Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 663: Icelandic Horror (191)

"This is an unknown, unclean and filthy thing that came to the door of the world through Betty's body."

"God bless, this is definitely not a child, but a devil of chaos!"

When you get closer, you can hear Maria speaking solemnly to Tong Hege. After losing part of her memory, Maria's personality is no longer as cold and indifferent as yesterday, and has returned to tenderness and compassion. If it were the Maria of yesterday, she would not have said any nonsense at all, and would just take away the chrysalis and kill her. How could she still be reasoning with Tong Hege like she is now.

"What you said makes sense. This is the remnant of pollution left in Betty's body last night. It's really not a good thing."

Maria didn't force her, but Tong Hege had a good attitude. But the attitude was very firm - it was not up to Maria to decide whether to kill the pupa or how to deal with it. We had to wait for Director C to make the decision.

"Director C."

While they were talking, the two of them noticed Bingyi who stopped far away and did not go any further. Tong Hege's expression was a little subtle, and of course he felt Bingyi's emotions - he hoped that the bloody insect chrysalis would stay as far away from him as possible! But Bingyi didn’t know what chrysalis he was thinking about. It was not motionless, but a chrysalis that could move slightly. It seemed to have sensed Bingyi’s arrival very keenly, and the blood-red tip of the pupa moved towards Bingyi. He was twisting and turning with great force.

Bingyi's face suddenly became even more ugly. If it weren't for the passengers around him who were looking at him, Bingyi would have taken a few steps back. Tong Hege knew his character well, so when he saw this, he directly put the chrysalis on the snow and used the snow to clean the blood on it. At the same time, through spiritual communication, the cause of the incident was roughly explained. Roger was frightened that Betty had given birth to such a thing. He told the 'doctor' all the abnormalities she had had from last night to now without any reservations.

‘Did you encounter abyss pollution when you were most mentally sensitive? ’

Bingyi frowned when he heard this and immediately asked: 'Has the pollution been eliminated from her body?'

‘Although I can’t feel it anymore, I’m afraid it hasn’t been drained yet’

Tong Hege first analyzed it from the perspective of a seasoned traveler: "Lisa and the others didn't detect any abnormalities last night, which means that the pollution may have become a special state in Betty's body, making it impossible to detect it." Except for a little pollution when she gave birth, I can’t feel any pollution from this chrysalis alone.’

So even though Tong Hege can't feel the pollution now, it can't be said that Betty's body is gone.

'Furthermore, Betty was contaminated in the situation last night, and the ending should not be any better than Di Feiyu'

Tong Hege said directly: "She should have died, but she didn't. I suspect that her corresponding rune character played some role."

'But Betty did not die during childbirth, and no runes appeared'

It shows that the pain of this first childbirth is not the end.

Then Tong Hege made a very professional judgment from a doctor's perspective: 'The most important thing is that I took her pulse before and it didn't look like a single pregnancy.'

'The first round of production is over, but I'm afraid Betty will still be pregnant'

This is definitely bad news. Betty's birth of alien pupae is weird and scary enough, but if she gives birth at once, at least there will be an immediate result. But now that Tong Hege has come out, it means that Betty's situation is even more different. No other pupae can be born now - although he didn't say anything else, I'm afraid it's not possible to perform a caesarean section in advance to get out other pupae.

It would be very bad if Betty gave birth again during the subsequent exploration of the ice cave.

While Tong Hege was telling the story, Bingyi finally overcame his psychological barrier and stepped forward to observe the chrysalis up close and even touched it. Even if it is wiped clean by ice and snow, it is still hot, like human body temperature. The outside doesn't feel like a bug, it's smooth, warm and pliable, but more like human skin.

B felt his scalp numb and handed over further observation to the demon insect. The spirits of Xiao Cui and Xiao Rose were sitting on his left and right shoulders respectively. No one knows more about worms than a mother worm. Xiao Cui is extremely experienced. The first time he looked at it from a close distance, he concluded: 'Father, sir, This is by no means a real insect egg or pupa. It does not have any soul or will. It is just a ball of skin wrapped in energy.'

The chrysalis' chrysalis is not a thinking wriggling, but more like a surge of energy itself - most likely Bingyi has the same kind of purer energy, so it spontaneously surges towards Bingyi.

