Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 757: Iceland Shock (277)

After all, Yin Yang Butterfly is the famous director of Yi Er. Even though his performance after amnesia is different from before, giving the audience a slightly subtle feeling, the previous impression is deeply rooted. Not many people really think that he is making things up. They just think that he is making things up. His memory is a bit confused. During the journey, Yin-Yang Die recognized his eldest brother as Bingyi, but in the hotel for a long time, he recognized his eldest brother as a life-seeking person.

Bingyi is so young, so rather than saying that he made hundreds of millions by starting a company, it is better to say that he is a life-loving person and his power has been developing in the hotel for so many years, and he has not ignored the development in reality. If the desperate man or his subordinates were able to find the tour guide Miaozi in reality and select Yin Yang Butterfly, even if he enters the hotel, it may be under the control of the East District Butcher Alliance. Then the hidden power of the Butcher Alliance in reality may be huge. It's unimaginable, and even more so.

Although the high-end travelers currently watching the live broadcast spend most of their time traveling throughout the year, their real home will always be their home and a warm harbor that they will never forget in their hearts. Now I suddenly discovered that there may be forces developing in the Butcher Alliance in reality. Many people felt a sense of confusion and found it difficult to accept it for a while.

The Mingxi had stayed at the Gate of the Sun for so many years that the tourists who had come in for five years were not very familiar with the bloody storms brought by the Mingxi in the past. Only now can they understand how powerful this Jiayi is. Suddenly, the number of people playing good brother jokes in the live broadcast room suddenly dropped by 90%, and many viewers even left the Swedish live broadcast room. It is human nature to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages, and they dare not listen to the Yin Yang Butterfly telling more secrets about life-loving people!

However, many viewers still chose to go to the Iceland live broadcast room to continue watching Director C's live broadcast after feeling uneasy. Although Director Bing and Xi Mingren are said to be blood brothers, Director Bing gives people a really different feeling. Watching him live and leading the brigade, no matter how dangerous and polluted they are, it makes people feel at ease. Very promising. He is that kind of very special, very special kind of... that kind of...

[Director C’s live broadcast perspective is so special]

Some viewers couldn't help but said that Director C's angle of view was a bit low and looked uncomfortable. Moreover, the strange thing was that the angle of view in Director C's live broadcast room was fixed and could not be adjusted to a wide angle. He could only follow Director C's line of sight to see things. It’s like a live broadcast of an old dream.

"Bingyi has a high probability of being sent down by God."

Bai Xiaosheng analyzed that after so many days of the journey, the combination of special guest commentators is no longer so rigid. Now it is Bai Xiaosheng and the psychic who explain together.

"When tour guides or tourists control other people's bodies through magic, possession, etc., their live broadcast perspective will be unique, that of the possessed person."

There is a reason for this. The live broadcast is only for tour guides and tourists, but the title of possession or divine descending can be used on Aboriginal people. It is likely to show some things that should not be broadcast live. It has nothing to do with the journey and the Aboriginal people. The surrounding environment is also likely to exceed the difficulty of the attraction and is not suitable for the current audience.

The hotel does not have as much control over the aboriginal people as it does over the tourist guides. If something goes wrong, the response may not be timely. This is only for safety reasons. Only the possessed person's eyes can easily see something that should not be seen. Stop the live broadcast immediately. After all, the eyes of the possessed person are equivalent to the eyes of the tour guide/tourist, so they can be easily shielded.

Bingyi had just explored the Divine Descent with the Ya Hunter before, and now from this perspective, people immediately thought of the Divine Descent. But Bai Xiaosheng didn't think that his god had descended on the tooth hunter.

"The perspective is wrong."

Bingyi is walking forward, but his perspective is not straight forward, but to the right. If there is something on the right that makes him wary, he should also be wary of the front and left from time to time, and should not always look to the right.

* *

Amidst the vast storm and raining ice cones, a big dog quietly landed on the Faroe Islands. The temperature is now so low that the sea surface for hundreds of nautical miles from the shore is frozen into ice, which is very solid. Along the way, it swam less and ran more on the ice. There was not much water on the oily and slippery dog ​​hair. Even if there was a little water, it all fell to the ground when it turned into a soul state and ran.

The soul state is not afraid of ice picks, nor is it worried about being seen by others. After all, its current appearance is really special. It is actually a three-headed dog! You can see that the head on the left side of it is drowsy, opening its eyes from time to time, with the death power of the underworld shining in its eyes, maintaining its soul-shaped body. The eyes of the head in the middle were filled with blood, as if mixed with some kind of pollution, and the gaze looked fierce and extremely terrifying.

But it was the head on the right that really made the decision. The strange blue-purple canine eyes shone with wisdom, not like a pair of dog eyes, but more like a pair of human eyes.

In order to make the Nordic gods mistakenly think that this is the private dog action of the three-headed dog, and not to suspect Loki, Bingyi, who descended from the gods, chose to only control the dog head on the right side of Wangcai, so that even if the gods and giants came, he only had to close his eyes. , no one can recognize it.

After walking ashore, with a clear goal of making money, I headed towards Karls Island in the northeast of the Faroe Islands without looking back. There are endless cliffs and depressions there, and the scenery is strange and magnificent, making it difficult for first-time visitors to leave, but the most important thing is The little crevice in Denmark's abyss is on the island of Karls!

