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964 Qingxuzi My family members are all my own family members

[Laojun said: The superior ones are non-quarrelsome, while the inferior ones are contentious; the superior ones are not virtuous, while the inferior ones cling to virtue... The reason why sentient beings do not know the true way is because they have delusional intentions]

[When there is a delusional mind, it scares the spirit; when it frightens the spirit, it clings to all things; when it clings to all things, it gives rise to greed; when it gives rise to greed, it causes troubles...]

Taoist Master Kongkong sang this quiet sutra very well, especially since he died in Northern Europe for decades and was tortured by petal pollution for decades. His singing resisted the complete erosion of petal pollution for decades. This is truly a moment between life and death. Singing among the petals and bones, it can be said that most of the power of Taoist Master Kongkong's other titles have been eroded by pollution, but the chanting is close to the Tao, and truly captures the true meaning.

If a half-life Taoist had no special circumstances, or even if he were Taoist Master Kongkong himself before his death, even if he was highly talented and fed by Sanqing, it would be difficult for him to sing the Jingjing Sutra to this level.

But the better he sang, the more upset Qingcheng's father-in-law became. Even the pollution in Qingcheng Mountain didn't make him frown. But at this moment, the sound of singing the "Qing Jing Sutra" kept coming from very close to the side. After hearing this, Qingcheng's father-in-law frowned more and more tightly.

Simply chanting the Jing Jing Sutra would be fine. In essence, this would help Qingcheng's father-in-law recover. After all, he has a high status in Taoism, and chanting Taoist sounds would help him fight against the harsh environment of this Nordic mythology. But this is a duet between the "Qing Jing Sutra" and the ugly songs sung by those black-winged birds! Obviously they are different songs with completely different styles and different powers, but the fundamental Taoist rhythm evoked when singing sutras is actually blended with the most fundamental devout belief in Satan when the Birdman sings the Satanic song. It's as if they are connected by the same spirit and are inseparable.

This integration actually does not play a big role. After all, these are the forces of two systems. Even if hymns and satanic songs may enhance each other to some extent, the "Qing Jing Sutra" cannot be integrated into satanic songs. This fusion can at most prevent them from being consumed by each other because one side is holy and pure, while the other side is evil and depraved, with contradictory attributes. They can "fight side by side".

But the harmony between the "Qing Jing Sutra" and the Song of Satan sounded like a demonic sound to Qingcheng's father-in-law's ears! An uneducated person like Wei Xun just thinks the chorus is a bit strange, but if you listen carefully, it's quite impressive. But to the ears of Taoist figures, especially Taoist immortals, Qingcheng's father-in-law, who himself can be called Tao, this chorus is simply called pollution - the Qing Jing Sutra is actually compatible with the music of the external gods, which is really heretical. !

For a time, he was more hostile and disgusted with Taoist Master Kongkong than Wei Xun and Dream Chaser. The two of them are just a little Yiwa and a little Yilong. The fall of the mountains is irreversible. The relationship between Qingcheng's father-in-law and Qingcheng Mountain is too deeply involved. He does not want to be completely contaminated and loses his true nature. He wants to seek a living in this barbarian's space. Qingcheng's father-in-law himself also wants to take advantage of them. , I lost because my skills were not as good as others, there is nothing to say.

But this Taoist priest who sings scriptures can be regarded as a traitor to the Taoist sect and the leader of great trouble!

In particular, the thief's Qing Jing Sutra is so well sung. He can sing the Qing Jing Sutra to such an extent that in the past hundred years or only a few decades ago, the young Taoist priest can still be impressed. At that time, Qingcheng's father-in-law could be regarded as a lifelong friend of him. When he had free time, he was willing to give advice and drink tea together. But even so, Qingcheng's father-in-law had to admit that no matter how talented Wang Nian Jiao was, he was still limited by human lifespan and had not experienced life and death, so his singing... was not as good as this thief.

If this Taoist thief is some kind of Taoist leader, and if all Taoist sects are like his fusion singing style in the future, Qingcheng's father-in-law's fist will harden just thinking about it. If this thief had no intention of going to the east and was led to the west by this white-haired boy, a hundred years later the west would become the orthodoxy of the Qing Jing Sutra. The father-in-law of Qingcheng would be more like having white hair crawling on his body and he would be intolerable!

