Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 783 The Horror of Iceland (299)

Fenrir Wolf was galloping along the way, running faster and faster with the force of wind and snow. It was around twelve o'clock when they set out at noon, and now they have just stopped after walking around for a while, so there is still plenty of time.

"B2, B5 and a5 are all gone?"

On Fenrir Wolf's way up the mountain, Bingyi glanced at the cave halfway up the mountain where Yier and the others were temporarily staying. These people were marked by the sun god's gaze, but Bingyi did not feel their presence.

'father! Little Butterfly said they were going to pick someone up’

The snow layer rose up inch by inch, like a giant mountain rising out of the ground. The thick snow slid down its bright yellow body. The giant mountain-protecting worm and corn shoots immediately raised their heads after hearing the father's question. At this moment, it is almost at full size, so big that it can wrap around the volcano Wanadalshenuk, giving people a visual shock, no greater than the giant snake Jörmungandr that surrounds the world.

From the foot of the mountain to the middle of the mountain to the top of the mountain, the white snow is full of bright yellow chrysanthemums. The huge bodies of corn shoots are hidden in the snow. Thousands of tentacles are gradually exposed, and you can feel everything coming. Creatures that arrive or leave the volcano, Corn Shoots naturally know when Yiwu and the others left, especially the little butterfly who specially pulled its tentacles to leave a message.

‘This is what Little Butterfly gave to my father! ’

A tentacle of the corn shoot rolled up and brought something to Bingyi's hand. Since he was a small round bird, he couldn't take it for a look, so the dragon hunter took it for him and put it in front of Bingyi. What Yi Er left for him was a piece of horn, and he didn't know whether he took it from Yi Wu or A5. There were only a few lines of words engraved on it, almost like a letter. C Yi glanced at it and knew that Yi Wu and so on. People's movements, let the dragon hunter and fang hunter also read the letter.

The three of them, B2, B5a5, did not stay in the volcano. B5a5 went to pick up people. Bingyi said before that they could pick up the passengers from their own team. They set off together soon after they fully recovered their strength. Bingjiu supervised them and planned to bring the loyal brother B2 (fainting sheep) and the a2 team. Yun Tianhe was brought back to his brother.

"Picking someone up? I think he ran away."

The tooth hunter snorted coldly and didn't think much of them: "There are more people, and there are more useless people."

"Expensive essence is not expensive."

The dragon hunter also said, but after thinking for a moment, he spoke again: "But people gathering in Iceland is not a bad thing."

No matter tourists, tour guides or hunters, they all have camps. The East and West areas are on one side, and the Nordic gods, giants and foreign gods are on the other side. And Bingyi has been involved in many Nordic camps all the way up to now, but he is also He is not touched by a single leaf, and is valued and feared by all camps. He can be regarded as another big camp.

And after many creatures that survived the Wolf Winter are transported back to believe in the sun, Bingyi's power will expand again. Roughly calculating, he has Fenrir Wolf, Corn Snake Jörmungandr, Xiao Cui, Vulcan believers, sun believers, parasitic bacteria from the abyss, angels conquered by him, etc., it is definitely considered that there are The strength of the separatist party.

But the tourist guides are still a variable. If they can be gathered together and included in their own power, Bingyi will be sure of victory in Ragnarok.

"I can't even say that I'm sure of winning."

Sunbird smiled, and then heard Ya Hunter snort. Ya Hunter was arrogant and confident. He was by no means a humble person. His tone would be arrogant no matter how powerful he was. Therefore, I always felt that Bingyi was a bit pretentious and would dominate Northern Europe. You admit it, why are you being modest? Besides, even if you are modest and have strength here, no one will believe your lies.

But Bingyi is really not being modest. Indeed, he has a plan for both the Nordic side and the outer gods, so there won't be any big problems. But he always felt that there were variables in the owl Xiaoguang and the poisonous spider, as well as the phantom cat... Bingyi always felt that it was planning something and had to prepare in advance.

