Thriller Tour Group

816 Icelandic Horror (324) Taoist Master Kongkong...

"Zhizhizhi!" 'He is still chanting sutras'

An Xuebao walked vigorously through the snow with the big cat on his back, and in a blink of an eye he reached the side of the mountain. This place was different from the place where everyone rested in the original dream. In order to prevent other elders from being affected when someone 'wakes up' Encountering an unexpected disaster, Yu Xiangyang's father, Grandma Miao and others were taken away to rest alone by An Xuefeng and others under various excuses.

The white snow has been falling all day, and the snow is so thick that it is unimaginable. The tour guides and tourists who went out to herd sheep were isolated and unable to return for the time being. But the people on the volcano also had a hard time, unless there was something like a corn shoot. The huge foodie can eat up the snow on the entire mountain. Otherwise, it is useless to clear the snow in front of the volcanic cave. The snow on the edge will continue to accumulate, and in the end it will be like a cocoon if it collapses.

Parents in old dreams had no choice but to give up on caves long ago and dug snow nests one by one to take shelter from the cold wind. The snow nest on the thick snow is like a rabbit hole. You can't see anything at first glance. Only when you get closer can you observe something - the little red-haired monkey Yu Xiangyang suddenly emerged from behind a flat snow. The one that came out was so startled that the tip of the snow-white cat's tail swung, the cat's ears were curled back and the tips of its paws were itching, and the cat's instinct almost made it start to hunt.

Fortunately, he is now more interested in what Yu Xiangyang said.

‘Still chanting? ’

Bingyi asked curiously: 'How many times has he woken up? ’

'He didn't go back to sleep after he woke up'

Yu Xiangyang sighed helplessly: 'And whether this counts as waking up... we can't make a conclusion yet.'

After all, it seems that Taoist Master Kongkong just closed his eyes and chanted sutras after waking up, without any reaction to the people outside. No matter how Yu Xiangyang tried to talk to him or even just sat on his head, he could not make the other party move at all. And according to what Yu Xiangyang said, although Taoist Master Kongkong 'woke up', his father's body appeared with a halo that looked like a humanoid, but it didn't have the weird and scary feeling that the yellow guide and the red guide had when he woke up, and it didn't look like the red team's. In this way, the health status changes, showing the tragic situation of dying.

He turned his back and started chanting sutras with his eyes closed, calmly and indifferently, as if this vast white snow was not contaminated by any pollution. Moreover, as soon as he started reciting the sutra, he recited it till now without stopping at all. This situation made Yu Xiangyang begin to hesitate. Did his father suddenly have some enlightenment and retreat to chant sutras, or did they really awaken Taoist Master Kongkong?

After all, this is a metaphor for Xiangyang's father to awaken the spiritual imprint of the previous generation of metaphysics veteran Taoist Master Kongkong! In theory, this should be possible, but after all, there is no precedent. No one can say to what extent the spiritual imprint can be awakened in this case. It may also be that the spiritual imprint is not fully awakened. After all, Yu Xiangyang is not the captain of metaphysics. , Secondly, without the butterfly fragments, it is hard to say how much his calling can awaken the spiritual imprint.

Hearing is false but seeing is believing, so Bingyi decided to go to the snow nest to see it. The mouth of the snow cave is not big, and the surrounding snow is very thick. The most important thing is that there are small red-haired paws embedded on the left and right of the snow cave entrance, as if they are pulling hard on the entrance of the snow cave. The two claws are also connected to long arm bones to clear the surrounding snow and prevent the cave entrance from being flooded.

Thanks to these two zombie claws, Yu Xiangyang was able to stay safely deep in the snow nest for a long time and continue to try to communicate with people who woke up. When the big white cat burrowed, it tried its best to curl itself into a ball and prevent its long, soft and clean white hair from rubbing against its red claws. An Xuefeng didn't have this taboo. The big snow leopard squeezed in and opened the hole completely. Even the two red claws were crushed into the snow. It was using its arm bones to support itself, like He was trying to pull himself out like a bug, which looked a little pitiful.

But Bingyi didn't pay attention to what happened next. His interest in the zombie claws only lasted for a few minutes, and then he was completely attracted by the sounds coming from the depths of the snow cave. It's strange. The snow cave is obviously not deep, but when he was outside and at the entrance of the snow cave, Bingyi didn't hear any sound until now.

"The old man said: The great road is invisible, giving birth to the heaven and the earth; the great road is ruthless, moving the sun and the moon; the great road is nameless, nourishing all things; I don't know its name, so I call it Tao*"

It is more appropriate to say that it is chanting sutras, but it is actually more appropriate to say that it is singing sutras. The male voice singing sutras is long and clear, seeming calm, rational and ruthless, but if you listen carefully, you can hear a trace of compassion and compassion. His voice is like a handful of extremely clean first snow, which makes people feel sad. After listening to the sutras, people have a feeling that their souls have been cleansed. Even ordinary people who have never heard of sutras can feel that the sutras are profound and humane, and that they have a good background.

‘This is the Qing Jing Sutra’

Yu Xiangyang whispered to Bingyi that the full name of the Purity Sutra is "Tai Shang Laojun Speaks of Chang Qing Jing Sutra". It is a very important classic in Taoism and is a daily lesson that Taoist priests of many sects such as Quanzhen Sect need to recite. Although Yu Xiangyang is not a Taoist priest, he has been following Taoist priests for so many years in Laoshan, so he knows these things very well. One trip encountered a dangerous situation at the Taiqing Palace in Laoshan. When he had a near-death experience, Taoist Half-Life chanted the Jing Jing Sutra to kill the evil spirits and protect his seriously injured teammates. In the end, everyone was lucky enough to return to the hotel alive, but Taoist Half-Life suffered a disease that even the hotel could not cure. He was seriously injured and was mute for more than half a year before he could finally speak again.

