Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 774 The Horror of Iceland (292)

Could it be that Bingyi’s goal is to destroy all the abyssal rifts in Northern Europe? !

On the battlefield of volcanic ruins, the puppet master's pupils shrank suddenly. When she heard the God of Thunder talking about destroying the cracks, the first reaction in her mind was that this was the ultimate goal of Bingyi's series of inducements! If you want to make a person into a puppet, you not only need to be proficient in titles and high-end aesthetics, but also need to be able to figure out people's psychology. When the puppet master is still weak, she will use many inducement cues such as speech, behavior, and expressions to make the target step by step. , and eventually became her puppet.

As long as you are not a fool, when you watch a smart person do things, you don't have to worry about the various means and tricks he uses in the middle. Just look at the final result, that is his goal! So despite the fact that Taiyang Bingyi was very unhappy after the God of Thunder proposed destroying the rift and made things difficult for the gods, the gods gave up their doubts in the process of being made difficult and became more and more determined to do this. The puppet master understood that Bingyi's goal was achieved.

"It's really amazing."

She exhaled a cold breath and sighed from the bottom of her heart. It was so bold to destroy the cracks in the abyss, or even the Golden Lunga Chasm.

"Of course my brother is awesome."

Next to him, Yiji, who was admiring and gazing at the sunbird in the sky, heard her emotion, glanced over and lowered his voice: "Stop talking, brother is speaking now!"

The puppet master smiled at him, said nothing, and struggled to collect his frost-covered wings. Yi Er's attitude is considered good now, because she has been following the three-headed dog just now to prevent the frost giants from attacking Wei Xun. The puppeteer worked very hard, knowing that this was a great opportunity to gain the trust of Bingyi's group. The puppeteer even risked her life to kill a giant, leaving herself half-dead and in a very embarrassing situation, but the change in Bingji's attitude showed that it was all worth it. of.

It was just a utilitarian calculation, but now that Bingyi has successfully calculated and gained the approval of the Nordic gods and giants, and finally turned into the sun, the puppet master had to sigh, it is really the waves behind the Yangtze River that push the waves ahead. She couldn't help but count the new titles Bingyi had obtained since the competition, and the more she thought about it, the more frightened she became.

It's amazing, Bingyi entered the hotel less than half a year ago. At that time, she was still holding back and gathering strength, but she was not as dazzling as him. Even the life-seeking person must have been hiding herself at that time, which was An An at that time. Xuefeng could compete with the current Bingyi - but he couldn't compete with An Xuefeng. It was at the end of the year celebration that An Xuefeng defeated a group of veteran and powerful peak travelers, and that was when he finally revealed his terrifying strength. But now Bingyi can be regarded as dominating the competition. Dream Chaser, the leader of the East Region, and Lizard Duke, the leader of the West Region, can only be regarded as his younger brothers.

The Puppet Master looked at Grumpy from afar, and occasionally glanced at Fenrir Wolf's golden dragon not far away, and at the Sunbird with an admiring expression on his face. From time to time, he was wary of the crystal dragons surrounding Bang Bingyi's embankment, and couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

Not only the Dream Chaser and the Lizard Duke, but also her puppet master is fighting openly and secretly to join Bingyi's group. The Black Widow has to look up to Bingyi's breath. The top tourists in the West District are all controlled by Bingyi. Although this is just a competition, many people's ability is restricted in various ways, and it's hard to say how they will recover after they go out, but Bingyi must not be underestimated.

'Damn it'

The puppet master suddenly remembered the first year she entered the hotel. When she was watching the year-end celebration, she saw with her own eyes the rise of An Xuefeng, who successively defeated the strongest travelers in the east and west districts at that time, and finally defeated the metaphysical Chen Cheng. The whole hotel was cheering for him, but she The senior tour guide around me gritted her teeth with hatred.

'Our generation is useless, it is useless to the hotel, it is about to sweep us out like garbage, it is useless! ’

She couldn't remember the senior's name. She only remembered the man's resentful and unwilling tone at that time, and the increased pressure on her after that. Anyway, the puppet master remembered that she was taken away from the first stimulation by a new passenger. His blood was boiling, and soon after he returned, he made a puppet out of the seduction uniform of his senior who had been squeezing him.

