Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 751: Iceland Shock (272)

How could the cracks in the abyss suddenly close on their own?

Until he returned to the Kingdom of Fire and faced Yu Hehui's temptation, the little lizard still had this problem in his mind. It was really scared to death at that time, and the suddenly closed crack was right next to it. If it had been deep in that crack at that time, wouldn't it have been crushed alive into a pulp? !

Its body is not very powerful. It can be said to be a relatively ordinary little volcanic lava lizard. Only in this way can it better hide its intelligence and make it less likely to be discovered by the hotel. It usually avoids live broadcast cameras. If it were his Lizard Duke form, he would naturally not be afraid of the cracks closing——

Not necessarily not afraid.

The little lizard's expression was uncertain. This was no ordinary crack. All kinds of weird and terrifying things always happened in the abyss cracks. Even if he controlled so many abyss nodes, he couldn't say how deep his understanding of it was. If 'cracks close without warning' is part of the rules of the abyss, the Lizard Duke has no confidence to fight against the rules. This little lizard can be regarded as the memory, wisdom and experience separated from the main body. If it is really crushed and worn away by the abyss, then Even if the competition is over, Lizard Duke may not be able to recover his memory, and he will be as stupid as the adult hunter!

Even if it is not crushed and manages to escape, it will inevitably be invaded by the pollution of the abyss. When the cracks closed just now, the little lizard clearly felt the fluctuations of the pollution of the abyss. This is no joke. If it is really contaminated, it will not have a strong body at present. He simply can't hold on for long. At that time, he will be forced to fuse with the tooth hunter first, and he will definitely be severely punished by the hotel when the problem is discovered.


What's difficult is that the crack closed so quietly that the little lizard didn't feel any signs, let alone any power fluctuations, so it was easiest to capsize in the gutter. But it is really unwilling to give up the great opportunity to explore the abyss, so can it only cooperate with Bingyi? This kid Bingyi has so many butterfly fragments, and his control over the power of the abyss makes even his great S2 director jealous. He should be able to sense the power fluctuations in advance.

The little lizard felt a little sad at the thought of sharing part of the Fire Country's rear area that he had worked so hard to manage with Bingyi, but he quickly comforted himself. Anyway, the fang hunter was about to become Bingyi's thug. Hearing Yu Hehui say that he is now enjoying himself. When I took Fenrir Wolf out to take pictures in the snow, the embarrassed little lizard had a black look on his face and didn't want to admit that they were the same person.

But thanks to the fact that the fang hunter who just joined the hotel is not too thoughtful, he didn't offend Bingyi even if he wanted to abduct Fenrir wolf, and he was still able to get along with him. They can even get along harmoniously now. The resulting relationship must be limited to the competition, and it will not be used in vain.

"Hiss, hiss." 'Although these flame crystals are pure, they are not big in size'

Now that he had made a decision in his heart, the little lizard revealed more when talking to Yu Hehui, naturally showing his sincerity. Seeing Xue Baibaihu, who had originally planned to receive the batch of flame crystals and turned around to send them out, turned back, the little lizard hissed lightly. Now that Yu Hehui has basically restored his peak strength in the past, the nine-tailed sky fox can understand various beast languages ​​and can also communicate with various intelligent beasts. They come and go "hissing" Ying's communication is very smooth.

Bingyi is now recognized as Loki by all the camps in Northern Europe. He has even been recognized by the ancestor giant to be able to control underground fire. He basically has all the authority over fire and there is nothing to improve on. The reason why he keeps collecting flame crystals from the little lizard is simply because he wants to follow the Norse mythology that Odin once threw the two largest flames in Muspelheim (the Kingdom of Fire) into the sky and turned them into the sun and moon. It is said that smaller flames turn into stars, and the opportunity to become the sun is found through the crystallization of flames rich in the power of the Fire Country.

But so far, the flame crystals Bingyi has collected are very pure and there are a lot of them, but they are not the largest in terms of size. Yu Hehui has been supervising the work in the Country of Fire not only to keep an eye on the Lizard Duke, but also to find information about the biggest flame in the Country of Fire for Bingyi. Now the little lizard actually took the initiative to talk about this. The suspicious Tianhu was cautious and a little doubtful whether this might be a trap.

"Hiss." 'My lizards are all over the Fire Country, and they smell the divine power of Sur'

The little lizard also knew that talking too much would arouse Yu Hehui's suspicion, so he hinted in a chatting tone: "Tomorrow is Sunday. If Bingyi really wants to be the sun, it will be a good day for him."

Sur is the sun god, and his divine power is closely related to the sun. The little lizard said that there was Sur's divine aura deep in the Kingdom of Fire. In fact, he was almost saying that there was the largest flame crystal deep in the Kingdom of Fire that would become the 'New Sun'! Tomorrow is Sunday, the day of Sur, the Norse sun god, and the last of the Fimbul winter.

The god of light is dead. When the winter of Fimbul ends and the days of the sun god Sur end, Ragnarok will truly come. By then all the gods and giants in Northern Europe will be reshuffled. When everything is over and the world is rebuilt, a new sun will rise and continue to illuminate the entire Nordic world. And Sur's daughter Suna will become the new sun god, setting up a sun chariot to patrol the sky.