Isn't it a living chrysalis that won't break out of its cocoon?

After knowing this, Bingyi relaxed a little and let Xiao Cui and Xiao Rose continue to observe the chrysalis. He walked towards the snowmobile. Betty's situation was more important than the chrysalis.

The snowmobile, which can seat two people and carry cargo, is not small in size. It is tightly covered with a dark green tarpaulin to keep out the cold and facilitate Betty's production. After Bingyi got in, he found that the seats and cargo of the snowmobile had been removed, leaving enough space for the door. The strong smell of blood had not dissipated. There were two people and a ferret in the car. The pale woman was curled up in her boyfriend's arms wrapped in a coat. She was eating compressed biscuits and soaking them in hot water. The ferret pulled out a few braised eggs so that the woman could quickly replenish her energy. These two people were Betty, Roger, and their captain Wei Xun.

Contrary to Bingyi's expectation, the atmosphere in the snowmobile was quite good. Although there was sadness in Betty's brows that she could not hide, she was not too panicked. There was even some warmth between her and Roger. Bingyi glanced at the ferret, and the ferret nodded slightly at him, indicating that both Roger and Betty knew that Betty had given birth to a pupa.

This surprised Bingyi. As far as Bingyi knew, Betty and Roger were not husband and wife, but just boyfriend and girlfriend. They were both very young. In the real world, it was considered a classic cheerleader and rugby captain relationship. This kind of youthful love is usually not stable, and a quarrel may separate them. And even among married couples, some husbands who stay with their wives cannot bear it when they witness the bloody misery of their wives giving birth. Not to mention understanding their wives' pain, many even want to divorce because of this.

But Betty's situation was obviously worse. She was not a baby, but a terrible chrysalis. Bingyi imagined for a moment, if he really went to bed with Ah Feng, and then Ah Feng gave birth to a pupa, he might not be able to bear it for a while. Roger didn't show any negative emotions on his face. He even took out two toffees from somewhere and bit them like a bad boy to feed them to her, which made Betty couldn't help but laugh. This shows the deep relationship between Roger and Betty.

If Betty died, Roger would most likely not survive. To be honest, Betty may not survive long as the power of the rune characters begins to show. I'm afraid we will lose at least two more passengers today. In this case...

"Director C, are you leaving?"

Bingyi was thinking calmly and almost coldly, and Betty and the others noticed his arrival. Betty was embarrassed and wanted to get up, but Roger wrapped her tightly in clothes and said sincerely: "Director C, thank you for sending Mr. Tong, otherwise Betty might have died of hemorrhage. You saved her." "Fate, if there is anything I can do, please give me your orders."

"I will carry Betty on my back during the next trip and keep an eye on her condition at all times. With the help of Guard Miao, Betty will recover quickly."

Although Betty did not give birth to a child, Roger matured rapidly and became calmer. It is difficult to see the recklessness and irritability in him before. In this situation, with her lover by her side, Betty's mental state is obviously not bad. She took the initiative to say that she seemed to hear something when she was giving birth. I just didn't hear it clearly.

"A few more times and I should be able to hear it better."

Betty wrote lightly, apparently sensing that this horrific birth was just the beginning. Roger couldn't help but hold her hand tightly, a flash of pain flashed in his eyes, but he didn't say anything, his attitude was very firm.

"There's still ten minutes left for the break."

Seeing that they had adjusted, Bingyi didn't say much, and just handed them an angel feather and a short piece of ginseng as long as a knuckle. This would allow Betty to live longer in the horrific succession of births, but it would probably also be a form of torture for her. After knowing the existence of old dreams and that real death is not a real death, she could still bear this abnormal birth instead of committing suicide. Obviously Betty's will was extremely strong. She happily took these two things and gave Bingyi a bright smile. .

She wanted to hear clearly what the voice was saying and not miss this clue that might be very important to the brigade. The pupae produced again and again are part of the clue.

Leaving the gentle space door to Betty and Roger, Wei Ferret jumped on Bingyi's shoulder. Different from Tong Hege's perspective, Wei Xun also made many discoveries. But before he said anything, Little Rose's secret chat first rang in Bingyi's ears.