Yu Xiangyang was extremely anxious at that time, but Banming Taoist always gave him a sign saying that the secret must not be leaked. It wasn't until Yu Xiangyang pressed him again when he was finally able to speak that the Half-Life Taoist finally revealed something.

His initial title is 'Chanting', which means he can exert extraordinary powers when chanting scriptures, such as exorcising ghosts, warding off evil spirits, divination and offering sacrifices. When the title is upgraded to a strong enough level, every line he sings can even Stimulate the effect represented by this verse. Team Lao Chen was very happy at that time. He gave him two scriptures and asked him to sing them every day. One was the "Qing Jing Jing" and the other was the "Tao Te Ching". He said that this was almost the strongest inheritance in the inner library of metaphysics. , he hoped that Taoist Ban Ming could grasp it and create greater glory.

It's a pity that Taoist Ban Ming made a mistake. His title reached a bottleneck at that time, so Team Chen asked him to go out to lead the team to relax. As a result, Taoist Ban Ming joined forces with metaphysics and homecoming to cross the Miluo River. After "Songs of Chu", he could only sing "Tianwen", and his title rose to the highest level of orange. This made Captain Chen so angry that Yu Xiangyang applied medicine to the sighing half-life Taoist every day. , one can imagine how ruthless Captain Chen was.

At that time, he thought Chen Cheng was an idiot. How could he beat someone up like that? But now watching Taoist Master Kongkong chant the Jing Jing Sutra, Yu Xiangyang understood why Team Chen was so heartbroken and so angry that he almost threw Cen Qin into the river.

It turns out that this chanting of the Qing Jing Sutra is most likely the inheritance left by Taoist Master Kong Kong! You can see how strong it is from the "Great Way" sung in the first few lines of the Qing Jing Sutra. This is simply a direct reference to the rules! If it can be sung and the power of each verse can be brought out, that would be absolutely amazing. Master Kong Kong's Taoist title "Kong Kong" is probably also an adaptation of the sentence in the Qing Jing Sutra: "Viewing the sky is empty, and there is nothing empty; what is empty is nothing, and there is nothing; there is nothing, and there is always silence"!

So what kind of dangerous situation was it at that time that allowed Taoist Master Kongkong to leave the spiritual imprint of repeatedly chanting the Jing Jing Sutra?

‘What words did you use to wake him up? ’

Bingyimao curiously walked around Yu Xiangyang's father several times, and finally found out something strange about Qingyue's peaceful chanting. He found that no matter whether he walked around in front or behind, Yu Xiangyang's father turned his back to Their. Even if Bingyi and Yu Xiangyang were in front of each other, they would only see their backs.

Interestingly, this makes Bingyi want to know the current state of Taoist Master Kongkong.

‘Can’t remember’

Yu Xiangyang sighed helplessly. The little red-haired monkey scratched his head and laughed at himself: "My mind is empty now and I have forgotten all the key points."

‘It is the influence of Taoist Master Kong Kong’

An Xuefeng became more and more curious when he saw Bingyi's gaze, and whispered to him: "Yu Xiangyang and I have made nearly a hundred attempts before. He came to stimulate Taoist Master Kongkong while I watched and recorded, but our A piece of memory is often missing'

It was a complete lack, and he couldn't think of anything. It was almost a rule. As long as he was chanting sutras, it would be difficult for An Xuefeng and the others to come into contact with the most real things. And it is unrealistic to block his mouth. After all, this person has the back of his head, front, back, left and right, and no mouth at all.

'The rules of amnesia...'

The big white cat rolled its eyes and walked around Yu Xiangyang's father again, observing the circle of light attached to his body. After all, they are not blood relatives. Taoist Master Kongkong's mental state cannot be awakened in Yu Xiangyang's father, and can only be half-attached and half-free around him, so there is always light. But Yu Xiangyang said that the light was a little dimmer than when he first woke up.

Staying awake will consume the remaining power in the spiritual imprint. If Taoist Master Kongkong continues to chant sutras like this, I am afraid that the spiritual imprint will be completely broken before midnight tonight. What a waste. How many more clues could have been obtained if the interrogation was changed into different stages? Bingyi felt heartbroken!

But he already had an idea.

'He can only recite sutras, perhaps because the relationship between Yu Xiangyang's father and him is too far, and the power of the spiritual imprint cannot be fully exerted.'

Bingyi said, Yu Xiangyang nodded seriously, he also thought it was possible, so does Bingyi have a way to completely wake up the spiritual imprint? Yes, Bingyi is so mentally strong, maybe there is a way. The little red-haired monkey's eyes suddenly lit up, and he listened attentively. Then he saw the big cat squatting down, raising its front paws, pink and tender Between the flesh pads and the snow-white cat hair, translucent claw tips popped out, shining like the sharpest blade with a cold light - no, Bingyi's nails were the blades!

"We are very pressed for time, and we don't have much time to talk in vain, so we can't waste it on repetitive test slogans."

Bingyi moved the cat's claws, and the claw tips with the cold light of the blade moved one after another. This scene looked horrifying and weird, making Yu Xiangyang's heart feel like it was pinched... Oops, he probably guessed what Bingyi wanted to do.

‘Since they cannot be completely integrated, then separate them and find another medium for awakening’

The big white cat smiled, flicked his fingertips, and his voice was like a devil whispering: "Come and try the almighty spiritual lancet. I am the best at using the knife." ’

As he spoke, the big white cat eagerly moved its paws towards the back, but at this moment, the distant sound of chanting suddenly paused for a moment!

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