Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 662: Icelandic Horror (190)

"It still hurts... a lot."

Betty gritted her teeth, her hair stuck to her pale cheeks, and her forehead was covered with cold sweat. It was obvious that this kind of pain was unimaginable for ordinary people to make a passenger with excellent physical fitness so embarrassed. Most of these were side effects brought by certain titles, such as Betty's cheerleading captain. Because she had to maintain a perfect figure and was used to losing weight in various ways, her menstrual period was always a problem.

When "cheerleader" became Betty's title, this problem became a negative effect of the title - purple and lower titles had negative effects, and it was almost all positive gains until the orange title. But the potential of "cheerleader" was limited, and there was no corresponding orange title.

Betty had already thought of her own promotion route. In addition to cheerleading, she had dabbled in other sports. As long as there were more purple titles of the same kind, they could be jointly promoted and she would get the orange title "coach".

This is a very good auxiliary orange title, with many positive effects such as encouragement, admonition, heart-to-heart talk (spiritual purification), designing training plans, etc. The most important thing is that it has gains related to spirit and soul. It is a very good captain-type title. If fate coincides in the future, Betty may be able to lead a very good brigade, but from the current practical point of view, the title of "coach" and Roger's title are particularly complementary, and one plus one is definitely greater than two.

She can design a "training plan" for Roger to make his title advancement more targeted. He can improve his strength through encouragement, and make him calmer through admonition. The most important thing is that he can relieve Roger's tense nerves through heart-to-heart talk-since Yu Xiangyang and others died, Roger's nerves have become more and more tense, and he is afraid that Betty will die at any time. This state is actually very bad.

Betty is eager to become a "coach" as soon as possible, and has upgraded the levels of those titles to purple in the competitions in the past few days. Next, as long as she increases her soul and spirit, she can merge these titles and upgrade them to obtain the orange title "coach". Just in the thrilling angel descent yesterday afternoon, Betty and Roger both received divine goat milk and wild boar meat.

Divine wild boar meat can give travelers more power, and divine goat milk can nourish people's souls and enhance their soul power. During the short rest time in the RV last night, Betty gave all the wild boar meat to Roger, and Roger gave all the divine goat milk to her. After drinking the divine goat milk, Betty's mental acuity and soul strength increased significantly, but in this dangerous and terrifying journey, overly sensitive nerves can make people perceive and hear some terrible things that ordinary people cannot perceive.

Betty didn't want to become like the crazy Philip, so she chose to drink the divine goat milk during her rest time at night, intending to use a night to temporarily digest it and pass the mental sensitivity period-there is no competition tonight, it is a rare opportunity to improve! Although it is a bit dangerous to do so, every day's journey is more terrible than the previous day, and even the number of peak travelers is rapidly decreasing. Betty must become stronger as soon as possible, and there is no time to delay.

...Who would have thought that just when Betty drank all the divine goat milk and her spirit and soul were the most sensitive, the abyss pollution came. In an instant, the world was distorted in front of Betty. It was endless, like dirty cream piled up blocks of color and sharp and shrill humming. For a moment, she seemed to see countless twisted and hideous human skins, and seemed to see many floating, gray lines like poisonous tentacles of jellyfish.

Betty couldn't remember what happened afterwards. When she woke up, she found herself in an ice house. Roger held her tightly in his arms, with great strength to crush her bones. He kept kissing Betty's face anxiously, begging her to wake up quickly. After Betty woke up, Roger was ecstatic and kept thanking God. At this moment, the lamb blood mark on his pious forehead was glowing.

However, although Betty woke up, the sequelae were also very serious. The severe headache lasted for half a night. The memory was like a worm-eaten apple. Betty couldn't remember many things, especially those things that suddenly came with the pollution torrent.

"Oh baby, don't think about it. It's better if you can't remember it!" Roger felt distressed but happy at the same time. He advised her not to think about it: "Some information is not something we can know with our strength. We will go crazy if we know it." "But you will be fine. The demon hunter and the nun have checked you. They said you will be fine, okay, baby?" The demon hunter was Lisa, the leader of the Astrology Brigade, and the nun was Maria, the leader of the Red Cardinal. Hearing that two top travelers checked her, Betty was not relieved, but more anxious. It was not until Roger said that everyone had been checked tonight and Betty was not special that she was slightly relieved. But soon Betty fell into deeper doubts. What happened tonight? So that everyone was checked by top travelers? A smart and meticulous person like her can think of a lot with a little clue. This is also the reason why Roger didn't want to tell her more. The more she thought, the more curious she was, the easier it was to fall into the abyss of pollution. Fortunately, Betty was very cautious. The severe headache made her restrain her curiosity. She believed Roger's poor excuse that "the Icelandic horse is pure, you know, it has to be tested every night", and did not think about the deeper danger. She also trusted the Peak Travelers. They said she was fine, so she should be fine.

