Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 666: Icelandic Horror (194)

"Who killed Baldr? How did Denmark, Sweden and Norway get involved in the war?"

Bingyi pretended not to understand the expectant gaze of the black cat, even though he could change into an animal himself, so he had some animal aesthetics. But not everyone can be as interested in animals as Bingyi - of course, only those animals that A Feng has become. After all, the wound on the black cat's neck clearly showed that his brother did not want to have a cat-cat romance, and it was impossible for him to pimp the phantom cat and the cat.

Although the black cat is indeed very discerning, the phantom cat is indeed the perfect male cat...the perfect male cat, hahaha.

This word was associated with elder brother. Bingyi felt secretly happy in his heart, but his face was serious. Hearing him talk about serious matters, Black Cat also became serious.

"Meow meow meow." 'The goddess said, you will definitely ask why Baldr's death did not happen around you'

"Meow meow meow!" said the goddess, thanks to the brigade on the Danish side guarding the baptism of Nolena Geste, and the apocalyptic knights and angels killed on the Icelandic side, allowing the outer gods and the outer church to The invasion was greatly weakened, allowing the inevitable death of Baldur, the God of Light, to turn to another situation, avoiding the brutal internal fighting among the Nordic gods'

Why does this have anything to do with the church?

Black Cat's tone was respectful, and he quickly told Bingyi what happened. As Black Cat told Bingyi, Bingyi gradually came to a realization.

The well-known death of Baldur, the God of Light, is usually this version. Baldur, the god of light, is the second child of Odin. He is loved by all things in the world. He has his beloved wife Nanna and children. He is almost a perfect god. Until one day, Baldr continued to have nightmares. He dreamed of many omens of Ragnarok and his own death.

In order to find the cause of Baldr's nightmare, Odin disguised himself as a human and called himself a wanderer. He went to the kingdom of Hela, the god of death, and used the spell of runes to summon the long-dead prophet and asked her who would kill Baldr. Who will avenge Baldr.

The prophet said that "Hodr will be the murderer of Baldr", and the prophet also said that "Vali, son of Odin, will neither wash his hands nor comb his hair until he kills Baldr's murderer." When Odin asked again, he was The prophet revealed his identity. He was not a wanderer, but Odin.

The prophet was Angelboda during his lifetime, the wife of Loki, the mother of Fenrir the wolf, the giant snake Jormungandr, and the god of death Hela. She refused to answer Odin's questions anymore.

"Run away, escape to your temple, little Odin."

The giantess mocked: "No one will bother me again until my husband Loki escapes his imprisonment and returns to me. By then Ragnarok, the end of all gods will come*"

Hearing this, Bingyi hesitated to say anything. He didn't have a giant wife, and neither Fenrir nor Wolf had a mother. Although this is also part of the reenactment of Norse mythology, if Bingyi really finds himself a giant wife, Loki's integrity will probably increase. But now Fenrir wolves and the others are completely in Bingyi's hands, and they are his possessions. He is so angry that Fenrir wolf cub's tail has turned black, and he will never allow anyone to become their mother. , can affect them.

"Meow meow meow~" 'Don't worry, the story has changed'

Black Cat comforted Meow Meow, and continued to talk about the most widely circulated version.

After Odin returned from Hades, he only told his wife Frigga about this incident. The Queen of Heaven was extremely horrified when she found out about this. She ran around the world and asked everything in the world to swear to her never to harm Baldr, the god of light. Fire, water, iron and all metals, even stones and flowers, every disease, Almost everything in the world has sworn never to harm Baldr.

Only the weakest one, the mistletoe, looked too weak, so Frigga missed it. After all the creatures in the world made an oath, Frigga returned to Asgard and declared that nothing in the world would harm Balder. The doubtful gods threw stones, spears, and swords at Balder, and nothing could hurt him. .

But Loki was very jealous of Baldur. He transformed into an old woman and asked Frigga, the Queen of Heaven, to find out that only Mistletoe had not made the oath. After Loki learned about it, he found a huge oak tree with a tree full of mistletoe hanging from it. He thought about using the mistletoe berries to poison him, but this would be too boring and boring.

