Thriller Tour Group

930 Breeding the sunbird incarnation and hatching eggs (the stuck point is at the beginning of settl

"You cut me open."

The sunbird nestled on the big bed chirped to An Xuefeng. This was the second time he said this. An Xuefeng was stunned when he heard it for the first time, and his face suddenly became serious. It was obvious that he was thinking wrongly. Seeing that he didn't move, and feeling the intense emotions transmitted from An Xuefeng's spirit, Wei Xun couldn't laugh or cry, half urging and half explaining:

"It's not the way to cut off the person in charge... The return knife should be able to cut the sun. Just cut off a small piece of me. It doesn't take too much."

The Return Sword can chop even sources of pollution into pieces, and the sun made of pure flame crystals should also be able to cut easily with the knife. But looking at An Xuefeng's extremely solemn expression, Wei Xun was a little unsure. He raised his wings and gestured, and asked in a low voice: "Can it be done? Is it okay?"


Men can't say no, let alone just chop off a sun. An Xuefeng came to his senses and responded first, and then his brain finally came to the same side as Wei Xun. He Da Ma Jin Dao sat on the edge of the bed and pulled the sunbird's round body with his fingers: "Do you want to use pure sun crystals as the new title carrier?"

"Something adventurous."

An Xuefeng commented: "Your situation is different from other tour guides."

It is actually quite common for tour guides to use puppets or avatars or even multiple tour guides in the hotel, and it is tacitly tolerated by the hotel. Because the gap in the number of tourist guides across the entire hotel is so large, the existing tour guides are in short supply. Even if the tour group for low-level and mid-level tourists is large, one tour guide can take a group of more than a dozen or even 20 people, which is far from enough.

Therefore, it is much easier for tour guides to obtain titles and props related to "incarnation" and "puppet" than tourists, and the restrictions are much smaller. Not only powerful tour guides can have incarnations, but some with medium strength, B-level or even C-level The tour guides also have the opportunity to obtain an avatar or puppet. Even the Mingming Man has been walking around in his incarnation for the past five years at the Sun Gate. After all these years after the death of the Evil Insect Master, the Bee Taoist and the others are still active in the East and West Districts, and have even made a name for themselves, all with the permission of the hotel. In the range.

Of course, if you use an avatar or puppet to lead a journey, you will receive relatively few hotel rewards. This is also an unspoken rule. However, the convenience provided by the hotel to the tour guides is in all aspects, and the reward alone should be less. Anyway, most tour guides also have tourists to take advantage of, so the overall difference is not too big.

But Wei Xun is different. First of all, he has the dual identity of a tour guide and a tourist, rather than another incarnation of a tour guide. Secondly, his status as a tourist comes from his ‘title’. In other words, being a tourist is his own potential and is real. This makes it difficult for hotels to cut rewards - this is against the rules.

And his problems still exist in all aspects. No matter how many puppets the tour guide takes, those puppets are still tour guides, and they are all under the close watch and control of the hotel. Enjoy the conveniences of the hostel and abide by the guide's rules. But this time Wei Xun was a 'tour guide' and a 'tourist' traveling together. Although they were not in the same team, they were still in the same area! It can be said that he not only enjoys the convenience, but also circumvents the rules of the tour guide. At the same time, the hotel also provides rewards for his passenger status according to the standards of tourists.

In this way, he is outside the rules, especially since Wei Xun's identity as a tourist has even been included in the return journey. His identity as a tour guide is deeply connected with An Xuefeng. His passenger puppet can allow An Xuefeng's spirit to stay and share the journey together. , and even testing the verge of subverting the rules of the hotel.

Although overall there were no major problems this time, it was better to eliminate the signs first. Anyway, this time Wei Xun's passenger puppet was killed by a man who wanted to kill him. The hotel simply concluded that "Wei Xun" was dead. It was also based on multiple judgments, not just because of the reward issue. The direct announcement of Wei Xun's death also wanted to cut off their other back-ups. If Wei Xun's vest fell off, and everyone knew that the passenger Wei Xun and the tour guide Bingyi were actually the same person, it would be even better once and for all.

How can a person get both passenger rewards and tour guide rewards? If this happens, even if Wei Xun comes up with another puppet, he will not be recognized by the hotel. Even if the hotel finally recognizes Wei Xun's dual identity, his rewards for traveling together as a tourist and a tour guide will most likely be greatly reduced.

After all, the tour guide and tourists are the same person, so there are many ways to 'cheat'.

However, this time it is related to the victory of the competition, the destruction of the Babylonian myth, the destruction of Babylon and the destruction of pollution sources on the journey to the 30th latitude. It can be said that the points Wei Xun can get after this journey are comparable to those of a non-pioneer. Those who are not winners of year-end celebrations or warm-up competitions, top travelers who have been diligently traveling for several years, the points they have earned in the past ten years.

