Thriller Tour Group

929 Wei Xun survives and Mao Xiaole goes crazy

Rising Star Passenger, Returning Rookie Wei Xun is dead!

And there is a high probability that he was killed by a life-seeking person!

In just a few minutes after the hotel's death list was announced, the explosive news spread throughout the hotel. The top hot posts on the hotel forum are all about this, and the discussion is all over the map. However, the hotel's credibility is still very high. Since it has officially issued a death announcement, Wei Xun is basically certain to be dead.

But how could Wei Xun die? Anyone who has watched the live broadcast of the match knows how good he performed and how vigilant he was. Miao Fangfei and Yao Jinghe were not on the death list. How could Wei Xun die?

The hotel never details the causes of death. No one can prove the source of the news that Wei Xun was killed by someone else. When asked, they all said they heard it from someone and "it seems like this", but that's not true. Few people are secretive and privately believe that this news is very likely. After all, there are many people who know about the ‘Grand Triangle of Return’, and judging from the attitude of the psychic medium and Yin Yang Butterfly in respecting the explorer, the Mingxi people should also attach great importance to this younger brother.

If he really heard something and then showed up in Babylon, it would be normal to kill Wei Xun instantly. Of course, he would definitely want to kill An Xuefeng more, but after all, the biggest tourist is difficult to kill. Can he really be killed? Killing is the problem.

In comparison, Wei Xun is like the fish in the pond who was affected by the "fire at the city gate".

However, some people don't believe it at all. If the Mingxi people really do this and kill Wei Xun, how can the explorers gain a foothold on the way back? That is a real connection, not fake. If a life-loving person really cares about the Explorer, he will not do it so cruelly. But some people retorted in the post, saying that only by doing this can the Explorers truly gain a foothold on the way back - First of all, the Explorers have a good relationship with Wei Xun. Anyone who has watched the live broadcast of the match knows that is not bad. It even made Team An's head turn a little green.

Therefore, Wei Xun's death must have nothing to do with the explorer. He most likely stopped the life-seeking person (he couldn't), so the blame for the murder will definitely fall on the life-seeking person, and it is unlikely that the explorer will be angry on the way home. Besides, people can be resurrected after death. Look at how many people have been resurrected by the Explorers. Rumor has it that the little witch in the West District is very happy. She is smiling from ear to ear. It is rare to see her so beaming. There is a high probability that George is really letting her down. The explorer was successfully resurrected!

Even the pioneers of the Thirty Degrees North Latitude who have been dead for so many years can be resurrected, so resurrecting a Wei Xun is not a simple matter? The resurrector will have a deeper soul contract with the person who resurrected him. As long as the explorer can really resurrect Wei Xun, then there will no longer be a big triangle on the way home, but the explorer's harem.

Team An has been in charge of this ten years, and Wei Xun can hold on for the next ten years. The man who has good intentions has taken care of the future of the explorers. He came to be a white-faced explorer and a red-faced one. If you say that, then He is a real good brother.

The general lifting of martial law in the hotel has not yet been lifted. Most of the low-level, middle-level and ordinary high-level tour guides and tourists still don’t know what happened. They are all discussing the gossip on the way home. Some people also discovered that the name of a teammate’s lover appeared on the death list. Crying with grief, few people fall asleep in the hotel late at night, it’s all different aspects of life.

And the top group of big guides and tourists were even more nervous tonight. They couldn't take a moment to relax after returning to the hotel. Their phones were almost buzzing. Countless people in reality and in the hotel wanted to know what happened tonight. what happened. But even these top travel guides who were called by the hotel to go to Iceland to quell the pollution only knew about the destruction of Babylon. The information about the source of the pollution is still top secret. The hotel currently prohibits insiders from revealing the information to the outside world, but some powerful people Still feeling something vaguely.

For example, Zhang Xingzang who is connected to the Dream Chaser, the Mystery School where the Astrologer is, the Silver Moon Killer who is connected to the Lizard Duke, etc., can all vaguely sense the changes in their respective tour guides and captains, especially the pioneers of the 30th North Latitude. After the pollution source in Babylon was destroyed, other journeys to the 30th North Latitude also had their own strange phenomena, which made people dare not act rashly.

Everything will wait for the final announcement from the hotel and the return of the respective tour guides and captains.

But in the station on the way back, some people couldn't wait any longer.

"Mao Xiaole, calm down!"

"Quickly, stop me!"

There was chaos in the living room of the station on the way home. Wang Yushu, Wan Xiangchun and Lu Shucheng blocked Mao Xiaole from three directions, but he forced him back with his sword. They saw that Mao Xiaole's eyes were red, and he was filled with evil spirits. He didn't even wear a hair crown, and his hair They were scattered, looking like they had lost their minds. Wang Yushu and the others did not dare to take action, and could not stop them. Mao Xiaole lost control of his emotions and became mentally unstable. He was really killing people and killing Buddhas. Wang Pengpai, who was watching next to him, was so anxious that he jumped to his feet and angrily said:

"You don't want your life! The hotel stipulates that you can't leave the hotel now. You have already received two warnings just now. I can't save you if I come back again!"

"I don't want my life?"

Mao Xiaole said word by word, his voice was cold. He raised his head, looked at Wang Pengpai with a strange look, then looked at Lu Shucheng and the others, and said repeatedly: "I don't want my life?"

"But Wei Xun is dead!"