So he returned to the temple and found the dark god Hodur, the brother of the light god Baldr. He is the twin brother of Badr, but he was born blind, melancholy and taciturn. All the gods were laughing, marveling and praising, and throwing various weapons at Baldr. Only the blind Hodr did not know what was happening and could not participate.

At this moment, Loki found him. Loki asked Hoder why he didn't join everyone. Hoder sadly said that he had no weapons to throw and could not see Balder. So Loki, who was very enthusiastic, gave him a pointed branch made of mistletoe to point out Balder's location.

"Throw it out. This is just a weak parasite and will not hurt Baldr. All the gods will laugh, just like they cheered just now."

So Hodr threw the pointed branch of the mistletoe at Balder, stabbing him in the chest. Balder, the God of Light, died like this. All the gods were shocked and sad. The blind Hoder was confused and didn't know what was happening. He asked everyone in confusion: "Why is no one cheering for me? My brother Balder, why don't you laugh?*"

"How terrible Hodel, you killed your own brother."

In the midst of grief and panic, Loki snickered secretly.

This was the death of Baldr, the God of Light. Although Hodel was extremely remorseful and asked for his mother's forgiveness, many gods believed that Hodel did this deliberately to let him die. However, no one dared to do it, because it was unfortunate for a Norse god to kill another Norse god, even if it was out of revenge, it would bring greater misfortune. But we can’t let other races kill God.

But Odin, who had heard the prophecy, was well prepared. He tricked the giantess Linda into giving birth to Vali. Vali was born on the first day and had not been groomed yet. He was not really born and was not considered a real Norse god. . The newborn Vali took up his bow and arrow and shot the blind Hodr, just as the prophecy said.

It was not until later that the gods knew that Loki was the culprit of Baldr's death, so they imprisoned him and tortured him until Ragnarok.

"Meow meow meow!" 'But we Norse gods will not kill each other, absolutely not. This is an insult to the gods and an insult to you Loki! ’

The black cat meowed, looking very angry. Even though this version of the death of the God of Light is the most widely circulated, and even indirectly affects the Nordic gods because of public awareness, it is not the original version. In the version of the "Edda" poetry collection, Loki did not intervene in Balder's death. In the ancient Danish scholar's work "The Deeds of the Danes", there is another version of Baldur's death, which is the prototype of the myth.

This is also the version currently taking place in the warm-up competition.

In the version recorded in "The Deeds of the Danes", Baldr and Hodr are not twin brothers. Baldr is still the god of light, while Hodr is a mortal. He is a hero of Denmark and Sweden and was raised by the King of Norway. Princess Nanna (Badr's wife in the previous version of the myth) is Hoder's fiancée.

Badr fell in love with Nanna at first sight when he happened to see her bathing, fell madly in love with her, and decided to kill Hoder. This plot was known to the forest fairies, so they warned Hodel. In the end, Hodel captured the sword of Mystilten (istilten) from the forest monster Mimir, also known as the 'Evergreen Sword'. Its name comes from the mistletoe 'istletoe'

Then there was a fierce battle between the world and the gods. The legions led by Thor almost destroyed the entire kingdom. However, at the end of the war, Hodr successfully defeated Balder and stabbed him in the third battle with Baldr. Leading to the death of Baldur, the God of Light. Many years later, Odin's son Vali avenged his brother by killing Hodr.

The two versions of the story are similar, but they are also fundamentally different. One is the conspiracy and internal fighting among the Nordic gods, and the other is the battle between gods and humans. After hearing this, Bing was thoughtful.

"Meow meow meow——" 'The Norse gods never kill each other and weaken each other's strength. The first version is a newly compiled myth after the influence of foreign teachers.'

The black cat meowed very angrily, and Bingyi suddenly realized. In the previous version of the myth, the Norse gods were stigmatized and Loki was made evil. Only then did Loki cause the tragedy of Baldr's death.

"Meow meow..." 'Unfortunately, that version of the story is so widely circulated today that it has affected the Nordic gods'

Queen Frigga's dislike of Loki was one of the bad influences. The black cat meowed melancholy, which also made Bingyi feel sad. If he was really involved in Baldr's death, he would definitely break with Asa's side, and I'm afraid he would lose more than half of the good situation he had just managed yesterday. Although he had been prepared before, it had to be said that he still wanted to take action at the same time. Norse gods, giants and even angels are more comfortable with three-dimensional wool.

