Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 773 The Horror of Iceland (291)

Why is it Loki again? Why is it still Loki? Why is Loki everywhere? !

The sunbird, recognized by most of the Nordic gods and giants, walked proudly in the air, waving its wings and spreading hot flames. However, the originally noisy battlefield was silent at the moment. The God of Thunder took a deep breath, opened his mouth, and wanted to say But he was speechless. He only felt a splitting headache. For the first time, he felt that he couldn't solve this problem on his own, and that the wisest Odin would have to come.

But now that the power of the God of Wisdom has almost been stolen by Loki, can Odin be smarter than Loki?

[This is not our sun, this is not a great light]

Finally, one god couldn't help but speak. Frey, the God of Sun, held the head of the Sun God Sur in his hand tightly. The golden boar under him finally understood why the God of Thunder wanted to crush Loki to ashes so many times - he It’s really frustrating! At this moment, he only had one thought in his mind, he must not let Loki be so proud, why should he be the sun!

[That is, Loki cannot be the sun at all! 】

[This is not a great light, our great light is not a bird! 】

The angry gods also began to agree, but most of the gods remained silent. Bingyi didn't refute, and watched this scene from the air with interest. He had expected this scene for a long time, but he had gained recognition and completely transformed into the sun, and even the source of his power had undergone qualitative changes. Now if there is a god who questions him or disagrees with him, it will be useless.

【Enough, the new sun has risen】

Just when the opposition from the gods was about to intensify, Tyr, the god of war who had been silent, spoke. As the God of Contracts and Oaths, if he takes the lead in not recognizing Loki's new sun, it will cause him some trouble anyway. But what no one expected was that although he didn't say it explicitly, it was clear in his words that he approved of New Sun!

[The new sun can rise before Ragnarok, which is not a bad thing]

Tyr, the God of War, said in a deep voice. He glanced at the God of Thunder and saw that the God of Thunder, the most ill-tempered God, almost clenched his hammer until it burst but still did not say a word. He knew that silence already represented his attitude.

If Loki told them before that he wanted to be the sun, no god would agree. But now that all the raw rice has been cooked, looking at Loki and the sun hanging in the sky, the God who is still a little rational can only put aside his unwillingness and think about the present.

Overall, it would be beneficial to the gods if Loki really turned into the sun. In order to make better use of today to consolidate his strength, he will most likely not launch Ragnarok in advance. And no matter what, the presence of the sun would suppress the Frost Giants, preventing them from accumulating more strength on the last day before dusk.

Besides, even if they insist on not recognizing Rocky Sun, what good will it do? The Fenrir wolf and the Frost Giant were nearby, and it would be no good if they really made Loki lose his temper.

But this is really frustrating, really frustrating! But they just couldn't do anything about Loki. This kind of scene should really bring Odin to the scene!

"Loki, what exactly do you want to do?"

Tyr, the God of War, fell silent after he finished speaking. His chest was so full of breath that he felt so uncomfortable that he could not speak. The gods remained silent, while questioning voices sounded from the restless Frost Giants.

"What kind of sun is this? Do you think just picking up a bird can be regarded as the sun?!"

The tone of Bergmir, the ancestor of the frost giants, contained anger, but it sounded a little weak and not that confident. Even the clever gods could not have expected that Loki would reach this point, let alone the giants. Some giants were even slow to react and were still immersed in the joy of the death of the sun god Sur. Bergmir was really too Tired!

"Could it be that you made an agreement with the Fire Giant? But this bird is too small. If Odin knew about this, he could have made a bigger sun."

It was said to be a question, but Bergmire had no confidence and in the end, it felt like he was trying to fill a gap in Bingyi's inspection. There was no way, they Frost Giants had to take Hela's ship to the Ragnarok battlefield! What's the benefit of falling out with Loki now? The wolf Fenrir is squatting next to it. Today is both the day of the sun god and the winter of the wolf!

