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819 Icelandic Horror (327) Taoist Master Kongkong...


Unknowingly, the sound of reciting the Jing Jing Sutra stopped. Taoist Master Kong Kong stared at the big cat lying on him with a complicated expression. He opened his mouth to say something, but his voice was hoarse, and the sound of his breath was completely blocked. Compared with the first time he cut Roger Betty with a lancet, he was obviously much more skilled now.

And perhaps because Taoist Master Kongkong itself is a spiritual imprint, which is more unstable than the soul, the knife cuts the pollution very smoothly, even if Bingyi attaches the power of the lancet to the cat's claw on the right forelimb, and Kongkong The rhombus-shaped petal bone fragments all over Dao Chang's body are very small compared to a cat's claws, but the bone fragments will automatically fall down as long as the tip of the claw is touched, which is really convenient. An Xuebao and Yu Xiaohonghou can't even pick up the bone fragments as fast as it can cut the bone fragments. quick.

After all, Bingyi's body was filled with the power of butterfly pollution and flower of abyss pollution, and these bone fragments spontaneously gathered towards him. The mental lancet could only cut itself, but when Bingyi cut through the mental pollution of Roger and Betty, he discovered that the judgment of this light knife was quite rigid. If the soul and spirit are connected, then he can cut others with a knife.

The premise is that the opponent is deeply immersed in pollution, and the pollution is almost equal to the soul itself, so that the knife can misjudge. For example, Roger Betty, who was basically assimilated by pollution before, and Taoist Kong Kong, who was almost completely affected by pollution in front of him. Although the spiritual lancet has various problems, one thing that makes Bingyi very satisfied is that its power will spontaneously protect the soul and spirit that have been cut - no matter how deformed, incomplete or broken the soul is, There will be no further deterioration until the effect of the mental lancet wears off.

Otherwise, a spiritual imprint like Taoist Master Kongkong who is basically integrated with the pollution of the Flower of the Abyss will collapse if even a little bit of pollution is removed. Of course, the power of the spiritual lancet is not unlimited. Once it has no power to protect the spirit, it will dissipate and be broken. But this is no problem for Bingyi - except for the one used for Betty Roger and the one he is currently using. This one, he also has seven spiritual lancets. Not to mention that there are less than two and a half hours left before the old dream is shattered at zero o'clock. He has so many knives that Kong Daochang can enjoy it for a day or two.

‘What happened at that time and why did the red guide destroy the flowers? ’

Seeing that he was on the right track when cutting the petals, he didn't need to think too much. Bingyi slowed down his movements to avoid cutting too quickly. After cutting the petals, he lowered the light path to the hotel - although he also wanted to know, after the spiritual imprint of a long-dead monk like Kongkong was cut. , will you be picked up by the hotel? After all, lowering the light path after cutting should not depend on strength, but on convention. Whether you can board the light path and leave depends on the strength of the soul.

But Bingyi still has many things to ask, so this little experiment can be saved for the moment when the old dream ends. The big cat cuts slowly and slowly, and connects everyone present with the thread, just like a chat room where they can communicate together. Taoist Master Kongkong was afraid of him. If he just chatted privately, he might not tell the truth, so Bingyi simply acted calmly. If anything happened, everyone would talk and listen together, and no one would be left behind.

‘You have a connection with him? ’

Sure enough, Taoist Master Kongkong was silent for a moment and spoke. Although he did not answer Bingyi's question but asked instead, if he was willing to communicate, it would be considered a success.

