Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 767 Nutrient Solution 257 added

Seeing the milky white pollution coming like a flood, the horror of being almost swallowed made Yiwu, who was riding on Wangcai's back, shrink his pupils suddenly and wanted to run away. B3 beside them also subconsciously took a few steps back, but quickly stopped.

"You and I can't outrun pollution at our current speed."

A faint female voice sounded next to him, it was damn B3, the woman Yiwu wished he had planned to kill. But at this moment, the two of them were in similar situations - B3's body was scorched black, and the fallen angel's wings were split by lightning, leaving only bones. There was black gas coming out of Yiwu's head, the hairy fish was dying like charcoal, and all its hair had been electrocuted.

Being chased by the suddenly killed Thor from Sweden to Norway and then to Iceland was a narrow escape. Even though the main attack by the Thor at that time was on wealth, Yi Wu had already transformed from an old lady back to her normal form and was a little overwhelmed. He B3 and B3 were beaten into Loki's accomplices and enjoyed the electrotherapy. If Thor hadn't suddenly cursed and turned back to let them go for some reason, Yiwu felt that he would have been chopped into salmon/fly again. /Grandma.

Fortunately, this chase also allowed Yiwu to basically confirm Wangcai's identity - yes, Bingyi's absolute god descended on the dog. It was really a big deal. Who could have imagined this? Seeing that after Thor turned back, Wangcai returned to the highest peak in Iceland, he managed to bring out Bergmir, the ancestor of the frost giants, without knowing what he did, and then even wanted to chase Thor back the same way. How could Yiwu not see all this? All within the C-1 plan?

Thinking about the milky white pollution deep in the volcanic ruins, Yiwu firmly believed that Bingyi was definitely doing something big. How could he miss such a thing! Even though he was seriously injured, Yiwu desperately followed Wangcai's footsteps and returned to the volcanic ruins. Of course, damn B3 also followed, but it didn't matter. Sometimes Yiwu felt that Wangcai was even slowing down to wait for them. Otherwise, with its speed, it would definitely leave the two seriously injured people behind. How could it not even care about Bergmire's anxious roar and still move forward at a constant speed?

Maybe it's because the dog's body is not easy to use after all, so Bing Yi regards him as a pre-selected candidate for the divine surrender. After all, he is the one being watched by Loki tonight, so it should be easier for Bing Yi to surrender to him. Yiwu immediately expressed his loyalty to Wangcai in a vague way. It was just a divine intervention, so he treated it like a mosquito bite. Is he worried that his body will be possessed and controlled by Bingyi? Of course the suspicious Otogo is worried! But it doesn't matter, it's almost midnight now. He estimated his speed, and by the time he reaches the volcanic ruins, it will probably be the seventh day.

The seventh day is no longer Loki's day, and he can no longer be watched by Loki. Whether Bingyi can be a 'divine descendant' by then is a matter of two minds. His loyalty now is not compromised at all.

Yiwu thought he had done the right thing. The three-headed dog, which kept its mouth closed all the way back, grinned at him like a smile of appreciation, and even allowed him to sit on the dog's back. B3, who was too slow to show his loyalty, missed the opportunity and could only follow all the way to the volcanic ruins. And the time was just as Yiwu estimated. When they arrived at the volcanic ruins, it was past midnight. The seventh day came. This day was no longer Loki's day. He no longer had the problem of turning into a salmon when returning to zero. He could Let go and kill everyone.

However, the situation was different from what Yiwu thought. He did not expect that the volcanic ruins would be in such a mess. The milky white pollution that was originally in the deepest cracks of the ruins would be brought to the surface! The instinctive fear overwhelms the excitement of doing something big. If it were Yiwu himself, he would have retreated deep behind the crowd and acted according to the situation. But now he was on Wangcai's back, watching Wangcai's dog leaping into the quagmire and rushing towards the milky white pollution. Yiwu could only lower his body with a grimace, fearing that he would be thrown off the dog's back and fall into the pollution.

But as more and more milky white pollution pours out, it gets higher and higher and has already submerged the dog's legs. Even if Yiwu climbs on the dog's head and is drowned by the pollution, it is only a matter of time. Fortunately, Yiwu's 'savior' appears soon!

