Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 643: Icelandic Horror (172)

Everyone saw the incomplete butterfly. It was so small compared to the devil's body, but the meaning it represented shocked everyone. Before the astrologer lost his voice and said "Maria Butterfly", the east and west districts Countless big travelers and tour guides completely lost their composure as soon as it appeared. Many people even ignored the rules of the hotel and immediately contacted real-life forces to book air tickets to Northern Europe.

But the hotel is in control of everything. No matter whether tourists or tour guides try their best to interfere with the warm-up match, they can only wait anxiously and excitedly to watch the development of the incident in the live broadcast room, feeling restless.

"No, not Maria Butterfly."

Knowing that he had said something wrong, the astrologer forced himself to calm down and analyze rationally to make amends. What he said was extremely crucial: "If the fragments of the Maria butterfly really condensed, the abyss would appear. The cracks in the original abyss cannot be so easy. Just close it.”

"As we all know, explorers raise many demonic insects. The psychic medium and the Butcher Alliance may have more in-depth research on butterflies."

Not only did he say it himself, the astrologer also roped in a psychic. He had just lost his mind and recognized B- as a life-seeking person, which could be used as a handle for the hotel, which was already becoming more and more strict with the life-seeking people and wanted to restrict him. If the hotel sends the person in charge to interrogate him for interfering in the competition, it will still be a problem even if it does not cause too much trouble to the Lifeider who has been preparing for many years. The psychic will take the blame himself afterwards, and now he has to find a way to get over this little turmoil.

"The astrologers are ridiculous. When it comes to studying butterflies, the Yin-Yang Butterflies of the Mutual Aid Alliance have more experience."

The medium said calmly, seemingly indifferently, but in fact the conversation changed: "Not to mention the demonic insects, the Explorer and Lord Xi Ming are blood brothers. There are many similarities between them. Even I mistakenly recognized the return of the Explorer just now. Zero state. In my opinion, the two adults have many similarities in other places."

"Oh? You mean the token of 30 degrees north latitude?"

The astrologer delivers the message at the right time.

"That's right, Master Ximing opened the Inca Sun Gate and obtained the token. By coincidence, the pet he carried with him also changed."

The spiritual medium said something and then talked about Bingyi again: "When the explorers opened the tomb of the Tusi King, they obtained some mutant maggots. One of the mutant maggots was extremely spiritual and was closely related to the Tusi King's Tomb. I'm afraid he obtained it. An opportunity for transformation.”

"You mean the butterfly that sucks the blood of the Frost Giant?"


"Changing from a maggot to a butterfly is not a normal progression."

"That's right."

The medium usually doesn't talk much, but when he talks about the abyss, his unhurried tone is convincing. He said that most devil bugs do not conform to the changes in the real world. For example, caterpillar bugs remain caterpillars when they grow up, while butterfly bugs mostly remain butterflies when they are young. There are very few metamorphoses such as larvae, pupae, and adults with huge differences in morphology.

If that's what's happening, it's mutation.

Bingyi's maggots can metamorphose into butterflies. It is most likely that they have been affected by some energy (pollution) and mutated. Astrologers know that what the psychic says is true, but in fact some powerful female insects can also affect demonic insects. However, the maggot was not born from Xiao Cui, and the conditions for its influence were very stringent, so every time he mentioned this point, he would trouble the medium and ask him to continue talking.

"Usually, in tomb-type journeys, there are mostly several types of insects."

Insects that like darkness and moisture, such as centipedes, spiders, mosquitoes, flies, carrion beetles, maggots, etc., are found in the Tusi King's Cemetery in western Hunan. There are more insects, but overall there are very few butterflies.

"The tomb of the Tusi King has not yet been successfully opened, and the butterfly fragments have not yet appeared."

The psychic said with profound meaning: "Although there are more or less secret connections between the butterfly demon insects and the Maria Abyss Morpho, this butterfly is the most similar to the Maria butterfly I have ever seen. "

It appeared when it was sucking the blood of a giant. Except for the different color, it is almost exactly the same as the butterfly on the logo of Thriller Global Hotel APP.

"You mean it was affected by the power of the butterfly fragments contained in the tomb of the Tusi King?"

The astrologer raised his eyebrows mockingly, but unfortunately the live broadcast room could only receive their voices. The astrologer's voice sounded just right with recognition and curiosity, but in fact he was secretly laughing. He thought the psychic could tell him something, but it turned out to be a serious fabrication. The impact of the butterfly fragments in the tomb of the Tusi King? Now there is no telling whether there are butterfly fragments in the tomb of the Tusi King!

Normally, the Tomb of the Tusi King, which has not been fully developed until the end of the year, is obviously a journey for the next ten years. In other words, it will most likely become a complete journey to the 30th North Latitude and be truly contaminated by butterfly fragments in the next ten years.

When they go to the battlefield and the butterfly fragments are stripped back, they will naturally be thrown into other dangerous scenic spots that qualify as the 30th North Latitude.

Without fragments, where could anything contaminate it and turn it into a butterfly? Furthermore, even if there were butterfly fragments, it would be even more impossible to contaminate a maggot into a butterfly! Most of the major brigades that have butterfly fragments have done this kind of research secretly. Unfortunately, no genetic information can be extracted from the butterfly fragments. The Maria butterfly is unique, and there will never be another Mariya in the world. Asia Butterfly.

If it can really contaminate other demonic insects and cause them to transform, then Bingyi carries so many butterfly fragments with him, why didn't his demonic insects turn into a group of butterflies?

However, although he thought it was impossible, the astrologer knew Bingyi was special. So he didn't want others to be affected by the "Maria Butterfly" he blurted out.