‘You really hid your strength’

This senior lost very simply. When he was made into a living puppet, he just stared at the puppet master. The expression on his face was numb and crazy, and the smile on his mouth was weird.

'I can't beat you'

Then he didn't say anything more, just whispered one last time before being completely made into a puppet: "Same for you", and then when he opened his eyes again, he respectfully called the puppet master.

This was the first time that the puppeteer successfully made a second-class tour guide puppet. She was very excited and felt that the time was right. She no longer had to keep a low profile. With this puppet, she could definitely challenge the first-class tour guide! Then she did achieve the top two position, and she was very satisfied for a while. She only thought that what the senior said before he died, "You are the same", meant that she, like An Xuefeng, was a newcomer who could crush Qianlang. .

But now seeing Bingyi taking control of the situation, playing with giants and gods in the palm of his hand, while they could only look up at the sky on the ground, the puppet master suddenly remembered what happened back then, with mixed feelings in his heart, and even more unwillingness. Fearful, I suddenly understood the senior's mood at that time, and also understood the meaning of the phrase 'the same goes for you'.

They were selected from the best of the best and were selected into the hotel. In the first year, they were able to grow up to defeat the strong men of the previous generation. But ten years later, why were they defeated by newcomers who had just joined the hotel? ! Could it be that they have not thought about making progress and have not made any progress in the past ten years? No! Then why can newcomers catch up with or even surpass them within a year after entering the hotel? ! It makes no sense!

Or is Bingyi some kind of genius who only comes across once in a thousand years - but Chen Cheng was also a genius back then. Will a genius no longer be a genius ten years later? Even if she was a puppet master who kept a low profile, there was a highlight moment when she took control of the entire journey, made puppets of all the passengers who were stronger than her, and dominated the journey. How could it be like this now!

The puppet master of Taiyang Bingyi above her head was no longer listening. It was like a bottomless black hole suddenly appeared in her heart, with a cold wind blowing. The senior's words echoed in her mind, and she couldn't help but ask herself, were these ten years a decade of rapid growth in her strength, or a decade of being squeezed by the hotel? Gui Ling has more and more alienations and is getting stronger and stronger, but at the same time, how much abyss pollution has she absorbed? Can not remember. Even if the contamination was removed, would it still have irreversible effects on her? They can't absorb any more pollution, so they are "useless" to the hotel?

On the chest under the tour guide's cloak, the purple mass of tumor tissue was trembling more and more violently. When the puppet master couldn't suppress her emotions, 'she' suddenly raised her hand and gently pressed her chest.

'I rarely woke up then'

Black Angel, who had been quiet all this time, spoke, communicating with the puppet master in his mind. Hearing her voice, the puppet master regained some sanity, managed to calm down, and listened to her in silence.

'Your strength is getting stronger and stronger, and my connection with the abyss is getting deeper and deeper. Even if you are my tumor and not an essential abyssal creature, you still have a great impact on me. Unlike now, I feel very good now. '

Black Angel spoke softly, soothing the deepest resentment and unwillingness in the puppet master's heart: 'You and I are like this, let alone other tour guides and other tourists.'

‘Hotels treat tourists and tour guides as disposable items’

The puppet master sarcastically said, suddenly feeling like he could see everything clearly. In the past ten years, they have been working hard to become stronger, diligently lead the journey, and come into contact with various 30 degrees north latitude and abyss pollution. If they want to find a way to be stronger than the hotel and gain freedom, I'm afraid it's not possible. It is absorbing pollution for the hotel. It seems to be getting stronger, but in fact it is more and more closely related to pollution. After the Ten Years Battlefield Hotel throws them away, it can repeat the operation with a new batch of tourist guides.

Whether the newcomer defeats the old, or the old becomes stronger over time, they are just props in the hotel, and no one can escape. Even the person in charge may be used by the hotel to appease them, making them think they can find a way to escape and continue to grow stronger. In fact, the person in charge is exposed to more pollution than the tourist guide.

"As for the new generation you said is better than the old, it may be because from the time when the new generation enters the hotel to the end of the year celebration, everyone's potential is tapped most quickly by the hotel."

Black Angel said gently, everyone's potential has its limit. If the tour guide tourists enter the hotel for the first five or one years, their potential is fully tapped. This kind of pollution has transformed their bodies. It is understandable that newcomers who have also fully tapped their potential but have not absorbed a lot of pollution will be at a disadvantage.

