Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 782 Nutrient Solution 265 added

The name Nidhogg is so popular that it has appeared many times in various film and television works, novels and paintings throughout the ages. The name Nidhogg is actually a transliteration, and its original meaning is despair. According to different translations, some think it is a huge black dragon, while others think it is a terrible poisonous dragon.

But anyway, the black dragon sounds more delicious than the poisonous dragon... No.

"Did you just say we were going to eat dragons?"

While speeding back to Iceland, the tooth hunter couldn't help but ask again, his voice a little weak.

"Yes, we have an old saying, that is, you are what you eat."

Bingyi also smiled and replied again: "Don't worry, Nidhogg is not an abyss creature. It should smell quite delicious to you."


The fang hunter was choked. He wanted to say something but didn't know how to say it, but about eating dragons - hiss, dragons shouldn't have the habit of eating each other. When he returns to zero, he can completely transform into a dragon. Dragons eat dragons and cannibalize their own kind. , this, this, this is not good.

"What are you afraid of? You are a human, not a real dragon."

In order to race against time to integrate the newly increased power of the sun, Bing transformed into a sunbird along the way. When he heard the words, he shook his wings and used himself as an example: "I just swallowed the sun to become the new sun. It's the same."

How can this be the same! But the fang hunter stopped talking. He was deep in thought. Eat dragons to become stronger... maybe it's not impossible? Currently, transforming into a dragon is his most powerful power. Even if there is only a slight increase, the increase in strength is still considerable. Moreover, the dragon is so big, they might be able to eat it and take it with them. He has not tasted the taste of dragon meat, but the powerful flesh and blood must be good. Fenrir wolf might also like it and bring it back to the wolf pack. Point to the bones.

Thinking of this, the fang hunter felt relieved and began to plan how to kill the dragon. He was probably the main force in this battle again. The fang hunter asked Bingyi for a piece of sun flame crystal. He endured the pain of being burned and polished his scaled claws, so that enough sun could attach to the claws before the battle. With such power, he can fiercely tear the black dragon's scales apart when the time comes.

I hope it's a black dragon, a poisonous dragon doesn't sound delicious.

"I don't think there's anything wrong with eating dragons."

The dragon hunter also echoed that although he has never tried whether the crystal dragon can eat meat. Logically speaking, the dream dragon should feed on dreams...but he will always support Bingyi. Moreover, the dragon hunter knew that this matter was not simple, so he secretly asked Bingyi:

‘Is Tong Hege okay? Did Nidhogg have any impact on him? ’

The dragon hunter knew more, and Bingyi told him. Tong Hege once integrated the heart of the Nordic World Tree, and in Nordic mythology Nidhogg is entrenched at the bottom of the World Tree, gnawing at the roots until he knocks it down! Bingyi had never mentioned that he wanted to kill a dragon before. This sudden suggestion seemed to have been planned for a long time but could not be hidden from the dragon hunter, which also made him a little worried.

Could it be said that Tong Hege's feet are rotten?

‘Tong Hege is okay, the impact is not big’

Bing chatted secretly with the dragon hunter in a low voice. Although Tong Hege integrated the power of the Nordic World Tree, it was not too tree-oriented in nature. He had spiritual ginseng, polygonum multiflorum and Tai Sui base, plus Satan Bingyi fed him There are many Lost Paradise grape seeds, and the ingredients are very complex. Tong Hege told him that his power was a 'mountain ghost', which is now similar to the spirit of vegetation. Although it can turn his whole body into wood and make Odin's spear mistake him for the world tree, it is just to be able to travel in Northern Europe. The tendency to exert the strongest combat effectiveness.

Since Ragnarok is approaching, Tong Hege has consciously restrained all the power of the World Tree to avoid being affected by innocent people.