‘Master, this, this insect chrysalis looks a bit like a honey sac’

Little Rose said timidly: "It's full of energy. The egg shell is a real insect egg, but the inside is not a real insect larvae - this insect pupa seems to be like this. The outer layer of the pupa shell is a real living pupa shell." , but there are no living creatures inside'

Little Rose's group is the Rose Ruby Sand Spider, a brutal and powerful group of insects headed by heaven-level females. Most of the creatures in the desert are in their diet, and their combat effectiveness and toxicity are extremely strong. But they are not the only kind of demonic insect in the desert. Not far from the territory of the Rose Ruby Sand Spider tribe, there is also a tribe of demonic spiders called Yellow Sand Cave Nest Spiders.

They are small in size, do not have strong venom or sharp jaws, are not very aggressive and are very low-key, and the color is the same camouflage color as the desert. On weekdays, the Yellow Sand Cave Nest Spider lives in a sand cave and rarely goes out to look for food.

But such a weak group of spiders can survive in the cruel desert and naturally have their own characteristics. Yellow sand cave nest spiders are best at building nests using spider silk, and their silk has special nutrients that can attract desert honey ants. This kind of desert honey ant feeds on the spider silk and the bacteria that grow on the spider silk after the spider silk nest is finalized. In addition to the normal eggs, the queen ant also has a kind of egg.

The eggs cannot hatch into normal ants, but are filled with sweet and abundant honey for the Yellow Sand Cave Nest Spider to eat. They are called honey sacs by Little Rose and their species - ah, of course, they know so clearly, that is because after the breeding period of Rose Ruby Sand Spider, when the female spider is preparing to lay eggs, in addition to needing to eat a lot to replenish energy, she also likes it very much. After eating this sweet honey sac, the male spiders will plunder the yellow sand cave nest spiders like bandits.

During the secret chat, Men Bingyi had already walked quickly to Chrysalis and saw Little Rose narrowing her eyes slightly and licking her lips as if she was still unfinished. She had just laid a batch of eggs with golden silkworm Gu genes in the ball of demonic insects, and it was the time when she was hungry. Bingyi didn't say much after hearing this. He gave the two female insects a small bottle of purified magic honey, which immediately made them jump for joy.

‘Father, I feel that the eggs in my belly are longing for the chrysalis’

Apart from being happy, Xiao Cui also had a serious chat with Bing Yi secretly. What she is currently carrying in her belly is an insect egg that is a genetic fusion of the Golden Silkworm Gu and Die Da. These two genes are very strange. Xiaocui was originally pregnant with nearly a thousand insect eggs, but before the eggs were laid, they actually started to grow in her. They devoured each other in their bellies, and now only a single insect egg is left. But even after devouring so many eggs, it was not mature enough to be born. Xiao Cui could vaguely feel that it was longing for some kind of energy, but could not express its thoughts clearly.

It seems to be very sensitive to all kinds of pollution, especially the abyss pollution that broke out last night, but it is also very picky. So far, it is only on this chrysalis that it has shown its most fervent desire - yes, and Not to the energy in the pupa, but to the pupa shell itself. Does it want to skip hatching and directly use the pupa as a pupa shell to break out of the pupa?

As a female insect with a very scientific spirit, Xiaocui is also very curious about this. She told her father everything without reservation, and she was looking forward to it. Based on the father's previous personality, he would definitely be looking forward to the birth of this special and unique insect cub. Directly breaking out of the pupa can bypass the larval stage that the owner dislikes the most. She feels that this egg is quite talented in pleasing the owner.

But Bingyi's behavior was completely different from what she had imagined, even a bit cold.

Are they eggs that are genetically fused between Die Da and Golden Silkworm Gu... Humph. If it hadn't been for the clues revealed by Die Da Jie Pupa, I'm afraid he would still be kept in the dark. By then, some of the important bugs around him might be Yiwu's moles.

Now it's like borrowing the pupa shell to break out of the cocoon? There are no doors! With a change in his mind, the plan came into being. After hearing Xiao Cui say that the egg could already feel the outside world, Bing Yi pulled out a vampire knife in front of Xiao Cui and cut open the pupa. "This is an unknown, unclean and filthy thing that came to the door of the world through Betty's body."