Sure enough, the severe headache finally began to subside after midnight. However, before Betty could breathe a sigh of relief, an unbearable swelling pain hit her lower abdomen. Although not as intense as a headache, it is more physically uncomfortable. After becoming a traveler, her menstrual period became more and more irregular, so she always had some medicine on hand for every trip. After taking the medicine, Betty managed to sleep for two hours, but when she woke up, the pain became more severe and showed no signs of improvement.

"Oh Roger, honey, you've made me a little dizzy. Can you please just leave me alone for a while?"

The swollen pain in her lower abdomen made Betty feel very bad. She pushed out Roger, who was helpless like a big dog, and stood up to check her body. Such a simple action already made her panting from exhaustion, and the heavy pain The smell of blood made her face paler.

She bled some, not much, just enough to cut her finger, but Betty's face felt much better after seeing the blood. It was really her menstrual period, not for any other reason, which made her tight nerves relax much faster, even though the smell of hot blood was so strong that it was abnormally strong and made people sick. But they had no time to delay now and were setting out.

"Betty, Betty, honey are you okay?"

Betty forced herself to simply change her underwear and use a tampon. Her loyal dog was nervously calling to her outside as if looking for its owner.

"I am fine."

Betty took a deep breath and stood up. Quickly and Roger packed up their things and walked out of the makeshift igloo. It was still dark outside, and I could barely see my fingers. The cold wind whizzed past like a knife, enveloping the icy snow particles. The weather is still very bad today and it's still snowing. Betty shivered from the cold, and the pain in her lower abdomen became even worse. In a daze, Betty seemed to smell a strong smell of blood. Damn it, she prayed that the tampon could hold up.

"Damn, it's bad weather again."

Warmth surrounded Betty's neck, and it was Roger who wrapped his scarf around Betty's neck. Seeing Betty's pale face, he felt very distressed. He wanted to hold Betty in his arms and walk away, comforting him: "Fortunately, we don't have to hike today. The morning journey is quite easy, isn't it, honey?"

The glacier hiking attraction has been completed, and what they will be completing this morning is exploring the ice cave. It's quite a distance from here to the ice cave. Fortunately, they don't have to hike there this time. They can take a snowmobile - there's no extra charge!

Even Walker was shocked and muttered, "Why won't you make money on this trip?" Others also found it strange, but as a coach and guide, the tooth hunter was completely too lazy to pay attention to others today. All his attention was focused on Fenrir's blackened tail.

After trying various methods to restore it to its pure white color, Ya Hunter felt distressed and angry looking at the somewhat helpless big white wolf. Hearing Bingyi's face look ugly, he said that it might be the hand of a lizard. Ya Hunter immediately talked to Bingyi. They scolded the lizards together, and even cursed them very filthyly. The ferocious and harsh curse words made the passengers stunned. Everyone hesitated to speak, but no one dared to touch the hunter's brow at this time.

Thanks to Tooth Hunter's stinky face, everyone moved very quickly throughout the morning. The sound of motors soon sounded. Tooth Hunter was leading the way on his snowmobile alone, while the others were riding two people per motorcycle. Countless snowmobiles sped away, quickly leaving last night's station behind.

'If he didn't have to be a guide to lead the way, I think he would have wanted to go out and kill that lizard.'

Bingyi and B1 were two tour guides on a snowmobile. Bingyi told him something about the contamination of Fenrir wolves. Ever since that reset, Bingyi felt vaguely that there seemed to be a vague connection between him and b1, as if he could bring b1 back to zero at any time if he reset to zero again.

This slight sense of control made Bingyi feel better about B1, especially when he thought that B1 was also a tour guide and was far more sensitive to pollution in the abyss than tourists. The most important thing is that tourists will die if they are polluted, but tour guides are If the pollution is serious, it will just return to zero and return to normal after an hour.

This made Bingyi pay more attention to b1 and reveal more information to him. Once there are other changes in Fenrir wolf, and Bingyi can't take care of it for a while, b1 can help - of course, what Bingyi is talking about is that there is a lizard who wants to use pollution to steal his eldest wolf.