‘The big cow cares about him’

Since Tong Hege was responsible for the big cow's food and drink on the way to the Lost Paradise, and also fed it a few ginseng leaves, the big cow became very enthusiastic and concerned about him. It was rare that he was willing to communicate with Tong Hege, saying that it was him in Jinlun. When he was sleeping in the chasm, he saw that in the Kingdom of Mist, the black dragon Nidhogg gathered countless snakes and were eating tree roots in the dark. He asked Tong Hege to pay attention to his safety. By the way, it would be a waste to let dragons and snakes eat these roots. , you can feed it, it smells delicious.

This was what Tong Hege told Bingyi when he reported that cows are intelligent. If the big cow is not a pure animal but has some intelligence, then you must be more careful when leaving it in Paradise Lost.

But Bingyi’s focus is on ‘countless snakes and dragons chewing tree roots together’.

‘I’ve been wondering how a corn snake would completely transform into Jörmungandr’

Bingyi told the dragon hunter that he was not worried about Fenrir Wolf and Little Cuihela. They could basically fit into the mythology perfectly, but the corn snake really worried Bingyi. There were not many descriptions of it in Nordic mythology. It is well known that he couldn't get together when he turned into a cat and was almost caught by Thor in the sea. The former was considered a corn snake reenactment on the day White Lotus layman died, and the latter is currently very unlikely for Thor to cooperate.

Bingyi also put the corn snake into the sea, and Jörmungandr was able to circle the world in the ocean. However, the corn snake was not long enough. Although it brought back milk from that trip, its strength did not improve qualitatively. .

Ragnarok is approaching. In mythology, Jörmungandr was killed by the God of Thunder with a hammer. Seeing that the corn snake is still looking cheerful and carefree, Bingyi feels worried for it.

Fortunately, the news from Tong Hege gave him a sudden inspiration and enlightenment.

Both Fenrir Wolf and Xiao Cui are themselves, becoming stronger with their own strength and characteristics. Later, due to their relationship with Bingyi, Bingyi's recognition, and the recurrence of various incidents, they are the most secure. identity.

The disadvantage of the corn snake is that it has experienced few recurrences and has not received enough recognition. But now that Fenrir Wolf and Trihela are stable, they can completely feed the corn snake back and firmly admit that it is their brother. In addition, The recognition of Bingyi Loki, the recognition of Bingyi Sun, and more or less a repeat of the past - in terms of identity authentication, the corn snake is actually barely qualified!

The only problem now is strength. Corn snakes are derived from corn shoots, and the biggest advantage of corn shoots is naturally that they eat! If corn snakes want to get closer to Northern Europe quickly, of course eating snakes from Northern Europe is the fastest way! And the snakes that gnaw at the roots of the world tree are not ordinary snakes. They even have their own names in mythology. If you eat them to your full stomach, plus some dragon meat trimmings, the corn shoots will definitely complete the transformation. .

‘You eat the dragon, the corn snake eats the snake, and everyone has a bright future! ’

‘This feeling is good’

The dragon hunter was dumbfounded when he heard this, but even though Bingyi said this, he also knew that eating snakes and hunting dragons were not at the same level of difficulty. Bingyi was willing to spare his precious time to take them to kill dragons, and he would definitely repay them, and he wanted everyone to become stronger together. thoughts. Thinking of this dragon hunter's heart warmed, and the dream bubble was filled with sweet dreams.

The fang hunter was also in a good mood. Bingyi not only communicated with the dragon hunter in his heart, but also talked to the fang hunter outside: "The nine worlds in Northern Europe all exist based on the World Tree. There are a total of six worlds connected to the tree. The roots of the tree It also connects the three worlds.”

"Nidhogg is gnawing at the roots of the tree heading towards the Kingdom of Mist. You have to know that going to the Kingdom of Mist is not an easy task. Fortunately, my Xiaocui has reached an agreement with the giant, and soon The passage to the Kingdom of Mist was finally opened just now, just enough for us to go in and kill the dragon."

"Is it really just to kill the dragon? No way, I don't believe it."

Bingyi has always been very safe when it comes to getting things done. Even the fang hunter felt at ease when he heard that he was ready. His tone was relaxed and teasing: "You have always been a multi-line operation. Killing the dragon is definitely only one of your goals." Okay, okay, let me guess—"

"Are you still planning to go to Jotunheim?"

