Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 750: Iceland Shock (271)

'What you a solution'

An Snow Leopard was stunned. His azure leopard eyes couldn't help but stare at the big white cat that was curled up in its arms with interest. It restlessly stretched out its claws to scratch the Snow Leopard's chin. He couldn't help but lick the tips of its flesh pads. After carefully thinking about the suggestion Bingyi made just now, he slowly said after careful consideration: "It would be best if we could temporarily close the crack in the abyss and go there later."

To be honest, it would be better if you can wait until the competition is over before planning to enter the abyss. Now An Xuefeng has no available passengers at all. Yu Xiangyang and Tang Xiang can barely count as two, and he can't trust the others when it comes to the abyss. If you can wait until Bai Xiaosheng deciphers the characters on the rock wall, then gather together some friends who have died in Feihong Metaphysics, as well as dream chaser Zhang Xingzang and others, and be fully prepared and led by Wei Xun who has recovered his memory. Exploring the bottomless pit of the abyss is of course the safest way.

Only by cooperating with a powerful brigade can we dig out more things in the bottomless pit, gain more, and have a higher probability of everyone surviving. An Xuefeng never likes to fight unprepared battles.

Going down in a hurry now is purely a gamble. If you rush here and escape in a hurry, you may miss a lot of clues. In particular, An Xuefeng's body and slices are not on the journey. The strength he can exert is very limited and he can easily overturn. If it weren't for the fear that Ragnarok would cause the Golden Lunga Chasm to appear, and the lizard Duke, Black Widow, Werewolf Walker, and that messy group of people rush to seize the opportunity, An Xuefeng wouldn't be mentally disordered trying to decipher the characters as quickly as possible. This time I will go into the bottomless pit.

An Xuefeng thought that maybe the phantom cat thought the same way. You must know that its current state is not suitable for exploring the bottomless pit. The phantom cat was not even sliced ​​into pieces. The life-haunting person was still being stared at by the hotel at the Sun Gate, and his confidant psychic was even hired as a special guest by the hotel. Also under the supervision of the hotel, even the yin and yang that had been sent away long ago Die also entered the competition and was unable to move outside. He was temporarily unable to support himself. This was the most difficult time.

An Xuefeng could probably guess what the Life-haunting Man wanted to do before. He undoubtedly learned that Black Widow decided to put all her efforts in the competition. Regardless of success or failure, Black Widow's crazy Tower of Babel was probably destined to come to Northern Europe. By then, the hotel The attention of everyone in charge will definitely be diverted, and the people who have been planning for many years will be able to escape from the Sun Gate directly, and then lead the East District Butcher Alliance, and even turn over the hotel army.

Who would have thought that just when the Jinlunga Chasm appeared, and he learned about the characters on the rock wall from his old dream, An Xuefeng suspected that there was something extremely important in the bottomless pit. The life-seeking man did not want to miss this opportunity, and could not be Others who take the lead will have no choice but to take the risk of grabbing grain from the fire.

But if the phantom cat is really used to explore the Jin Lunga gap in reality, the life-haunting people will definitely mobilize more consciousness power, not to mention that the phantom cat has a mental state of Bingyi after all, and its endurance is definitely limited. Simply speaking, if the phantom cat is If they are contaminated by the Cthulhu Order or the consciousness of the abyss, the life-seeking people will also be severely harmed.

Not only that, if something went wrong with the Phantom Cat's mental state, it would be difficult for Bingyi to protect himself. An Xuefeng would never allow this to happen. In fact, his mental disorder when deciphering characters is not good for Bingyi. From this point of view, if Bingyi can really close all the cracks in the abyss, it would be best for none of them to go into the abyss.

If someone else did it, it would be difficult for An Xuefeng to completely trust him. The opportunity to fall into the bottomless pit would be fleeting, and he must get the first-hand information first even if he risks his life. But An Xuefeng believes in Bingyi. He always does what he says and will not let anyone down.

After making a decision in his heart, An Xuefeng would not look forward or backward, and immediately wanted to discuss a more detailed plan with Bingyi. Just looking at the big cat holding its tail and licking it in his arms, An Xuefeng felt that it was hesitant despite its excitement. An Xuefeng knew clearly in his heart and knew what Bingyi was hesitating about. He pondered for a moment and said:

‘I think the phantom cat thinks the same way. It says this just because it doesn’t intend to go down to the primitive abyss right now.’