Mao Xiaole said sternly. The paper figure on his shoulder felt his emotions expand and deform, and turned into a huge evil black bird. It was extremely intimidating. Its wings vibrated and whipped up strong winds. The black bird's scarlet eyes were like fire, and it screamed sadly. He was speaking human words, and his voice was exactly the same as Mao Xiaole's, but more sharp and harsh: "Why are you so calm? Why didn't you react at all? Wei Xun is dead! Why did you stop me, why didn't you go with me to avenge him?!"

His question made Wang Pengpai choke on his words. For a moment, he really didn't know what to say. Can he say that he knows that Wei Xun and Director Cui are the same person? If ‘Wei Xun’ dies, it’s equivalent to failing to open a trumpet, so there’s no big problem. But Mao Xiaole was obviously really sad and furious and out of control. The appearance of this dark paper bird meant that he was almost mentally out of control!

Wang Pengpai didn't dare to say anything more irritating. He contacted Team An anxiously and worried at the same time. Team An hadn't revealed the news that Director Cui had a vest yet to everyone in the team. Wang Pengpai was very strict, no matter what. The situation will not be revealed.

"Mao Xiaole, I know you are angry, and I am angry too."

Wang Pengpeng fell silent, and Wang Yushu said solemnly, with a rare expression of such seriousness: "Captain An and the others haven't come back yet. I believe that Captain An will give an explanation to Wei Xun and everyone. We are on the way home as a whole, no matter what Whether it’s revenge or something else, we will advance and retreat together and will not give up on anyone.”

"Yes, Xiaole, you have to believe Captain An's feelings for Wei Xun."

Lu Shucheng persuaded her. She was also worried and anxious, but the more she needed to be calm at this time, the situation was obviously not right this time. Not only was the 30th degree north latitude completely destroyed, but it also involved the source of pollution and the return of life-seeking people. At this time, she could not return home. Let's start the chaos first. We must stabilize the morale of the troops and wait for the security team to come back.

"Wei Xun will not die easily. You can see his performance in the competition. He is very good. Seeing him is like seeing Team An."

Wan Xiangchun said calmly: "There must be another reason for his death. Calm down first. Wait a moment. The deputy team has contacted Team An."

The hint in his words was so obvious that Wang Pengpai felt it was clear when he heard it, but Mao Xiaole obviously didn't calm down. His eyes became more and more sinister. He was obviously young, but the way he looked at people sent chills down his spine. After listening, There was a moment of silence after their words, and when they spoke again, there was clearly a sense of disappointment in their words.

"You can calm down, but I can't."

Mao Xiaole said lightly: "As long as you pay enough attention, you won't be able to calm down at all."

"In the final analysis, it's because Wei Xun has only been in the team for a short time, and his life and death are not that important. Waiting for Captain An to come back? Captain An will definitely come back with Director C. His eldest brother is a life-threatening person. If I want to kill Xi Mingren, are you really going to avenge Wei Xun together?"

His voice got louder and louder, and his emotions became more and more intense. Young people are prone to paranoia. What's more, Mao Xiaole was extremely hostile to the Butcher Alliance. All these things combined were like adding fuel to the fire, making him angrier and angrier. He is becoming more and more disappointed. He also knows that compared with the contact with the tour guide, the lives of each passenger are not too important. If necessary, he is willing to die for Tour Guide B, but this situation is different now! The one who died was Wei Xun, his teacher Sanshui! The more Mao Xiaole thought about it, the more paranoid he became. He actually felt that besides himself, who would avenge Wei Xun, everyone else would be better at weighing the pros and cons!

Weighing the pros and cons? A life cannot be weighed casually!


Affected by his emotions, the pitch-black paper bird chirped, and the evil energy overflowed, shaking people's souls. Mao Xiaole said nothing more, and just shouted to the person in front of him with a sullen face to get out of the way. His momentum continued to soar, and he was actually Why don't you show mercy! Wang Yushu secretly screamed in his heart, "It's terrible. If this continues, my feelings will definitely be broken. Wan Xiangchun couldn't help but look at Wang Pengpai. It's now this time, why don't you say it?"

"Wait a minute, Xiaole, Xiaole, there's good news! There's good news from Team An!"

At this moment, Wang Pengpai, who had been sending messages quickly, finally spoke, waving his hands with an exaggerated excitement, attracting everyone's attention and cheering: "Wei Xun is not dead, he is still alive!"

"He was not killed by the Ming people. The Ming people in Babylon only killed a puppet and did not kill Wei Xun."

Wang Pengpai said this with a hint. Everyone present except Mao Xiaole showed thoughtful expressions and almost understood. But Mao Xiaole didn't understand. Wang Pengpai was really anxious and worried when he thought about the message An Xuefeng sent him. An Xuefeng said that it was enough to understand and not to reveal to a large extent that Wei Xun and the Explorer were the same person. They would soon 'resurrection' Wei Xun, and they had to get the two rewards for this warm-up match.

Otherwise, if the vest falls off in a large area, the hotel will really be a complete default. Wang Pengpai gritted his teeth and could only swear to the dubious Mao Xiaole: "If you don't believe me, look, the hotel will update the death list again soon!"

In the pure white space where the hotel settled, Wei Xun took on the title of "tourist". He did not become a tourist by relying on some puppet, but his own title was right here! Let’s resurrect Wei Xun first. As for the ‘tour guide’ Wei Xun——

Wei Xun has his own way.

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