[Sul——Where are you! 】

Seeing the big cow being lifted to the surface by two evil dragons, while the gods were blocked by the frantically killing frost giants, Thor, the god of thunder, looked serious. He swung his giant hammer and smashed into the sky. For a moment, there was lightning, thunder, and thunder. The sound is like his rich voice that resounds throughout the world.

[Sul——appear quickly! 】

Amid the thunder, the face of Bergmir, the ancestor of the Frost Giants, suddenly froze. He suddenly turned around and faced the roaring and excited Frost Giants. He wanted to say something, but before he could say anything, he was struck by the extremely bright sunshine and the extremely hot sun. The temperature roasted the stem in the throat.

【coming! 】

With a clear and melodious female voice, a goddess driving a golden carriage appeared in the sky. She had red hair and raised eyebrows. She was the Nordic sun god Sur! Sunday was named for her, and the sun shone through the brilliant manes of the two Pegasus horses that pulled the cart. Light is a natural light that has not been seen since the death of Balder, the god of light. It is warm and dazzling, as bright as gold, illuminating the world on the verge of doomsday. It is the last sunlight before dusk.

And along with the sunshine comes terrifying high temperatures, which can melt ice and snow even in severe cold. This high temperature comes from the red fireball carried behind the Japanese car driven by Sur. It is the largest fragment in the Fire Kingdom and is the Nordic sun. Today is the day of the sun god Sur. Her divine power is extremely powerful, just like the last glory before destruction. Even the milk is burned by the heat of the sun until it shrinks and sinks, as if it wants to return to the ground. The heavy cow dropped the golden dragon and crystal dragon downwards, and it was difficult to lift it higher for a while, and the situation became stagnant.

[Frost Giant, now is not the time to start a war]

The sun god Sur stared at the frost giants with a solemn expression, and the ferocious heat could melt their spears. By the time Ragnarok came around, the Fire Giants and Frost Giants were supposed to join the battle together, so they would no longer be afraid of the scorching flames. But now that the Frost Giants are only present, and it's Sunday, which can increase her divine power, the Sun God Sur alone can suppress other giants except Bergmir, the ancestor of the Frost Giants.

[Suer, you are too arrogant! 】

Now only Bergmir can withstand the scorching rays of the sun, but he is unwilling to give up the big cows at his fingertips, and insists on challenging the Sun God: [It has now reached the third winter of Finbul Winter, in the extremely cold Even if the sun will be frozen next time, how much of your strength can you use——]

【Then add me】

A gentle male voice sounded from high in the sky, but the sunlight that suddenly became several times brighter was anything but gentle. The bright and dazzling sunlight made the sky and the earth look like day. If the previous sunlight was the setting sun near dusk, the current sunlight was like the scorching sun in midsummer. It was so bright that even Bergmere screamed and raised his hand with his hand. Covered his face.


As the pig snorted proudly, the sun became more and more dazzling. Soon, a layer of water mist appeared on the fingers made of ice in Begelmire, and it actually melted slightly!

[Frey, you are a member of the Warner Protoss, why are you here to join in the fun! 】

Bergmire gritted his teeth, and a voice filled with deep anger forced out from between his teeth. Frey is by no means an unfamiliar name. He is very important in Nordic mythology. Frey is the brother of Freya, the goddess of beauty, the god of fertility, and the god of sunlight. In Norse mythology, the sun's light and heat are separate. The sun only provides heat, while the dazzling sunlight comes from the manes of the two Pegasus horses in the Lage, and comes from Frey, the god of sunlight.

He often rides a wild boar with golden manes to patrol the world. The golden hair of this wild boar represents the brightest sunshine in summer. There is an extremely handsome blond god in the sky right now. He is riding a shining wild boar and is parked next to the sun carriage. Blessed by the God of Sun, the bright summer sun is the nemesis of the Frost Giants. Even the ancestor of the Frost Giants Begelmir was restrained by them, helpless!