Tour guides and tourists have different potentials, and the final pollution they can accommodate is also different. Weak tourists will guide too weak tourist attractions, which are low-risk and weak in pollution. Strong tourist guides will pursue more difficult scenic spots, which are high-risk and pollution-intensive. After ten years, no matter how strong or weak the tourist guides are, , most of them have reached a certain limit, so a thorough update and iteration is required.

Hotels actively promote the connection between tour guides and tourists, probably because the connected tour guides and tourists can withstand and digest more pollution.


The puppet master replied absently. Black Angel's guess was reasonable, but she was thinking about other things.

‘In this case, it’s a good thing that I was killed once’

The puppet master suddenly said that she was killed once, lost most of the puppet organization, and also lost a lot of pollution. The most important thing is that her small butterfly fragment was taken away by Bingyi. It can be said that she is Qingqing again. White people.

‘It’s not a good thing. You have to go to the battlefield at the end of the day. At most, you can last longer on the battlefield.’

She quickly laughed at herself and said that they would have to face more pollution on the battlefield. No matter how much or how little the original pollution in the body was, it would be difficult for them to survive until the next ten years.

‘Black Widow is so unlucky’

The Puppet Master's mind jumped. Just as he was laughing at himself, he couldn't help but start mocking the Black Widow again. The Black Widow has connected with the tourists as soon as she entered the hotel at a young age. Her target is the Holy Son of Whitechapel. She can absorb a lot of pollution at a glance and can live for a long time and become stronger. As a result, the Holy Son died not long after, the connection was severed, and the entire journey of 30 degrees north latitude from the Tower of Babel fell on the Black Widow.

No wonder she is S3 every year and has no hope of rising. Maybe the pollution in her body has long been saturated. Of course, she can't compare to the Lizard Duke who connects passengers.

‘What’s going on with the Devourer? Could it be that he died once when he fell into the abyss and eliminated most of the pollution in his body? Or is it that he has great potential and is superior to others? Or does he have a hidden contact traveler? ’

The puppet master was confused, but she was from the West District after all. Except for her problems with the Black Widow, she was not interested in other West District tour guides. When she thought of their East District, she suddenly took a breath of air.

‘The Mingming people have been imprisoned in the Sun Gate for so many years. Isn’t it actually to avoid the pollution during the journey? ’

The more the puppet master thought about it, the more he thought it was like this. Look at An Xuefeng and Xi Mingren. After the year-end celebration, they were the number one tourist guides. Their reputation, strength and status were almost the same! But looking at the present, An Xuefeng embarked on two journeys of 30 degrees north latitude and was burdened with double northern latitude pollution. He collected many butterfly fragments and shouldered the butterfly pollution. He became the person in charge of slicing and shouldered more abyss pollution, not to mention returning to the abyss. There are all sorts of pollutions like R'lyeh that are not weaker than the abyss.

No one on the way home could hold on anymore. He was still supporting some of the contamination of his teammates. He was like an old scalper who had been squeezed to the limit. If he hadn't been connected with Bingyi, his spirit would have been on the verge of collapse.

In contrast, let’s look at the man who lived in the Puerta del Sol for five years. He commanded the butcher alliance from a distance and relied on puppets and mediums. Is this because the hotel did not let him come out or because he used the pollution of the Puerta del Sol to resist the hotel? Order?

Moreover, the puppet master heard rumors that Zhang Xingzang, who was about to die after the celebration at the end of that year, disappeared mysteriously because he was snatched away by the people to take over the Abyssal Node to bear the Sun Gate pollution for him. Although the news is doubtful, Zhang Xingzang's strength after being rescued is also doubtful. Not much different from today's powerful travelers, which shows how much pollution he has absorbed over the years.

Not to mention that the Mingxing people also got so many butterfly fragments, but they didn't even carry them themselves. It is obvious that the butterfly fragments on Bingyi's body were left to him by the people who ordered him to use special means. In this way, the butterfly contamination was also shared by his younger brother. And so far, no one is sure whether the life-haunting person actually has a slice. On the contrary, he is using the astrologer's slice around, and there is also an outsourced person in charge.