Although I made an appointment with the tooth hunter to meet in Sweden, and I also learned through the dragon hunter that Sweden is the most lively place right now. The oldest volcanic ruins, the cows that fed the primitive giants, and the salmon B5 are all in Sweden, but Bingyi doesn’t plan to go there so soon. To join in the fun, his goal is to seal the cracks in the abyss.

So far, there are still six small cracks, nine medium cracks and two large cracks that have not been successfully blocked. Among them, Denmark, which has the smallest land area, has only one small crack, which is on the Faroe Islands. Although the Faroe Islands are Denmark's sovereign territory, they are isolated and located in the vast ocean between Iceland and Scotland. They are very remote, but the scenery is very shocking, and there are many myths and legends.

According to Yi Er, their two Danish brigades went to the Faroe Islands attractions a few days ago and did a lot of dangerous tasks, but now there are no tourist guides on the islands, which makes it easier for Bing Yi to block the cracks quietly. The small cracks here do not lead to the volcano, but accumulate a lot of highly polluting volcanic ash. Perhaps it is too close to Iceland and was severely affected by the volcanic eruption. The accumulation of volcanic ash led to the formation of small cracks.

It is very shallow and there are no abyssal creatures, so it is the easiest to block. Bing Yi controlled the flame to melt the rock and cover it on the volcanic ash, and successfully blocked this small crack. After that, Wangcai left the Faroe Islands in a low profile, without even saying hello to Yun Tianhe from Team A2. The big dog ran eastward on the frozen sea, heading towards Norway.

Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Finland, this is the route determined by Bingyi. Except for Denmark and Finland, the other three countries have both small and medium cracks. Norway has two small cracks and two medium cracks, Sweden has two small cracks and one medium crack, and Finland also has only one small crack. The remaining medium cracks and large cracks are all in Iceland.

Compared with Denmark, Norway's situation is much more difficult, and it can even be said to be the most difficult. Its cracks are more concentrated, with one medium crack and two small cracks in the Jotunheimen Mountains in central Norway, and another medium crack in the far north, all close to the Arctic Circle. Norway is long and narrow, and running the map is a big problem. Fortunately, there is Wangcai, who is very fast. Without the three-headed dog, Bingyi can't check the points so quickly.

Soon, Wangcai arrived at Jotunheimen National Park. Even though the heavy snow, strong winds and ubiquitous ice cones severely obstructed his vision, making it difficult to see these magnificent scenes, Wangcai's throat made a warning sound just by relying on his sense of smell. The barking reminder sounded in Bingyi's mind.

There were frost giants all ahead. Jotunheimen has more than 60 glaciers and 275 peaks over 2,000 meters. The name "Jotunheimen" means "Home of Giants" when translated. It can be said that they are breaking into the giants' lair. Those cracks are under a glacier in Jotunheimen.

"Woof woof!"

But this is the home of giants, which is better than the territory of the Norse gods. Wangcai did not hide it. He stood at the mountain gate and barked loudly, which soon attracted the attention of the frost giants. Just as Bingyi expected, the giants were very friendly to Wangcai. They not only kindly invited him to the feast, but also asked him to bring hundreds of large bags of dead nails back to Hela. The frost giants had to take Hela's ship to the battlefield, and the faster the dead nail ship was built, the better.

Even if Wangcai behaved violently, barbarically and unreasonably, the giants just laughed. After all, Wangcai was just a dog, and he was notoriously disobedient. Soon the giants ignored him and all went to the ice and snow feast. This was the last feast before the expedition, and it was also an important occasion for them to choose the ice cones dropped by Sword Winter as their weapons. As for the three-headed dog, let it run around freely, anyway, the giants were not worried.

In this case, Bingyi successfully blocked the two small cracks. There was no volcano here, and it was too energy-consuming to use underground fire, and to prevent it from attracting the attention of the giants, Bingyi did not ignite the underground fire, but directly asked Wangcai to dig the two small cracks, and sent Butterfly and Little Gold Butterfly father and son to absorb the power of the abyss in the small cracks to ensure that there would be no recurrence.

Then Wangcai touched the medium-sized crack... I heard from Afeng that contracting a medium-sized crack is the instinct of a tour guide. As long as you get there, you will naturally understand what to do. Even if Bingyi didn't go there in person, Wangcai's abyss power is also very strong. Coupled with Bingyi's mental control, there will be no big problem with the contract crack.

However, when Wangcai climbed a high mountain and looked at the glacier where the crack was located from afar, a big problem still appeared.

This medium-sized crack has been taken by someone! The three-headed dog has excellent eyesight. Bingyi immediately noticed that the fallen angel who was half-kneeling next to the glacier crack and was contracting the crack at the critical moment was B3 (Black Angel)!

B3 actually found this hidden medium-sized crack and was still contracting it. However, this was also within Bingyi's expectations. B3 and Bingsan were both in Norway. B3 seemed to have hidden her power. The strength of the original puppeteer should be no less than that of the Fang Hunter and others. It is normal for her to find the contract of the medium-sized crack. It's just that I don't know whether the puppeteer is unlucky or Bingyi is lucky. He just ran into the process of contracting!

Since it was decided to seal all the cracks, of course, no one else could get it. Since he couldn't get it, he might as well destroy it. Bingyi made a decision immediately. The big dog stood up quietly, slapped the ground with its two paws, and countless underground fires surged towards the glacier. A few seconds later, B3, whose contract was at a critical juncture, jumped up suddenly and dodged the flames that erupted from the glacier at the critical moment.

How did the glacier erupt with flames? !

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