Thriller Tour Group

815 Icelandic Horror (323) Gate of the Abyss

Director Huang did not connect with tourists along the way. She was not a butcher tour guide, but she was able to maintain her strongest zero state and fight for a long time, and then regained consciousness again and again. She was undoubtedly powerful, but she could maintain herself in the pollution of the abyss. Director Huang also had her own The secret.

‘She integrated the token of 30 degrees north latitude into her body’

An Xuefeng said with a complicated expression. In fact, the idea of ​​merging the thirty degrees north latitude token is not too shocking. Anyone who has reached the level of a pioneer and wants to become stronger and break free has more or less tried it. However, No one has succeeded in this decade - even ruthless people like astrologers can fuse butterfly fragments with their own title-specific props, and then form a tattoo on the back of their hands, but when it comes to fusing the token of the journey to the 30th North Latitude So far no one has succeeded.

Everyone generally thinks that this is because the exploration degree is not 100%, but this is just a guess. An Xuefeng, who currently has the highest exploration degree, is crazy and keeps the pyramid's exploration degree at 99%, just not taking that step. One step, I don’t know how many people have complained behind the scenes, but so far there is really no example to prove whether the journey token of 30 degrees north latitude can be integrated after the exploration degree is 100%.

Now there is finally a successful case, that is Director Huang in the past. Not only did she fuse the token of the 30th North Latitude, but she also melted the corresponding butterfly fragment into her dragon claw. The adventure of a near-death life gained her strong strength, and she also gained the power to shield the hotel from the gaze of the hotel according to the rules. Let her husband be an ordinary person in reality instead of being dragged away by the hotel.

At the same time, she can resist the erosion of the abyss. Even if she fights at Zero for a year and a half, she may not completely lose control. After all, Director Huang has a 100% explorable journey to 30 degrees north latitude, and it also incorporates the 30 degrees north latitude token. She can hide in it at any time if she encounters danger. During the journey, the butterfly fragments she merged with were also the butterfly fragments corresponding to this journey, which would somewhat weaken the erosion of the human body.

It was with this hard power that Director Huang was able to persist to the end in the bottomless pit. Even Taoist Master Kongkong, who had the most stable Taoist heart, disappeared, and she still persisted alone for a long time.

But this prevented her from contacting the most real primitive abyss.

‘If you want to reach the true primitive abyss, you must approach it infinitely. This is not a distance in space, but a distance in thought. ’

The snow leopard licked the paw that the big cat had pressed on the tip of its nose, sucked in the clean cat paw, then rubbed the pink flesh pad between its teeth and licked the softest fur between its toes.

The bottomless pit is a bottomless pit in the literal sense. If someone can stay awake forever, then even if he spends his whole life falling in the bottomless pit, he will never reach the real primitive abyss. Of course, being able to find a bottomless pit is in a sense 'related' to the abyss. The polluted black mist and abyss monsters encountered on the way down are actually making people fall into the abyss faster. And reach the real end.

'Returning to zero affected my mother's thinking. You know, most dragons are not good at thinking, especially the magic dragon'

An Xuefeng couldn't help but defended his mother. Then he saw the big white cat's shining eyes and knew what Bingyi was thinking. He couldn't help laughing and said: "In the old dream, when she was this age, there was no Fusion of tokens and butterfly fragments, it was quite late to explore the primitive abyss... you know'

The light in the big white cat's blue eyes suddenly dimmed by half, so it was impossible to discuss with Director Huang how to move the butterfly fragments into the props.

Alas, the fusion of the Thirty Degrees North Latitude token is not bad, after all, the owl Xiaoguang is also a bit of a different kind of fusion. But what Bingyi is looking forward to most is how to remove the butterfly fragment from his heart. This thing affects him too much and even makes him lose control of his body. This is something Bingyi cannot bear.

Of course, the ‘wake up’ Director Huang must know what to do, but...

'I'll ask'

An Xuefeng knew what Bingyi was worried about, and his way of thinking and methods would not change even if he lost his memory. As early as in the Sahara, he had successfully transferred the butterfly fragments from the ancient oasis into the vampire knife. It was just that the right time, place and people were right. The vampire knife was originally the mouthpart of a butterfly. Wouldn't transferring the butterfly fragments be the same as returning home? At that time, the butterfly fragment was still trying desperately not to leave Bingyi's body, and even used cocoon silk to block it, which left a big shadow in An Xuefeng's heart.

Even if Bingyi didn't say anything, he had already made up his mind that he would definitely ask Director Huang for more advice.


Bingyi purred twice with satisfaction, then rubbed his cheek to the snow leopard's mouth as a reward, letting it help lick and clean the snow foam on its beard.

After understanding this, Director Huang no longer resisted the pollution, and finally successfully reached the primitive abyss. After landing, the bottomless tunnel above their heads disappeared. It didn't matter. After all, they had already issued a military order and were prepared to sacrifice on this trip. After landing, there were no companions around, which was normal. After all, Director Huang had persisted for too long, and there was a bit of time lag with the rest of the army.

But Director Huang was really unlucky. He landed in a very bad place. The vast and dark space around him was filled with numerous large and small butterfly chrysalises. They were wrapped with silk cocoons and absorbed energy from all directions. I don’t know where they came from. Come, the pollution in the abyss is so strong that it condenses into a black water river. There are human skins filled with bulging bags of pollution, butterfly chrysalis and human skins, and the gaps in the river water are also filled with black and green mushrooms wrapped in heavy pollution. Those cocoons are like Wrapping around and sucking on these 'foods', it looks like a very scary mess hall for butterfly cubs.

