Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 738 The Horror of Iceland (259)

Second child? Bingyimao was a little confused, wasn't Erxiao him? The trip outside was not his fault, it must have something to do with him. Or is it that Director Huang is wary of believing the phantom cat and one cat theory and is looking for confirmation from him? Cats' brains just work slower than people's. The big silver cat first nodded and admitted, and then went through the conversation with Director Huang just now in his mind, and then realized that the content of his conversation with Director Huang seemed to be fine at first glance. I thought about it but felt something wasn’t quite right.

Bingyi still remembers that the last time he dreamed of being a cat, he and his brother were betrayed by their mother...Looking at Director Huang's attitude, why did he seem to think that the phantom cat was the second child? ?

"Meow meow meow?"

Bingyi straightened his beard, looked at An Xuebao and asked, "What happened?" Could it be that no one told the elders about this old dream for so long? Or was the war situation too urgent in old dreams and ignored? But even if An Xuebao was busy and forgot, Phantom Cat should always clarify. Thinking from the other person's perspective, anyone who is wronged would definitely want to correct it. Phantom Cat would not want to be his younger brother.

Besides, when Bingyi first appeared as the 'Second Younger', he borrowed the power of the dragon hunter and appeared like a ghost. It was obvious that he would be wary of the elders. Isn't it difficult to act in this kind of identity?

Bingyi's mind was full of questions. Although An Xuebao couldn't understand the cat's meow, the two of them communicated very skillfully. Unfortunately, An Xuefeng didn't have much to answer Bingyi's question. He and the phantom cat have different goals, their actions are unrelated, and they rarely meet each other. But the phantom cat did not correct the elders' misunderstanding, but An Xuefeng could guess why.

'It's more freeing for him'

An Xuebao said: "Parents have a more realistic view of us. In their eyes, we are all children and we are still young."

Judging from the ages of the parents, the children at that time were naturally still young. In the brigade, they all exist in the form of frail little animals. Even those who are still alive often fall into drowsiness and naturally need to be taken care of.

Just like when Director Hong and his wife led Michael into the crack of the abyss, the backpack containing the big white cat was handed over to Director Huang to take care of. But meticulous care has its pros and cons. The families of Miao Fangfei and Walker spare no effort to help them resurrect and hope for their resurrection. This saves An Xuefeng a lot of time, but it also leads to parents not wanting their children to be resurrected. Be a part of their journey now. If it weren't for the dangerous situation, it might even be possible to send someone to take them to a safe camp at the foot of the mountain.

In the eyes of parents, participating in the journey is not something that children should do at all. Even if the phantom cat predicts the future, thoughts cannot change so quickly. Especially everyone's avatars are average in strength and unconvincing.

But Director Hong’s ‘second child’ is different. He is an unborn child and has not really existed in the world, making it difficult for people to have a natural desire to protect him. There is also a clear gap between the strength of the big brown cat and other incarnations, and it has been awake longer than anyone else. It is difficult to see it as the same kind as other incarnations, more like a monster ghost on this journey. The fewer the fetters of family ties, the more tourist guides and tour guides of Old Dream can look at it objectively and recognize its independence.

So relatively speaking, the Phantom Cat does have more freedom as the 'second child'. If the parents knew that it was the boss, they might end up having to stay in Director Huang's arms. Bingyi is not sure whether his brother can beat Director Huang, but the phantom cat is definitely not good. No matter how we talk about cats and people, the gap between the incarnation in old dreams and reality is not as big as usual.

So does he want to clarify this issue? Of course not, there is no benefit in saying it clearly now, and I am afraid that all the current advantages will be lost. The big silver-white cat's snow-white front paws hugged Director Huang's arm, and its big fluffy tail swung around. Since the phantom cat can use his identity to gain freedom, he can also use his identity as 'brother' to gain the natural direction and trust of tour guides and tourists such as red guides and yellow guides.

As for freedom, the elders who have experienced the bloody storms in their old dreams must have understood his strength, and Director Huang has just considered him to be the number one tour guide. If you have strength, you will naturally gain freedom.

An Xuebao also agreed with Bingyi's point of view. After all, Bingyi's dream time is short, and his main battlefield is still in reality. He will not stay for too long this time. The situation he faces is different from the phantom cat who sleeps every day. Only by gaining the trust of parents can we make the most efficient use of this short dreaming time.

"You two have a connection?"

Director Huang watched coldly as his snow leopard and big white cat flirted with each other, glaring at each other without making a sound, and suddenly said coldly.