"God bless, this is definitely not a child, but a devil of chaos!"

When you get closer, you can hear Maria speaking solemnly to Tong Hege. After losing part of her memory, Maria's personality is no longer as cold and indifferent as yesterday, and has returned to tenderness and compassion. If it were the Maria of yesterday, she would not have said any nonsense at all, and would just take away the chrysalis and kill her. How could she still be reasoning with Tong Hege like she is now.

"What you said makes sense. This is the remnant of pollution left in Betty's body last night. It's really not a good thing."

Maria didn't force her, but Tong Hege had a good attitude. But the attitude was very firm - it was not up to Maria to decide whether to kill the pupa or how to deal with it. We had to wait for Director C to make the decision.

"Director C."

While they were talking, the two of them noticed Bingyi who stopped far away and did not go any further. Tong Hege's expression was a little subtle, and of course he felt Bingyi's emotions - he hoped that the bloody insect chrysalis would stay as far away from him as possible! But Bingyi didn’t know what chrysalis he was thinking about. It was not motionless, but a chrysalis that could move slightly. It seemed to have sensed Bingyi’s arrival very keenly, and the blood-red tip of the pupa moved towards Bingyi. He was twisting and turning with great force.

Bingyi's face suddenly became even more ugly. If it weren't for the passengers around him who were looking at him, Bingyi would have taken a few steps back. Tong Hege knew his character well, so when he saw this, he directly put the chrysalis on the snow and used the snow to clean the blood on it. At the same time, through spiritual communication, the cause of the incident was roughly explained. Roger was frightened that Betty had given birth to such a thing. He told the 'doctor' all the abnormalities she had had from last night to now without any reservations.

‘Did you encounter abyss pollution when you were most mentally sensitive? ’

Bingyi frowned when he heard this and immediately asked: 'Has the pollution been eliminated from her body?'

‘Although I can’t feel it anymore, I’m afraid it hasn’t been drained yet’

Tong Hege first analyzed it from the perspective of a seasoned traveler: "Lisa and the others didn't detect any abnormalities last night, which means that the pollution may have become a special state in Betty's body, making it impossible to detect it." Except for a little pollution when she gave birth, I can’t feel any pollution from this chrysalis alone.’

So even though Tong Hege can't feel the pollution now, it can't be said that Betty's body is gone.

'Furthermore, Betty was contaminated in the situation last night, and the ending should not have been any better than Di Feiyu'

Tong Hege said directly: "She should have died, but she didn't. I suspect that her corresponding rune character played some role."

'But Betty did not die during childbirth, and no runes appeared'

It shows that the pain of this first childbirth is not the end.

Then Tong Hege made a very professional judgment from a doctor's perspective: 'The most important thing is that I took her pulse before and it didn't look like a single pregnancy.'

'The first round of production is over, but I'm afraid Betty will still give birth'

This is definitely bad news. Betty's birth of alien pupae is weird and scary enough, but if she gives birth at once, at least there will be an immediate result. But now that Tong Hege has come out, it means that Betty's situation is even more different. No other pupae can be born now - although he didn't say anything else, I'm afraid it's not possible to perform a caesarean section in advance to get out other pupae.

It would be very bad if Betty gave birth again during the subsequent exploration of the ice cave.

While Tong Hege was telling the story, Bingyi finally overcame his psychological barrier and stepped forward to observe the chrysalis up close and even touched it. Even if it is wiped clean by ice and snow, it is still hot, like human body temperature. The outside doesn't feel like a bug, it's smooth, warm and pliable, but more like human skin.

B felt his scalp numb and handed over further observation to the demon insect. The spirits of Xiao Cui and Xiao Rose were sitting on his left and right shoulders respectively. No one knows more about worms than the mother worm. Xiao Cui is extremely experienced. The first time he looked at it from a close distance, he concluded: 'Father, sir, This is by no means a real insect egg or pupa. It does not have any soul or will. It is just a ball of skin wrapped in energy.'

The chrysalis' chrysalis is not a wriggling movement with thoughts, but more like the surge of energy itself - there is a high probability that Bingyi has the same kind of purer energy, so it spontaneously surges towards Bingyi.