‘Whether there is a connection between hearts, I think the Taoist priest himself can see it clearly’

An Xuefeng answered on behalf of Bing. He was frightened when he saw Big Mao cutting bone fragments and talking to each other at the same time. He was afraid that something might happen, so he simply took over the job of talking and said aggressively: "I would like to ask the director, why are you doing this?" A sudden burst of pollution is going to harm my lover? ’

‘Guide C is a very rare and good tour guide’

Yu Xiangyang also joined in, talking about Bingyi's close connection with metaphysics, and how many times he had fought side by side with Taoist Ban Ming, the 'original' leader of the metaphysics generation, and how he was connected to the destiny of metaphysics. The hotel rules that were originally not very concerned about old dreams have just been contaminated by the Flower of the Abyss, and they have completely stopped. Yu Xiangyang can now speak freely. Even Bingyi himself didn't know about this, but he heard it with great interest.

It wasn't until Yu Xiangyang talked about the ancient oasis of the thirty-degree north latitude journey inherited by Team Chen, and when Team Chen and others who were still trapped in the battlefield had a glimmer of hope because of Bingyi, Taoist Master Kongkong, who had been silent, finally moved:' Chen Cheng, is he still alive? ’

‘You are alive, but you can’t tell when you will die’

An Xuefeng said coldly, one of him and Yu Xiangyang sang the bad side and the other the red face: "If Bingyi hadn't helped purify some of the pollution, they might have disappeared long ago."

‘Taoist Priest, Bingyi is now our most important ally in metaphysics’

Yu Xiangyang also advised. He found that Taoist Master Kongkong cared most about Captain Chen, so he used this as a pretext to reduce his wariness against Bingyi. After two rounds of persuasion, Taoist Master Kongkong finally sighed helplessly: "That's it, the poor Taoist left and right are already dead, and life and death have nothing to do with the poor Taoist anymore."

"I don't have to be annoying anymore. Whatever you want to know, I'll tell you." But how much you can remember when you go out after listening to it all depends on your luck.'

Finally let go! An Xuefeng and the three of them were in high spirits at the same time. Taoist Master Kongkong's statement obviously meant that what he said next involved many past secrets and even rules. Therefore, these memories will probably be erased and sealed after returning to the hotel after the competition. . But let’s talk about the future later, now they will never miss this opportunity!

‘What you want to know most is nothing more than two things, one is, where did my petals go, and the other is, what exactly are you?’

As if he had completely let go, Taoist Kongkong was no longer the same to Bingyi as before. He even raised his white-bone fingers and stroked the big cat. The cold jade-like finger bones combed the long and thick cat hair like a comb, which made Bingyi's eyes narrowed slightly and rubbed his fingers. Taoist Kongkong lowered his eyes, his lips moved slightly, and he seemed to smile lightly.

However, what he said next shocked everyone.

‘My petals are not in this spiritual imprint, nor in the original abyss’

‘Maybe they are not in this world’

‘Not in this world? What do you mean? ’

Taoist Kongkong's words made people look at each other in bewilderment, and they didn't react for a while, until they saw him raise his hand and point to the top of his head. The snow leopard suddenly thought of something in his mind, but his eyes were slightly gloomy. Yu Xiangyang was a little confused and a little enlightened, and subconsciously grabbed his tail nervously.

‘Could it be at the hotel?’

Only Bingyi was still hammering away, asking with interest. He had no memory of going to the hotel, but he remembered the light path projected from the sky, which looked like it was reflected from outside the human world.

‘Hotel? The hotel dare not take this hot potato’

Master Kongkong smiled when he heard this, flicked the tip of the Maine Coon’s ear with his fingertips, and signaled it to cut off the petals growing on the finger bones. This was a delicate job. When Bingyi lowered his head and was busy, Master Kongkong gestured to look at the snow leopard, and saw the snow leopard nodded slightly, and he understood.

Sure enough, he felt the difference well. Bingyi obviously lost a lot of memory, otherwise with his intelligence, he would not have thought that the first reaction was the hotel.

