Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 768 The Horror of Iceland (287)

[The dusk of the gods is approaching, and the restraint on us has weakened a lot]

Just now, she felt dumbfounded that the Sun God Sur was looking at the wrong person, but her next words shocked Yi Wu's heart.

[I guess you are looking at more than one person]

Su Er, who had just looked at Yiwu, smiled brightly and brightly. His gaze went beyond Yiwu and fell directly on the three-headed dog:

【me too】

Two rays of light shot out, and two sun marks appeared on the foreheads of the three-headed dog and B3 - she didn't even let go of B3! Yiwu was stunned, how could the Sun God Sur look at more than one person? No, what she means is that Loki is also looking at more than one person?

In other words, other than him, there are still people in the world who turn into salmon, flies, and old ladies when faced with a life-or-death crisis? Yiwu felt an inexplicable sense of comfort in his heart, but also felt a little uncomfortable. Why in the past few days, only the people with the best task completion were able to get attention, but on his day, the number of people had increased? It makes it seem like the attention he receives is worthless, and he is not ranked first at all, which is boring!

But let’s not talk about how many people Loki is following, B3 shouldn’t be following, otherwise she would have been turned into a salmon halfway by being chopped by the God of Thunder! Yiwu guessed that Sun God Sur could not accurately judge who had been paid attention to by Loki, but could only roughly sense the power. B3 stayed with Wangcai, and maybe he was contaminated by Su Er's aura.

But Yi Wu really didn’t expect that Sur could even mark the three-headed hell dog belonging to the underworld!


Wangcai roared angrily, as if he was suppressed and couldn't open his mouth to bark. He only let out a threatening roar from his throat. His dark hair was dyed with a faint golden light, and the sun mark in the middle of his forehead was particularly bright and dazzling - not just the forehead in the middle, Its three heads were all marked by the sun god's gaze, imprinted with the mark of the sun. Even if Wangcai shook his head impatiently, he couldn't erase the mark. I'm afraid it would have to go to the underworld where the sun can't shine to remove it.

What can we do? Just now Yiwu was thinking that if Bingyi could have a god descend on a certain head of the three-headed dog, I'm afraid Sur's efforts would still be in vain. But now it seems that the Nordic gods are well prepared. Bingyi is extremely wary, so is Bingyi expelled when God descends on the three-headed dog?

Yiwu's breathing was slightly stagnant, but he became calmer. With the blessing of the sun mark, he could look directly at the sun. Yiwu suddenly found that Sun God Sur's face was slightly pale, and his breath was no longer so stable.

The three-headed dog has marks on all three heads. This is equivalent to Sur looking at three people at once. In addition, B3 and Yiwu Sun God have already looked at five people. I'm afraid it took a lot of divine power! Yiwu's heart moved for a moment. Is this true or just pretending? If it is true, if the power of the Sun God is really weakened by this, then even if there is no Bingyi, there are so many Frost Giants here, and it is not impossible to plan here——

【I am different from you】

But at this moment, a familiar male voice rang out again, it was Bingyi's voice! Not only did Sun God Sur's face darken, but even Yi Wu's expression changed slightly. Could it be that Bing Yi's god had descended on Wangcai? ! Then who did his god send down? Is the golden dragon that keeps roaring and going crazy pretending? Bingyi God sent it? Or is it the crystal dragon that has been calm and unmoving?

[Is looking at five people your limit? 】

Just as Yiwu was brainstorming, Bingyi's voice sounded out of thin air, with a joking tone: "I'm not just watching three people."

He boasted: "The people I'm looking at are like snowflakes in the sky. I can't even count them in books. If you look at them one by one, I'm afraid you'll die from exhaustion."

【You can give it a try】

Loki said meaningfully: [Everyone on the field now has a close relationship with me]

"That's right, Soul, if you can really catch Loki out, it's not impossible for me, the Frost Giant, not to go to war with your god today!"

Begelmir, the ancestor of the frost giants, was making noises next to him. The power of the sun god Sur was weakened by watching too much and wasting too much. He felt it the most. He praised Loki on the spot for really thinking of a good idea. He didn't know this. How does the brain grow?

Now there are Dragon Hunters and Fang Hunters on the field. Hunters and tourist guides are not on the same level. What's more, if you pay attention to these two people, Sur will be paying attention to seven people!