After saying that, he saw the big snow-like ball in his arms raised its face, looking at him suspiciously with round cat eyes, with an expression of 'really, don't fool me', An Xuebao took advantage of it and licked it. On the tip of his nose, he felt the coolness on the tip of the big white cat's little nose. He cooed and hugged it tighter, bending its plush and powerful leopard tail to give it a foothold.

‘You know, your opponent always knows his opponent, and he often plays tricks on him.’

An Xuebao said boldly, but when he saw the big white cat's look, he still didn't believe it, so he simply revealed something more: 'Although your brother often leads teams to kill, he is not a lone wolf. If something big like going down into the primitive abyss really happens, he will lead the team down.’

Lead the team down to get more cannon fodder. The life-seeking person is the tour guide, so he must bring some rough-skinned, fleshy, and mentally insensitive tourists. The Cthulhu pollution is very severe, but the one hundred and eighty butcher tour guides directly return to zero, alienate and contact the abyss. The cries of ghosts and howls of wolves can definitely outweigh the Cthulhu pollution. Especially when exploring the abyss, he will definitely encounter various enemies (such as on his way back). When the time comes, a psychic will lead a team to delay and block the journey, which will make it easier for the life-seeker to move.

Besides, although some secret places only allow one person to enter in the end, there are also many places that require the cooperation of multiple people. If there are too many people, only one can enter in the end, but if there are few people, it will be inconvenient everywhere.

An Xuefeng said this and convinced himself. Director Bing also listened with great interest. He liked hearing about his brother's past. I hesitated before because I was a little worried that it would ruin my brother's plan - although I wanted to show off in front of the phantom cat and do something big to impress it, but if it was true that the phantom cat had planned to go into the primitive abyss, it would have been done long ago. Bingyi really didn’t intend to destroy the preparations.

After finally finding clues about my brother, I first made friends with his enemy, and then ruined his long-planned plan. This would ruin the great family relationship. He is not here to seek revenge! Especially if the phantom cat mistakenly thinks that this is An Xuefeng's instigation, then the future will not be good...

An Xuefeng encouraged...

"Looking at the phantom cat, I want to go into the abyss"

The big white cat glanced sideways at the snow leopard, not fully believing what it said, and wanted to see what it would say. In the end, An Xuebao didn't fool him, and said calmly: 'He just wanted to do it because he didn't want others to seize the opportunity, including me.'

This means that if everyone can't play, it won't be angry if everyone is treated equally. After all, only Hong Dao and An Xuefeng have the current characters, and they haven't been leaked. There's no rush.

"You also know that the phantom cat is your mental state. It is very risky for it to enter the abyss in reality."

An Xuefeng played the emotional card and smiled: "Of course, everything we are discussing now is based on the premise that you can indeed seal all the cracks in the abyss."

Even if the phantom cat really thinks what he said and knows that Bingyi intends to destroy the crack, it will definitely find a way to get down into the abyss - if it really finds the flaw and successfully gets down, it means that Bingyi is not sealed in the first place. If you can find people like An Xuefeng, Lizard Duke and even Black Widow, you can also find them, so you have to be one step ahead.

If Bing and Yi can completely defend against the phantom cat, and even Director Hong and others who have seen the characters can defend against it, then there is nothing to worry about. Let’s figure it out together.

‘This is also its test’

After saying this, An Xuebao looked at the big white cat again, and saw that the hesitation in his eyes disappeared. His eyes were astonishingly bright, full of eagerness to try. It was obvious that he was very interested in this secret contest with the phantom cat. All of a sudden This aroused all Bingyi's fighting spirit.

'I will do my best'

The big white cat's tail swung around excitedly. This time, An Xuefeng was really convinced. Not because of what An Xuefeng said about 'brother''s true intention, but because if the phantom cat really descends the Jin Lunga Chasm in reality, it is very likely to be seriously injured and contaminated due to its mental state. Bingyi will never let this happen. If something happens, he doesn't want to be a drag on the phantom cat - after all, he is the subject at the moment, and his serious injury will also affect his mental state.

‘It’s just a good time to try my hand at old dreams first’

Destroying the cracks was just Bingyi's idea. Although he successfully caused the abyss riot cracks to appear by guiding underground fire to bring the volcano to the verge of eruption, destroying the cracks was a reverse operation after all. He had to try his hand more to ensure that one was not sealed. Just fall down. In this case, Bingyi was not in a hurry. He first released the little golden butterfly and ordered it to find all the cracks, and then licked An Xuebao's fur to help its spirit return to normal as soon as possible.