\u0026 is also very smart. He immediately thought that the tooth hunter was causing trouble. After all, this person is too lizard-like. However, under Bingyi's test this morning, the fang hunter performed flawlessly, and he was obviously very, very hostile to the lizards that polluted the little wolf.

'Maybe he really doesn't know about this, or maybe they are closely connected, but they both want the other to die - you know some people with split personalities, where one personality wants to kill the other even though they are in the same body? ’

\u0026 What he said was unconstrained, but it brought some inspiration to Bingyi. Perhaps this is indeed the case. The fang hunter and the small lizard are not monolithic, and perhaps Fenrir wolves can be used to provoke their internal fighting.

But compared to the tooth hunters and lizards who were both in Iceland, the changes in the butterfly chrysalis made Bingyi feel even more solemn. The corn shoots ate the butterfly chrysalis for a long time, but couldn't eat anything else. The damn Yiwu was in another country and couldn't be touched, especially since the other brigade didn't seem to be stuck in the old dream, nor could they be in the dreamland. meet in.

How can I make him cruel?

Bingyi thought of the Nordic gods. The Nordic gods took over all of Northern Europe, not just Iceland. As the god of fire Loki, he should theoretically be exempt from such restrictions - but when it comes to the news revealed by Di Feiyu last night, Bingyi will never miss the old dream of Iceland. But if he doesn't leave Iceland...then entrust the Norse gods to cause some trouble for Yiwu?

Bingyi's stomach was filled with bad thoughts, and he thoughtfully stroked the silver metal plaque pinned to the front of the tour guide's cloak. Although there was no evening duel, due to his outstanding performance in killing Archangel Uriel yesterday, the metal medal of the strongest gladiator was still awarded to him. As usual, it came with an instruction sheet.

【Today is Friday, Queen Frigga will be watching you】

[Queen Frigga is the official wife of Odin, the King of Gods. She is the goddess of the sky and the earth. She is mainly in charge of marriage and family. She has--well, Frigga doesn't want to look at you. She even hates you very much. Who Let Loki kill her beloved child, where is Baldr, the God of Light?]

[As an alternative, Freya, the goddess of love and magic, will watch over you and bless you]

The origin of Friday comes from Old English (Friday). Some scholars believe that this is the day of Frigg, Odin’s wife, while others believe that it refers to the goddess Freya. Some even think that it refers to the goddess Freya. Scholars believe that in the ancient Germanic mythology system, Freya and Frigga originated from the same goddess*

But compared to the queen who has a deep hatred for Loki, Byeichi is more willing to deal with Freya. This goddess does not even belong to the Asir Protoss. She is the god of the Warner Protoss. When the Asir Protoss and the Warner Protoss temporarily stopped fighting, she was sent to the Asir Protoss as a hostage. Because of her beauty, she was fanatically pursued by countless gods, giants and even dwarfs.

She seemed to have a good attitude towards Bingyi, and even gave Bingyi two optional blessings. But Bingyi was thinking about something else. In Nordic mythology, Freya married Oder, who liked to travel around. Freya often burst into tears and searched the whole world to find her husband who never returned home. That is to say, her footsteps are likely to spread all over the Nordic countries, and she can influence other countries.

During the one-hour drive, Bingyi hatched several poisonous schemes against Yiwu. Of course, it would be of great help to him if he could grasp the current situation and progress of other brigades. It wasn't until the snowmobiles stopped and the two brigades arrived at their destination that Bingyi recovered his thoughts. Today's journey was more important. According to previous experience, today's attractions may be more dangerous than yesterday's.

But what no one expected was that an accident happened before they entered the ice cave.

"Baby, how do you feel now? Just hold on, I've found someone who can help you, and she will help you."

On the snowmobile, Betty huddled up in pain and almost fainted. The smell of blood was getting stronger and stronger. Roger was going crazy with anxiety. After parking the car, he immediately went out to find someone. At this time, Betty finally recovered a little. After waking up, the pain seemed to have eased a bit.

Did Roger find Miranda? Betty thought weakly that Roger had been too nervous lately, but she was in really bad shape. Although she didn't want to expose her weakness in front of her opponents who had been facing each other tit for tat, Betty also knew that the unbearable pain in her body might drag down her schedule today. This kind of situation must not be concealed and should be reported.

"Let her in."