There are seven days in the week, and Sur is the god of Sunday. Even though the rules are loosened now that Ragnarok is approaching, the most basic rules must still be followed. Judging from her current state, Bergmire boldly guessed that Sur could only pay attention to seven people at most! If Sur really dared to look at the Tooth Hunter and Dragon Hunter, she would probably have to use up all of her increased power today, and she would no longer be able to join forces with the God of Sun to suppress them.

As for Loki, this man is really cunning. Bergmir is actually happy to see him expelled by the power of Sur. In this way, it not only consumes the power of Sur, but also does not have to worry about the frost giants and Norse gods fighting Loki. Stealing the cow behind his back - Loki was always unsettled in his heart, always feeling that the big cow would be lost.

The Nordic gods probably feel the same way. They think that as long as Loki is not there, the frost giant will be easier to deal with. Therefore, the Nordic gods did not hesitate to let Sur take the risk of carrying the sun and appear in the world long ago - the winter of Finbul has already In the most terrifying third wolf winter, the strength of Fenrir wolf will also be greatly enhanced! In mythology, the sun in Northern Europe was swallowed by the son of Fenrir the wolf. Sur took the risk of the sun being swallowed in advance, but also had to suppress the frost giants, expel Loki, and prevent the big cow from being taken away by them. .

Now the Nordic gods have shown their trump cards and cannot retreat any further. The sun god Sur could only bet on whether the Loki descended from the god was in the body of the dragon hunter and the tooth hunter, and whether he should use up the last two opportunities to watch.

Or it could be that Loki was hiding and the gods descended on other people.

The atmosphere became stagnant for a moment, and Sun God Sur's solemn gaze fell on the golden dragon and the crystal dragon. The heat and rays of the sun made the cows reluctant to come out of the ground. The golden dragon and the crystal dragon were temporarily unable to move. Even the belligerent golden dragon could only growl and growl unwillingly.

These two powerful hunters were restrained, but the Nordic gods could not take the opportunity to expand their results. The frost giants stood between the gods and the hunter cows. It is true that the frost giants are now suppressed by the sun and cannot act rashly, but the Nordic gods cannot take the opportunity to kill the giants - as Sur said, Ragnarok has not yet begun. There are also angels from the outer gods watching eagerly, and Loki is still hiding in the dark. If we attack the frost giant now, we will not be able to appoint him well!

Therefore, they must first find out Loki, who is eloquent and best at bewitching, before they can talk about anything else.

[It’s useless to deceive people, Loki]

Sun God Sur's eyes were still on the hunter, and the attention of everyone else present was also there, but at this moment Frey, the body of the sun, suddenly spoke and smiled.

[Don’t you know that hunters cannot be conquered by gods? 】

Hunters can't be defeated by gods? ? The golden dragon that stepped on a frost giant suddenly paused, and glanced at the crystal dragon with its cold eyes. Not many people noticed their little moves. It was indeed the first time for many people to hear this argument, and they didn’t know whether it was true or not. Anyway, Bingyi answered with confidence:

【You can bet】

[Let’s bet on whether I can conquer them]

What he said was so understated that people immediately turned to Loki's side. There is nothing he can't do. He will always be on the winning side of the bet. This is the consensus of all the people, gods, and giants in Northern Europe during the past few days. No one would be stupid enough to gamble with Bingyi!


【No need to gamble】

Frey, who was high in the sky, suddenly showed a meaningful smile: [Of course we have a way to determine where you are]


The moment he finished speaking, a meow came from Frey's arms, and a familiar black cat poked its head out and looked directly at the hunter.

Um, oops.

Hiding under the big cow, while luring the cow out of the gate of the paradise while being threatened by the sun, Bingyi, who was always paying attention to the movements in the air, saw the black cat at a glance, and his expression finally became a little more serious. This black cat is none other than the black cat that pulls the carriage for the goddess Freya!

Yesterday, while Freya was watching Bingyi, she also used her cat to convey a lot of news to Bingyi, and Freya was Freya's biological brother. Now he took out the black cat, which made Bingyi feel an ominous premonition.

Sure enough, the black cat's gaze swept across the Dragon Hunter and the Fang Hunter, but did not stop on them. Instead, it looked straight at the milky white pollution bound by the invisible magic chain! Legend has it that cats’ eyes can see people’s souls, and the black cat ‘saw’ Bingyi hiding next to the big cow!

