Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 665: Icelandic Horror (193)

"Next, our two brigades will go on a two-hour ice cave exploration journey. Please check your equipment again-"

In the biting cold wind and heavy snow, the tourists listened to the devil businessman explaining the rules to be followed at this scenic spot. Even though the damn cold wind made everyone tremble and the heavy snow almost turned the tourists into snowmen, no one Dare to suggest anything like changing the rules in another place? To be precise, no one dares to speak here. Even Roger, who loved Betty, just silently held his weak girlfriend tightly in his arms, shielding her from the wind and snow, and did not dare to say anything else.

Everyone's eyes seemed to be glued to the devil merchant, and they didn't dare to look aside at all. Only the tooth hunter was so bold that he would look at b1 from time to time and take a look at the man wearing the blue tour guide's cloak. His eyes were very clear and landed on his pale chin and the three very eye-catching cat scratches. .

Director B was scratched by a cat, and Miao Fangfei and others secretly exchanged glances. In fact, no one knew about this at first, after all, Director B was cut off. It wasn't until we stood at the entrance of the ice cave that the tour guides were going to talk about the highlights of today's attractions. When Guide B walked to the front, everyone suddenly noticed that Guide B had been scratched by a cat. After all, the tour guide's cloak only covered half of his face, but whose chin was the tour guide? Everyone can see it.

‘I never thought the phantom cat would catch Director B’

Shao Yuan and Miao Fangfei whispered under the spiritual heart Gu: "At first I thought it was Wei Xun who caught him."

Who would have thought of the phantom cat that has been sleeping all this time? The first reaction of most tourists when they saw the claw marks was to suspect that they were the 'hot' marks left by Wei Xun's fight with Bing Dao goblin. Although it didn't look like man-made, Wei Xun Xun can also become a snow leopard, right? But soon they realized something was wrong. Wei Xun didn't have time to commit the crime. From the time he got off the snowmobile to the entrance of the ice cave, Wei Xun was always leading the team, while Director C was at the back. How could he arrest people in vain?

It was only when Bingyi lowered his head with a smile and seemed to be talking to the phantom cat in his arms that the passengers suddenly realized that the phantom cat had woken up, and then the big Maine Coon cat jumped out without hesitation by kicking Bingyi's hand, and then jumped out again. There were several claw marks left on his hands, and everyone began to make vague guesses.

Hiss... The claw marks on Director Bing's chin were not scratched by a cat, right?

If it doesn't hit someone in the face, how can the phantom cat scratch the face?

Bingyi smiled and stood beside B1 handing out new safety helmets to passengers, complaining in his heart. He felt no pain. When the phantom cat was staring at him and barking sinisterly, Bingyi felt guilty and didn't even care that he was slapped on the chin by the cat's paw. After feeling the eyes of the passengers, he suddenly touched it - touched his hand with blood.

Good guy, he actually drew blood. At that time, Bingyi felt that the character of the phantom cat seemed to be more vivid and lively. Did it add some energy from the old dream? When he lowered his head and asked with a smile, the phantom cat scratched his paw again without hesitation. This time Bingyi had a vague premonition. This cat paw print is just like the cat hair left by the phantom cat before, it is a medium that can actively enter the old dream.

The phantom cat gave him two paws, and he had two chances to enter his old dream. Does this mean that the phantom cat really got something in his old dream and let him see it for himself? To be honest, Bingyi might have gone directly before leaving, but after hearing Di Feiyu talk about the "door", Bingyi decided to make more preparations. Today has just begun, so there is no rush.

"Remember, during the entire ice cave exploration process, everyone must wear a safety helmet at all times, otherwise your head will be smashed by falling ice."

The solemn warning of the Devil Merchant made the passengers feel shuddering. They grabbed the safety helmets in their hands and did not think about it anymore. After the Devil Merchant finished speaking, Miao Fangfei asked: "Director B, what should I do if the safety helmet is broken?"

"That means you're unlucky."

The Devil Merchant said meaningfully and shrugged: "Without the full protection of a safety helmet, your head will be like a smashed watermelon when encountering ice, red, green, and green, which is very dangerous. So you must protect it. Good for your safety helmets.”

As soon as he said this, the faces of the passengers became even worse.

"Damn it, it's only the fifth day and the unsolvable factor has appeared?"

Miranda's expression was ugly. Ever since Charlie Philip died and she became a 'lonely person', Miranda had been very low-key, but even so, she couldn't help but curse when she heard the devil merchant's words.

‘Wear a safety helmet, otherwise your head will be smashed by ice.’ Whenever the tour guide says this before the start of a scenic spot, it usually means something extremely scary - no solution factor! In other words, no matter how strong you are, whether you are a low-level traveler or a top traveler, once you violate the taboo, you will suffer irreversible bad luck.