Betty said, she smoothed the hair around her cheeks, trying to make herself look better. But the oriental face of the person who got into the snowmobile next time surprised her - this person was not Miranda as she thought, but Miao Fangfei.

No wonder Roger didn't say who the person was outside just now. It was a bit bad to go across Miranda to find the captain of another brigade. However, Roger was wholeheartedly thinking about Betty. Compared to Miranda, Miao Fangfei did have more experience in Betty's current situation - ahem, the fact that Director Bing opened the tomb of the Tusi King was really shocking. He Xiangxi The video of that time was studied by almost everyone in the hotel.

In addition to the tour guide, team leader Miao Fangfei is naturally also a character that is focused on and analyzed. Countless people know that Miao Fangfei suffers from menstrual pain almost every day.

Of course, after her title was upgraded to orange, she would no longer have this side effect. But I have to say that Miao Fangfei is really good at this.

"I heard you have abdominal pain?"

Miao Fangfei was a little embarrassed when it came to this topic. But seeing Betty's extremely bad expression, she didn't hesitate. After asking about Betty's situation, she gave her a few injections, fed her some medicine she prepared, and then poured Betty a cup of hot water.

But after Miao Fangfei's combo, Betty's pain did not ease much. On the contrary, the smell of blood in the snowmobile became heavier and heavier, and even the strong smell of Miao medicine could not be suppressed.

"Are you really having menstrual pain?"

Miao Fangfei's face became solemn and she lowered her voice and asked Betty. She found that when Betty realized that the pain had not subsided, her face was very calm, as if she had expected it.

"Now I can confirm that this is probably not menstrual pain."

Betty smiled bitterly, she actually had some premonitions in her heart. This unusual abdominal pain and headache are probably related to what happened last night, things that Roger didn't let him think about.


She handed the cup filled with hot water to Miao Fangfei, thinking about what to say, but at this moment, a sharp pain made her face pale, and she suddenly grabbed Miao Fangfei's wrist tightly, and the smell of blood suddenly became stronger. , a lot of blood gushes out from under her body.

* *

"What did you say?"

Bingyi, who was trying to communicate with Freya, opened his eyes wide in surprise, rarely thinking that he heard the wrong words.

"Betty gave birth??"

The snowmobile is still some distance away from the ice cave, about a quarter of an hour's walk. But before everyone could set off, the commotion outside delayed the plan. Hearing that Betty suddenly fell ill, Wei Xun even came over with a solemn expression and borrowed Tong Hege's help. After all, he was the only doctor in the team.

How could he suddenly become seriously ill at this time? Bingyi's first thought was whether Betty might have been contaminated by yesterday's abyss, but last night, powerful travelers like Lisa checked all the passengers one by one before losing their memory, and made sure that there was not much pollution left. Bingyi also walked past everyone with a vampire knife, and did not feel any serious pollution.

Even if there is a small amount left, it should be very slight. Getting through it can also increase a little resistance to the pollution of the abyss, which is also good for these travelers.

Why did Betty suddenly stop working?

Bingyi wanted to go see it at that time, but the semi-enclosed snowmobile could not hold so many people, and Tong Hege asked the audience to clear the place, so he simply tried to contact Freya on his own motorcycle while waiting for the result.

After waiting for half an hour, the news came that Betty had given birth? ?

"To be precise, it's a can't be considered a miscarriage."

Yu Hehui looked solemn and whispered: "What she gave birth to was not a child."

"Let's go and have a look."

Bingyi put on his cloak and got out of the snowmobile while contacting Tong Hege in his mind. There were so many people surrounding Betty that Bingyi could smell the overly strong smell of blood from afar. The soft blood-sucking knife wrapped around his arm felt something and trembled slightly. This was because he felt the pollution of the abyss! Bingyi's speed immediately increased. Sensing his arrival, the tourists nervously gathered in front of the snowmobile moved out of the way, just like Moses parting the sea, allowing Bingyi to directly see the scene of Betty's igloo.

There were several people standing in front of the snowmobile. Maria's face was solemn and she was quickly negotiating with Tong Hege, who was covered in blood. B1 was blocked between them, as if to break up the fight, while the tooth hunter stood not far away, pinching his nose and watching this side with vigilance.

However, Bingyi's attention was completely attracted by the bloody and deformed things in Tong Hesinger. This should be what Betty gave birth to. It is still squirming and steaming, but it is definitely not a fetus. It's a blood-red chrysalis the size of a fetus! "It still... hurts."