‘Has it come to this point after losing so many memories’

Master Kongkong didn’t know that the rule of this competition was that the tour guide had lost his memory, and he only thought that Bingyi had grown to the point where he was not tolerated by the hotel and his memory was repeatedly sealed. He thought about it wrongly, pursed his lips, and said with a serious face: "No wonder you are so anxious." Seeing that the Taoist wanted to leave An Xuefeng alone without explaining, he felt that he might get more information this way. Sure enough, the news revealed by Taoist Kongkong next was shocking, and it would definitely cause a storm if it was told out! 'It's already the end of the decade, and Chen Cheng can live in the outer domain... that is, the battlefield you said. It's incredible, right?' Taoist Kongkong said meaningfully: 'Has he tried to transfer the 30-degree north latitude journey, but failed?' 'Have you ever thought about why he wanted to transfer the 30-degree north latitude journey? He is not a person with wild and bold ideas' Taoist Kongkong's three sentences made An Xuefeng and Yu Xiangyang's hearts beat wildly. Could it be that - 'Because I transferred my two 30-degree north latitude journeys to him.' When Taoist Kongkong said it word by word, An Xuefeng didn't feel shocked at all, but felt that the dust had settled and it was as expected. ‘Even if the memory was erased by the hotel, in his subconscious, he still felt that it was possible to transfer the journey of 30 degrees north latitude, and it was feasible for the captain to transfer it to the captain, so an occasional flash of inspiration, an occasional thought, made him eventually make this choice. ’

Master Kongkong was immersed in his memory, his tone was a little nostalgic, a little melancholy and melancholy: ‘He would only think that this was his own idea’

‘You can transfer the journey to him, but he can’t transfer it to others. Is it because there are petals in the butterfly fragments of your journey? ’

At this time, An Xuefeng suddenly asked, although it was a question, but his tone was very firm.

‘That’s right, otherwise how could Chen Cheng persist in the battlefield for so long’

Master Kongkong shook his head and sneered: ‘Is it because he is particularly strong?

‘But to be precise, it should be only the butterfly fragments of the two journeys. The power of 30 degrees north latitude cannot resist the superposition of butterfly fragments and petals. When I passed it to him, it had been almost assimilated. ’

Master Kongkong then told a very short story. His spiritual imprint was different from that left by others. The memory of those spiritual imprints only stays before the imprint is left, and the spiritual imprint of Taoist Kongkong is exactly equivalent to himself.

At the end of the journey in Northern Europe, everyone else returned to the hotel, but he was completely polluted because he ate the petals, and stayed in Iceland forever, in the narrow gap between the Land of Mist and the Land of Fire. He did not die. His companions made various efforts to take him away. Director Huang told him how to fuse the 30 Degrees North Latitude Journey Token. In order not to be polluted by the petals and butterfly fragments and assimilated immediately, Taoist Kongkong did not hesitate to fuse his two tokens and the butterfly fragments at the same time.

At that time, he wanted to use the 30 Degrees North Latitude pollution to contain the fragments and petals, but he did not expect that after fusing the butterfly fragments, the petal pollution that caused all kinds of crazy distortions in his body was absorbed by the butterfly fragments. The petals belonged to the butterfly, which reduced some of his burden, but in the long run, this was not a good thing.

The butterfly fragments that merged with the petals returned to their most original state, and were no longer considered the fragments corresponding to the journey to 30 degrees north latitude, and were no longer constrained by the journey. The pollution of the petals and the butterfly erupted in Taoist Master Kong Kong at the same time, and he had to chant the Pure and Tranquil Sutra day and night to barely suppress it, but he could not relieve the severe pain that eroded his bone marrow.

Surrounded by visions of severe pain and auditory hallucinations, he spent more time in a coma than awake. In his fragmented memories when he was awake, many people had visited him. Sometimes when he was awake, he saw all the eminent monks from the White Lotus Brigade gathered together. People gathered around him, and while the wooden fish sang sutras, they performed rituals for him for ninety-nine and eighty-one days to suppress pollution. Occasionally when he wakes up, he sees a group of tour guides from the Butcher Alliance surrounding him, absorbing the pollution that permeates his body.

He had many friends, and he was the leader of the East District at that time. With his status, he could not make many friends freely, but many people admired his character and naturally surrounded him.