Could it be that he had already seen the true nature of the hotel? What has he planned in the Sun Gate these past few years? The puppet master couldn't help but think more and more, until an angry bird chirped in the sky. The Nordic god wanted to take back the city and decided to destroy all the cracks. Bingyi failed to 'convince' them and the talks with them collapsed. , got so angry that he simply turned his face and told the gods to get out of here without any hesitation.

"Fenrir, Fenrir!"

The sunbird said angrily, pacing in the air, its hair exploded into a red ball in anger, and threatened the gods: "My little wolf is very hungry, and everything on this frozen land will be killed by it." Guangguang!”

[The sun also needs the recognition and belief of other creatures on the continent to become more stable. I believe that with your wisdom, Loki, you will definitely be able to make good use of today's situation]

After finally seeing Loki lose his temper, the insurmountable grievances in the hearts of the gods were much lessened, and suddenly they no longer resisted Loki Sun so much. Anyway, if he wants to gain the recognition of more creatures today, he cannot release Fenrir wolves to wreak havoc on the continent during the Wolf Winter. Isn't this a good thing? Even Bergmir rarely remained silent and did not refute the gods. He was holding a lot of anger in his heart, and it felt much better to see Loki take a short breath.

Otherwise, he really couldn't guarantee that he would have a good face when he took his soldiers to find Hela and board the ship - it was difficult for giants to suppress their temper!


"Oooh ooh-"

The sunbird didn't speak and stared at them sinisterly. Not far away, the black shadow as huge as a mountain stood up and took a very menacing step forward. The ear-piercing wolf howl resounded in the hearts of every god and giant. , causing their expressions to change slightly. Knowing that Loki was so angry that his patience reached the limit, neither the god nor the giant stayed any longer. Bergmir leads the frost giants back to Iceland, and he still has to find a way to deal with the ancestors. The God of Thunder and the God of War led the gods towards the Snæfellswehr volcano. After such a big incident, Odin was nowhere to be seen, not even the incarnation of divine power. They were worried that something happened on the volcano side.

Moreover, the rune formations on the ruins have to be reset, and Odin needs to take action.

After all the gods and giants left, the volcano ruins finally became completely quiet, and several people on the messy land looked at each other. They had all tried their best to stop the giants of the gods, but now they were all in a state of embarrassment. Half of Yi Wu's body was covered with ice, Yi Er's body was covered with traces of divine power burning, and the A5 black cat next to him was seriously injured by milk. Pollution has turned the white cat into a puddle of milk.

Naturally, the front line blocking the giant gods are two dragons. The crystal dragon can fly better, but its power is a bit overdrawn. Its scales are dull and covered with ice and snow. The bellicose golden dragon is even more covered with traces of fierce battles. Lightning strikes , divine power, ice and snow, pollution, almost all kinds of pollution can be seen on it.

"Oooh ooh-"

The ground shook, and the Fenrir wolf ran over. On the day of Wolf Winter, it became extremely huge, even bigger than a dragon. It was like a snow mountain rumbling over, and the dense wolf fangs were like ice cones hanging upside down, oppressing as it roared closer. The power was so strong that it was unimaginable. Even though he knew it was a big crystal dragon, he still couldn't help but fly up high and watch the golden dragon warily - it was blocking Fenrir Wolf's running route!

Moreover, the golden dragon's eyes were scarlet and his whole body was full of violence. Facing the Fenrir wolf, it stood upright with its tail supporting its body. It looked very fierce and wanted to fight, but it didn't want to start a fight with itself. The worried crystal dragon flapped its wings, hesitantly considering whether to fly down and pick up the golden dragon, or to block the Fenrir wolf, but then it saw a scene that left the dragon speechless.


I saw the golden dragon standing there as steady as a mountain, and the Fenrir wolf rushed forward without slowing down at all. In an instant, the wolf and the dragon collided, but the Fenrir wolf was much larger than the dragon at the moment, and the wolf's fur was particularly thick in winter. A large piece of it directly submerged the golden dragon, and all he could see was a stubborn one standing on the snow. The tip of the golden dragon's tail - it can be seen that the golden dragon is still very strong and can resist the big guy Fenrir Wolf, but that's it. Even if the tip of the golden tail sweeps on the snow in anger, the golden dragon can't. It can knock Fenrir Wolf away and be licked by the big wolf.