Betty gritted her teeth, her forehead was wet and stuck to her pale cheeks, and her forehead was covered with cold sweat. It is obvious that this kind of pain is unimaginable for a traveler in excellent physical condition to be so embarrassed. Most of these are side effects caused by certain titles, such as Betty's cheerleader. Because she has to maintain a perfect figure and is accustomed to using various tricks to lose weight, menstrual periods have always been a problem.

When 'Cheerleader' became Betty's title, this problem became the negative effect of the title - the titles from purple and below all have negative effects, and the orange title has almost all positive benefits. But the potential of ‘cheerleader’ is limited, and there is no orange title corresponding to rising.

Betty has already thought about her promotion route. In addition to cheerleading, she has dabbled in various other sports. As long as she has a few more purple titles of the same type, she can advance together and get the orange title. Title 'Coach'.

This is a very good auxiliary orange title. It has many positive effects such as encouragement, admonishment, heart-to-heart talk (spiritual purification), designing training plans, etc. The most important thing is that it has benefits related to the spirit and soul, which is very good. With a captain-type title, Betty might be able to lead a very good brigade if fate coincides with her in the future, but from a practical point of view now, the title of 'coach' and Roger's title are particularly complementary to each other. One plus one is definitely greater than two.

She can design a 'training plan' for Roger to make his title advancement more targeted. It can improve his strength through encouragement, make him calmer through admonishment, and most importantly, it can ease Roger's tense nerves through heart-to-heart talks - Roger's nerves have become increasingly tense since the death of Yu Xiangyang and the others. I am afraid that Betty will die. This state is actually very bad.

Betty is eager to become a 'coach' as ​​soon as possible, and in the past few days of competition, she has upgraded the levels of those titles to purple. Next, as long as she increases her soul and spiritual strength, she can integrate and promote these titles and obtain Orange title 'Coach'. Just in time for yesterday afternoon's thrilling angelic visitation, both Betty and Roger were rewarded with divine goat's milk and wild boar.

The sacred wild boar meat can give travelers more strength, and the sacred goat milk can nourish the human soul and enhance the power of the human soul. During a short break in the RV last night, Betty gave all the wild boar meat to Roger, and Roger gave her all the goat's milk. After drinking the milk of the God, Betty's mental acuity and soul strength were significantly improved. However, during this dangerous and terrifying journey, overly sharp nerves will make people perceive and hear some terrible things that ordinary people cannot detect.

Betty didn't want to be like the crazy Phillip, so she chose to drink the goat's milk during her night's rest, intending to spend one night temporarily digesting it and passing through the mental sensitive period. There was no competition tonight, which was a rare improvement. Chance! Although it is somewhat dangerous to do so, every day's journey is more terrifying than the previous day. Even the number of peak passengers is decreasing rapidly. Betty must become stronger as soon as possible, and there is no time to delay.

...Who would have thought that just when Betty drank all the divine goat's milk and her spirit and soul were at their sharpest, abyss pollution came. For a moment, the world was distorted in front of Betty. It was endless, with blocks of color piled up like dirty cream and sharp and shrill buzzing. For a moment, she seemed to see countless twisted and ferocious human skins, and she seemed to see many floating, Gray lines like jellyfish's poisonous tentacles.

Betty couldn't remember what happened next. When she woke up, she found herself in the igloo. Roger held her tightly in his arms, so strong that he wanted to crush her bones. He kept kissing Betty's face uneasily, begging her to wake up quickly. After Betty regained consciousness, Roger was ecstatic and kept thanking God. At this moment, the lamb's blood mark on his devout forehead shone brightly.

However, although Betty regained consciousness, the sequelae were also very serious. The severe headache lasted for half the night. Her memory was like a moth-eaten apple. Betty could not remember many things, especially those things that suddenly hit the torrent of pollution.

"Oh baby, don't think about it, it's better if you can't think of it!"

Roger was distressed but happy at the same time, and advised her not to think about it: "Some information is beyond our ability to know. If we know it, we will go crazy."

"But you're going to be fine. The demon hunters and nuns checked you out. They said you're going to be fine, okay honey?"

The demon hunter was Lisa, the leader of the Astrology Brigade, and the nun was Maria, the leader of the Red Bishop. When she heard that two top travelers were checking her, Betty was not relieved, but became even more anxious. She didn't feel relieved until Roger said that everyone had been checked tonight and Betty was not special.