Oops. The dragon hunter's eyes flashed slightly, he knew that Yi Er was descended from Bing Yi, and knew that Yi Er was hiding in the milky white pollution. I didn't expect that he could hide it so well, but Freya's black cat happened to see through it. For a moment, the crystal dragon's eyes were slightly cold, and dream bubbles floated under the newly opened dragon wings, but then stopped.

No, since the black cat can see Bingyi's soul, why didn't Frey take it out and let it judge it from the beginning? And asked Sur to mark Yiwu, Three-Headed Dog and others?

Are you worried that Bingyi's divine descending can change the target at will, so you want to strike first and mark all those who may be descended by Bingyi's divine descending?

Or are you worried that Bingyi will target the black cat, so you save your trump card until the end? As Frey said, the gods could not descend on the hunters, but Loki was still active after Yi Wu and others were watched and expelled from other gods, so that he decided to use the killer black cat now?

Or maybe this black cat is actually not completely sure of Bingyi's soul aura - or today is not Freya's day. As Freya's black cat, its strength is limited, and today is the winter of Finbul. The last night, so the power of smelling and identifying souls cannot be used infinitely, it can only be used once or twice, so why take it out now?

Countless speculations and thoughts collided in the dragon hunter's mind. In the end, he reluctantly suppressed it and chose to wait and see. No matter what happens if Bingyi hides in the pollution, Bingyi can handle it. Even if it is determined that Bingyi is hiding in the milk pollution, it will not be easy for these two gods to get Bingyi out.

Sure enough, the black cat meowing at the milky white milk contamination can't change anything. This big cow is too special. It is full of the power of the primitive abyss, and can even block divine power to a certain extent. Sun God Sur cannot 'watch' Bingyi's followers through the cows. Unless they can inspire Loki to throw himself into the trap, the situation can only continue to be stalemate.

The Nordic gods did start to make noises, taunting Loki for not coming out quickly even after being discovered. What kind of man is he hiding under the belly of a cow? But Loki is so thick-skinned, and Bingyi is so thick-skinned. From time to time, he only sarcastically said things like "I am a male god, not a man"/"I am a male giant, not a man", which annoyed the gods. In addition to increasing his anger, he didn't even show his head at all.

The gods couldn't curse him with bad words. After all, Loki had to rely on Loki to defend the angels. I can only use some frustrated words like 'Do you have the guts! ’ To provoke a general with such harmless words, the harm is almost zero. Thor, the God of Thunder, saw that this was not the way to go. Loki refused to accept this trick, so he could only negotiate terms with him with a dark face.

However, Loki said that he wanted nothing more than a big cow, but this condition was unacceptable to the gods.

[Loki, there's no use delaying! When you wait until daytime, the power of the sun will only become stronger! 】

The hot-tempered Sun Goddess Sur couldn't help but said angrily.

[Yes, I am delaying time]

Bingyi recognized it and said slowly: [Then we have to see whether the sun is stronger during the day or whether my little wolf is stronger in the wolf winter]

His words were clearly implying that the Fenrir wolf was coming! The faces of the Nordic gods were ashen. If they really waited for the Fenrir wolf to arrive and swallow the sun, then there would be no need to fight again. It was better to suppress the giants and go in now, no matter what, first take back the cows!

[But a crushing victory would be too boring]

But just when the gods were agitated and ready to take action, Loki said another word at the right time, temporarily suppressing their thoughts of taking action.

[God of the Sun, why don’t we compare ourselves]

Bingyi smiled and said, meaning: [You know, I like to collect beautiful hair]

【Loki! 】

Thor, the God of Thunder, roared unbearably, his sound like thunder containing a warning. Everyone present knew that Thor's wife Sif had the most beautiful blond hair, and Loki played a prank on her while she was sleeping and shaved off Sif's blond hair. Now that Loki has brought up old things again, how can Thor endure it?

[Oh, Thor, don't be angry, my old man, this has nothing to do with you, I'm not interested in blond hair now]

Bingyi smiled and said: [I prefer red hair now - Suer, don't fly so high, let's compare. You fly to the cow, fly closer, and then my followers will come out]

[Let’s compete to see who is faster if I cut off your red hair, or if you look at my followers and expel me faster, how about that? 】

【Then let’s compare! 】

Sun God Sur said immediately, his eyes shining. Sure enough, it was Loki. There was nothing they could do until the Fenrir wolf arrived, but they couldn't help showing off and playing pranks. This was their good opportunity! As long as Loki can be driven away, there will be no need for him to interfere with the Frost Giants in battle or peace.