An Xuefeng was mentally disturbed, and Bingyi couldn't use his full strength. Mobilizing all the underground fires in Iceland was a big job, and it had ambitious goals.

Then Bingyi summoned Tang Xiang and Miao Fangfei, who were looking for volcanic crystals on the mountainside, and asked them to go to the cave on the mountain to pay attention to the movements of Hong Dao and his wife from a distance, and to tell him immediately when they saw them coming out of the cave.

If they want to close the crack, naturally the later the red director tells the character information, the less resistance they will receive. Bingyi has no intention of confronting the family members in his old dream. His ultimate goal is to quietly destroy all the abyss cracks before they can react, and prevent the Jin Lunga Chasm from reappearing in the world.

‘The red guide couple will not be well for a while’

An Xuefeng said, the red guide used human skin full of abyss pollution to rub characters full of Cthulhu pollution. He was invaded by two kinds of pollution at the same time. He is also a medium with strong inspiration and high sensitivity. This relief can take a long time. . Especially when they were in the bottomless pit, the red team also took on a lot of her pollution, and their own condition was not the best. The two had to help each other.

Not to mention seven days and seven nights, at least in the last two days of this old dream, An Xuefeng estimated that the red guide and his wife would not wake up until tomorrow (the seventh day).

Seeing how short this time was, the people who dominated the old dream must not have left them any time to explore the abyss. It was the right track to prevent the Jin Lunga Gap from appearing according to the original mission.

‘Director Huang’s injury is probably not serious’

When talking about Director Hong and his wife, Bingyi suddenly said that when Director Huang came to see them just now, he could tell from her voice that she was in a very bad condition. Moreover, she was not a tourist with a spiritual connection, so she could only drink some of Miao Po's medicinal wine to resist.

‘What does Director Huang think about the characters on the rock wall and the bottomless pit? ’

'Director Huang...she is very patient and a calm person'

An Xuefeng considered it and said: 'This time involves so many animal incarnations that suddenly appear, corresponding to each person, I'm afraid she will not agree to go down to the bottomless pit.'

It's hard to say that he understands his mother absolutely now. Judging from the few experiences of old dreams, Director Huang has always been the most stable one in the team. He is very organized and likes to finish one thing before doing the next. Clarify everything.

It can be seen from the two brothers Bingyi and Ximingren that they both like to do a lot of big things at the same time, making others miserable and then winning by surprise.

And perhaps because of the connection between the red guide couple, most of them lead domestic groups. Huang Daoze is the first person to go abroad. He has led many foreign groups. He knows more about the Cthulhu Order and will be more vigilant.

Their journey up to now has involved too many things, various natural and man-made disasters, the animal incarnation of future children, the resurrection of death incarnations, the great battle between the Nordic gods and giants and alien angels, the simultaneous journey of the 'future' affecting the present, and the golden dragon of the original abyss Plus the chasm, and the characters left by members of the Order of Cthulhu - this happens to be the journey state that Director Huang dislikes the most. It's too messy, and there will be serious attrition if you're not careful.

Compared with the alienated form of the Skeleton Dragon, which seemed aggressive, violent and powerful, Director Huang was unexpectedly a relatively conservative tour guide, not as enterprising as Director Hong.

‘I can try to swallow the pollution from Director Huang’

Hearing what An Xuefeng said, Bingyi had a clue. It's not good for him and An Xuefeng to plan secretly. After all, there are many things waiting for him to do in reality, and it is impossible to keep focusing on old dreams. It would be great if Director Huang could be brought to their side to destroy the crack and let Director Huang keep an eye on Director Hong and his wife.

Of course, if Director Huang is so determined to make progress, it would be best for her not to get involved if she is ill.