But soon Betty fell into deeper doubts. What happened tonight? So that everyone is inspected by Peak Passenger? A smart and meticulous person like her can think of a lot with just a few clues. This is why Roger doesn't want to tell her more. The more he thinks about it, the more curious and thoughtful he is, the easier it is to fall into the abyss of pollution.

Fortunately, Betty was very cautious. The severe headache made her restrain her curiosity, and she just believed Roger's poor excuse, "Icelandic horses are tested for purity. You know, they have to be tested for purity every night" and did not go any further. Think in dangerous places. And she also has great trust in the peak passengers. If they say she is fine, then she should be fine.

Sure enough, the severe headache finally began to subside after midnight. However, before Betty could breathe a sigh of relief, an unbearable swelling pain hit her lower abdomen. Although not as intense as a headache, it is more physically uncomfortable. After becoming a traveler, her menstrual period became more and more irregular, so she always had some medicine on hand for every trip. After taking the medicine, Betty managed to sleep for two hours, but when she woke up, the pain became more severe and showed no signs of improvement.

"Oh Roger, honey, you've made me a little dizzy. Can you please just leave me alone for a while?"

The swollen pain in her lower abdomen made Betty feel very bad. She pushed out Roger, who was helpless like a big dog, and stood up to check her body. Such a simple action already made her panting from exhaustion, and the heavy pain The smell of blood made her face paler.

She bled some, not much, just enough to cut her finger, but Betty's face felt much better after seeing the blood. It was really her menstrual period, not for any other reason, which made her tight nerves relax much faster, even though the smell of hot blood was so strong that it was abnormally strong and made people sick. But now they had no time to delay and were setting out.

"Betty, Betty, honey are you okay?"

Betty forced herself to simply change her underwear and use a tampon. Her loyal dog was nervously calling to her outside as if looking for its owner.

"I am fine."

Betty took a deep breath and stood up. Quickly and Roger packed up their things and walked out of the makeshift igloo. It was still dark outside, and I could barely see my fingers. The cold wind whizzed past like a knife, enveloping the icy snow particles. The weather is still very bad today and it's still snowing. Betty shivered from the cold, and the pain in her lower abdomen became even worse. In a daze, Betty seemed to smell a strong smell of blood. Damn it, she prayed that the tampon could hold up.

"Damn, it's bad weather again."

Warmth surrounded Betty's neck, and it was Roger who wrapped his scarf around Betty's neck. Seeing Betty's pale face, he felt very distressed. He wanted to hold Betty in his arms and walk away, comforting him: "Fortunately, we don't have to hike today. The morning journey is quite easy, isn't it, honey?"

The glacier hiking attraction has been completed, and what they will complete this morning is exploring the ice cave. It's quite a distance from here to the ice cave. Fortunately, they don't have to hike there this time. They can take a snowmobile - there's no extra charge!

Even Walker was shocked and muttered, "Why won't you make money on this trip?" Others also found it strange, but as a coach and guide, the tooth hunter was completely too lazy to pay attention to others today. All his attention was focused on Fenrir's blackened tail.

After trying various methods to restore it to its pure white color, Ya Hunter felt distressed and angry looking at the somewhat helpless big white wolf. Hearing Bingyi's face look ugly, he said that it might be the hand of a lizard. Ya Hunter immediately talked to Bingyi. They scolded the lizards together, and even cursed them very filthyly. The passengers were dumbfounded by the harsh and harsh curses. Everyone was hesitant to speak, but no one dared to touch the hunter's brow at this time.

Thanks to Tooth Hunter's stinky face, everyone moved extremely quickly throughout the morning. The sound of motors soon sounded. Tooth Hunter was leading the way on his snowmobile alone, while the others were riding two people per motorcycle. Countless snowmobiles sped away, quickly leaving last night's station behind.

‘If he hadn’t been a guide, I think he would have wanted to kill the lizard.’

Bingyi and B1 were two tour guides on a snowmobile. Bingyi told him about the pollution of Fenrir Wolf. Since the zeroing, Bingyi felt that there seemed to be a vague connection between him and B1, as if he could lead B1 to zero at any time if he zeroed again.

This slight sense of control made Bingyi treat B1 better, especially when he thought that B1 was also a tour guide and was far more sensitive to the pollution of the abyss than tourists. The most important thing was that tourists would die if they were polluted, but if the tour guide was seriously polluted, it would only be zeroed and returned to normal after an hour.