[Wait, you said that too broadly. If you want to compete, you must have contract rules]

Thor, the god of war, saw that Sur agreed too quickly and immediately added. He first set a time limit, because Sur could only look at two more people at most, so the competition could only last two rounds at most. If Loki is defeated after two rounds, he must withdraw from the volcanic ruins, and neither he nor his forces will be allowed to participate in the fight for the big cow.

[This is not possible. If the big cow insists on me and follows me, wouldn’t that break the contract?]

[If it really follows you voluntarily, that's within your power, and it doesn't count as breaking the contract! 】

Sun God Sur said impatiently, how is this possible? He saw that the big cow couldn't bear the roasting and was moving towards the earth to follow him.

If Big Dairy had really taken the initiative to follow him, the trouble wouldn't have become public knowledge by now.

Seeing what Sur said, the God of War Tyr had to acquiesce, and was worried that Loki deliberately mentioned this to be deceitful, and then said: [The competition needs to be fair, Odembula (the big cow) is full of the power of Jin Lunga Chasm , which will hinder the transmission of sunlight. Sur will stick close to the cow and challenge you, but she will come with the chariot]

Driving a solar car together? Yiwu couldn't help but complain in his heart, is this fair? This is unfair! To be honest, Bingyi would also ride a three-headed dog to cut the goddess's hair, so that the three-headed dog could be used as a human shield blocking the goddess's sight.


When the three-headed dog heard what the God of War said, he growled in his throat. It was unclear whether it was anger or excitement. It looked straight at its master, ready to rush to the battlefield at any time. But Bingyi didn't look at him, instead he ridiculed the Sun God, not even daring to compete with him alone.

The Sun God was so excited that he breathed quickly. He couldn't help but want to speak several times, but was stopped by the God of War's eyes. The more Loki provoked the God of War, the more he felt there was something fishy in what he just said. Why would Loki pick up the big cow and follow him for no reason? Did he open the entrance to the Kingdom of Hades? Although the possibility is very small, the God of War is still worried that maybe the sun high in the sky cannot scare the cows, so he might as well bring the sun car with him during the competition. No matter what Loki's plan is, the sun will definitely not be able to stand such close contact with the cows. It will only escape deep underground. If there is an entrance to the underworld, it will be blocked by the scorching sun. It is impossible for Bingyi to leave with the cow.

So no matter how much Loki mocked Tyr, he refused to let go. Even if Loki finally said that Sur was driving the sun chariot, it would be fair for him to have a mount. He wanted the three-headed dog of hell to fight for him on the side. Tyr, the God of War, He also readily agreed.

The three heads of the three-headed dog were all watched by the Sun God. Loki could not descend on it, so he could only rely on his size to block Sur's gaze. But as long as Loki wanted to cut her hair, he would have to lean out and be exposed to Soul's sight. No matter how fast the sword is, how can it be faster than the eyes?

It’s done.

Bingyi let out a deep breath under the big cow, his eyes were full of excitement, and his hot hands were shaking slightly. The sun god Sur, the chariot that carries the sun, the big cow, the wealth that plunders the array - everything is in his plan. The most brilliant thing is that almost all of these conditions were proposed by the Nordic gods themselves under his guidance and agreed to by themselves. People will only feel reassured by what they say and what they agree to. No one saw his plan.

The gate of Hades may be closed by the influence of the sun, but the gate of Lost Paradise will not. The approaching sun will only drive the big cows to escape to his Lost Paradise like a whip. But what Bingyi wants now has long been It’s not just cows anymore.

What a sun god.

What a beautiful sun.

Under the intimidation of Fenrir Wolf, he offered to compete with the Sun God, naturally not because of her red hair. Bingyi didn't expect the Sun God to appear so early, right within his reach.

Even Bingyi couldn't help but be glad that he had made all the preparations. Wangcai's trip to the highest peak would not only bring the ancestor of the frost giants. After all, when God descends on others, we are not as relieved as on our own people. And maybe the black cat can see through the human soul, but it is impossible to see through the clay man through the three-headed dog, and it is impossible to see through the soulless person through the three-headed dog.

Not wanting to delay any longer, the competition officially began. The sun goddess Sur drove the sun chariot down from the sky. Neither the golden dragon nor the crystal dragon stopped her. They just watched with cold eyes, watching the sun chariot come close to the milky white pollution. The terrifying heat burned the milky white tentacles and shrank, like It's a desperate attempt to hide underground again. The Sun Goddess held Freya's black cat in her arms, staring sharply at the wavy milky white, not missing any clues, and patiently patrolling the milky white pollution like a hunter.