After thinking about it for a while, Begelmir felt unhappy, too aggrieved to speak. There were only some silly giants who cheered and muttered something like, "Hey, the Sun God is really dead, hehe." Seeing that the gods and giants all fell into an aggrieved silence, Bingyi was satisfied. Up to now, he was both the Nordic God of Fire and the sun, the son of the ancestor giant Ymir, the wolf Fenrir, and Yemeng. The father of Gad and the God of Death, Hela, truly straddles the two camps, and both sides need to see his face!

"Of course I am the new sun. See, this is the power that comes from the Fire Nation."

The status has been changed, and Bingyi is willing to put in a good word, at least to give both parties a step down. The sunbird stretched its wings and turned its back to the battlefield, allowing all the gods and giants to see the gem crystals attached to the feathers on its back. The genuine and pure power of flame crystals lingered around, and there was no way it could be faked.

Hearing what he said and feeling Loki's gentle attitude, Begelmir's face softened slightly, comforting himself that at least this was the sun for their giants. If they could discuss it, it would be better than what Odin would come up with. The stuff is much stronger.

"There will be no flame crystal bigger than me in the Fire Kingdom. I will be the only sun before Ragnarok."

Bingyi smiled and said, it's hard to say whether there is a bigger flame crystal in the Fire Kingdom, but the sun should rise again after Ragnarok. If it hadn't been for his accident, there shouldn't have been anything new before dusk. The sun appears. He took advantage of this loophole, and Odin couldn't get another sun to overwhelm him, unless the world was rebuilt after dusk - but by the time dusk happened, Odin would be dead.

[What exactly are you planning to do, Loki]

The God of Thunder took his breath for a long time and finally calmed down a little. He couldn't see Loki's playful smile. He snorted coldly and asked.

"What do I want to do? You have all seen what I want to do. I just want to be the sun."

Bingyi smiled and said meaningfully: "The power of Vulcan alone is too weak... Haven't you noticed that the power fluctuations of Archangel Michael have already appeared in the Jin Lunga Gap?"

His words were like throwing a huge boulder into a calm lake. All the gods and giants involved in foreign enemies became nervous instantly. Regardless of the internal battles in Northern Europe, they all asked questions urgently.

【What? ! How could Michael's power appear in the Kinlunga Divide? ! 】

[Loki, you are lying! We will never believe you again! 】

[That’s right, it’s impossible for an angel to go there! 】

"How do you know? You've never been to the Jinlunga Gap!"

"I don't need to lie to you about this."

The sunbird spread its wings and pressed down, letting everyone listen to what it said: "To this day, there is still Michael's aura in the bottomless pit leading to the Jinlunga Chasm. You can go and see for yourself. "

He said this with confidence, as old dreams can affect reality. In the dream, Michael and Director Huang were fighting fiercely in the bottomless pit, and there was still some sense of strength.

"Damn it, how could this happen!"

"so what should I do now!"

Hearing what he said so confidently, the Frost Giants started shouting anxiously. The gods originally didn't want to be led away by Loki anymore, but they were also upset because the giants next to them were leading them so eagerly. There was a god who couldn't help but look at Loki, thinking that since he had discovered it long ago, there must be a way - after all, now that Loki has snatched away most of the power of the God of Wisdom, he is the smartest god.

"So I thought about whether to start Ragnarok in advance."

In full view of everyone, the Sunbird spread its wings: "After all, the Outer Gods must be planning to invade at dusk. We will bring dusk ahead of schedule, just to disrupt their plans."

[What if there are casualties in advance? This will weaken our strength in advance! 】

Youshen asked immediately.

"Acting, why, I can act, can't you?"

Bingyi pretended to be surprised and said tactfully: "As long as everyone is merciful, of course there will be no casualties. We can definitely accumulate strength to counterattack the angels."

"I will let Fenrir Wolf and Jörmungandr gather some strength, Thor."

【snort! 】

The God of Thunder snorted coldly, not believing his nonsense at all. After all, gods and giants are old enemies. They are extremely afraid of being hostile to each other. What if they withdraw their power and the enemy withdraws their power? It is absolutely impossible to start Ragnarok in advance. No one will hold back at all!

