Thriller Tour Group

818 Icelandic Horror (326) The Taoist Priest saw a ghost...

‘Bingyi! ! ’

All of this happened too suddenly. When it all happened, Yu Xiangyang and An Xuefeng were in the midst of the horrific pollution impact caused by the petals and were unable to react immediately. When he saw the big cat pounced on Taoist Master Kongkong and hugged his head, Yu Xiangyang was still in a daze, but the snow leopard's expression suddenly changed and his face was distorted. It was even more turbulent than before. The terrifying hunger appetite came from it and Bingyi. came from the connection, causing the snow leopard's eyes to instantly become bloodshot and scarlet.


The snow leopard roared, and in an instant suppressed the pollution of the abyss and rushed forward. He bit the back of the big cat's neck and pulled it back, and at the same time slapped its face with its big paws to force it to let go. With the terrifying brute force of the snow leopard and the sharp claws of the Bingyi cat, this dual effect is very likely to tear off Taoist Master Kong Kong's face. However, when the snow leopard acted, the big cat actually cooperated and loosened its claws. This force made the snow leopard loose. He grabbed the cat with too much force and fell backwards. It rolled on the ground a few times in embarrassment. Then he grabbed the big cat and ran out of the snow nest as quickly as possible, leaving this dangerous place.

In the heavy snow, the snow leopards ran like falling meteors until they reached the snow nest where they had been intimate before. The snow leopard rushed in with the big cat in its mouth. It rushed too fast and couldn't stop the car. It lost control and rolled down deep in the snow nest. With the agility of a feline, the snow leopard was able to get up by turning over, but it was still dead after rolling. Suppressing the big cat, the broad and powerful leopard paws directly covered the white cat's small face, leaving only the nervous and twitching muzzle exposed.

The snow leopard's whole body was lying on the big cat, its back was tense and arched with anxiety. It opened its big mouth to hold the big cat's entire snout, as if it wanted to swallow the big cat into its belly. The snow leopard's hot and moist tongue pressed tightly against it. At the tip of its nose, it forced the big cat to open its mouth to breathe, and immediately forced its leopard tongue into its mouth, sweeping through its mouth like a violent storm, not missing any part but failing to find the petals that it had bitten off and devoured. The snow leopard paused, then forcefully licked the big cat's narrow throat.


The big cat purred in protest in discomfort, straining its body and struggling, pushing up its soft belly with force. The cat's claws spread out, and the whole body tried hard, but it couldn't break free from the leopard's claws no matter what. Even the sharp white cat ears were caught by the leopard's claws. The edges of the claws were rubbed and pressed pitifully downward, and one or two beards were trembling in the gaps between the claws. The big cat panted rapidly, and its throat tightened due to resistance, preventing the snow leopard from continuing its movements. Forcibly licking it would only hurt its throat. But the snow leopard had a way. It licked the big cat's upper jaw quickly and forcefully, and then licked its throat repeatedly and forcefully. The sensitive soft flesh was scratched repeatedly by the fine barbs on the leopard's tongue, and it was sore and swollen with difficulty. A fine itch to endure.

The itch was more unbearable than the pain. The dense itch seemed to be gradually penetrating into the skin and bone marrow. It couldn't stand it anymore. The big cat was trembling all over. He couldn't help but swallow a mixture of snow leopard and himself. of saliva. One and two, the throat that was stagnant during swallowing finally couldn't hold on and opened completely, and the leopard's tongue licked deeper and more smoothly, but no matter how long the leopard's tongue was, there was a limit, and it did not touch the petals of the flower of the abyss. The snow leopard was so anxious that it let out a threatening whine in its throat. It straightened up and retracted its tongue. A pair of blood-red leopard eyes stared at the white cat's chest, almost losing control of its emotions.


But at this moment, the white cat followed the snow leopard's movements and straightened up. He squinted his eyes and took the initiative to lick the tip of the snow leopard's tongue, tempting it to kiss again.

Whether to cut open the white cat's chest and dig out the beating heart and butterflies, or to kiss it, An Xuefeng would never hesitate if his rationality was still there, but his instinct made him willing to be seduced, and he took the white cat's tongue in his mouth and kissed it again. They started kissing, and the feline licked the kiss too passionately. When they separated again with the sound of slurping, silver threads fell from their tongues and teeth,

In the intimate communication with the snow leopard, his chaotic spirit gradually returned to a stable state as if being swept away by a flexible cat's tail. The relief of his spirit inspired a deeper desire for predatory. The snow leopard's sharp claws reached out, and the tip of its teeth took the tip of the big cat's tongue and rubbed it carefully. The snow leopard's long tail hangs down, but the tip of the tail is raised, swaying slightly with the snow leopard's movements.