Have a tacit understanding? Director Bing Mao raised his head and looked at Director Huang's expression. Isn't this word too gay when applied to two men? Is Director Huang so open-minded? Or has An Xuebao already told his parents? They are not sure that they want to be together!

‘Telepathy was the name for spiritual connection in their time’

Fortunately, An Xuefeng answered Bingyi's doubts in time. Snow Leopard groaned twice, as if talking to Director Huang, and then clarified to Bingyi: "Currently, your parents mistake you for the boss. There is nothing between your brother and me." Regarding any spiritual relationship, I will explain to Director Huang that you and I are not connected.'

‘She has keen intuition, so we can’t be too overt in our spiritual communication next time’

This is one of the inconvenient aspects of mistaken identity. Although Bingyi thinks it's nothing, after all, this is just an old dream, and it's not a real person meeting his parents. It's just a dream. If there is any misunderstanding, don't worry too much. But this little thing is not important. Director Huang is a relative of A Feng, so he can say whatever he wants.

However, An Xuefeng was worried that Bingyi would despise old dreams and warned: "Although it is a dream, all the details are extremely real. There are many tour guides and tourists who are immersed in old dreams in the past and present. You must remember that this is just a dream."

"Meow meow." (got it)

This time Bingyi no longer only made eye contact with Ah Feng, and she didn't know how An Xuefeng communicated with Director Huang. After a while, her slightly weird eyes softened when she looked at them, and after thinking for a moment, she said softly. : "The understanding between tour guides and tourists can only be achieved by tour guides who trust each other deeply and can trust each other life and death."

"With a clear understanding of the mind, the tour guide will not easily go crazy (return to zero), and the inner demons (spiritual pollution) of passengers can also be alleviated by the tour guide. It is indeed a good choice."

The vocabulary that Director Huang spoke was very characteristic of the times, and Director Bing listened with great interest, which helped him understand the past of the hotel. But then Director Huang said bluntly: "Although in our area, there are not many two men who have a tacit understanding, but they have already entered the hotel, and everything is for survival."

Not only are there not many men who are in tune with each other, this thing is basically only owned by couple tour guides! Huang Dao's face was as calm as water, but there was a turmoil in his heart. She is close friends with the Hong guide couple, so she certainly knows what it is like to have a telepathic tour guide. Telepathy can only occur between tour guides and tourists, and because of the harsh conditions that require mutual trust and life, it is extremely rare. The closest ties in the world are between partners, parents and children, sisters and brothers. Of course, there are loyal and courageous friends made during the trip, but this kind of friendship is extremely rare among tour guides and tourists.

And although hotels usually deal with the Belt and Road Initiative, one generation can only live ten years at most. Fathers, sons, mothers and daughters usually don’t enter hotels at the same time, and the most common ones are brothers and sisters. According to the hotel's selection criteria, a family looks at genetics. If there is an older sister with good qualities and a strong body, the younger sister's physical condition is usually not bad either. The older brother who has a fatal genetic disease will most likely have the younger brother as well. This leads to the fact that most of the brothers and sisters are either a family of tourists or a family of tour guides. No matter how much they trust each other, they cannot form a good rapport.

There are tourists who enter the hotel to save terminally ill brothers and sisters, and there are indeed relatives, tour guides, and tourists. There is a pair of twin brothers in the West District. One is the S2 leader and the other is the captain of the No. 1 White Church in the West District. They are famous for their tour guides. But there is only such a pair, which is extremely rare. People in the West District call this a blood contract. The East District is called telepathy, because it mostly only happens between tour guides who are lovers.

And I don’t know when, I have assumed that if a male and female tour guide are in tune, they are definitely a couple. If there are two men or two women who are not blood brothers and sisters, there will be many people saying unpleasant things secretly. They were not open in that era. Even if they entered the hotel, the crazier the crazier the more conservative the people. The more conservative, it's like two extremes.

Recalling the way the big white cat got along with the snow leopard from when it woke up to now, the more Director Huang thought about it, the more frightened he became, and the scrutiny he looked at An Xuebao became sharper. But when she looked at the big white cat, she was silent for a while, and finally looked at An Xue Bao. But it is much more relaxed.

It is difficult to be a tour guide, and it is even more difficult for a tour guide. Almost every trip will go crazy, and there is only endless cold on the top of the mountain. It is also difficult for tourists, but big tourists who can reach high places usually have like-minded friends and companions, but tour guides are mostly lonely. Although the big white cat is not her child, it is so well-behaved that it makes people feel heartbroken.

"You have become number one. I think you are a strong and determined child."