This made Bingyi pay more attention to B1 and reveal more information to him. If Fenrir Wolf had any other changes and Bingyi couldn’t take care of it for a while, B1 could help—of course, Bingyi was talking about a lizard who wanted to take advantage of the pollution to steal his wolf cub.

\u0026 was also very smart, and immediately thought that it might be the Fang Hunter who was causing trouble, after all, this guy was too much of a lizard. However, under Bingyi's test this morning, the Fang Hunter behaved perfectly, and it was obvious that he had a very, very strong hostility towards the lizard that polluted the little wolf.

'Maybe he really didn't know about this, or maybe although they were closely connected, they both wanted each other to die - you know some people with split personalities, they are obviously the same body, but one personality wants to kill another personality? '

\u0026's wild and unrestrained words gave Bingyi some inspiration. Maybe it was true that the Fang Hunter and the little lizard were not a single entity, and perhaps they could use Fenrir Wolf to provoke their internal fighting.

But compared to the Fang Hunter and the lizard who were both in Iceland, the changes in the butterfly pupa made Bingyi feel more solemn. Corn shoots ate the butterfly pupa for a long time, but couldn't eat anything else. The damn Yiwu was in another country and couldn't be touched, especially since the other brigades didn't seem to be trapped in the old dream, and they couldn't meet in the dream.

How can I make him ruthless?

Bingyi thought of the Norse gods, who governed the entire Nordic region, not just Iceland. As the god of fire, Loki, he should not be subject to such restrictions in theory - but when it comes to the news revealed by Di Feiyu last night, Bingyi will never miss the old dream of Iceland. But if he doesn't leave Iceland... then he can entrust the Norse gods to cause some trouble for Yiwu?

Bingyi was full of bad intentions, and he rubbed the silver metal plate pinned on the front of the guide's cloak thoughtfully. Although there was no evening duel, he was still awarded the metal plate of the strongest gladiator for his outstanding performance in killing Archangel Uriel yesterday, and a manual was attached as usual.

[Today is Friday, Queen Frigg will be watching you]

[Queen Frigg is the wife of Odin, the king of gods, and the goddess of the sky and the earth. She is mainly in charge of marriage and family. She has - well, Frigg doesn't want to watch you. She even hates you very much. Who let Loki kill her beloved child, the god of light Balder?]

[As a substitute, Freya, the goddess of love and magic, will watch you and bless you]

The origin of Friday comes from Old English (). Some scholars believe that this is the day of Frigg, the wife of Odin, while others believe that it refers to the goddess Freya. Some scholars even believe that in the ancient Germanic mythology system, Freya and Frigg originated from the same goddess*

But compared to the Queen of Heaven who has a deep hatred for Loki, Bingyi is more willing to deal with Freya. This goddess doesn't even belong to the Aesir. She is the god of the Vanir. When the Aesir and the Vanir temporarily stopped fighting, she was sent to the Aesir as a hostage. Because of her beauty, she was fanatically pursued by countless gods, giants and even dwarves.

She seemed to have a good attitude towards Bingyi, and even gave Bingyi two optional blessings. But Bingyi was thinking about other things. In Norse mythology, Freya married Odd, who liked to travel everywhere. In order to find her husband who never returned home, Freya often burst into tears and searched the whole world. That is to say, her footsteps are likely to be all over the Nordic countries, and she should be able to affect other countries.

During the one-hour drive, Bingyi came up with several poisonous plans against Yiwu. Of course, if he could grasp the current situation and progress of other teams, it would be of great help to him. Until the snowmobile stopped and the two teams arrived at their destination, Bingyi retracted his thoughts. Today's journey was more important. According to previous experience, today's attractions are probably more dangerous than yesterday's.

But what no one expected was that the accident happened before entering the ice cave.

"Baby, how do you feel now? Hold on. I've found someone who can help you. She'll help you." On the snowmobile, Betty curled up in pain and almost fainted. The smell of blood was getting stronger and stronger. Roger was almost going crazy. After parking the car, he immediately went out to find someone. At this time, Betty finally regained some consciousness and the pain seemed to ease a little. Did Roger find Miranda? Betty thought weakly that Roger was really too nervous recently, but her condition was really very bad. Although she didn't want to expose her weakness in front of her former rival, Betty also knew that her painful body might hinder her schedule today. This situation must not be concealed and must be reported. "Let her in." Betty said, she gathered the hair beside her cheeks, trying to make herself look better. But the oriental face of the person who got into the snowmobile next to her surprised her - this person was not Miranda as she thought, but Miao Fangfei.