The snow leopard is much bigger than the big cat. The cat crouched in front of the snow leopard, its claws kicked the leopard's tight belly, and its long tail drooped downwards. It swept it with swipes and flicks, which made the snow leopard unbearable and resisted the turbulent fluffy fur. The velvet cat's tail was soon tangled together by tufts of long hair soaked in liquid from melted snow, and became a mess.


The big cat also squinted its eyes, breathing more and more rapidly, and the tip of its pink nose quivered. It was tightly wrapped by the thick and dense hair of the snow leopard. After pressing for a long time, the big cat finally exhaled and relaxed like a stream of water. His eyes were half closed and he was lazily licking his beard.

Seeing that it was healed, the snow leopard crushed the big cat's fluffy long tail a few times for the last time, then stopped by squinting against the base of its tail, its scarlet eyes revealing a hint of clarity. Although it hasn't vented yet, now is not the time. In the previous communication, it had suppressed the pollution and regained its composure, and even discovered that Bingyi's situation was different from what he thought.

‘Why aren’t you moving? ’

Bingyi asked slowly. He kicked his hind paws, and kicked the snow leopard's side gently. Then he slid down and stepped on the tip of the big thing. It was so hot that the cat's claws curled up, but it became more interested and wanted to do it again. Step on it a few times and have fun.

But under the strong suppression of the snow leopard, it failed to succeed.

‘You didn’t eat the petals, so what’s in Taoist Master Kong Kong’s eyes is not real? ’

After being buried in the snow and quickly calming down, An Xuefeng ignored Bingyi's unhappy struggle and put the tip of his nose against its nose to sniff deeply, sensing it calmly. That's right, although the appetite that surged in the previous moment was so strong that it was out of control, it went away as quickly as it came, and Bingyi did not feel full. It was the relief just now that filled its hunger, not any food.

‘Yes, Taoist Master Kongkong is really very skilled’

Seeing that the snow leopard really didn't want to let it play anymore, the thing retracted. The big white cat who had just started to indulge said angrily, struggled out from under the snow leopard, and swung its tail in its face to let it get rid of the liquid stuck on its tail fur. clean. The snow leopard picked it up in its arms and licked its hind paws and tail, while the two of them communicated rapidly in their minds.

After 'biting and swallowing' the petals, Bingyi felt something was wrong. The butterfly fragments in his chest that were shouting desperately also paused after a moment of excitement and madness. The petals had no substance at all, as if they had taken a mouthful of air. The most damning thing was The petals aroused his hunger, but they didn't bring him any sense of satiety. Damn Kong Dao had fake flowers growing in his eye sockets!

But unlike last time, Bingyi's hunger this time was shared by An Xuebao for most of it, allowing him to maintain a trace of sanity. However, Xuebao lost control due to pollution, hunger and violent mood swings. Fortunately, they are joint guides. By the end of this more intimate relief trip, both of them had almost recovered. Looking back, they also discovered a lot of doubts.

Taoist Master Kongkong said at the beginning, "Pindao, there is nothing you want here." This must not be a lie. He also said that he ate the petals. If the petals are really the product of the deepest part of the primordial abyss, they will be completely eroded soon after eating them. Even if Taoist Master Kongkong is extremely powerful, he has opened up two journeys of 30 degrees north latitude and kept chanting the Qing Jing Sutra. Then take out the petals.

‘The petals he eats will be immediately absorbed by the butterfly fragments and cannot be taken out completely’

Bingyi speculated based on his own experience that if the two gold rings were really flower petals, the red team could hand them over firstly because he did not eat the flowers, and the petals were left by the red director at that time to maintain his spiritual imprint. Secondly, I'm afraid It's because there are no butterfly fragments in the red team's body, and the petals will not stay on him.

‘Do butterfly fragments stay where they are after death? ’

'Every ten years the butterfly fragments are returned to various parts of the world'

An Xuefeng shook his head, so I'm afraid Taoist Master Kong Kong's mental mark did not leave any petals, but swallowing the petals before polluted his spirit, allowing him to simulate petals, and even simulate extremely realistic petal pollution. First he covered his face with his long hair, but then he lifted up his long hair to reveal his face, specifically reminding them not to look at his face. This series of actions was superfluous... The point at which he lifted up his hair was deliberately done by Taoist priest Kongkong after listening to Bingyi. When he mentioned the light group to An Xuefeng, could it be that he was tempted to test it at that time?

An Xuefeng sighed in his heart. Even if there was only a little mental imprint left that had been polluted to the extreme, Taoist Master Kongkong still had such methods, which made him feel a little admiration. Did he sense the suspicion in Bingyi? definitely. But he could obviously use more gentle methods to test, so as not to stir up everything so crazily - was this a warning to them that something was wrong with their companions?

‘I’m afraid I want you to see my true face’

Bingyi laughed at himself: "I'm really responsible - even I don't know what I am."