"Bingyi, you are back now!"

Even though Fenrir Wolf is huge, it can perfectly hide in the Wolf Winter. They didn't disturb anyone else along the way. The dragon hunter only went into the volcanic cave to help bring B1 out. B1, who hurriedly walked into the wind and snow wearing a tour guide's cloak, saw the giant wolf and the red light of the sun within a few steps, and hurried forward with joy in his heart.

"Come up, I'm coming back just for you."

Sunbird stuck out his head and looked B1 up and down. Seeing that he was in good condition and energetic, he knew that An Xuefeng had done a good job in resurrecting people in his old dream - making people from abyssal sheepskin was a new job after all, An Xue Feng wanted to practice his skills first, so he chose b1. The incarnation in b1's old dream is the black sheep. He is a tour guide and is related to the abyss, which is more suitable for the abyss sheepskin. In addition, he is considered a person on Bingyi's side. Although Maria was also a sheep in her old dream, this person is still difficult to control in heaven.

So far, the runes corresponding to the tour guide have not been released. An Xuefeng is also worried about Bingyi. On the surface, the reason is sufficient, but in fact, it is somewhat self-serving. He wants to see if the power of the abyss sheepskin can replace the runes to resurrect the tour guide's incarnation. Seeing that b1 is so energetic now, An Xuefeng should have achieved some success in his old dream.

"Okay, I'm here."

After hearing what Bingyi said, B1 didn't ask why. He used the power of the ghost to float up without saying a word. He learned his lesson and didn't get so close to Bingyi. After picking up the good people, Bingyi called out Xiaocui, took Xiaocui's insect wing from b1's hand, and merged it with the insect wing in his hand. This is the key to Xiao Ming Kingdom.

Just as they came quietly, the group of people left quietly, Fenrir Wolf carried Bingyi, Dragon Hunter, Fang Hunter and B1 into the Little Hades Kingdom. The entry of the sunbird into the Kingdom of Hades may cause power turmoil, so Bingyi wrapped the whole bird in a deep sheepskin, with only two holes poked in the sheepskin to expose its eyes, which looked particularly funny and cute.

"Woof woof woof!"

With these two holes, Wangcai immediately identified Bingyi. The huge three-headed dog Wangcai was waiting for them at the entrance. He barked excitedly when he saw the visitor. Wangcai was still standing beside him. A person, none other than Tong Hege

"The road to the Kingdom of Mist lies deep in the Palace of Death."

Tong Hege rode on Wangcai and led them the way: "Xiaocui is consolidating the passage over there, let's go directly."

The Death Palace is the Eludnir Palace that was moved directly from the Nordic Kingdom of Hades. It is as grand and ancient as when it was first seen in the Kingdom of Hades. It is deathly silent and gloomy. The tall arches can accommodate giants to enter and exit. Even if Fenrir Wolf does not It is easy to enter even if you shrink your body. Along the way, Tong Hege explained the current status of the passage to the Country of Mist with Dragon Hunter and others, and secretly chatted with Bingyi to report the situation.

Currently, Yu Hehui is responsible for monitoring the little lizards in the Land of Fire and controlling the construction of the Lost Paradise from a distance. Di Feiyu's soul in the Lost Paradise has recovered and took over his work after Tong Hege left, taking his distortion with him. Kunpeng fed the big cow together. The soul of Balder, the god of light, who has a somewhat unstable temper, is staying with the owl Xiaoguang, and his mood is very stable. Friend of God - now a friend of Satan, Raguel has compiled a set of laws and rules of Paradise Lost according to Bingyi's wishes and is waiting for his review. At the same time, he is also arranging a divine song with Xiao Guang. He is very superior. .

"With the influence of Raphael, Raguel and Xiaoguang, Uriel's angel statue also shows signs of corruption. There should be many angels here before Ragnarok."