It's a pity that one of his split souls is on the left and the other is on the right of the Taoist priest. This white-haired man has many tricks. Even if he splits his soul and blows himself up, he may not be able to kill the Taoist thief completely. Qingcheng's father-in-law had no choice but to tolerate being weak-tempered and submissive, promising huge profits in an attempt to cause them to spontaneously engage in civil strife.

"The Serenity Sutra and the Song of Satan are completely different from each other, so they can't be considered a chorus."

Wei Xun said tactfully, but Qingcheng's father-in-law obviously had his own judgment. He just sneered coldly and did not answer Wei Xun's words. It was obvious that he was still determined to kill the 'Taoist'. Although Taoist Master Kongkong in Wei Xun's left eye could not hear the fairy voice that Qingcheng's father-in-law alone conveyed to Wei Xun, he could still read the profound meaning from Wei Xun's words.

However, he continued to chant calmly and did not stop. After soaking in the fountain of destiny for a long time, Qingcheng's father-in-law would only be suppressed more and more severely. Although it is difficult to counterattack, he can self-destruct. Qingcheng's father-in-law has a hard temper, but the Nordic Fountain of Destiny and the Satanic Songs of the Fallen Angels make him even more irritable. If he really blows up his soul with the idea of ​​'removing harm from Qingcheng Mountain', Wei Xun Paradise Lost could be blown up in half.

Taoist Master Kongkong sings the Qing Jing Sutra just to force Qingcheng's father-in-law to calm down. Whether he likes to listen to it or not, the Qing Jing Sutra can forcibly suppress his emotions, just like a fire extinguisher standing by the embers at any time, with a little spark. It will grow and die, and it will grow and die if there is a spark, and it will not ignite at all, so he can't stop singing sutras at all.

This made Wei Xun couldn't help but wonder if Qingcheng's father-in-law said that on purpose, hoping to arouse his greed and lead them to fight among themselves, so that he could benefit from it and find an opportunity to regroup?

‘No, Qingcheng’s father-in-law is not of this temper’

Wei Xun was perfunctory while chatting with Taoist Master Kongkong, but Taoist Master Kongkong shook his head and sighed with a wry smile: "I have been observing since just now, and now I am almost certain that this Qingcheng Master has not changed in the past few decades, and is still the Lord of the Cave Heaven that I met a few times in the past."

"Speaking of which, he also taught me the "Qingjing Sutra", so this can be regarded as some master-disciple fate. I used to have the Taoist name "Qingxuzi", which was given to me by the Lord of Qingcheng Cave Heaven. I guess he really heard that the Taoist rhyme of the Qingjing Sutra I sang was subtly fused with the Song of Satan, and thought that the traditional chanting of the sutra was distorted by the influence of Western chanting, and thought it was an external version of the Qingjing Sutra, or a distortion of the Taoist rhyme, so he was so angry."

"Have you known each other before? ”

When Wei Xun heard the hidden meaning in Taoist Master Kongkong's words, he immediately became interested. But before he could explore further, Qingcheng Master saw that he was silent, and impatiently sent another immortal sound.

[My son, right now, my Qingcheng Mountain cave is being invaded by pollution. It is a critical moment for our survival. I don't want to explode my soul and let the pollution erode the mountain, but it is not impossible]

If the benefits are not enough, then threaten. The barbarians have always been cunning and greedy. This white-haired boy is probably still thinking of something. But no matter what, the old man of Qingcheng will never let him take the damn Taoist thief who has mastered the essence of the "Qingjing Sutra" and can sing with the birdman out of China. This is the Taoist tradition, and it must not be allowed to leak out! To be honest, even the old man of Qingcheng in Zhaogong Mountain does not intend to let the barbarians take it out.

Feeling that the situation in Qingcheng Mountain was getting worse, the phoenix eyes of Qingcheng Zhangren became fierce. Under the Five Blessings Money Tree on the top of Zhaogong Mountain, in the treasure bowl in Zhaogong Temple, the unconscious old Taoist suddenly sat up with a start, his eyes were wooden and he raised his hands to draw talismans out of thin air. The Five Blessings Money Tree was affected by the majestic power, and the whole blessed land was shaken. The space was fluctuating so much that the sound of the Pure and Tranquil Sutra and the Song of Satan was blurred for a moment. At this moment, the immortal power of Qingcheng Zhangren's soul was agitated, and instantly rose to a terrifying level, as if he was going to attack from both the blessed land and the soul at the same time!