If Bingyi wants to use the power of Northern Europe to achieve the sun, the standards must be complete. He must have a sun god and a one-day car. Therefore, if we can imprison Sur, who should have died in Ragnarok, before the end of tomorrow, subdue him or take away his power and sun chariot, and then constantly monitor the situation of the 'New Sun' deep in the Kingdom of Fire.

When Ragnarok ends and the new sun is about to reappear in the world, Bingyi can fuse the huge flame fragment to replace it, bring his own sun god and sun chariot to the post, gain the greatest recognition from the Nordic forces, and become the leader of the world. Latest sun.

‘I would also like to see what it will be like when Northern Europe has both the sun and the sun god. ’

The little lizard said meaningfully, showing that he wanted to watch the excitement between Bingyi and the life-eater and stir up trouble. This was indeed a problem. If top figures like them possess the power of mythology, such as the sun, moon and stars, they will not become exclusive gods of a certain god system, which would be too restrictive.

If Bingyi wants to be the sun, he naturally wants to be the sun of the whole world. The man who opened the Inca Sun Gate is also closely related to the sun, but his title is closer to the 'Sun God', 'High Priest', etc., because the core of pollution in the Inca Sun Gate itself is the crazy sun, the man who lives the life. Naturally, it is impossible to become the sun, and the pollution would be too deep.

In this way, if Bingyi can become the 'sun', and he is destined to be the 'sun god', then one side will inevitably be stronger and the other will be weaker. Does the god believe in the sun, or is the sun controlled by the god?

"Hiss, hiss." 'I can take you to the deepest part of the Fire Country to find the largest fragment of the sun. In exchange, I will come with you when you go to the crack in the abyss.'

Only then did the little lizard reveal his final purpose. Seeing the change in Tianhu's expression, he added with a chuckle: 'I just went down to the crack in the abyss and dispersed after entering. I have my own team and I am too lazy to pester you.'

In this way, his proposal looks like 'the leader of the West District Butchers Alliance wants to trouble the boss of the East District Butchers Alliance to watch the fun, and he also wants to hitchhike into the abyss for benefits.' It is difficult to be discovered.

“Yingying” ‘I will tell Director C the truth’

Tianhu took a deep look at it and said in a calm tone. With a worried look, he left the Kingdom of Fire with the pile of flame crystals and returned to reality. As soon as he left, he saw Director Bing opening his eyes and looking at him, chatting secretly: 'It's coming back slower than I thought. What happened? "

After Bingyi successfully closed the abyss crack, he was worried about the impact on reality, so he temporarily broke away from his old dream and returned to reality to check the situation. But there is a time difference of several decades between the old dream and reality, and the cracks that closed back then may not be in the same place in reality. Bingyi wanted to take a look into the Country of Fire, where the flames were the strongest and the distance to the abyss was also close. Maybe he could judge whether there was a missing crack by sensing changes in the concentration of pollution in the abyss in the Country of Fire.

So as soon as he returned to reality, he mentally called Yu Hehui to pick him up, but Yu Hehui came out late.

'That's it'

Yu Hehui told Bingyi all about the little lizard's plan. Tianhu's eyes showed a deep thought: "...Although it sounds very consistent with the character of Duke Lizard, I intuitively feel that something is wrong."

Bingyi also pondered for a moment, then smiled and said: ‘Promise him’

Any conflicts between the sun and the sun god will all happen in the future. Let’s talk about becoming the sun first! So what if he agreed to take the Lizard Duke into the abyss with him? Anyway, he had no intention of entering the abyss in this competition. As for the future, if the Lizard Duke is willing to go into the abyss with An Xuefeng, his brother and their brigade, Bingyi won't mind.

But the little lizard must have had a purpose when he suddenly said this.

"Is there something wrong with it? It can't go into the abyss alone."

Bingyi pondered for a moment and then said that he and An Xuefeng had just analyzed the meaning of the twists and turns in the phantom cat talk, and Bingyi's mind was very flexible now, and he went straight to the core - the little lizard wanted him to take him down the crack.

Why doesn't it do it on its own? There are two major reasons that can be speculated. One is that it has a problem with itself, and the other is that there is something wrong with the crack in the abyss, and the little lizard knows about it, so it feels that it is not safe.

‘Then I won’t go to the Fire Country yet, please be careful’

Bingyi warned that there was nothing going on with Bader. When the time comes, let the little flame angel Francis also go to the Kingdom of Fire to provide insurance for Yu Hehui. When he fell back to his old dream, the big white cat lazily woke up from the arms of the snow leopard. Seeing him coming back so quickly, An Xuebao, who was licking the tip of the cat's nose, couldn't help but feel his heart beat fast. Before the big white cat could react, he quickly asked it what happened in real life to change the subject.

Bingyi told An Xuebao about the little lizard, and he knew these old friends and rivals better.

‘It’s also possible that there’s something wrong with the cracks in the abyss’

At the end of the sentence, the big white cat couldn't help but smile evilly and said: 'Did the crack I closed pinch the little lizard? ’

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