Isn't it a living chrysalis that won't break out of its cocoon?

After knowing this, Bingyi relaxed a little and let Xiao Cui and Xiao Rose continue to observe the chrysalis. He walked towards the snowmobile. Betty's situation was more important than the chrysalis.

The snowmobile, which can seat two people and carry cargo, is not small in size. It is tightly covered with a dark green tarpaulin to keep out the cold and facilitate Betty's production. After Bingyi got in, he found that the seats and cargo of the snowmobile had been removed, leaving enough space for the door. The strong smell of blood had not dissipated. There were two people and a ferret in the car. The pale woman was curled up in her boyfriend's arms wrapped in a coat. She was eating compressed biscuits and soaking them in hot water. The ferret pulled out a few braised eggs so that the woman could quickly replenish her energy. These two people were Betty, Roger, and their captain Wei Xun.

Contrary to Bingyi's expectation, the atmosphere in the snowmobile was quite good. Although there was sadness in Betty's brows that she could not hide, she was not too panicked. There was even some warmth between her and Roger. Bingyi glanced at the ferret, and the ferret nodded slightly at him, indicating that both Roger and Betty knew that Betty had given birth to pupae.

This surprised Bingyi. As far as Bingyi knew, Betty and Roger were not husband and wife, but just boyfriend and girlfriend. They were both very young. In the real world, it was considered a classic cheerleader and rugby captain relationship. This kind of youthful love is usually not stable, and a quarrel may separate them. And even for married couples, some husbands who stay with their wives cannot bear it when they witness the bloody misery of their wives giving birth. Not to mention understanding their wives' pain, many even want to divorce because of this.

Betty's situation was obviously worse. She was not a baby, but a terrible chrysalis. Bingyi imagined for a moment, if he really went to bed with Ah Feng, and then Ah Feng gave birth to a pupa, he might not be able to bear it for a while. Roger didn't show any negative emotions on his face. He even took out two toffees from somewhere and bit them like a bad boy to feed them to her, which made Betty couldn't help but laugh. This shows the deep relationship between Roger and Betty.

If Betty died, Roger would most likely not survive. To be honest, Betty may not survive long as the power of the rune characters begins to show. I'm afraid we will lose at least two more passengers today. In this case...

"Director C, are you leaving?"

Bingyi was thinking calmly and almost coldly, and Betty and the others noticed his arrival. Betty was embarrassed and wanted to get up, but Roger wrapped her tightly in clothes and said sincerely: "Director C, thank you for sending Mr. Tong, otherwise Betty might have died of bleeding. You saved her." "Fate, if there is anything I can do, just ask me."

"I will carry Betty on my back during the next trip and keep an eye on her condition at all times. With the help of Guard Miao, Betty recovered quickly."

Although Betty did not give birth to a child, Roger matured rapidly and became calmer. It is difficult to see the previous recklessness and irritability in him. In this situation, with her lover by her side, Betty was obviously in good spirits. She took the initiative to say that she seemed to hear something when she was giving birth. I just didn't hear it clearly.

"A few more times and I should be able to hear it better."

Betty wrote lightly, obviously she also sensed that this terrible birth was just the beginning. Roger couldn't help but hold her hand tightly, a flash of pain flashed in his eyes, but he didn't say anything, his attitude was very firm.

"There's still ten minutes left for the break."

Seeing that they had adjusted, Bingyi didn't say much, and just handed them an angel feather and a short piece of ginseng as long as a knuckle. This would allow Betty to live longer in the horrific succession of births, but it would probably also be a form of torture for her. After knowing the existence of old dreams and that real death is not a real death, she could still bear this abnormal birth instead of committing suicide. Obviously Betty's will was extremely strong. She happily took these two things and gave Bingyi a bright smile. .

She wanted to hear clearly what the voice was saying and not miss this clue that might be very important to the brigade. The pupae produced again and again are part of the clue.

Leaving the gentle space door to Betty and Roger, Wei Ferret jumped on Bingyi's shoulder. Different from Tong Hege's perspective, Wei Xun also made many discoveries. But before he said anything, Little Rose's secret chat first rang in Bingyi's ears.

