he was on duty in the same year, so Dream Chaser simply did it together, causing him to lose money as well. And when... you are angry and want to join forces? ? ? When asking for an explanation? ? ? But he said that he had a divination, and... his bad luck was overwhelming, and he was also implicated in such a miserable way. He reminded... it was better to stay away from the Butcher Alliance, and don't let bad luck come to the Butcher Alliance. This is such a fallout... ·I was so angry that I stinked to death.

Speaking of this, the dream chaser suddenly stopped talking, and there was a hint of guilt in his eyes.

In fact, he has been wondering whether it was because he had gone through so much trouble and ruined everything that he set out on the second 30 degrees north latitude journey in An Xuefeng, when the person in charge of slicing was at his most mentally unstable. ,... Only then would he take advantage of his token of 30 degrees north latitude and take the risk to attack him.

···It doesn't matter if he attacks at the door, he won't be able to defeat him all the way home anyway. The problem is that no one could they bring %%% along if they thought so back then. And %%% suddenly turned mad and completely killed Tong Hele.

Tong Hele and Wang Yushu were a group of newcomers who came in five years ago. They were supposed to have a brighter and better future, but they died like this. At that time, An Xuefeng also fought to avenge Tong Hele when he was supposed to be resting, causing his spirit to become confused and on the verge of collapse.

Of course Dream Chaser also helped at that time, but that thin wisp of guilt always lingered around him, making him unconsciously want to compensate Huitu more, and compensate everyone more, and he did not care about anything from that time. I regained some clarity amidst my paranoia.

However, regret is difficult to recover from.

"If you want to go to Qingcheng Mountain later, don't go."

The dream chaser said to Wei Xun seriously: "So far, I have seen many travelers come back to life, but so far, the people who have been killed by the host have not been resurrected. Because they themselves represent part of the rules of the hotel. , fighting against the principal, it is extremely difficult to recover from injuries, and when they kill people, they will destroy the potential rules of 'recycling' and 'resurrection' that the hotel originally set for passengers. I know that Wang Pengpai and the others have never given up hope. Tong Hege is also very optimistic, but I want to tell you that it is basically impossible for people killed by the principal to be resurrected. "

"I don't know who the two West District principals are, but the range of people who can be selected as principals by the hotel is here, and it can be roughly defined. Their identities are well hidden, and no one knows their original identities. Who is it, this is more dangerous for you."

"Before you have enough power, don't let the person in charge have the opportunity to hurt you."

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