Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 737 The Horror of Iceland (258)


Bingyi, who was treated inhumanely as soon as he entered the old dream, almost set fire to the point of stress. Fortunately, he saw the yellow cloak of the tour guide in front of him clearly and relied on his trust in Ah Feng. He did not attack Director Huang (mainly because of his cat attitude cannot be beaten), and Bingyi did not feel that his life was in danger. Sure enough, after being kneaded and rolled into a big cat ball, the silver-white cat was finally put down by the merciful Director Huang and thrown into a pile of dry moss in the corner so that he could play with his snow leopard cub who had also just woken up.

The cat's movements are flexible. Even though Bingyi was thrown away, it still landed perfectly on all four paws and carefully looked at the surrounding environment. They seemed to be in a certain cave. The space was a little cramped and the light was dim. Everything was dark. Only Director Huang's eyes were emitting a dark golden light in the darkness. He looked like a beast overlord. Ten times more ferocious than a tooth hunter, the Bingdao cat instinctively became well-behaved.

It wasn't until Director Huang moved his eyes away to fiddle with the fire made of crushed basalt rocks on the ground that he relaxed and looked curiously. Bingyi felt the power of fire on Director Huang, and there were flame crystals on her body. Bingyi still remembers that the last time he entered the old dream, he heard that the mission of two teams of parents on their journey to Iceland was to investigate the primeval abyss of the Golden Lunga Gap. One team started from the Country of Mist, and the other team started from the Country of Fire. Start with it, and the last time they fell asleep, the parents had already found a crack that seemed to lead to the Land of Fire.

Of course, a series of things happened in the old dream later, but judging from the flame crystals on Director Huang's body, they should have been to the Land of Fire - or explored the magma with flame crystals?

Bingyi, who originally wanted to explore the abyss in his dream, suddenly had an inspiration. Since dreams affect reality, if he opens a passage between reality and the Land of Fire in his dream, and marks the location, what will be the passage when he returns to reality? Doesn't it still exist? Doesn't this mean that the little lizard has a passage to the Kingdom of Fire without anyone noticing?

He could even find the passage connecting the Wanadalshenuk volcano to the Fire Country in advance, and then find the passage between the Fire Country and the Snaefell volcano. Without anyone noticing, he had explored it in advance in his old dream. everything. The more Bingyi thought about it, the more excited he became. In reality, there was Bergmir, the ancestor of the frost giants, on the volcano. Although he seemed to obey him now, that was because he wanted something. Strength and trump cards were fundamental. The current cooperation may be in Sometimes it becomes hostile instantly.

Bingyi was not sure of defeating the Frost Giant Ancestor. Even if the whole brigade took action, the bad weather of the Winter of Swords would affect him. Since he lacked strength, he had to have more trump cards.

"Ah sneeze!"

But all the plans and ideas were defeated by the terrible cold. The fire in the fire did not burn, but kept smoldering. There was a little dark red charcoal light inside, which basically brought no warmth. The cave seemed sealed. There was no light at all, but in fact there were cracks everywhere that no one could notice. The cold wind was biting and freezing. Even the Maine Coon cat itself, with its long fur and cold resistance, couldn't withstand the temperature. "

The Bingdao cat sneezed, its fur curled up and it subconsciously shrank into the dry moss nest. Soon, a large piece of soft, warm, thick fur came over from behind, and An Xuebao pushed the cat under his belly to keep it warm.

"Tsk, you guys have a good relationship."

Although Director Huang was fiddling with the fire, he kept paying attention to the pile of moss from the corner of his eye. When he saw the white Maine Coon cat lying peacefully under the snow leopard's belly, he couldn't help but raise his eyebrows. Daxue (her nickname for the snow leopard) and the second kitten started fighting almost as soon as they met. Unexpectedly, she had a good relationship with the boss. Looking at her skillful appearance, it looked like she had caught a cat in her mouth countless times. Daxue also kept rubbing his cheek on the cat's head, like sticky candy, which made Director Huang feel disgusted.

However, the eldest cat was different from what she thought. When he first woke up, he was willing to be raped in her hands. He didn't run to high places when he was thrown out, and he didn't harass people or leopards. He was really different from the second kitten. Looking at its round pupils in the dark, it was so obediently lying in the arms of the snow leopard that its fur was being licked. Its face was distorted, like a ball of sugar, and its pink nose was turned white by the cold. Director Huang subconsciously took out a flint to thicken it. temperature.

It was cold in the cave, but she was not afraid of the cold, nor was the snow leopard afraid of the heavy snow. Such a pile of dried moss was enough. However, the small body of a cat is not immune to freezing at first glance. If it is frozen, it will be difficult to explain to the red director.