There is no way, just destroying the 30th North Latitude and the source of pollution is unprecedented and unprecedented. It is too explosive. It would be a pity not to get all the rewards this time. Wei Xun's situation was special. An Xuefeng wanted to get more privileges for him in the hotel, so he valued this reward very much.

Therefore, even if there was chaos on the way home, An Xuefeng did not let go, and just let Wang Pengpai hint to a certain extent. Homecoming is the judging panel for this competition and is involved in the cleanup work in Iceland. An Xuefeng, Bingyi and Wei Xun are all members of Homecoming. The hotel must be paying close attention to the news there. This is not the time to confess. At least we can find a place where the hotel can't detect us. What's more, no one on the way home is stupid. You can get some clues from this competition, and Mao Xiaole can think clearly when he calms down.

It's just that he is the most mentally polluted in the team besides An Xuefeng, and his mental state is also the most unstable. When Wei Xun's hidden dangers are eliminated and he has enough energy, he will have to ask him to clean up the pollution for Xiao Le.

"Both Zhang Xingzang and Black Widow contacted me just now."

An Xuefeng thought of many things in an instant. He pushed his phone in front of Sunbird, and the message interface displayed on it was Zhang Xingzang's. Zhang Xingzang has a meticulous personality. As early as when he saw that the live broadcast of the match was blocked many times and was related to the primitive abyss, he felt that Wei Xun's clay puppet might not be able to hold on. So Zhang Xingzang had already prepared the clay embryo in advance and roughly carved it into shape using some of the remaining raw materials from the last time he made Wei Xun's puppet.

It's just that Wei Xun has grown astonishingly after this competition, and the aura of power he retained in the past is no longer worthy of the suit, and he has to collect it again and add power to it. This is a waste of time. It is basically impossible to get a complete clay puppet before the hotel settles. Especially Wei Xun and An Xuefeng are still locked in the pure white space of the settlement, and the hotel has already taken precautions.

But Zhang Xingzang's clay puppet can gain power from his side, and George's great resurrection technique doesn't have so many restrictions. Not to mention that Wei Xun's crow crown is still in George's hands. This crow crown really came with the traveler Wei Xun all the way from northern Tibet to the present, and George was resurrected by Wei Xun and has some soul connection with him. It's a traveler.

What George wanted to do was to use his own flesh and blood to create a puppet, use the Crow Crown as the core, and then use the Great Resurrection Technique on the flesh and blood ‘Wei Xun’ to create Wei Xun first. His plan has a high success rate. The only problem is that the resurrected 'Wei Xun' is likely to be judged as a tourist in the West District, just like the puppet master traveling from east to west.

But this is not a problem. If the tourist Wei Xun goes to the West District, it will be difficult for the tour guide Wei Xun from the East District to connect with him during the journey. It is considered a balance between the east and west sides, and the hotel will consider the possibility of acquiescence. Not low.

"I don't want you to go to the West End."

An Xuefeng frankly confessed: "It's too chaotic over there, and the Devourers are not as good as life-seeking people... Ahem, I mean, you know what I mean."

"I know."

Wei Xun felt An Xuefeng was a little nervous and wondered, did he really think he would be interested in the Western District? This is not right. There are more interesting and challenging things in the East District now, and Wei Xun has no idea of ​​wandering out. Moreover, long-distance relationship is the biggest advantage of relationships. He is lusting after An Xuefeng's body. What fun things are there in the West District? He has also played in this competition.

"So what do you think?"

An Xuefeng rejected Zhang Xingzang and George's suggestions one after another, obviously having his own plan.

"My plan is to use my flesh and blood to reshape your body."

An Xuefeng said seriously: "You and I are deeply connected, regardless of each other, the success rate will not be low, not to mention -"

An Xuefeng lowered his head and fished it out from the ground with his big hands. He grabbed the blue and white slime that he was trying to roll under the bed, then rolled it into a solid ball and threw it in the corner. The pure white space immediately formed a small white prison, locking the slime inside and unable to hear their subsequent conversation.

"You should still have some Babylonian contamination left in there."

After throwing away the slime, An Xuefeng turned around, picked up the sunbird and held it in his arms: "My flesh and blood, coupled with the pollution of breeding, can cultivate a puppet that is most compatible with you. Even if it needs to be fused in the future, Strength would be handy too.”

The most important thing is that the flesh and blood puppet created in this way can control part of his pyramid and Daxi Continent. An Xuefeng still has a secret thought in his heart, thinking that if one day he is gone, his most precious inheritance can be left to him. Wei Xun.

"Your flesh and blood? How much flesh and blood can you have to shape me?"

But Wei Xun didn't move at all. He pecked An Xuefeng's finger hard and scolded angrily: "Your condition is also unstable. If you lose a lot of blood and essence, will it take you a long time to recover? You and *** haven't been able to recover yet." If the body is completely fused, the weak slices will be unbalanced, so how can they be fused at that time?"