Wan—that's true.

So he secretly agreed with the psychic's point of view. The two seemed to be analyzing, but in fact they were talking to each other.

"Just a guess."

The medium said tactfully, and he did not stop talking: "Just now, a crack in the primordial abyss appeared in the depths of the Blood River. This butterfly, which was very similar to the Maria butterfly, was affected by the primordial abyss again, and the color of its wings changed. It’s normal.”

After the two of them analyzed it back and forth, most people believed it, but those who would definitely test it no matter what they said would never change their minds just because of what others said. Due to the influence of the hotel, outside tourist guides cannot interfere with the Icelandic brigade. But on the Vatnajökull glacier in Iceland, when the broken blue-purple butterfly danced around Bingyi, someone immediately took action without hesitation!

The holy light burst out like a curtain of fountain light, covering Bingyi above the blood river. The demon wanted to fly away, but his movements were like being frozen in the asphalt, making it difficult to move. At the same time, the huge cross turned into a chain of small crosses, swishing upwards like a golden snake, and tied to Bingyi's throat.

But the chain was firmly grasped by a skinny black hand, and no matter how hard it struggled and twisted, it could not move any further, and the dazzling holy light that enveloped Xiang Bingyi was blocked by a huge turtle shell.

"Maria! You've crossed the line!"

Yu Xiangyang sternly scolded: "The top travelers attack Class C tour guides. Is this the style of Whitechapel, the first brigade of the Western District!"

"He is the Demon King's seed."

Maria said coldly, her temperament after recovering her memory was very different from when she lost her memory. She was not as enthusiastic and kind as before. Her pale eyes were as cold as ice and snow, without any emotion, as if she saw nothing in the world except the holy light. . @Unlimited good articles, all in @

"The abyss is the source of evil."

The holy light around Maria became brighter and brighter, even burning spots on Yu Xiangyang's body, causing Tang Xiang's face to change slightly. Yu Xiangyang is a zombie, Tang Xiang is a monster, and the pure holy light of the sun is very restrained against them. Even though Yu Xiangyang is a drought charm and is not afraid of light and fire, Tang Xiang has extremely strong defense, but Maria is She is the leader of the Red Bishop, a subordinate brigade of Whitechapel, the first brigade in the West District. Her strength is equally powerful and amazing, especially the purest Holy Light, which is her strongest orange title.

During the life and death fight, Tang Xiang and Yu Xiangyang could definitely pay some price and join forces to win her down. However, the current situation was unclear and both sides had their own concerns. There was a stalemate for a while. Seeing that Maria didn't stop, Yu Xiangyang's expression became cold, and he and Tang Xiang After exchanging glances, he took a step forward, and the black bone knife fell into his hand.

The broken butterfly that appeared next to Bingyi was so special that not only Maria, but others were definitely ready to take action. If others cannot be deterred, troubles will arise one after another, especially Lisa and Heydrich, who are still on the sidelines for now. They are both dangerous characters. It would be extremely difficult and dangerous for him, Tang Xiang, and Yin Qiaoqiao to protect Bingyi while fighting the three of them, especially since there was a werewolf Walker on top of the Thor chariot, which could be called a time bomb.

If you want to take action, you must use the power of thunder to cripple Maria first, and you must fight quickly!

"You do something to me?"

However, just when the atmosphere was tense to the extreme and the storm was about to come, the devil's voice with great interest sounded from the air. A clear ray of light fell, and there was only a clang of clear swords. Maria's cross chain was easily bounced away by the light. The familiar power fluctuation shocked Yu Xiangyang, who was ready to go, and interrupted his attack. Maria also looked slightly pale. Changed, several people looked at it in astonishment.

He saw Demon C, two or three meters in the air, raising his eyebrows and looking at his fingers with interest. He saw a ring-like dim yellow halo surrounding his ring finger, spreading out a dim yellow light that protected his whole body. There are different rays of light flowing in it at the same time. If you carefully count the dim yellow, there are actually seven colors!

When he was in the river of blood, An Xuefeng had already expected that Wei Tao would no longer be peaceful after returning to the ground, so he just pretended to be real. Originally, he disguised Wei Tao's domination of him and *** as Wei Hai's domination of the leader's ring. However, in fact, except for the former's infringement of the hotel's authority, the two were very similar in general behavior. As the captain of the return journey, An Xuefeng has a deep connection with Wei Tao. Wei Tao is the guide of the return journey. Dominating him should be equivalent to dominating the return journey team, but the only way to achieve this is a deep connection.

Nowadays, the old dream is being tested, the primitive abyss is about to appear, and the Black Widow Lizard Duke's puppet master is causing trouble. There are many dangers. The next match will only be more dangerous. The worries in the past are completely outweighed by Wei Hai's safety now. So An Xuefeng did not hesitate to transform the Returning Blade Ring into what it is today.

I saw the color as clear as the sword light surrounding the devil's fingertips, the sword clanged like a threat, and it seemed that he had a very violent temper, while other halos circulated in sequence, including the faint roar of a wolf or the chirping of a Kunpeng, and the seven-color halo circulated It is a seven-color light, six of which are very thin, one end shoots into the sky and disappears into nothingness, while the other end is all held in Bingyi's hand!

"Leader's Ring?!"

Miao Fangfei lost her voice. People who didn't know it thought it was the tour leader's ring. However, when this scene appeared in the live broadcast room, countless experienced tour guides were shocked and lost their voices.

"Deep connection?!"

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"Bingyi and An Xuefeng are deeply connected?!"

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