He also understood the meaning of the black cat. Due to the cognitive influence of contemporary people, the reenactment of the Nordic myth of Baldr's death actually has two development directions. Now it seems that because of the deaths of the Apocalypse Knights and Angels, coupled with the efforts of other brigades from Denmark and other countries, which prevented the invasion and spread of foreign gods and foreign religions, Baldr's death went in the direction of the original version - god War with people.

No wonder Denmark, Norway and Sweden were at war. It seems that the Nordic gods will not pay too much attention to Iceland for a while. This is an opportunity that can be exploited... But thinking of the tour guides from these three countries, Bingyi's eyes darkened.

Denmark has B2a2, his little butterfly horse brother, the ghost captain, and the strange traveler Yun Tianhe who really wants to get close to him. Bingyi's impression of them was not bad, but the Norwegian and Swedish tour guides displeased him.

The tour guide in Norway is b3, the fallen angel who can control puppets and has many calculations. The Swedish tour guide is damned B5 and dangerous a5! One influence calculated on his butterfly and butterfly eggs, and the other a5 succubus was related to spider silk. The death of Baldr and the battle between gods and humans were probably the highlight of today's journey. These people came together and participated in such an important reenactment of the myth, which made Bingyi feel even more solemn.

It seems that I need to contact the dragon hunter in Denmark again, and at the same time, I need to ask Freya to pay more attention to the battle situation there.

Strategies came to mind one after another, and Bingyi exchanged a few polite words with Black Cat. After talking about the business, it should have left, but the black cat kept thinking about it, hesitated to speak, and finally mentioned the perfect male cat again.

"Perhaps the cat you are talking about has something to do with me."

With many thoughts running through his mind, Bingyi said calmly: "Why did you start fighting when you encountered it?"

"Meow meow meow!" 'That's it. When I arrived in Iceland, I found it walking in the air. I felt the breath of God and wanted to see which God's messenger it was.'

The black cat meowed. As Freya's messenger, it rushed back to Iceland from another country as quickly as possible. Of course it took the empty route. Who would have thought that I would meet another cat high in the sky. Cats are very curious creatures, and the goddess's cat is no exception. Feeling that the cat also has the aura of a Nordic god, it curiously came up to take a look.

up in the air? !

Bingyi raised his eyebrows slightly. The phantom cat always had its own way of doing things. It had caught him before and disappeared after jumping away. Moreover, the power of the phantom cat seemed to have increased. He could only vaguely feel its existence, but could not determine its specific location. Of course, Bingyi can force the phantom cat to return to his spirit, but for this cat that is most likely related to his brother, Bingyi is very indulgent and gives it the maximum freedom.

But Bingyi really didn’t expect that the phantom cat would fly into the sky and even walk on the air! Does it have wings, or is it related to the scarlet sky crack that once appeared in the sky?

"I'm sure you can feel it, it's my cat."

With thousands of thoughts in his mind, Bing's expression remained as usual, his tone was pleasant, and he quietly guided the conversation. Sure enough, after hearing what he said, the black cat thought about it and thought that the big cat was sent by Loki to pick it up. The black cat, who was originally immersed in memories, shook his whiskers, feeling a little embarrassed.

"Meow~" 'Yes, of course, I know you sent him to pick me up, but you also know that he is indeed a perfect male cat'

As soon as it got close, it smelled out that it was Loki's tom cat, and the big cat's senses were also extremely keen, and it discovered its existence from the very beginning. The male cat moved his beard at that time, glanced at the black cat coldly, and then looked in the direction of the ice cave. He must have known that it was Freya's female cat messenger, telling it that Loki was there.

Normally, the black cat with the mission of transmitting messages should go directly to Loki. But the male cat, who was huge, had strong limbs and looked very powerful at first glance, attracted the black cat's attention and made him want to give birth to a litter of excellent kittens, so he couldn't help but pester him.

...and then got beaten up hard.

"Meow meow-" 'It was really powerful and almost killed me. A kitten with its genes will definitely be very powerful, but it’s a pity that it is an orthodox cat and will not go into heat in winter.’