[You don’t want to start Ragnarok in advance, Loki, otherwise you wouldn’t become the sun]

The God of Thunder said in a rough voice: [What on earth do you want to do! 】

"The purpose of turning into the sun is naturally to prevent today's sun from affecting us giants, so that Ragnarok can start in advance... Okay, okay, I won't tease you anymore."

Bingyi smiled and said before the God of Thunder turned livid and went into a rage: "You also know that I have killed almost all the angels of the outer gods discovered now."

"As for me, I have mastered some roads leading to the outer gods."

Bingyi was very thoughtful and said: "Since the outer gods can invade us, why can't we counter-invade them? The reason why we became the sun is because the sun is just a big ball of Mars. It has neither the aura of a god nor the power of a giant. , less likely to be discovered.”

"I plan to visit the outer gods to see if there is a way to kill Michael. Maybe I can assassinate their god."

His words made the gods and giants stare blankly. The road to the outer gods? Loki has actually discovered the way to the Outer Gods and plans to invade the Outer Gods! At this time, no matter Begelmir or the God of Thunder and God of War, no matter how hostile or unhappy they were towards Loki, now they couldn't help but feel a little admiration, excitement and recognition in their hearts. Begelmir even wanted to roar with excitement and conquer. , exploration, invasion, this is what they like most! Loki is right, why can only foreign gods invade them and they can't counter-invade them!

When they thought of the powerful giant army entering the palace of the outer gods and killing those angelic birdmen, the giants were so excited that they were trembling all over, and the God of War also held the long knife tightly in his hand. But Loki said that he wanted to go to the Outer Gods by himself, so why not assassinate the Outer Gods——

【no! 】

"You can't go to the Outer Gods!"

Thor and Begelmir actually said in unison, it was rare for them to think of going together. But we can't let Loki out. As cunning and clever as he is, what if he really becomes famous in the Outer Gods and becomes one of the Outer Gods! He wants to kill the foreign gods, isn't he planning to become a god himself? After all, Loki in this era is not like he used to be. Travelers and guides in the brigade can come and go freely. He might be able to cross the barriers of the gods and become gods on both sides.

Besides, Ragnarok is approaching, and it is impossible to delay it. The Nordic side cannot afford any accidents. If Loki really integrates the angel army and turns against them during the war, there will be no battle.

[There is no sun god in the Outer God System. You will not have a place to stay there, Loki]

Realizing that the Thunder God was too harsh, the Sun Bird in the sky was obviously not very happy, and even the heat dropped. The God of War hurriedly explained seriously: [Your sun power is not stable enough. You must stay for at least one day and find a new sun god before you can completely become the sun and cover up the breath of all gods and giants]

[If you go to the Outer God System before that, it will be bad if you are exposed]

"The God of War is right."

After so many things today, Bergelmir's brain basically stopped working, and he couldn't think of anything There was a better word, so he simply agreed: "Loki, you are a smart giant, don't do stupid things."

"This won't work, that won't work either, okay, then you tell me how to deal with Michael."

The Sun Bird was obviously unhappy, and said sarcastically: "He has already found the location of the Jinlunga Chasm, maybe the angel army is lying in ambush there. When the Ragnarok arrives and the Chasm appears, what should we do if the angel army attacks us directly? We can't seal all the cracks."

After he finished speaking, the giants were noisy, with various proposals, most of which were about killing, killing, killing angels first, etc. The gods were also talking about it, Thor and the God of War whispered, and finally it was Thor who spoke:

[God King Odin will ensure that there are no angels lurking in the Jinlunga Chasm]

[As for other abyss cracks, the volcanic eruption has destroyed part of them, you are right]

Thor shrugged his shoulders and said easily: [In this case, we might as well destroy all the cracks to prevent the angels from invading from the inside! 】

It was really on point, and it was worth his time and effort to guide him. Director C of the Sun Bird looked at the Thunder God with approval and gave a thumbs-up in his heart.

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