But it was only the fifth day, so Miao Fangfei asked by chance, but the devil merchant's answer showed that everything was a foregone conclusion, and even anchored the level of 'smashing'. No matter who is not wearing a safety helmet during an ice cave adventure, his head will be smashed like a watermelon.

For Miao Fangfei and others, this may be regarded as a fatal factor. For the peak travelers, having their heads smashed into pieces may not mean complete death, but there are worse things.

"Director B, why did you use watermelon as a metaphor?"

An Xuefeng pretended to be casual and asked: "Even if a person's head is broken, how can it be red and green like a watermelon?"

That's right, this is the key behind "smashing the head"! Even if a person's head is smashed, it will at most be red and white like brown sugar bean curd. What is this green thing? Could it be that they all have some kind of green unknown substance in their heads? This is the most frightening thing! It's not that the passengers are over-interpreting, but this kind of thing must be prevented. Once an unknown object appears in the brain without any signs during the journey, the passenger is almost sentenced to death. "It's just a metaphor, guard, do you understand humor?" Before the devil merchant answered, the werewolf Walker said impatiently. He has always had some opinions about this person. Obviously, he is not from their team, but he has won the favor of Director C and hangs out with Director C every day. He is not a big-breasted blonde beauty. Do you know how much he weighs? Director C obviously likes wolves so much. He, Walker, was favored by Director C from the beginning, but now he is almost a marginal person! Although everyone has earned a lot of Icelandic marks as they continue to complete the mission, although they can't be called multi-millionaires, they can be considered to have a small savings. After they go out, they can sell the strange things they got during the journey and get a hundred thousand dollars. This has been Walker's life goal. It stands to reason that he shouldn't care so much about Bingyi.

But the past is the past. Now Walker has gotten rid of low-level desires and has a more ambitious goal-this journey is only halfway through, and Director Bing has become a god and killed angels, so can he also become a god with him? This is becoming a god. Walker thinks that his dream of his relatives who have been missing for many years is a sign. It is possible that he can reverse time and space and bring back the dead and bring back all his relatives alive or dead.

Walker is not picky, and he doesn't think about becoming a particularly powerful god. As the saying goes in the East, if one person becomes a god, all his family members will be promoted. If Director Bing becomes a god, all his cats, dogs and insects will also become gods. Even if Di Feiyu dies, he can still go to Director Bing to be an angel. And this Wei Xun, who took the divine bow given by Director Bing, will become a knight for Director Bing even though he is still alive. Walker can't fall behind.

Walker thinks it's good to be a wolf god. Hasn't the Fang Hunter always coveted Director Bing's wolf son? If the wolf son is really kidnapped by him, won't he be able to fill the vacant position? Walker has always had some small plans in his mind, but they have not been implemented yet, but it is definitely right to protect the tour guide.

"This is not a metaphor."

However, Walker flirted with the blind man. After hearing what he said, B1 not only did not respond, but looked a little unhappy. He said solemnly: "If anyone takes my words as a metaphor, they will suffer."

"Okay, time is up."

Before the atmosphere became stiff, Bingyi tried to smooth things over: "The goal of our ice cave exploration this time is to obtain the eternal blue ice in the ice cave. Thousand-year blue ice is considered to have achieved the goal, and ten-thousand-year blue ice is even better. Of course, the older the blue ice, the more suitable it is as a commemoration of this trip."

"In addition to the blue ice, we cannot destroy any ice surface in the ice cave. We must protect the natural attractions with our own hands."

If the ice cave cannot be destroyed, it seems that there will be a chase battle in this ice cave exploration.

The tourists exchanged glances with experience.

Only fighting can destroy the ice cave. The tour guide made this request in advance, which was both a hint and an increase in the difficulty of the battle that was likely to occur in the ice cave later.

"How to get blue ice?" Shao Yuan asked, but before the guide could answer, the increasingly impatient Tooth Hunter who was waiting beside him started to curse: "So many questions, are you here to travel or to find a teacher? If you want to find a teacher, go back to school and find one." "What time is it? Are you going to enter the ice cave or not?" His scolding silenced the tourists. It seemed that they had to find the blue ice by themselves, and the guide would not reveal any information. Without asking any more questions, the tourists quickly checked their crampons and safety helmets and put on warm and waterproof clothes. Each person could only bring a small backpack before entering the ice cave, which contained only a bottle of water and a set of spare warm clothes, and no food - no food was allowed in the ice cave to prevent food residues from being left here. All the tourists put the group photo of the ice cave taken the day before as close to their bodies as possible. If they died in the ice cave, they would have a chance to revive. The Tooth Hunter guide led the way in front, B1 led the way, and C1 followed behind. The tourists entered the ice cave one by one with vigilance. This is an ice cave with a very wide entrance, which can accommodate dozens of people. As soon as we entered the ice cave, we were shocked by the magnificent natural scene. The deep blue and light blue ice was crystal clear, endless, frozen into a deep blue dome. The ice was full of ripples like water, and the different shades of blue rose and fell with the ripples, making people think they were at the bottom of the sea for a moment.