What’s even more frightening is that almost all the chrysalis wherever you look are trembling and pulsating like breathing. They are all alive and will hatch soon! Just a few seconds after Director Huang landed, cocoon silk tentatively wrapped around him, trying to see if the big guy could suck it.

Director Huang immediately returned to zero and left this scary and strange place. She didn't do anything to the chrysalis, and the cocoons didn't stop her. Director Huang followed the polluted black river all the way up. The number of butterfly chrysalis around him dropped sharply, but they grew larger and larger. The smell of pollution above was so strong that it could make people blind. Director Huang was alert, nervous and excited, because with the red According to the information provided by the director, the Gate of the Abyss was originally surrounded by a group of butterfly chrysalis.

The Primordial Abyss is very large, but when you see scattered chrysalis around, it means that you are approaching the core area. The level of the chrysalis increases, indicating that it is approaching the real gate of the abyss.

Before heading to the bottomless pit, Director Huang and his exploration team first found the junction of the Kingdom of Fire and the Kingdom of Mist, and got a glimpse of the Gate of the Abyss in the rising fog. So when he actually arrived in front of the Gate of the Abyss, Director Huang recognized it immediately. Director Huang didn't even mention how many life and death dangers there were along the way, but the Gate of the Abyss was such an easy place to find. Just coming from the bottomless pit to the primitive abyss will be invaded by the depth of pollution, completely returning to zero, and only by approaching infinitely close to the abyss can we succeed. When the Gate of the Abyss appeared in front of Director Huang, what did she agree with?

‘It’s a butterfly fragment’

An Xuefeng said, he suppressed his personal feelings when he came to the key point, and spoke calmly and in detail: 'Her fused butterfly fragments are glowing, and the blue-purple light can shine through her hard scales. Not only her, but other companions who went down into the abyss together were also standing not far from the door of the abyss, their bodies also shining with blue-purple light.

Taoist Master Kongkong, Our Lady of White Church, and Grandma Miao are all here, and their bodies are all shining with blue-purple light. Director Huang immediately knew that if he wanted to truly come to the abyss, he would have to be infinitely close to the abyss. If he wanted to come to the gate of the abyss, he must have the butterfly fragment. People without butterfly fragments may get lost, may not be able to enter the abyss, or may... die.

Director Huang didn't want to be so pessimistic, but when she first noticed that there was no Director Hong in front of the Gate of the Abyss, when she noticed that Taoist Master Kongkong and others were looking at her, they were first surprised, and then overjoyed when they discovered that she was coming alone. His eyes turned anxious and bitter, and when he was helpless and disappointed, Director Huang's heart sank, knowing that the worst thing might happen.

Something happened to the red team.

Something happened to the red team, and the red director went to look for him in a hurry, and then he didn't come back.

'As you said before, the butterfly fragment longs to be restored to integrity and re-nirvana. It was just a coincidence that the strong men holding the butterfly fragment gathered at the gate of the abyss.'

An Xuefeng analyzed seriously: "I suspect that the abyss is 'summoning' the fragments, subtly catalyzing everyone's thoughts, and finally the trip to Iceland was made." Along the way, Director Huang saw the cocoon bulging, which was also a sign that the butterfly was about to emerge from the cocoon. These butterflies are the servants of the Maria butterfly. They will emerge from the cocoon before the Maria butterfly and prepare food for it.'

‘So taken together, it is very likely that the Maria butterflies were about to emerge from their cocoons and reunite as one. And the butterfly is born from the flower, and the butterfly fragments should eventually return to the flower, so I think there is a high probability that they finally saw the flower.'

What An Xuefeng said made sense. The big white cat was silent for a moment, but then said quietly: 'Then...'

‘Then if something happens, we have to wake them up and investigate again’

An Xuefeng pondered: "You can't just call Director Huang, but also listen to it. Grandma Miao and Taoist Master Kongkong must also start to wake them up." By the way, take care of the phantom cat. It has been hanging around Granny Miao and the others recently. I think it has some ideas...'

'That's not what I said'

However, An Xuebao secretly rubbed the little eye drops and was interrupted by the big white cat impatiently before he finished applying it. The big white cat took a bite of the snow leopard's fur, slapped its tail on the snow leopard's waist, and flicked the tip of its tail: 'The red director is in a hurry to find the red team, what next? ’

Who can bear it when the story ends halfway through?

An Xuefeng coughed and explained: "Then there was no more, and this is the third time I woke up."

Bingyi is obviously very dissatisfied with this kind of card, but there is nothing he can do about it. Everyone has a different perspective. If you want to know more about the red director looking for the red team, you have to start with the red director. But Bing was still a little worried about the red guide. After thinking about it, he thought he could start with someone else.

‘Is Yu Xiangyang’s father awake?’

Bingyi pondered and asked: ‘Perhaps we can start from Taoist Master Kongkong. ’

After all, the red team and Guangtuan mentioned Taoist Master Kongkong, and Guangtuan also proposed pairing Taoist Kongkong with Hong Dao Lalang. Later, they mistakenly thought that the red team was jealous of Taoist Kongkong and wanted him to die. It was hard to tell whether it was true or not. .

But if this studious light group really listened to the red team's suggestion and went to find the red guide, then it should also go to see Taoist Master Kongkong. Especially after An Xuefeng said that Director Huang said that the first people to arrive at the Gate of the Abyss were Director Hong and Taoist Master Kongkong, maybe he would know more.

‘It has been awakened, but maybe it’s because the spiritual imprint was not fully awakened’

An Xuefeng said helplessly: "After he woke up, he just closed his eyes and chanted sutras, without any reaction to anything outside."

‘Reciting sutras? ’

Bingyi became interested: "Let's go, take me to see"

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