‘Master, this, this insect chrysalis looks a bit like a honey sac’

Little Rose said timidly: "It's full of energy. The egg shell is a real insect egg, but the inside is not a real insect larvae - this insect pupa seems to be like this. The outer layer of the pupa shell is a real living pupa shell." , but there are no living creatures inside'

Little Rose's group is the Rose Ruby Sand Spider, a brutal and powerful group of insects headed by heaven-level females. Most of the creatures in the desert are in their diet, and their combat effectiveness and toxicity are extremely strong. But they are not the only kind of demonic insect in the desert. Not far from the territory of the Rose Ruby Sand Spider tribe, there is also a tribe of demonic spiders called Yellow Sand Cave Nest Spiders.

They are small in size, do not have strong venom or sharp jaws, are not very aggressive and are very low-key, and the color is the same camouflage color as the desert. On weekdays, the Yellow Sand Cave Nest Spider lives in a sand cave and rarely goes out to look for food.

But such a weak group of spiders can survive in the cruel desert and naturally have their own characteristics. Yellow sand cave nest spiders are best at using spider silk to build their nests, and their silk has special nutrients that can attract desert honey ants. This kind of desert honey ant feeds on the spider silk and the bacteria that grow on the spider silk after the spider silk nest is finalized. In addition to the normal eggs, the queen ant also has a kind of egg.

The eggs cannot hatch into normal ants, but are filled with sweet and abundant honey for the Yellow Sand Cave Nest Spider to eat. They are called honey sacs by Little Rose and their species - ah, of course, they know so clearly, that is because after the breeding period of Rose Ruby Sand Spider, when the female spider is preparing to lay eggs, in addition to needing to eat a lot to replenish energy, she also likes it very much. After eating this sweet honey sac, the male spiders will plunder the yellow sand cave nest spiders like horse bandits.

During the secret chat, Men Bingyi had already walked quickly to Chrysalis and saw Little Rose narrowing her eyes slightly and licking her lips as if she was still unfinished. She had just laid a batch of eggs with golden silkworm Gu genes in the ball of demonic insects, and it was the time when she was hungry. Bingyi didn't say much after hearing this. He gave the two female insects a small bottle of purified magic honey, which immediately made them jump for joy.

‘Father, I feel that the eggs in my belly are longing for the chrysalis’

Apart from being happy, Xiao Cui also had a serious chat with Bing Yi secretly. What she is currently carrying in her belly is an insect egg that is a genetic fusion of the Golden Silkworm Gu and Die Da. These two genes are very strange. Xiaocui was originally pregnant with nearly a thousand insect eggs, but before the eggs were laid, they actually started to grow in her. They devoured each other in their bellies, and now only a single insect egg is left. But even after devouring so many eggs, it was not mature enough to be born. Xiao Cui could vaguely feel that it was longing for some kind of energy, but could not express its thoughts clearly.

It seems to be very sensitive to all kinds of pollution, especially the abyss pollution that broke out last night, but it is also very picky. So far, it is only on this chrysalis that it has shown its most fervent desire - yes, and Not to the energy in the chrysalis, but to the pupa shell itself. Does it want to skip hatching and directly use the pupa as a pupa shell to break out of the pupa?

As a female insect with a very scientific spirit, Xiaocui is also very curious about this. She told her father everything without reservation, and she was looking forward to it. Based on the father's previous personality, he would definitely be looking forward to the birth of this special and unique insect cub. Directly breaking out of the pupa can bypass the larval stage that the owner dislikes the most. She feels that this egg is quite talented in pleasing the owner.

But Bingyi's behavior was completely different from what she had imagined, even a bit cold.

Are they eggs that are genetically fused between Die Da and Golden Silkworm Gu... Humph. If it hadn't been for the clues revealed by Die Da Jie Pupa, I'm afraid he would still be kept in the dark. By then, some of the important bugs around him might be Yiwu's moles.

Now it's like borrowing the pupa shell to break out of the cocoon? There are no doors! With a change in his mind, the plan came into being. After hearing Xiao Cui say that the egg could sense the outside world, Bing Yi pulled out a vampire knife in front of Xiao Cui and cut open the pupa.

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