Under the pollution, Bingyi looked at him calmly. He has planned everything, and now he is waiting for the opportunity.

After two competitions, only the Sun Goddess would relax her vigilance if she thought she was sure of victory. Only when the Sun Goddess has paid attention to seven people and has consumed the most divine power, will his plot be more likely to succeed.

'You know what to do'

Under the thread, Bingyi stroked the witch black cat in his arms, which was almost dyed white, and watched it nod tremblingly. It has the same intelligence as humans, or in other words - it is the real A5.

Bingyi never misses any details. A5, which cannot bear the pollution, should have stayed on the sixth floor, but when they climbed up with the cows, they didn't see any sign of B5 at all. The sun goddess Suer first marked Yi Wu and all the people he could descend from, but A5 was still nowhere to be found. The tour guide cannot die, so where is the A5?

Bingyi had a bold guess. He looked at a black cat that was almost completely contaminated by his side. The black cat raised his head and winked at him slyly. Judging from their brief interactions with each other before, A5 is bold, adventurous, willing to take risks, and seems to want to join his team. If she had always looked like a human and was still in her first impression, Bingyi would not be able to trust her at all.

But when she changes her appearance, she can establish a new first impression and win a more fair judgment from Bingyi.

Smart move, now it's her time to show off again.

‘Go ahead, try your best to cut off the Sun God’s hair, and then——’

Lose to her.

The heavily polluted black cat nodded solemnly and struggled to swim above the milky white pollution under the protection of the parasitic bacteria controlled by Bingyi. When the chariot driven by the Sun God passed by, it suddenly jumped up, and the white shadow shot out from behind the Sun God like an arrow, flying toward her hair. It was too fast, too fast for the sun god to react, too fast for the sun's scorching sparks to burn its hair.

However, just when it was about to grab the Sun God's hair, a shield suddenly lifted up and stood in front of it!

"It's a giant shield, giant shield Si Valing!!"

The nervous gods breathed a sigh of relief and cheered excitedly when they saw this scene. The sun was too hot. In order to prevent the sun from burning the sun chariot, the Sun God placed a giant shield called Sval (the cold one) between the horse and the sun to isolate the heat. This giant shield could change its size at will. Followers of Loki He was just trying to attack from behind, but he was stopped by the shield!

Just this moment of pause was enough for the sun goddess to turn her head, without giving the white cat time to attack again. She glanced over and left the mark of the sun on the white cat's forehead, showing an excited smile.

She won this round!

At the same time, the Sun Goddess' face became paler and her figure swayed a bit. Paying attention to six people was quite stressful for her. Fortunately, there was a Japanese car, otherwise she might have fallen into the milk. The defeated white cat screamed angrily and fell from the sky with nowhere to land. At this moment, a black shadow flashed across and almost jumped in front of the Sun Goddess. For a moment, the gods were furious. The God of Thunder almost threw his sledgehammer. The Sun Goddess was so frightened that she broke into a cold sweat and her scalp was numb.


Fortunately, the black shadow had no intention of attacking her. It just grabbed the falling white cat and then flew back to land next to the crystal dragon. It turned out to be the three-headed hell dog. The frightened Sun Goddess breathed a sigh of relief. She should have been able to feel that this was the creature marked by her gaze because of the sudden incident.

[I didn’t expect the sun goddess to be afraid of dogs. It’s really big news]

At this moment, Loki's teasing and sarcastic voice sounded again. Because the failure just now seemed a bit embarrassing, his tone was a little angry, but it made the sun goddess Sur regain her confidence. Yes, she had just competed with Loki. After winning the victory, the scary three-headed dog was just a provocation from the loser. He wanted to take advantage of her gaffe, but Loki could only do this.

The three-headed dog had already caught her eye, and she shouldn't have been so surprised. Instead, Loki laughed at her.

[Come here, Loki]

Sun God Sur was full of energy and drove his chariot over the milk. When he was satisfied with seeing the cows hiding underground, he said loudly, "You only have one chance!" 】

In the last competition, she would never let Loki succeed. Sur held his breath and concentrated on the whole body. He looked around with the corner of his eyes while staring at the milk. Just now, Loki's followers chose to attack from behind but failed. This time he should not come from behind again——

【careful! ! 】

But at this moment, Sur, who was nervous, heard Thor's urgent and loud reminder: "Be careful behind you!" ! 】

The arrogant Loki liked to listen to the incompetent and furious voices of the Nordic gods. He did not ask the onlookers to keep quiet, but now he was self-defeating and ruined a sneak attack that was going to be successful.