She threw the precious flint into the fire and fiddled with it to warm the entire cave. But the current severe cold cannot be changed by manpower. It is the second winter of Finbul Winter, and the flint that is as big as a fingernail is quickly shrinking. Director Huang frowned slightly. This was the last flint. He didn't know how long it would take for the big cat to wake up. The flint probably wouldn't be able to hold on.

It would be nice if the stove was still there. The sudden attack by the Angel Legion caused the brigade to lose a lot of equipment. The heavy fuel stove had long ago fallen into the crack. She brought this flint back from the lava deep in the crack. She knew the place and would get some later. No matter how cold it was, the child couldn't be cold.


At this moment, a fire suddenly burned in the cave. If a timid and nervous person could be scared to death by this sudden bright light, Director Huang was calm and steady. He just put his hand on the knife and looked towards the pile of dry moss. . He saw a flame igniting in front of the silver-white Maine Coon cat. When she looked back, she swung her tail, pushed the flame with the tip of her tail, and threw the flame into the fire.

Cats also have very good eyesight in the dark. As soon as Bing saw that the small fire crystal was of impure quality, he noticed that Director Huang frowned and knew that she probably didn't have many fire crystals on her body. Neither Director Huang nor Snow Leopard were afraid of the cold, so she lit the fire obviously for him. Bingyi appreciated it, but in fact, there was no need to go to such trouble. He had awakened the power of fire in his last old dream.

No matter how you are not afraid of the cold, it will always be much more comfortable to have a fire. If you want, Bingyi can make anyone feel considerate. Of course, he is trying to please Director Huang. After all, the things he did in reality seriously affected the old dream and even led to the death of many elders in the old dream. .

Although An Xuefeng said it in an understatement, Bing Yi thought about it. If someone outside caused trouble and affected his journey and killed his team members, and this person fell into his hands, not to mention arresting and torture, at least he must Restrict this person's movements.

Judging from Director Huang's performance, she obviously knew that he was the one leading the trouble outside. I don’t know who the hell said it, it probably wasn’t Ah Feng. In any case, it is necessary to please the big tour guide in front of him for his subsequent exploration in the old dream.

And although Huang Daoban's face was serious and scary, his aura made it difficult to get along with him. But thinking that she was Ah Feng's mother and had a good relationship with his own mother, Bingyi knew how to behave.

Elders like good children.

Sure enough, when he saw him lighting the flame, Huang Dao's momentum became much calmer. Although he still warned in a cold voice: "Don't try to escape, you can try to see if you can escape from me.", but when he saw the snow leopard took the big cat, It was wet all over the body, and all the fur was licked. Director Huang immediately dug the cat out of its arms, slapped the leopard's head, and shouted: "Why are you licking the fur in the cold weather? It's so wet that you'll catch a cold." What should I do?" He held the cat in his arms and was worried that it would be cold, so he wrapped it in a cloak.


An Xuefeng looked longingly at the big white cat in Director Huang's arms, raised his paw and put it down again, and finally patted the ground twice in frustration. He often had old dreams, and he had a heart-to-heart connection with Huang Dao, mother and son, and could communicate easily for a long time. Director Huang understood what it meant and snorted coldly: "What's the rush? I'll tell him what needs to be said."

Then someone lowered his head and said to the big white cat in his arms: "Your parents led Michael down the crack, and he will be back soon. Don't run around like your brother, so as not to see anyone later."

She casually licked the big fluffy cat's tail that felt good, pinched the cat's claws, and rubbed the cat's belly, half telling it the news and half warning: "The journey is difficult, and everyone has expected that the dead will be resurrected." Of course, people are the best. We will go up and meet the other passengers when your parents come back. You guys will stay here all morning. We will send someone to assist you in whatever you want to do. "

"So don't act alone, there is no team spirit."

Director Huang didn't hold much hope when he said this. After all, the big brown cat always walked alone. Except when it went into the abyss cracks, it was nowhere to be seen at other times. Director Hong didn't pay much attention to it. Yes, she knew that there was only the eldest son in Hong Dao's family, and the second child was missing. In addition, the strange situation when it first appeared, there was no telling what this thing was, and whether it existed or not.

But Director Huang looked at the big brown cat's cold and proud look, and it looked like he was carved out of the same mold as Director Hong. His attitude of being a loner and ignoring tourists really made him look like a cold-blooded tour guide. Director Huang doesn't like cold-blooded tour guides. She hopes that everyone can unite to fight the difficulties together, instead of sweeping away the troubles in front of each other. To the hotel, they are as insignificant as ants. If they don't unite, how can there be hope?

However, no matter how selfish a cold-blooded person is, he is still better than a butcher and tour guide. God knows, seeing the sudden increase in the difficulty of this journey and the continuous death tolls, and the brown cat telling him that this was due to the influence of the simultaneous journey in the 'future', most of them seriously doubted the tour guide, the eldest son of the red guide. , is a butcher tour guide.