Director Huang seemed to have thought about something, his tone became gentler, and he nudged the big white cat in his arms: "You don't have to care about other people's eyes. You are stronger, and we as parents will feel more at ease."

Some people become more and more crazy after entering the hotel and gaining strength, knowing that if they live for another ten years, they will almost die and continue the family line crazily, living like a stallion. But the longer he stayed in the hotel, and after knowing that it was easier for his family to be selected into the hotel, Director Huang was unwilling to gamble on his future as an ordinary person by giving birth to a child.

When she first entered the hotel, she was young and frivolous, and there was heavy snow. But now, she would never give birth to a child and let him suffer. Therefore, Director Huang is very open-minded about carrying on the family line.

But Director Huang didn't believe Daxue's lies. It didn't matter. Even if he didn't have a clear understanding of each other, there must be something wrong with him and Dabai. How could two men stick so close to each other? Animals don't do this either! Even if Daxue admitted that she wouldn't necessarily be very angry, Daxue's outright denial made her suspicious and angry. Could it be that this child has learned to lie and deceive people's feelings and still doesn't admit it? !

And in the final analysis, it is the tour guide who suffers from the tacit understanding. Based on the treatment given to tour guides by hotels, tour guides who care about their lives normally can live a long time and encounter much fewer dangers than tourists. However, once the mind is connected, if the passenger dies, the tour guide will also die. Of course, if the passenger has a brigade and is the brigade leader, the tour guide will be safer, but if the entire brigade is destroyed, the tour guide will also die.

"There's not much food left. Daxue and I will go get some and then we'll see where your parents are."

Director Huang stood up. Their cave was halfway up the volcano. What could be eaten outside? Grilled angel wings? Director Huang was just looking for an excuse to take Snow Leopard out to talk alone. An Xuefeng was also helpless. He didn't know much about his mother, and he only had a few old dreams in the hotel in ten years. Based on his past experience, the more he vetoed such things without hesitation, the more convincing he would be. Who knows why Director Huang is even more suspicious?

The two of them went out to talk, leaving the big white cat alone in the cave to rest. Director Huang was very reassured, not about the big white cat, but about his own strength. She is still in an almost demonic state, her five senses are extremely sharp, and she is confident that the big white cat cannot escape even if it wants to.

But Bingyi didn't think about escaping, and no one was watching so he could cause trouble. Seeing Director Huang leading the snow leopard out and moving a huge piece of basalt to block the entrance of the cave, the big white cat quietly jumped from the moss pile to the ground, tiptoed close to the basalt and listened to the sound. After confirming that they were far away, he summoned the little golden butterfly to give the order. Order.

Create a passage to the Land of Fire, the Abyss, and the Land of Mist!

Little Golden Butterfly was overjoyed when she received such a heavy task. The owner finally wants to reuse it! It happily transformed into a mental state and repeatedly expressed its promise to complete the task. Little Golden Butterfly is a glittering golden butterfly. Its spirit is also shining. It has a golden girl's hair and a delicate face that does not distinguish between male and female. It looks nothing like Die Da's spirit and looks nothing like a golden silkworm. Gu (it has no mental state!) is more like a smaller version of Xiao Cui.

Little Golden Butterfly has been ambitious since she was born. She wants to assist her master in a great cause and help him become the first. It is smart in its eggs and can instinctively detect the likes and dislikes of its owner. Its appearance is like that of a butterfly, but its mentality is more like Xiao Cui. In Xiao Jindie's view, Xiaocui is the first small goal that it strives for. What is a successful devil insect? Being trusted by the owner and even recognized as a daughter by the owner and becoming a god, this is called a successful devil insect!

Unfortunately, he is not a female insect and does not have a female body, but with his strength, the male insect can also make a career under his master - it is too unreasonable for him to call his master. Little Jindie secretly planned in his heart that after he finished opening the most difficult abyss crack this time, he would shamelessly follow his mother's call and call his master grandpa!

Is it better to call me grandpa or grandpa? With longing for the future, Xiao Jindee started working with full motivation. Bingyi was wandering around the cave. There was no rush for Little Golden Butterfly to open a passage. He didn't expect to finish it in one morning. After all, it was not an easy task. Bingyi didn't fully count on Xiao Jindee.

He waited here to plot the latest news from the abyss when his parents returned, and by the way, he realized the power of the runes in his old dream. As A Feng said, because of the invasion of the angel army and the explosion of Odin's divine power, the power of runes in the old dream was very active, which was very suitable for Bingyi to deepen his understanding.