The deputy team of Metaphysics, his friend repeatedly stepped on the seven stars to save his life, exhausted and vomited blood. The Holy Mother of Whitechapel was grateful for his life-saving grace, and gathered all the power of Whitechapel to summon the seven trumpet-blowing angels to bring about the end of the world. Judgment reenacts the Angels' invasion of Northern Europe to suppress Norse mythology and suppress the Golden Lunga Divide in an attempt to make him feel better. Director Huang even found a few voluntary tour guides for him, hoping that a connection between minds would create a miracle.

Taoist Master Kongkong remembers all this. He has no regrets and does not want to implicate other people. When everything finally slid into the irreversible abyss, and the power of Thirty Degrees North Latitude was almost completely eroded, he realized that his life would come to an end.

So at the last moment, he gathered people from the metaphysics and selected one of the newcomers to pass on the Taoism. The choice of Chen Cheng was not due to his extraordinary talent and ability to sing sutras and chants - although Chen Cheng already had quite a reputation at the time, and even won the title of Sword Out of the Cold Mountain in the year-end celebration, it was different from the one in his heyday. Taoist Master Kongkong was far behind him. Chen Cheng couldn't even recite sutras, he was just a pure swordsman.

But since ancient times, those who concentrate on practicing swordsmanship have the strongest will, the purest Taoist heart, and will not be easily shaken by external objects.

"When I die, the butterfly fragments fused with the petals will separate, and the last token of the journey to the 30th North Latitude will be wrapped around them."

Taoist Master Kongkong said calmly: 'The original abyss has been completely closed, and I don't know when it will open. I passed them on to Chen Cheng, hoping that one day he can send the petals back to the abyss. This is not something that should exist in the human world. ’

Speaking of this, Taoist Master Kongkong smiled strangely: "I didn't tell anyone about this except Chen Cheng. After returning to the hotel, his memory will also be processed by the hotel. After he left, Xuanxue also made a decision. I still The illusion of being alive, but maybe someone will see all this, maybe someone will steal, grab Chen Cheng's butterfly fragments'

‘If someone really takes action, it might be Xiaohong, or her child’

Taoist Master Kongkong's words were like a thunderous explosion. For an instant, a scarlet figure appeared in the minds of An Xuefeng and Yu Xiangyang. It was the life-haunting person! The assassin stole Chen Cheng's butterfly fragments!

Why didn't Chen Cheng say anything after losing the butterfly, and even acted very indifferently? Maybe subconsciously he knew that this matter must not be made public, there was something wrong with these butterfly fragments!

But why does Taoist Master Kongkong think that people from Director Hong's side will come to seize the fragments? Could it be that--

‘The thing I regret most was being soft-hearted’

Taoist Master Kongkong's eyes fell on the silver-white cat, his eyes were extremely complex. His voice was very soft, but his words were very serious: 'In a moment of softness, I didn't kill Xiaohong in the abyss, but sent her out alive.'

‘I gave birth to you, the evil star’

The white-bone finger touched the silver-white cat's forehead. Taoist Master Kongkong suddenly raised his head and looked at the entrance of the cave, his eyes sharp as an eagle for a moment. A little snow foam fell at the entrance of the cave, as if the wind was blowing through the snow. But the next moment, a golden-brown big cat quietly stepped into the snow cave. Facing Taoist Master Kong Kong's gaze, his eyes narrowed slightly and he walked step by step deeper into the cave.

The phantom cat, its body is covered with snow, no one knows how long it has been dormant at the entrance of the cave, and how many secrets it has heard——


Taoist Master Kongkong raised his brows and smiled, slowly stroking the big silver cat's back. From beginning to end, they communicated in their minds using strings, and the phantom cat didn't hear anything.

When it comes in now, it feels that the spiritual imprint of Taoist Master Kong Kong is constantly weakening (no matter what the pollution is), and it is anxious.

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