‘You have to be more careful, I’m with you’

An Xuefeng said, he couldn't help but worry when he heard Bingyi say that he wanted to absorb pollution. Fortunately, he is much better now. We can go to the camp at the foot of the mountain together, and we can continue to resurrect the incarnation. This morning has almost passed, and we must not forget important things. After telling the few people who were still searching for gems on the mountainside, the snow leopard and the big cat came down the mountain. When they went down the mountain, the two of them were still close to each other, but this time it was a snow leopard holding a big white cat in its mouth. After going down the mountain, they received a warm welcome from the elders in the temporary camp——

Especially when the big white cat used a string to tell the werewolf captain that it was going to resurrect the wolf cub, the werewolf captain was so happy that he almost turned into a werewolf. Now he was not in a hurry, and hurriedly let the big white cat rest first, and also thought about bringing him the spoils from the sky battlefield. The Angel Legion was finally repulsed, and the Sky Battlefield was cleaning up the battlefield and handing out rewards. Most of the flying passengers participating in this battle were from the West District. Of course, the werewolf captain had the power to distribute the rewards.

The big white cat was easy to talk to, so he meowed softly and decided to resurrect the little wolf first.

The resurrected avatar needs to control the runes to fuse and evolve into the heart, which will help Bingyi exercise the power of the runes and help him gain more authority over the God of Wisdom. The stronger Loki is, the higher the chance of success in setting off underground fires all over Iceland. The rune character "Aiwatz" corresponding to the werewolf Walker originally meant a horse. Not only did Loki transform into a horse himself, but he also gave birth to a horse. He was quite confident in resurrecting him.

Even though this was his first time resurrecting a human, but with most of the wisdom, authority and experience in raising horses, Bingyi resurrected the little wolf very smoothly and faster than An Xuefeng. But Bingyi’s focus was not on that after all. The newly resurrected wolf cub was still sleeping and needed to recuperate. He was carefully protected and held by the werewolf captain in his arms. Bingyi did not continue to resurrect people and went to visit Director Huang in the cave further on the grounds that he needed to rest. .

The temporary camp was in the open space at the foot of the mountain. The travelers worked together to dig out ice and simply build igloos so that they could escape if the volcano erupted again. But Director Huang was not with them. The severe alienation that was close to zero made her tend to be like a dragon. She only wanted to stay in a dark and claustrophobic cave, so she temporarily lived in a cave at the foot of the volcano.

When Bingyi resurrected the wolf cub, An Xuefeng went to see his mother first. Although he did not contact the tourists, he had relatives around him who could share some of the burden. He also planned to be a pioneer and explore his mother's intentions first.

‘What did Director Huang say? ’

Walking to the cave, Bingyi asked An Xuefeng. Seeing no reply, Director B poked his head into the cave. Before he could see where An Xuebao was, he saw two dark golden headlights suddenly light up in the deep darkness. They were yellow guide's eyes.

What did Director Huang say... Director Huang could only lie down and say it. Unlike the previous dragon-shaped armor, she now completely transformed into a dragon. It's just that it's much smaller than the imagined dragon, as big as a foal. The dark golden magic dragon was entrenched on the ground. When he saw the big white cat, he shuddered and closed his eyes. But with the help of Huang Dao's glowing eyes, Bingyi had already seen An Xuebao, who was nesting in the belly of the magic dragon. Like a chick clinging to a hen, obviously hoping to give its mother some comfort.

However, Bingyi saw with his own eyes that the dragon kicked it impatiently and used the tips of its wings to push it away.

‘The thing about dragons is that they have no instinct to raise offspring’

An Xuebao was a little embarrassed when the big white cat saw this scene, so he explained. He and his mother were not in contact with each other. If he wanted to rely on the parent-child relationship to comfort his mother, he could only get closer to her. But the problem is that the skeleton dragons don't have any 'family affection'. Their only maternal love in the abyss is to find a good cave for the eggs, and then leave them alone after laying the eggs.

Now that Huang Dao's alienation state is too severe and he is affected by the dragon's instinct, there is nothing he can do about it. After being kicked away anyway, An Xuebao simply walked over to the big white cat, hugged it with one paw, buried his head on its soft body and took a deep breath. It was not in good spirits and was completely sick. An Xuebao's back was turned to Director Huang, but Bingyi noticed that Director Huang's eyes opened again and he looked at An Xuebao faintly, this time his eyes were even more unkind.

"Meow meow meow, meow meow~"

The big white cat couldn't see the magic dragon beating the snow leopard, so it meowed softly at her. It slapped its white cat claws like mangosteen petals, and slapped a piece of dragon scale in front of the magic dragon Huang Dao. It was the scale of the dragon hunter! Before coming, Bingyi asked An Xuefeng whether Dragon Hunter and Director Huang were both considered dragons and whether they were in conflict with each other. The result was surprising.