Behind you? ! Sur immediately looked back, but except for the giant shield and the sun, she didn't see anything else!

[On your back, on your back! 】

The gods who were watching were going crazy with anxiety. Just behind the sun god Sur, there was an orange-red butterfly quietly parked! It flew out from the milk pollution silently and silently, crossed the sun and the giant shield and landed quietly on Sur's back. As if it had lost the limelight in the first competition, it slowly stopped behind Sur and combed its wings, letting the gods remind them in anger, and smiled as Sur turned around but gained nothing, as if it wanted to earn back the limelight. .

It wasn't until Sur took the risk to remove the giant shield and let the sun burn his back that it finally slowly flew up and landed on the hair on Sur's head, as if it was about to have the most glorious curtain call of 'climbing to the top'. As the butterfly flew down, a The figure quietly exchanged places with the butterfly, it was Otoji!

He held a long knife and grabbed Sur's hair to cut off the fiery red and beautiful hair, winning the final victory in the competition. But at the same time, Sur endured the severe pain of his hair being torn off and the risk of the knife tip piercing his eyes, roaring and raising his head to look at Yi Er to mark him! Is the gaze faster or the knife faster? Otoji's knife was faster and more ruthless than Sur's gaze, and he continued to move downwards without hesitation, intending to cut off Sur's scalp and cut off her long hair, but at this critical moment——


Freya's black cat in Sur's arms suddenly jumped out and jumped onto Ouji's shoulder. This black cat that not many people paid attention to swooped down with its paw and swatted the orange-red butterfly away! The cat pounces on the butterfly. It is a racial advantage. This butterfly seems to be very closely related to Yi Er. The moment he was bitten by the pounce, he moved his knife and missed it. It made a bloody gash on the forehead of the sun god but failed to cut off the hair. In the blink of an eye, Sur seized the opportunity that Ouji lost. Before her eyes were covered with blood, her eyes fell on Ouji. This was the gaze of the Sun God!


The mark of the sun appeared on Yi Er's body, and he suddenly stopped when he was about to cut Sur's hair with the knife. It worked, she won, she won two trials, she beat Loki!

【Ha ha ha ha--】

Overjoyed, the Sun God Sur laughed loudly. He felt that the tight strings all over his body were instantly loosened. He felt cold sweat and his whole body was as soft as if his bones had been removed. The moment he looked at Yi Er, Sur had a premonition that it was him, it was him, Loki was the god who had descended on this person, it couldn't be wrong! And now Loki has been driven away by her gaze, he has lost and will not come back.


Sur couldn't help but lie down on the train and cheer and laugh. Blood flowed all over his face and he covered his eyes without bothering to wipe it. Surrounded by the cheers of the Nordic gods, it was as joyful as a festival celebration. They were shouting and shouting. Laugh, as Ragnarok approaches, even a small victory can make them revel and vent their passions.

So happy, so happy. Sur looked at the sun mark on Yi Er's forehead again and again, unable to stop smiling. His knife was still very close to her, and the tip of the knife could almost pierce her eyeball, but Suer just smiled and panted indifferently.

"Aren't you afraid that I will kill you?"

Ouji asked her, his voice was a little weird, blood blurred Sur's vision, she couldn't see clearly what Ouji's expression was, she just smiled and said: [Of course you can't kill me, the only thing that can kill me is the flaming sword]

In mythology, the sun god Sur died under the flaming sword of the flame giant Surtur. Otoji's sword could not kill her, and everything was over. Freya's black cat let go of the butterfly, licked its paws and meowed apologetically at him. Otoji didn't move, as if he couldn't bear the blow of failure, and said something in a low voice.

[Okay little boy, if you have any questions, you can ask your wise Loki]

Su Er didn't hear clearly, and she didn't bother to listen. From the corner of her eye, she saw a huge black figure rushing towards him. It was a three-headed dog coming to pick up the failed Loki believer, just like it picked up the cat just now, even if it jumped again this time. Jinsul was no longer afraid. She pushed Ouji impatiently and pushed him towards the three-headed dog. She said jokingly and rudely: "Get out of here, you are not welcome here. Don't disturb our carnival."

"I want to ask..."