How could a good boy become a butcher and a tour guide? Director Huang didn't believe it. Moreover, the brown cat's words revealed more clues. Their children had entered the hotel again, were still on the journey, and were now adults.

That shows that their generation did not escape their fate and failed to survive in the end.

Fortunately for her, Lao An in her family is an ordinary person and can grow up with Daxue. But Hong Dao and his wife went to the hotel, and no other relatives survived. Once they die on the battlefield, what will happen to the remaining children? Perhaps these little animals are illusions caused by the pollution of the abyss, a test like a mind test, but if it is really an illusion, it is too real, and even Director Huang himself did not find any problems.

If this is true, the future is too cruel. Director Huang knew that Director Hong and his wife kept silent, but in their hearts they were hoping that the big white cat would wake up soon, but this damn child just wouldn't wake up, sleeping like a pig, and causing so many troubles. Thinking of this, Director Huang became angry again. Seeing that the pointed ears of the big cat in his arms kept flapping the air sensitively as she spoke, he couldn't help but twist the cat's ears.


Cat Director Bing raised his head blankly and glanced at her. He didn't feel pain, and Director Huang didn't use any force. Bingyi thought it was her itchy hands touching its ears. After all, he himself had this problem when he saw stuffed animals. Bingyi didn't jump away from her arms, which was very generous. He turned his head to his side and lay it in Huang Dao's hand, wanting her to tell more news quickly.

But Director Huang and An Xuebao were already melted by its cute hearts. How well-behaved you are. You even touch your belly and lie down on your hands. If you want to be a civet, why don't you give me a paw? How could this be a butcher tour guide? There is absolutely no way this is a butcher tour guide!

"Where do you rank among tour guides?"

Director Huang suddenly asked.

It was too difficult for the cat to write with her paws, so Bingyi simply rubbed a horizontal line on her palm. He also had his own selfish motives. Although he had a lot of younger brothers outside, the name Bingyi didn't sound good. It seemed like he was born with It's like A and B are inferior. Bingyi simply wrote "1" to let Director Hong and Huang know that he was strong, so that Old Dream would consider his opinions more.

Director Jiayi, Director Huang nodded, yes, Director Hong’s children must be strong. With the strength of Director Hong and his wife, their children will definitely be number one. It's just pitiful that he is a tour guide who has a terminal illness at such a young age and has suffered so much. Unlike her stupid son, a stupid person has the luck to become a traveler.

An Xuebao nestled in the moss, watching his mother and Wei Xun get along with each other, his eyes so soft that they almost shed tears. Although it was impossible in reality, An Xuefeng felt that if her mother was still alive, she would definitely like Wei Xun when she saw her mother and Wei Xun getting along in her old dream. After all, her father said that she has a strong sense of justice and is the most compassionate towards the weak.

Director Huang touched the cat's head lovingly and asked: "That little brother of yours, what is his code name?"

Little brother? Guide Cat B was a little confused. The only one he recognized during the journey was Yi Er, who seemed to be satisfactory. He suddenly became alert again. Could it be that Phantom Cat also told parents about the teams from other Nordic countries? Or is it that the brigades from other countries have also fallen into the old dream?

Thinking of this, he absentmindedly drew two horizontal lines on Director Huang's hand, which was a two. Director Huang thought for a while and felt that with the big brown cat's ability to toss around, he must be a top-notch person.

One, one, two, both brothers are tour guides? Director Huang didn't know what to say for a moment, so he had to touch the cat's head again. This was too miserable. The eldest son is terminally ill and doesn’t know how to support his younger brother. After entering the hotel, he fought to the death to become the first person, and also pulled his younger brother to become the second person. When he entered the old dream, he was still so good, he was really a good boy.

There was nothing he could do if he led the team into so many dangers. After all, it was a team from Area A, and everyone knew the virtues of the hotel. Not to mention how difficult it is to have a tour led by two pairs of tour guides: A, A and A.

Most parents are partial and will find reasons for their children. Now when Director Huang looks at the big white cat through the filter, he only thinks that it is good everywhere. Director Bing’s cat also clearly feels that Director Huang is getting closer and is pretending to be well-behaved.

Suddenly, Director Huang said coldly: "Tell me the truth, does the trip outside have anything to do with Erxiao?"

Before, the big brown cat only meant that the big white cat was a tour guide, which led them astray. Now it seems that the eldest and second eldest brother are both great guides. It is hard to say who is leading the team in danger. The second kitten is very smart and full of bad ideas at first glance. He is a bad boy and will bully the boss. Don’t be misunderstood by the boss. Don’t be misunderstood. It will injure the child!

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