The dragon has a very strong sense of territory. Director Huang has a bad temper now. If he meets the tooth hunter, he will definitely get into a fight. But Dragon Hunter is different. His dragon-shaped alienated state is very popular among dragons.

Different species of dragons in the abyss also have different habits. The only similarities are their long lifespans and their love of sleeping, which can last for more than ten years. If you can have a good dream during a long sleep, it will be something that makes the dragon very happy. The dragon hunter's alienated state is a rare crystal dragon that can control dreams. Director Huang will only be happy when he sees its scales.

She is in great pain now and needs a long time to repair herself. It would be great if she could sleep through this period and still have a sweet dream. Sure enough, when she saw the dragon scales, Huang Dao looked away from An Xuebao and swallowed the scales in one gulp without much hesitation. Then she closed her eyes, her breathing gradually became heavier, and she fell into a dream.

Everything is easy to say after putting Director Huang to sleep. The big white cat skillfully releases the butterfly. The butterfly sucks the pollution and is top-notch. It has saved the little lizard Charlie before. Moreover, Director Huang has never seen the characters, and his body is pure abyssal pollution. Die Da does not need any special treatment. After sucking it, he can give Bingyi a plate of abyssal energy crystals, and he can also search for abyssal cracks for Bingyi.

Xiao Jindie was still a child compared to the veteran Dieda. Dieda felt the alienation from his master and desperately wanted to show off, and soon found a suitable gap for Bingyi to practice. This is a small crack that is only a hundred meters long and dozens of meters deep. It has just touched a little abyss pollution, and the power of the underground flames around it is strong.

Even if Bingyi breaks it, it will not affect the deeper primitive abyss, let alone the old dream affecting reality.

‘Director Huang’s condition is very serious. ’

It happened that Yu Xiangyang's father came to care for Director Huang and the two of them outside the cave. The big white cat connected him with a string, pretending to be worried and pondered for a long time, and then solemnly said: 'I decided to find a way to seal the abyss cracks nearby... Don't be happy yet, the possibility of success is not high, after all, I am just a cat now'

'please! ’

There was a hint of surprise in Yu Xiangyang's father's eyes, and then he became solemn. He knew that it was not easy for the big white cat, so he solemnly thanked him and promised to provide him with whatever resources he needed. If there were any, he would be provided in advance.

The word on the rock wall characters rubbing by Hong Dao has not been spread yet, and no one knows what is in it. At present, they are not very willing to go down into the abyss crack - after all, their mission is to prevent the Jin Lunga Chasm from coming to the world, Dabai. Cats do exactly what they want!

Without disturbing them, Yu Xiangyang's father quickly retreated. Only Die Da was left in the cave trying to suck up the pollution. Director Huang slept soundly. An Xue Bao bit the cat's ear. The big white cat was sensing the underground fire with his heart without being harassed. Die Da's guide groped to find the crack, and then carefully controlled the underground fire to melt the rock. Such a narrow crack is only big enough for a small lizard to pass through, and there is no need to rely on vibrations to change the terrain. The rock can be melted to succeed. All it takes is to spend more energy and seal it tightly. Soon, Bingyi opened it excitedly. His eyes were closed, his heart was pounding, his tired breathing accelerated a little, and the flames flashed in his eyes.

It worked on the first try!

* *

In reality, in Iceland, a small lizard is quietly exploring a small crack in the abyss. It is very vigilant and can sense it with just one step. In fact, it had just passed through the flame passage of the Fire Country and secretly infiltrated Chencang. It quietly came to the human world from the Fire Country without telling Yu Hehui. It also successfully found an abyss based on the principle that the intersection of the Fire Country and the Mist Country is the Jin Lunga Gap. Small crack!

Although the possibility of these small cracks leading to the Jinlunga Chasm is low, this shows that it is feasible to find abyssal cracks through flame channels! The little lizard's heart was beating wildly, but there was no need to rush this matter. No matter how ecstatic the little lizard was, he would still be alert and calm, always paying attention to the movements of Yu Hehui, and was about to explore a small crack to test the water. Although the crack is small, something strange may happen to anything close to the abyss at any time.

The little lizard thought he had been careful enough, but the next moment, something absolutely unexpected happened to him!

The little lizard watched as the small crack in the abyss next to him was melted by the high temperature, and it quickly closed up. In the blink of an eye, the crack disappeared, and the ground was flat as if there had never been a crack!

For a moment, the little lizard felt creepy.

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