The black cat said regretfully, but he wasn't angry at all. After all, everyone has different estrus periods, so it's not the fault of the perfect male cat. Ai Ai looked at Bing Yi, and actually wanted to ask him if he was willing to come to Iceland to play in the spring tomorrow. By the way, he would bring the big cat with him. Maybe he would be interested in the spring.

Bingyi couldn't laugh or cry after hearing its innocent words. He really didn't expect that the phantom cat, a dead person and a mental state, could have such great charm. Bingyi was also a little curious. He half teased and half asked: "Why do you like it so much in such a cold winter?"

"Meow meow meow!" 'After all, I am the cat of the goddess Freya. Even in the cold winter, when I meet the person I like, I will go into heat like you humans and want to give birth to offspring! ’

Speaking of this, the black cat became confident again. Cats should not be in love in this cold season, but Freya is the goddess in charge of love and magic, as well as the goddess of desire and fertility. As a goddess cat, It is just like human beings, no matter spring, summer, autumn or winter, it is not restricted by seasons. After meeting a powerful person they like, they can give birth to the best offspring at any time.

Give birth to offspring...

Bingyi wanted to laugh, but suddenly a flash of light flashed through his mind. He was thoughtful, as if he was continuing to chat with the black cat, with a smile on his lips, but no sound came out. He just lit Loki's flame on his fingertips and used Nordic words. The resonance between the gods said: 'I also want it to leave descendants...'

The black cat immediately became happy when he heard what he said. He couldn't help but lean forward and clapped his paws. He was so happy that he wanted to recommend himself immediately. Sure enough, this way the black cat can hear him. Bingyi thought with satisfaction that there was actually no one around now, and all the passengers had gone to the front. He could speak without fear of being overheard, but thinking that the phantom cat might still be in the air, or staring at him sinisterly somewhere, Bingyi was still a little bit shy, choosing this kind of secret chat that no one could hear. Talk so he has nothing to worry about.

'But you also know that it is not a living thing'

After dragging Black Cat into growing expectations, Bingyi changed the subject and waved his hand regretfully.

However, after hearing what he said, the black cat gave him an angry yell, tilted its ears back, and let out a series of meows that only he could hear as if it was irritated.

'Loki, you are a god, you should not use cats for fun'

The black cat said angrily: "You don't want it to marry me, but you don't need to use this excuse to frustrate me." To put it bluntly, there are so many good male cats in the world, and I don’t have to be one.’

'That's not what I meant'

Bingyi said slowly: "You have to know, it really can't do it..." Although he was explaining, his subtle tone was a bit irritating, which successfully made the black cat even more angry. He meowed angrily: "It It's obviously alive in nature, so why can't it be considered a living thing? Why not? It’s just that you don’t want to bring its true form, it won’t cause——’

Bingyi no longer cared about what Black Cat said next. A storm surged in his heart, and Black Cat's words exploded in his ears like a bomb! What does it mean to be essentially alive? What is ontology? That's right, Bingyi had doubts in his mind when he fell in love with the phantom cat from the black cat and wanted to have offspring with him. The goddess's cat shouldn't be unable to see that the phantom cat is just a spiritual phantom. How could it be possible to have offspring?

I didn't expect that he would actually explode this. Is my brother still alive? !

‘No, no, I definitely didn’t mean to play with you, absolutely not’

Although his emotions were so intense that he could hardly suppress them, Bingyi still tried to comfort the black cat. After all, he still needed it to communicate with Freya, so he couldn't really piss it off: 'I swear in the name of God, I didn't tell any lies'

Although it was an empty oath, it successfully comforted the black cat. After all, it was just a cat. Loki would swear in the name of God, which could definitely be regarded as respecting and valuing it. He made such an oath, so he should not have told a lie.

No lie...

The black cat's eyes were subtle for a moment, looking up and down at the human in front of him. Although he was now recognized as Loki by the Norse gods and giants, his previous life was indeed a human.

If it was a cat raised by a human...hiss...then maybe he had been in the hospital.

Loki didn't lie, so the perfect male cat might, perhaps, probably, really be in trouble.

Thinking of this, the black cat's mood calmed down, and the look he gave Loki was faintly condemning. Humans were really wasting nature's gifts. After saying a few more words to Rock, he wanted to tell the goddess of Freya and keep it in mind. The black cat turned away without nostalgia. It is impossible to get the cubs and be stubborn, but it is too worthless!

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