[As Sur said, now is not the time to start a war]

Frey spoke, his appearance was young but his eyes were deep, as if he had gone through many vicissitudes of life: [Ymir, the ancestor of the giants, should not have been resurrected in Ragnarok, and cows should not have appeared in the world]

[The invasion of the outer gods is ambitious, and our Ragnarok cannot be distorted or changed because of this, otherwise——]

He shook his head, saying nothing. The Nordic gods who heard Frey speak were all silent. Carrying out a complete Ragnarok can actually accumulate strength for the next generation of Nordic gods. Destruction is also part of the myth. But if there is an accident in Ragnarok that is different from what people know, the consequences are unimaginable.

Not only the Nordic gods, but also Bergmire fell silent, looking a little relaxed - there was really no way, and he didn't want to listen to the Nordic gods' nonsense, but the problem was that he was suppressed now, and he couldn't even kill the gods if he wanted to. no way.

Damn the Fire Giant, damn Surtur. Bergmir couldn't help but complain in his heart. In Ragnarok, the sun god Sur was supposed to be killed by the flame sword of the fire giant leader Surtur. It was supposed to be his job to deal with the sun, but in the end, they let the frost giants come. Play forward!


Bergmire had already begun to think about retreating, and was about to say a few harsh words before leaving, but as soon as he spoke, he was interrupted by a voice.

[The reason why the ancestors of the giants were not resurrected before was because there was no invasion from the outer gods or the invasion was not very strong]

I couldn't see anyone speaking, I could only hear the sweet and silky male voice resounding in the ears of everyone, gods and giants, as if a devil was smiling and whispering, implicitly bewitching: [Four angels have appeared this time, it's ironclad. The heart wants to judge the doomsday, and when Ragnarok comes, who will have the extra strength to fight against the angels? 】

What this man said made sense. Bergmeier's eyes rolled, not only because of the 'reason' in this man's words, but also because he guessed the identity of the speaker. The only giant who can hope to resurrect Ymir, the ancestor of giants, is not afraid of the scorching heat and bright sunshine of the sun.


With his wisdom, if it was really his plan to bring the cow back to the world, then he must have a back-up plan! Bergmir was not in a hurry to retreat, and was waiting with excitement for Loki's next plan. If he was really sure of weakening the Sun God Sur and the Sun God Frey, then there might be a chance this time.

[The doomsday is approaching and you still only remember the hatred between you and the giants. It is really superficial and ignorant! 】

The whole place was quiet. Apart from the angry roar of the golden dragon, only Loki's voice could be heard. His tone was firm, as if he was telling the truth and scolding the gods: [The ancestor of the giants is resurrected, and the cows return to the earth, just to fight against the outer gods! 】

He pointed to the country and scolded Fang Qiu: "Only my father's resurrection can put everything back on track!" 】


[Loki, you want to delay time]

His words were quickly interrupted by the Sun God Sur. The beautiful and flamboyant red-haired goddess glanced around and said in a playful tone: [I know you are not here in person, but there are your believers here. You are here. People are no different from you here]

[But yesterday was your day, today it’s my turn! 】 Before he finished speaking, Sur's eyes were locked on Yiwu on the back of the three-headed dog. He saw a dazzling light flashing past. Before Yiwu had time to dodge, the light fell on him. A voice suddenly sounded in Yiwu's mind.

[Today is Sunday, the sun god Sur will be watching you]

[The sun god Sur is the driver of the sun and the daughter of the giant Mondelfari. She has a sun chariot. The scorching sun makes it difficult for other creatures to approach]

[Under Mani's watch, all the power related to the Norse gods in you will be expelled today, leaving only the mark of the sun]

Not an attack, but... a stare? Yiwu touched the extra sun mark on his forehead and reacted quickly. He sensed the power in his body. Sure enough, all the remaining power of Bingyi (Loki) in his body disappeared and was replaced by the power of the sun god Sur! Sur used this method to drive away Loki, who was good at hiding himself. I have to say that this was indeed very clever.

And this kind of gaze is extremely restrained by Bingyi. You must know that Loki's divine power is his trump card. If he is expelled and only the power of the sun is left, it will be extremely detrimental to him!

But, but...

Yiwu's face remained calm, without revealing any clues. Is this also what Wangcai expected? That's why you put him on your back to cover it up?

But Bingyi didn't have a god descending on him. Wasn't Suer's attention in vain?

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