After expressing concern and intimacy to his companions, Fenrir wolf hurriedly rushed to where Bingyi was. When the dragon's tail was stretched out in retaliation and a claw was struck, he decided to carry the golden dragon with him. How could the fang hunter lose such a person? He immediately turned back into a human form to avoid the giant mouth of Fenrir Wolf. Suddenly he found that his sanity had recovered a lot - just now he only thought about killing people, but now he can turn back into a human. Got it!

"Get away, you idiot, don't hold me in your mouth!"

But Fenrir Wolf didn't leave him any room to think. He took one bite and it quickly took another bite. Not wanting to be bitten by the wolf, the hunter simply ran in the direction of Bingyi. The red and fluffy sunbird Flying down from the sky, everyone present gathered around him. I saw the sunbird flying down on the head of the three-headed dog. The huge bird kept shrinking as it landed, and finally it was as big as a hen and landed in Wei Xun's arms.

The condition of the three-headed dog seemed to be the worst. It was focused on by Thor, and its fur was all burnt black by the electricity. It turned into a horrible mess, and the layers fell off when the wind blew. The good-looking big dog looked like it had faded away from the fire. Like a hairy pig, extremely miserable. And although Wei Xun on it was tightly protected, he was also in a state of embarrassment. His white hair was burnt black, and there were black marks on his face. The worst part was that his right hand was unable to hang down, so he could only use his left hand to hold the sunbird that fell into his arms.

Even so, the scene is very sacred and magnificent, as if the sun was finally moved by the devout believer who had gone through all kinds of difficulties and fell into his arms. It's like a person who works hard and narrowly escapes death, and finally catches the sun. When Sunbird raised its head and looked at Wei Xun, and Wei Xun looked down at him, the people gathered in Yiwu and others held their breath and watched this scene quietly.

Next, Bingyi should choose Wei Xun as his sun god.

Everyone thought this way. Although everyone had a lot of things to say in their hearts and carried pain on their bodies, they were not in a hurry for this moment. After this time, they can be considered a small group, and it is really not worth offending Bingyi or Wei Xun at this time. Yiji stared at Sunbird with all his concentration, not wanting to miss any words that Brother Sun said.

Under the gaze of everyone, the sunbird gracefully opened its golden-red beak and made a very pleasant sound. It said:



"There's no time to explain, let's run away!"

Bingyi didn't care how much his mouth destroyed the atmosphere. The sunbird stretched out its wings, and the door to the lost paradise appeared on the earth like a crack. It swallowed the sun chariot and the horse that were forgotten by the gods and the sun that was about to extinguish. Holding the big cow that he had swallowed before. Then the gate disappeared without a trace, as if it had never appeared before, along with the scent of the chariot, the horse, and the big cow completely disappeared.

Then the sunbird fluttered out of An Xuefeng's arms, pounced directly on Fenrir Wolf's huge wolf, and ordered the big wolf to run away to Iceland immediately, leaving everyone with a red back covered in snow-white wolf fur. It deliberately pretended to be angry and with the cooperation of Fenrir wolf, the gods and giants left without paying attention to the big cow and the sun chariot. But now that the aura of the big cows has disappeared, the gods will definitely react immediately.


* *

[It’s broken, the Japanese car is left there]

At the same time, the Nordic gods had arrived at the Snaefell volcano. On the way, Frey, the God of Sun, said sadly that the pressure from Fenrir Wolf and Loki was too strong, and they even forgot about the sun chariot and Pegasus!

"Loki has become the new sun. Before the new sun god appears, it doesn't matter if the sun chariot is given to him."

The God of Thunder said lightly, not caring much. He didn't want to have to deal with Loki in a short period of time because of a Japanese car. He could leave the difficult matters to Odin.

But soon, his face suddenly turned pale.

[It’s broken, the big cow’s breath is gone! 】

Youshen also felt that something was wrong, and shouted in surprise, just at that moment, not only the sun chariot and the pegasus, but also the aura of the big cow suddenly disappeared, as if it had never appeared!

[It can’t be dead! 】

【how come! 】

[Could it be that Michael from the Chasm came and killed the cows? ! 】

The gods exploded into discussions, but Thor clenched his fists tightly, and a person appeared in his mind - the damn figure of a bird. This person must have done it, it was definitely him.

【Loki——! ! ! 】

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