‘Master, master, the abyss energy here is very unstable! I discovered a space crack and am opening a passage! ’

However, to Bingyi's expectation, just a moment later, Xiao Jindie's hurried words sounded in his mind. The energy of the abyss is unstable? Bing Daomao stood up instantly. Is the energy of the abyss unstable? How is this going? When he contacted Little Jindie again, he responded intermittently, as if he had been disturbed by some force. Bingyi sharpened his claws on the stone in annoyance, and then quickly calmed down.

The passages opened by Little Golden Butterfly are similar to space passages. Most of them can exist for a long time and cannot be detected by others. There was no need to go down and explore immediately after the passage was opened. He was not ready yet. This is the bad thing about the incarnation in the old dream. To regain the power, you have to understand it again. He currently only has the power to control flames, which would be equivalent to giving food to him if he entered the abyss.

But the news from Xiao Jindie indicates that something big is about to happen in the abyss, and Bingyi doesn't want to miss it! The plan is about to go ahead. The big white cat is covered in flames and is trying hard to pursue the origin of the power of flames. He has dominated the flames in reality, but now it is equivalent to following the flames backwards to find the mark of dominance imprinted on the core of the power of flames—— found it!

With a swish sound, a black cloak appeared on the back of the silver Maine Coon cat. It looked like a Halloween cat bat costume. Bingyi was glad that he dominated most of the power outside. The next step is to find the power of dominance. Done! The big cat's eyes were closed tightly, as if in a deep sleep. Suddenly, it suddenly opened its eyes, and a strange purple light flashed in the depths of its blue eyes.

A bit of blue-purple fluorescence clings to the fluffy long white hair on the left side of its chest, dotted like glowing mushroom spores in a fantasy game, or like blue-purple fluorescent stardust. It looks like a large silver-white Maine Coon with a blue-purple iris on its chest. It looks elegant and mysterious when paired with a black cloak.

it's here!

After retrieving the power of the butterfly fragment, Bingyi clearly felt the increasingly surging power of the abyss in the depths of the earth. The big cat in the black cloak stared at the ground at the entrance of the cave, and his muscles were tense and ready to go. Here, the abyss energy here is the most active and abundant!

But it's not enough. His current strength is far from enough. The cat's body is still too weak and it dies too easily. It's better to find the devil's strength and go into the abyss to be safe!

‘Come on! The primitive abyss is extremely active, and the signal from the red guide couple disappeared! ’

Just when the big white cat suppressed a pair of devil's small horns and a pair of devil's small black wings, and gained the power to fly, Ah Feng's urgent words rang out from his mind. At this time, the earth began to shake, and the smell of sulfur filled the entire place. The cave looks like a volcano about to erupt. The cave was shaking the most. The Cat Bing immediately stretched out its sharp claws and prepared to tear up the boulders blocking the way to escape. However, amid the loud rumbling sound, the boulders blocking the entrance of the cave were shaken by a pair of dark golden claws like tofu. tear apart.


It was Director Huang who came back to save it! Looking at Director Huang's open arms, Director Bing's cat was about to pounce into her arms without hesitation, but——

Thumping, fluttering—

Amidst the sound of airflow, the little devil's wings behind the big white cat's spine flapped, and it flew up. The big white cat was hovering vertically in the cave to look at Director Huang's expression. Its paws were curled up on its chest and its body was elongated. It looked like a big cat strip. Only then did Director Huang, who was extremely nervous, realize that the cave had completely changed. The big white cat's pupils suddenly shrank.

Demon alienation? Black boss cloak? ? Blue and purple butterfly fragments? ? ! Why are there so many blue-purple dots? How many butterfly fragments are there! !

The air became stagnant for a moment, and the cute image of the big white cat shattered to pieces. But Director Huang did not take back her outstretched hand, and her arms were still open to the big white cat. After all, Dabai is Jiayi’s tour guide, he understands, he can understand——

"Grandpa! Butterfly has opened a passage into the abyss!"

But at this moment, Director Huang suddenly focused his eyes, his dark gold eyes were like dragon eyes, and he clenched his hand to the side. At the same time, a small crack appeared in the cave, like a twisted black mark, from the crack A small golden butterfly flew out and was caught by Director Huang. If it hadn't been for what he shouted when it cracked, he would have been pinched to death by Director Huang.

But Xiao Jindie's words made Director Huang's pupils tremble.

Has the abyss passage been opened?

Grandpa? A bug calls him grandpa? !

What understanding, fuck understanding! With lightning speed, Director Huang grabbed the devil's big white cat by the scruff of the neck, stuffed it into his backpack and escaped from the cave. Then they heard a loud rumble, the earth shook violently, and the cave collapsed behind them. !

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