The wonders of nature are difficult to describe with poor language. All the passengers looked up at the ice above their heads. However, when they raised their heads and exposed most of their faces to the ice above their heads, dozens of broken ice suddenly fell without warning and hit the heads of the passengers!

"Bang, bang, bang!"

After a series of collisions, the remaining ice fell to the ground. The passengers were still in shock. Fortunately, they all reacted in time and lowered their heads to let the falling ice hit their safety helmets! No one was injured or killed.

"Everyone be careful, I suspect there is something wrong with this ice." An Xuefeng said solemnly, it was a coincidence that one person looked at the ice, but all the passengers looked up at the ice at the same time, which made him wonder if the pattern of the ice above his head had some kind of hallucinogenic effect that affected his nerves. If it did, then even if he didn't take off his safety helmet, he would still be at risk of having his head smashed.

The tourists all had a premonition in their hearts. After Wei Xun's reminder, they were startled and quickly formed a two-person team to facilitate mutual surveillance and reminders. Shao Yuan also wanted to collect the fallen ice for research, but the ice was all broken into powder after hitting the safety helmet, and there was nothing left.

The Lizard Duke in front led the team at a very fast speed, just like the kind of rubbish tour guide who wanted to take the tourists to the end of the tour in 40 minutes instead of an hour. However, in such a place, the tourists dared not fall behind. They all speeded up and passed the spacious entrance of the ice cave in a blink of an eye and went deeper.

The only one of the two teams who was leisurely and still moving at a walking speed was Bingyi, who took the initiative to break off again. He slowly admired the beauty of the ice cave and deliberately slowed down. Before, Freya was finally persuaded by him and decided to go to Sweden and other places to look for her husband who did not return home. However, in less than ten minutes, she quickly sent a messenger to bring the news, which Bingyi did not expect.

Freya was very cautious. She didn't want other gods or people to know about her connection with Loki. So when the travelers disappeared in the ice cave in front, Bingyi heard a few cat calls.

Goddess Freya traveled in a car pulled by two female cats, and the cats were her messengers. Bingyi waited for a few seconds after hearing the cat's cry, and soon a vigorous black shadow jumped out. This is a pure black cat with lake-like blue eyes, which looks very noble and beautiful. However, its hair was messy and fluffy, and a few tufts of cat hair were about to fall. There was also a terrible wound on its neck. It looked like it had just been through a war, which made Bingyi feel a chill in his heart.

"Meow, meow, meow." 'Baldur, the god of light, is dead, Denmark, Sweden and Norway are in war, and Fimbulwinter is coming. Be prepared'

The black cat meowed, and the news revealed was like a bomb that caused waves in Bingyi's heart! The three countries were in war, and the god of light was dead? ? Bingyi frowned, and there were many unknown places in his mind.

The death of Baldur, the god of light, kicked off the prelude to Ragnarok. Almost everyone who knows Norse mythology knows this. But the problem is that in the myth, wasn't Baldur, the god of light, killed by Loki? Because this Loki was imprisoned and tortured until he regained his freedom at Ragnarok - then the question is, why did Baldur suddenly die now? Why did he, as Loki, not follow the plot point of the myth replay at all? ?

"Is Goddess Freya okay? God, I really didn't expect this terrible thing to happen at this time."

Thinking about it, but Bingyi will never fall behind on the surface. He also thought that Freya's messenger could bring more information from other countries, and he was very concerned about the black cat: "Are you okay with your injuries? I still have some wild boar meat and divine goat milk here. I wonder if they can help you..."

The goddess's cat was injured, and the battle outside was so fierce. What hurt it? Will that thing chase it to Iceland?

"Meow meow meow." 'Goddess is well, we are not involved in the war'

Just as Bingyi was brainstorming, the black cat meowed twice. It shook its tail quickly, pointed its ears forward, and purred twice. It was not an expression of being offended or angry, but of being happy and joyful.

"Meow~Meow--"'In fact, after I came to Iceland, I met a very strong and powerful male cat. I had a fight with him. These injuries were left by him. He is really strong and charming. The fluffy hair and strong physique really fascinated the cat. It is really a perfect male cat I have never seen'

"Meow~"'You have its smell on you. You are its companion, right'

The black cat meowed intoxicatedly, and then looked at Bingyi meaningfully. This, the deep meaning in the cat's eyes made Bingyi pause for a breath. He understood it, but he didn't really want to understand it.

How to say it, it is worthy of being an illusion cat.

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