Before Oji could finish his words, the right head of the three-headed dog was caught in his mouth. It was like a frustrated loser trying to make the winner look embarrassed. This time, the three-headed dog pounced closer to Sur, almost stepping on it. Her body, the three dog heads pointed at her head, opened their bloody mouths and barked at Sur. Sur turned his head in boredom and muttered that Loki should take care of Death's dog. His vision blurred by blood happened to meet Ouji's again.

She vaguely saw Ouji curling up the corners of his mouth, revealing a blood-stained, evil and eager smile, like a devil's smile, which made Sur feel uncomfortable all over. Especially the eager and excited eyes didn't seem to be looking at her, but rather looked past her to someone else. But there's no one else around her? Wait...that's not right.

She seemed to have seen a pair of eyes in the bloody mouth of the three-headed dog just now?

An awe-inspiring chill ran across Sur's back. For a moment, she didn't know what danger was approaching. She just instinctively turned her head to look at the big mouth in the center of the three-headed dog to see if there was a pair of eyes hidden in its throat. But as soon as her head turned halfway, her gaze drifted upward uncontrollably.

"He wants to ask, can Surtur's flaming sword kill you-"

A familiar voice sounded from the three-headed dog's throat. While the Nordic gods were still cheering and celebrating victory, a hand stretched out from the three-headed dog's big mouth, holding the flaming holy sword, and cut it off with a steady and ruthless blow. He cut Sur's throat and cut off her head!

"Can that angel's flaming holy sword kill you?"

A naked man jumped out from the bloody mouth of the three-headed dog. The blood was like his clothes. His white hair was flying and scarlet stained his cheeks, but it couldn't make those blue eyes shine any brighter. His face was moved, and it was Wei Xun who was holding the flaming holy sword! The crystal dragon's eyes lit up as he stared at this side the whole time, and he spread his wings to cover up the crime scene. He cut his throat with a sword, and An Xuefeng pierced Su'er's heart with another sharp sword. He didn't like to talk too much when he was killing people. But the flamboyant Bingyi liked it and would hold his breath if he didn't say it, so he said it for him.

He hurriedly woke up from his old dream and turned into a ferret, hiding in the bloody mouth of Wangcai. He came all the way here just to kill the gods for him! The Holy Flame Sword picked out Su'er's heart, and the fire burned the heart into ashes. Even so, Su'er was not completely dead. His head, with only a layer of skin left, tilted towards An Xuefeng, and he opened and closed his mouth to say something - - An Xuefeng didn't listen to the dead. He raised his sword and coldly cut off Su'er's sacred bones. His head, heart, and bones were all broken, and Sur was completely dead! Before the divine dusk came, the sun god Sur had already fallen under the flaming holy sword of the outer gods, and Wushen's blood-stained eyes were still looking in the direction of Wei Xun.

Sur, the Nordic sun god, died!

【Sul? ! Damn it, what did you do to Soul? ! 】

The gods who were cheering and celebrating finally realized that something was wrong. The thunder resounded through the sky and Thor, the God of Thunder, roared. Lightning struck down and Thunder God's hammer crashed down. However, they did not try their best. They seemed to have not reacted and were still in a trance. No one could have imagined that there would be anyone. Killing the Sun God in full view of the public, why kill the Sun God? ! Are you sick? !

"I killed her."

An Xuefeng pulled Yin Yang Butterfly's cloak to cover his body, holding the flaming holy sword stained with divine blood, and looked around with his eyes.

"Kill if you want, no matter what reason you have."

"I just like killing the sun god."

"If I have to give a reason, I admire Bingyi. She dared to beat Bingyi. Of course I will kill her."

An Xuefeng's face was condensed and he spoke the most irritating nonsense, attracting all the gods' attention and anger to himself, thus making them ignore another existence - the one who came here hiding in Wangcai's mouth. Not only him, but also Bingyi's body! Bingyi's soul had already returned before Su'er looked at Yier. If he could, Bingyi would of course want to kill the god himself and let An Xuefeng do it for him because he had more important things to do.

Behind An Xuefeng, behind the cover of the three-headed dog Wangcai, a bird with half a fiery red body and half a burnt black body flew towards the sun pulled by the sun carriage, and was devouring the sun crazily, with a faint glow of blazing light appearing on its body. , that is the fire that belongs exclusively to the sun.

An Xuefeng killed the old sun god, and he will swallow the old dusk sun and become the new sun!

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