The dream chaser, who was always alert, immediately opened his dream, wishing to cover Wei Xun's entire Paradise Lost in the dream to minimize the risk. But at this moment, Wei Xun actually stood up from the Fountain of Destiny, and did not let the fallen angels stop the Satan Song. He said briskly in the chanting of the Pure and Tranquil Sutra: "Senior, do you also think that this Pure and Tranquil Sutra is the best, and it is almost the rhyme of Taoism?" "No one in the world can sing the Pure and Tranquil Sutra better, do you admit it? "

Admit... What admit? The Qingcheng father-in-law, who was on the verge of self-destruction, was furious. Without the suppression of the Fountain of Destiny and the Song of Satan, he felt that his strength had recovered a little. No one could stop his soul from self-destructing, so he couldn't help but say one more sentence before the explosion. He shouted: [If Qingxuzi was here, he would not let you children be arrogant——]

"I am here."

A familiar clear male voice sounded, and the Taoist rhyme was natural, which made the anger of the Qingcheng father-in-law's soul soar to the highest point suddenly stop. Not everyone can respond to the words of the immortal. He just said "If Qingxuzi was here", and anyone else except Qingxuzi casually answered "I am here", they would be severely injured by the backlash!

In other words, if he could respond to his words without any backlash, then, that must be his former friend of different ages, the one selected by the hotel...

The Qingcheng father-in-law suddenly fell silent, and the originally tense air was filled with an inexplicable suffocation.

"Haha, it's me."

Master Kongkong coughed lightly and said with a friendly smile: "How are you, old friend?"

Seeing that Master Qingcheng still didn't speak, he seemed to be a little suspicious of immortality. Master Kongkong was about to say something else when he was interrupted by Wei Xun: "Master Qingcheng, you misunderstood. Please allow us to introduce ourselves again. My code name is Bingyi and his code name is Jiaer. We are all genuine native Orientals, not some Yi people or Yi dragons."

"I died in Northern Europe in the past. Fortunately, my remaining soul was rescued by my friend, so I was fortunate to return to my homeland."

Master Kongkong then said like a relay: "Those bird people were also influenced by my friend and voluntarily recognized him as their master and were brought back. Because there is some spiritual connection, when I chant the scriptures and they sing the song of Satan, there will be some... harmony."

Wei Xun's attitude was enthusiastic: "Master Kongkong is my elder brother, and you are his old friend. We are like a flood that washed away the Dragon King Temple, and our family is fighting against each other."

[...Oh? 】

After a long silence, the Qingcheng master finally spoke at the bottom of the stairs after Wei Xun and Taoist Kongkong took turns to speak. His sweet voice sounded dry for some reason, but he was still stubborn and insisted on saying one more sentence:

[White hair, blue eyes, silver scales and fat dragon, it doesn't look like the dragon appearance of my Chinese people, no wonder I was wrong. 】

Silver scales and fat dragon - Dream Chaser gnashed his teeth and secretly took a deep breath to stretch out his abdominal muscles, and said expressionlessly: "We are indeed the tour guides of the East District. So you, the real person, have always mistaken us for the West District?"

While speaking, Dream Chaser took out the inspector's certificate and spread it in front of Wei Xun, trying to let the Qingcheng master who lived in his eyes see it clearly.

[There are two Yi people from the West District who are in charge of the trip to Qingcheng Mountain this time, but one from the East District cannot make the decision, which makes me preconceived]

After talking it out, the identities of Wei Xun, the dream chaser, and the remnant soul of his former friend Qingxuzi were confirmed. The tone of the Qingcheng master softened, and he completely restrained the divine power that was about to explode. The Taoist priest in the treasure bowl of Zhaogong Mountain fell unconscious again, and the storm completely disappeared.

"Two people in charge of the West District?"

Wei Xun was originally curious about the Taoist priest in the cornucopia and wanted to ask about the situation in Qingcheng Mountain while it was still hot, but Qingcheng's father-in-law's words made him even more concerned. There is a problem on their side of the mountain in the East District, so the person in charge of the East District should be here, right? It is difficult for the people of the West District to fully display their strength here, so why would they let the person in charge of the West District come?

"Who are all here? Do you know their code names?"

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