An Xuefeng was stunned by this slap in the face. No one dared to say that to him for how long. His face was solemn, and when he lowered his eyes and stared at people, his expression looked serious and fierce, but no one knew the subtle and soft emotions welling up in his heart. Perhaps Wei Xun could feel it, because the sunbird nestled on his lap was leaning back unscrupulously, eager to see if An Xuefeng's other parts were as strong as his hands.

"In your current situation, cutting up the sunbird may not have good consequences."

You can't play around there. An Xuefeng raised his hand and put the sunbird on the bed again. This time he listened carefully to Wei Xun's opinion. Now Wei Xun is temporarily immune to the effects of the complete control of pollution and the return of pain, thanks to the characteristics of the Nordic sun, so An Xuefeng is not willing to cut the sun rashly. And with the characteristics of the return knife, if Wei Xun's return was cut off, he would regret it.

It has now been a quarter of an hour since Wei Xun wore the title of guest. Judging from the external information obtained by An Xuefeng, the hotel has announced Wei Xun's 'resurrection' and has not yet announced Bingyi's death. The hotel's side * * * He had already begun to intervene and began to influence the hotel's judgment, especially An Xuefeng's use of the massive butterfly fragments in the tomb of the Tusi King to blackmail the hotel. If Wei Xun was not given a sufficient reward increase, the consequences would not be what the hotel wanted to see. .

But it's best to create an avatar as soon as possible to avoid future troubles.

"I think it's okay, just cut off a piece."

Sunbird was already a little impatient and moved his body: "The power of the Nordic sun accounts for too much in the comprehensive sun authority and is out of balance. Removing some of it to make puppets will be more conducive to my future development."

What's more, if they want to fuse later, the separated flame crystals can be better fused than any flesh and blood puppet. Now that Wei Xun has taken on the title of tourist, what he needs is to have the aura of power of a tour guide when his passengers are 'settling', and to act as the tour guide's puppet or incarnation.

In this way, part of the flame crystal peeled off from his body is most suitable, not to mention——

“You don’t have to cut it with a knife, either.”

Wei Xun opened his mind: "I do still have some Babylonian gestation pollution here... You are right, I can completely separate a small piece of flame crystal through gestation."

As for the pollution that may agitate during separation and the pain that may overflow——

Deep connection is not a show-off. Now is the time for An Xuefeng to show off, and physical close contact is enough.

Since Wei Xun could not return to his human form at the moment, An Xuefeng soon turned into a phoenix that was slightly larger than the sunbird. The golden-red soft feathers fell, and the big phoenix stepped on the sunbird's back. He lowered his head to rub its intimate ears and temples, cooed and touched its crystal-like feathers with his beak. Soon the smell of Babylon pollution passed by, and the sunbird became much weaker for a moment, and an orange-sized, crimson egg appeared under his belly. It can be said to be an egg, or it can be said to be a small sun. It is very round. It nestles next to the sunbird and absorbs its power. It will not take long to grow into the incarnation of Wei Xun.

And when the power of Wei Xun's sun was weakening, and the out-of-control pollution and pain were rising, the golden-red phoenix pressed on the back of the sunbird, and the golden-red wings spread out, covering the sunbird completely. The phoenix and the sunbird I was so confused that I didn't know what the heaven and earth were for a while. Of course, the sun has no gender. The Nordic sun is just a big flame crystal. All An Xuefeng can do is step on Wei Xun's back and press heavily on Wei Xun's back to simulate bird movements to stimulate him and relieve him. Desire is postponed.

They made a lot of noise, just stepping on their backs. Several of the beds in the hotel were burned and collapsed. After a few hours of restlessness and out-of-control pollution and pain, they finally subsided. The sunbird looked content and peaceful as he nestled on the little sun. This small flame crystal had become his incarnation and could transform into a human form at any time. Of course, this form is currently the most convenient. Wei Xun will pass on and share the title and power of Wei Xun who is suitable for it. But An Xuefeng was still in the form of a sunbird, with his luxurious golden-red feathers a little messy. He was also stepping on the back of the sunbird, guarding against contamination that might retaliate. It felt like my wife was incubating the eggs, and I was incubating my wife.

I really want to finish the settlement and return to the station as soon as possible.

The Phoenix Bird's eyes were dark, and he rubbed the Sunbird's neck with his beak in a somewhat dissatisfied manner, which was full of hints. He had endured it for five or six hours. If he endured it any longer, he would really be a bastard!

Fortunately, the countdown of the hotel in the pure white space has come to an end, and the outside world has not announced the news of Bingyi's death. After weighing the rules, the hotel finally compromised. After the countdown, the white light fell, and the hotel's pure energy began to heal Wei Xun's body. , and the sound of settlement finally rang out, it was a familiar deep male voice, the voice of * * *.

Wei Xun knew he was safe as soon as he heard this voice!

[Your journey performance in this warm-up competition is being settled, and the comprehensive evaluation is in progress——]

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