'You are my dear'

The snow leopard touched the big cat's forehead and said warmly: "We have always been together. If you want to say that, it's time for Taoist Master Kongkong to let Yu Xiangyang see our true colors."


Bingyi was amused by his words. He licked the tip of the snow leopard's nose, his beard trembled and said with a smile: "Let's go back and let him see our true colors."

Retracting the tip of the tail that had been licked clean by the snow leopard, Bingyi ordered the snow leopard to carry it on his back and walk back without any fear of Taoist Master Kong Kong: "He should be feeling very uncomfortable now."

It's just a little spiritual mark. He has to keep reciting the Jing Jing Sutra to suppress his own distortion, but he just simulated the petals and the power of the petals. This is enough to break the balance maintained by the spiritual mark of Taoist Master Kong Kong and bring everything to the verge of collapse.

"The reason why sentient beings do not know the true way is because they have delusional minds; when they have delusional minds, they are startled by their gods; when they are frightened by their gods, they are attached to all things; when they are attached to all things, they are greedy; when they are greedy, they are troubled -"

Sure enough, after they returned to the snow nest, they heard the sound of chanting the Qingjing Sutra again. It was still as clear and clear as gold and jade, and as sweet as the sound of Taoism, but a little hoarse. Yu Xiangyang was squatting at the entrance of the snow cave waiting for them. He was not with Taoist Master Kongkong, so he obviously noticed something. Seeing that the snow leopard and the big cat returned safely, it was relieved, and then shook its head solemnly.

'He has no reaction'

The three of them went down to the depths of the snow nest and saw a sheet of white snow. The original plain dark robe was opened by clusters of white diamond-shaped petals. There were red lines in the petals, which was magical and magnificent. Kongkong Daochang's back is straight, his eyes are closed, and his expression is calm, as if he is chanting sutras among flowers. The petals are growing next to his cheeks, at the tips of his ears, in his eye sockets, and on his collarbones - these are not petals, they are distortions. The white bones, the red lines on them pulsating like life, are actually blood vessels.

Even the Qing Jing Sutra could not suppress the distortion caused by petal pollution. In just a few seconds, Taoist Master Kong Kong grew three small petals in front of his eyes, like intertwined dragon scales. No, maybe the distortion didn't happen at this time. I'm afraid in the past, when everyone was pulled back to the hotel after the journey, only Master Kongkong stayed in this vast snowfield. He was in this miserable state until he died.

But can people who are completely contaminated still ‘die’? The scene in front of them made both An Xuefeng and Yu Xiangyang feel heavy and unspeakable. But the silver-white cat just glanced at Renhua before jumping off the snow leopard's back and walking to Taoist Master Kongkong's side.


There was a sound like the collision of gold and stone. The big cat stretched out its sharp claws and knocked on the clusters of bone petals growing on the knees of the Taoist Priest. The petals were the longest here, making the Taoist Priest cross-legged and chanting sutras with his eyes closed look like he was sitting down. The lotus platform shows a terrifying and sacred beauty. But Bingyi obviously doesn't care about this kind of beauty at the moment. The tip of its claws lit up, and the sharp cat claws turned into spiritual lancets, and then its body was filled with the polluting power of a little flower - just now, Taoist Master Kongkong deliberately imbued it with When it affected him, Bingyi relied on An Xuefeng to share the pollution to stay sane, deliberately retaining a bit of pollution.

Just waiting to kill Taoist Master Kongkong right here!

"Clang clang clang, clang clang clang--"

This time Bingyi was not trying to stimulate Taoist Master Kong Kong. When the cat's claws were waved, there was only a clanging sound like chiselling stone, and the rhombus-shaped bone petals were quickly chopped off to the ground. He gave An Xuefeng a look and told them to quickly collect the bone fragments. This was the same pollution as the Flower of the Abyss! Although there are no petals in Taoist Master Kongkong’s spiritual imprint, the heavy pollution is real. Whether it is from the perspective of allowing the Taoist Master to regain his consciousness and forcing him to talk about the past or from collecting the pollution of flowers of the abyss, this Lancet C One was really prepared to use it early in the morning - he didn't believe that the cut spiritual imprint of Taoist Master Kongkong could still be taken to the hotel. What a fun that would be!

The big silver-white cat jumped onto Taoist Master Kongkong's knees and worked hard, cutting off piles of petals. When he cut off the petals growing at Taoist Master Kongkong's heart, he heard the chanting pause for a moment, and continued continuously. Amidst the clanging sound of chiseling stones, Taoist Master Kongkong, who had kept his eyes closed, slowly opened his eyes. His eyes were a little blank, as if he didn't know how he could still wake up.

Until his eyes fell on the big white cat lying on his chest, leaning forward to scratch the petals on his face, Kong Daolong's eyes froze, and he showed a rare expression as if he had seen a ghost.

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