Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 756 Nutrient Solution 253 added

At that time, when Yiwu turned into a salmon and fell to the ground in full view of everyone, the whole place was silent. Both the Nordic gods and the fighting tour guides could not express their gazes at him. The fish was jumping on the volcano. Thor, the god of thunder, He was so stunned that he even suspended his attack. Fortunately, the dragon hunter and Yi Er A5 reacted quickly. When the Nordic gods stopped, they immediately turned around and ran away, quickly getting out of the battle. The dragon hunter did not forget to catch the fish before leaving, and Yi Wu barely managed to survive the wave of fish transformations.

But when they ran away, they heard the thunder god roaring behind them, shouting something like 'Loki, come out! ’ and so on, I am afraid that the scene of Yiwu transforming into a salmon stimulated him, and he thought it was some kind of Loki’s trick, so he prepared a tight formation, which made it easier for them to escape.

The group of people were still in shock and fled all the way before choosing a deserted land to temporarily settle down. They were still in shock from this adventure, but they should have gained something. Seeing that the Nordic gods were specifically guarding the volcanic ruins, they knew that there must be good things there. It's a pity that the only one who went to spy on the information is still a salmon, and he can't tell the pain. The fact that he turned into a salmon also aroused the suspicion of Ouji.

A5 and Yi Er's zeroing has not yet been resolved. When they were little lunatics, they saw Yi Er staring at him more and more eagerly. If the dragon hunter hadn't suddenly said that he had something to deal with, he took it away with him. Yiwu is really worried. That information...well, he did get some information from the mouths of the gods who guarded the volcano ruins and talked in low voices, but it really made Yiwu not know what to say.

There is indeed a treasure in this oldest volcanic ruins. The treasure is the cow that once raised the ancestor of the frost giants. After the ancestor giant was killed by Odin, it was also seriously injured and fell asleep, and was sealed in this ancient volcanic ruins. middle. It is said that dusk is approaching now, and the resurrection of the Frost Giant ancestor is progressing very quickly. If we get this cow again and drink a lot of milk, we may regain our strength faster, and Ragnarok may be brought forward, so naturally there are people from the Nordic gods guarding here.

The dragon hunter happened to be a hunter from the giant camp. When the gods stationed there saw him coming to the volcano, they felt as if they were facing a powerful enemy. They directly called the god of thunder and the god of war to receive them with the "highest standards", which led to their first meeting with the Nordic gods. Then the fight started. This was really a success or failure for the dragon hunter!

However, this volcanic relic must be grasped. If you get this cow, you may be able to hook up with the ancestor giant and intervene in the key plot. The ancestor giant and the cow were both conceived in the Jinlunga Gap, and it was sealed in the volcanic ruins. Maybe this ruins, even how to persuade Yi Er A5 to explore the volcano with him, the question is. Because he is still a salmon.

Damn it, Yi Wu flicked in annoyance. After getting the parchment early this morning, he actually tried it himself. Usually, when in danger in the water, he turns into a salmon, and when in danger on land, he turns into a fly. So when in danger in the crowd, he should turn into an old woman. People are always there to confuse the enemy's sight and to escape. Who would have thought how he could turn into a salmon in the volcanic ruins! Even if she becomes an old woman...well, a fly...sigh.

And why hasn't the hour come yet? When he tried, the transformation would only last for an hour at most.

"Yi Wu, do you ever feel that sometimes your memory seems to be missing a piece?"

Then Yi Wu felt the dragon hunter suddenly take it out and asked.

Why would he suddenly ask such a question? Could it be that the dragon hunter also lost his memory? Yiwu immediately became alert. He always questioned others' words before questioning them. Yes, of course he felt dizzy and couldn't remember many things clearly, but he always behaved normally. Rather than saying that he had exposed a flaw, Yiwu thought that there was something wrong with the dragon hunter himself, or that he was friends with the dragon hunter and knew him...

Something went wrong with Tooth Hunter or Bingyi?

If it's the former, it means that hunters all have amnesia. If it's the latter, it means that tour guides all have amnesia. It could also be a combination of the two... Are hunters essentially tour guides?


The salmon opened its mouth. It wanted to speak, but damn it was just a salmon. It had been dry for so long and couldn't even spit out a bubble. I thought that amnesia and forgetfulness were the effects of terminal illness, but is this still common? Damn it, he really wanted to trick Dragon Hunter, or maybe Yi Er.