He said abruptly, watching Bingyi's expression changes closely. Ya Hunter, who always felt that his intelligence was suppressed, wanted to win back, but what frustrated Ya Hunter was that it was really difficult for him to see from the face of a small round bird. What expression is there, oh, he hates all the little round birds.

"You are so smart, that's what I thought!"

Look, listening to Bingyi's exaggerated praise, it's really hard to guess whether what he said is true or false.

"I must go to Jotunheim. Even if you don't tell me, I still plan to take the path of the Norse Gods."

It was boring, so the tooth hunter simply showed his cards: "Our runes haven't appeared yet, we have to find them before dusk."

So far, most of the twenty-five runes have appeared, and they indeed correspond to everyone in the brigade, that is to say, Bingyi, B1, Fang Hunter, and George who died soon, also have their own The corresponding rune. But so far, their corresponding runes have not appeared. Not only is B1, who was incarnated as death in his old dream and urgently needs to be resurrected, anxious, but the fang hunter is also unsure.

The second root of the World Tree goes deep into the Kingdom of Giants and Jotunheim, which is the home of the giants. Next to this root is Mimir, the fountain of wisdom and knowledge. Odin originally paid for one eye. , and drank the water from the fountain of wisdom in exchange for the giant Mimir who guarded the fountain of wisdom. Later, he hung upside down on the World Tree for several days and nights, saw through the mysteries of the universe, understood the runes, and finally became the God of Wisdom. It can be said that the Fountain of Wisdom is the fundamental source for Odin to understand the runes. The tooth hunter suspects that the runes that have not yet appeared must be related to it!

Regardless of whether Bing mentioned it or not, he planned to go to the Fountain of Wisdom to find out what was going on, and now it happened to coincide with it.

"You're right, but it's not comprehensive."

Bingyi deliberately said enigmatically: "Three tree roots go deep into three worlds. Both the country of fog and the country of giants have gone. I will definitely not let go of the former country."

"Hey, what are you doing there, sneaking into the lair of the gods?"

The tooth hunter sneered. The first root of the World Tree goes deep into the famous Asgard, which is the hometown of the Asa Protoss! If Bingyi comes forward with a shy face, he will definitely not be able to please... Wait a minute.

"You're not really planning to attack the lair of the gods, are you?"

Saying the same thing again, the fang hunter had changed his tone and asked more cautiously. Now that most of the gods are gathered at the Snaefell volcano, maybe there is indeed an emptiness behind. Bingyi will really boldly enter Asgard now. Isn’t it like being in a deserted place? ! The lair of the Nordic gods, how many treasures must there be? The tooth hunter suddenly became enlightened and felt that he was really out of his league.

"you guess."

But when he excitedly looked at Bingyi for confirmation, the man began to become silent again. The fang hunter snorted coldly and was too lazy to care, but he was even more motivated and began to use the flame crystals to sharpen his claws until they made a clicking sound. He could not help but actively plan how to loot the three worlds from the Kingdom of Mist!

Going out at noon and returning home in the afternoon have already looted three worlds. This is so happy!

However, Asgard is not actually Bingyi’s real goal. What he cares about is the Uld Spring next to the first tree root leading to Asgard. The name of this spring sounds strange, but when you mention it, everyone You must be familiar with it. The three sisters who live by this spring are the famous Nordic goddesses of fate. It is also called the Fountain of Destiny!


Bingyi murmured to himself. He always remembered the reminder that sounded in his mind on the first day when the old dream started: 'In the dream, you mistakenly entered the fountain of destiny of the three Norens sisters.' This reminder sounded only to him. heard it.

Since the old dream begins here, will the end of the dream also be related to the Fountain of Destiny? Today is officially the last day that the old dream ends. Thinking of his parents in the dream and Director Huang in the dream, Bingyi is determined to find out before the end of the day!

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