No wonder Roger didn't say who the person was outside just now. It was a bit bad to go across Miranda to find the captain of another brigade. However, Roger was wholeheartedly thinking about Betty. Compared to Miranda, Miao Fangfei did have more experience in Betty's current situation - ahem, the fact that Director Bing opened the tomb of the Tusi King was really shocking. He Xiangxi The video of that time was studied by almost everyone in the hotel.

In addition to the tour guide, team leader Miao Fangfei is naturally also a character that is focused on and analyzed. Countless people know that Miao Fangfei suffers from menstrual pain almost every day.

Of course, after her title was upgraded to orange, she would no longer have this side effect. But I have to say that Miao Fangfei is really good at this.

"I heard you have abdominal pain?"

Miao Fangfei was a little embarrassed when it came to this topic. But seeing Betty's extremely bad expression, she didn't hesitate. After asking about Betty's situation, she gave her a few injections, fed her some medicinal herbs she prepared, and then poured Betty a cup of hot water.

But after Miao Fangfei's combo, Betty's pain did not ease much. On the contrary, the smell of blood in the snowmobile became stronger and heavier, and even the strong smell of Miao medicine could not be suppressed.

"Are you really having menstrual pain?"

Miao Fangfei's face became solemn and she lowered her voice and asked Betty. She found that when Betty realized that the pain had not subsided, her face was very calm, as if she had expected it.

"Now I can confirm that this is probably not menstrual pain."

Betty smiled bitterly, she actually had some premonitions in her heart. The unusual abdominal pain and headache were probably related to what happened last night, the things Roger didn't let him think about.


She handed the cup filled with hot water to Miao Fangfei, thinking about what to say, but at this moment, a sharp pain made her face pale, and she suddenly grabbed Miao Fangfei's wrist tightly, and the smell of blood suddenly became stronger. , a lot of blood gushes out from under her body.

* *

"What did you say?"

Bingyi, who was trying to communicate with Freya, opened his eyes wide in surprise, rarely thinking that he heard the wrong words.

"Betty gave birth??"

The snowmobile is still some distance away from the ice cave, about a quarter of an hour's walk. But before everyone could set off, the commotion outside delayed the plan. Hearing that Betty suddenly fell ill, Wei Xun even came over with a solemn expression and borrowed Tong Hege's help. After all, he was the only doctor in the team.

How could he suddenly become seriously ill at this time? Bingyi's first thought was whether Betty might have been contaminated by yesterday's abyss, but last night, powerful travelers like Lisa checked all the passengers one by one before losing their memory, and made sure that there was not much pollution left. Bingyi also walked past everyone with a vampire knife, and did not feel any great pollution.

Even if there is a small amount left, it should be very slight. Getting through it can also increase a little resistance to the pollution of the abyss, which is also good for these travelers.

Why did Betty suddenly stop working?

Bingyi wanted to go see it at that time, but the semi-enclosed snowmobile could not hold so many people, and Tong Hege asked the audience to clear the place, so he simply tried to contact Freya on his own motorcycle while waiting for the result.

After waiting for half an hour, the news came that Betty had given birth? ?

"To be precise, it's a can't be considered a miscarriage."

Yu Hehui looked solemn and whispered: "What she gave birth to was not a child."

"Let's go and have a look."

Bingyi put on his cloak and got out of the snowmobile while contacting Tong Hege in his mind. There were so many people surrounding Betty that Bingyi could smell the overly strong smell of blood from afar. The soft blood-sucking knife wrapped around his arm felt something and trembled slightly. This was because he felt the pollution of the abyss! Bingyi's speed immediately increased. Sensing his arrival, the tourists nervously gathered in front of the snowmobile moved out of the way, just like Moses parting the sea, allowing Bingyi to directly see the scene of Betty's igloo.

There were several people standing in front of the snowmobile. Maria's face was solemn and she was quickly negotiating with Tong Hege, who was covered in blood. B1 was blocked between them, as if to break up the fight, while the tooth hunter stood not far away, pinching his nose and watching this side with vigilance.

However, Bingyi's attention was completely attracted by the bloody and deformed things in Tong Hesinger. This should be what Betty gave birth to. It is still squirming and steaming, but it is definitely not a fetus. It's a blood-red chrysalis the size of a fetus!

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