Tong Hege hesitated to speak and said hesitantly: 'You sent Flame Angel and Raphael to guard the train together, I'm worried..."

'worry about what? Worried about the Norse gods being drawn in? ’

Bingyi smiled and said lightly: "Don't worry, the Nordic gods will never have time to look at the world anymore."

‘You...hey! ’

Although Tong Hege didn't fully understand Bingyi's plan to slay dragons, snakes, dig up the fountain of wisdom, and steal the homes of the gods, he also knew that he was full of bad intentions and was very unfriendly to the gods both inside and outside of his words - as long as he did If something bigger happened, of course the gods would have no time to look at the human world! So he smiled and simply stopped worrying. He would definitely have to follow Bingyi anyway. The Kingdom of Fog is so big, if you want to find the roots of the World Tree quickly and accurately, you have to rely on his induction to lead the way.

Of course, the Nordic World Tree is destined to collapse, and Tong Hege will not miss the opportunity to come back with a bite.


The three-headed dog led them through the Palace of Death without any obstruction, and quickly reached the deepest part. Xiaocui, who had transformed into a human form, looked forward to it and was very excited. After exchanging a few pleasantries, she wasted no time in talking about the passage to the Kingdom of Mist. It looks like a hazy mist, and once you walk in, you can go straight to the Kingdom of Mist. Since the Frost Giants assisted Xiaocui in opening this passage, it was to facilitate her going to Jotunheim, the country of giants, to take all the giants on ships to go to the battlefield, so the passage from the country of fog to the country of giants was also opened.

It's convenient for them to go together.

As for how to get to Asgard in the end, Bingyi has his own plan, so he won’t mention it for now. The passage built by the giants is very stable, at least it will not collapse until the collapse of the world tree when the nine worlds are in turmoil during Ragnarok. Xiaocui's dead man's nail boat is almost done. After Bingyi and others enter, she will release this huge boat and block the two passages to prevent the frost giants from moving and making it easier for Bingyi and others to come and go.

"Father, just let me and the bug cubs keep an eye on this place. You can bring Wangcai in with you."

Seeing that Bingyi Sunbird was wrapped in abyss sheepskin and had difficulty moving, the thoughtful Xiaocui suggested. Whether it is the dark country of fog or the country of giants full of ice and snow, the sun is always out of season and easy to spot, but it cannot always be wrapped in sheepskin. At this time, Xiaocui was glad that she had saved a trick - after Wangcai returned to the Kingdom of the Underworld, she did not completely remove the mark of the Sun God from Wangcai's body, but retained part of it and covered it up with a special technique. She felt that she was prepared and said Might be useful.

Just right now.

Wangcai has the mark of the Sun God, and coupled with the strong aura of the underworld, Sunbird B's power will be hidden a lot once it sits on it. Even if it is discovered, it can be fooled by the mark of Wangcai. Besides, Bingyi is a bird, which has nothing to do with the image of the Nordic sun for thousands of years. If you pay attention to it, there will be no problem.

"Bring Wangcai and my token to see the poisonous dragon. It should lower its guard and be more easily plotted."

Xiaocui was cautious and did not reveal Wangcai and the sun mark in front of others, but she covered it up. Instead, she secretly chatted with Bingyi alone and then found another excuse. The mythical poisonous dragon Nidhogg was related to the god of death. Hela and the hell dog Garm went to the Ragnarok battlefield together. Now that the time is approaching, going to Nidhogg will not arouse its suspicion at all.

"That's convenient."

Bingyi checked Wangcai and was very satisfied. So far, their team includes leaders, undercover agents, dragon slayers, dragon eaters, snake eaters, and tree gnawers. As long as such a luxurious team is more careful, it won't be a big problem to defeat the three major world Bingyi in the shortest time.

"Set off!"

After a short period of supplies in the Little Hades Kingdom, the group stepped into the passage of the Kingdom of Mist and headed to Niflheim, the Kingdom of Mist!

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