"Were you a tour guide in the past?"

"I shouldn't have been a hunter before, but I can't remember clearly."

The dragon hunter here is still chattering, and the salmon over there listens patiently, waving his tail from time to time to comfort and pat his hand, showing off his posture. Of course, it just listens, but doesn't think about it. If the guide hunters who participated in this journey all lost their memory on a large scale, there might be some conspiracy involved. It cherishes its life very much. It will never be stupid enough to listen to a few words and then start trying to remember. Such a stupid person will definitely not survive long during the journey.

"You'd better not reveal to Ouji that you're being watched by Loki."

The dragon hunter seemed to feel that he was a bit stupid talking to a salmon, so he simply stopped talking and put the salmon on the snow after being reminded. Exactly one hour came, and as soon as Yiwu landed on the snow, he transformed from a salmon into a human. Although he was very interested in what the dragon hunter said, it was more important to coax Yiji at the moment. Yiwu and the dragon hunter hurriedly parted ways, and the dragon hunter was about to I have something important to do——

He was going to the beach to pick up the tooth hunter. It took a lot of effort to swim all the way there. The dragon hunter would never miss such a wonderful scene of the tooth hunter landing.

His last sentence to remind Yiwu was because Bingyi had sent him a message, telling the dragon hunter that he was watching two tour guides and one tourist at the same time. It was Yiwu, Yier and Yun Tianhe, and asked him to help them deal with it. Don't Let them discover each other - he has already warned Yi Er and Yun Tianhe to keep a low profile. The key is Yi Wu. Even when the person being watched is in the same field, Yi Wu will transform first. Is this targeted or valued? Dragon Hunter It’s hard to say.

But looking at the tragic situation of Yiwu, it is difficult to believe that Bingyi did not do it on purpose. But no matter what, in order to avoid exposing the things he was paying attention to at the same time, the dragon hunter chose to take the salmon away first when Yi Er was in a menacing mood, so as to save it from being smashed into fish sauce.

* *

"Are you saying that there are probably giant cows in the volcanic ruins?"

When A5 returned, he was not smashed into pieces by the gloomy-looking Eji, and even managed to pull him aside to whisper while A5 was recovering from his injuries. When he heard that the volcanic ruins contained cows that were extremely effective against giants (Loki was a giant!), Yiji immediately became energetic and prepared to conquer the volcanic ruins again without Yiwu saying anything. I got the cow for my brother!

"Yes, that's why I turned into a salmon."

Yi Wu said half truthfully, but his expression was very serious. He talked with Yi Er for a long time and finally fooled him. Then he accidentally talked about the issue of memory.

"I think brother may have memory problems."

"What? Brother has lost his memory?"

As expected, Yi Er is the kind of person who follows what others say without any extra quotation. Hearing this, Yi Wu was shocked. Yi Wu comforted him: "It's okay, tour guides are like this. In fact, there are many things that I can't remember." clear……"

"What? Are all tour guides like this?"

Yi Er was shocked again, and Yi Wu was also heartbroken. This kid Ouji is easy to talk to, but he seems to really know nothing. He is like a repeater, as if he is sharing information with Ouji! Wouldn't Ouji share this information with Bingyi? That would be great fun. Yiwu quickly got into the topic and pretended to be envious: "There is a brother who still remembers you. Your brotherhood is really touching."

"That's right, even if I lose my memory, I haven't forgotten my brother!"

Yi Er was very happy and a little proud, which made Yi Wu murmur in his heart, could it be that they are really brothers? Isn't Bingyi kidding the little fool? He simply followed the topic and asked curiously: "Do you remember what happened between you two in the past? Can you tell me about it? I don't have any brothers or sisters, and I always like to hear this kind of thing."

"Of course I remember. I was very ill and my brother had been working hard outside to make money."

Yi Er, even though Yi Er didn't remember it, he couldn't show his cowardice in this matter. He just talked nonsense and believed it. He couldn't help but show off, saying that his eldest brother had made hundreds of millions by starting a company, just to give him money. He heals! He talked a lot, and even the audience couldn't help but start to doubt life.

[Could it be that my good brother is really so discerning that he is targeting the Yin-Yang Butterfly in reality? Seeing that he is a wizard of tour guides, investing in advance? 】

[My good brother actually runs a company? Brother who made hundreds of millions of dollars in anger? ? 】

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