Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 642: Icelandic Horror (171)

The terrifying and heavy abyssal pollution fed back by the butterflies triggered the Golden Lunga Chasm. The abyssal breath of terrible destruction and the infiltration of a large amount of giant blood made this chasm that should only appear when the world was destroyed in Ragnarok mistakenly think that its time has come. , a gap actually opened in advance!

The bag of strong abyssal power carried the scarlet demon Bingyi and sank downwards. The violent and restless blood floated vaguely around the scarlet demon. After dominating the butterfly, the dominator's power has completely advanced. It no longer absorbs all kinds of negative emotions from Bingyi, and no longer suppresses the spirit after returning to zero. The tour guide's cloak also changed to its original color, but as soon as the violent and unbearable emotions emerged from the heart of the scarlet demon, they were forcibly suppressed.

It wasn't An Xuefeng and *** who really suppressed Bingyi's manic aura after returning to zero, but it was the ubiquitous power of the abyss! Not only that, the demon's shattered body also began to heal under the power of the boundless abyss. The bone spurs converged, skin grew on the scarlet muscles, and the wriggling granulation resembled another kind of aberration, which looked particularly terrifying. An Xuefeng frowned and held the devil's claw tightly, always ready to activate the power of the Return Knife to shield the pollution, but was stopped by the police.

'It's a good thing'

*** said briefly, the Primordial Abyss began to revive, and all surveillance in the hotel was temporarily cut off. Even the person in charge who was good at predicting the future could not calculate the relevant information. The two phantoms gradually solidified, especially the figure of ***. The abyss pollution constructed his body, which was no longer illusory and could touch B-'s body.

They saw him grandly holding the devil's claws and forcefully opening the fingers that had pricked the palms of his hands due to the clenching of the nails. They saw that this hand was actually covered with flesh, and the pale fingers with clear joints ended in pure black sharp nails, which were no longer They are bloody fingers and claws with exposed muscles. Seeing this scene, An Xuefeng was thoughtful and whispered:

‘The power of the primordial abyss? ’


***Ziruo inspected the devil's fingers carelessly, from the roots to the joints and then to the nails. The light of the sword settled, and the tentacle pendant from Raleye that Bing had been wearing floated. Amidst the faint sound of the waves, the dark blue water light and the light of the sword met, condensing into An Xuefeng's body. He picked up the devil's long tail with dignity and flexibility. The tip of his black tail was wrapped around the tip of his finger, and his tone was still serious when he spoke, with a look of serious inspection: 'It is indeed different from before'

‘You mean there are other abyss in the world besides the primordial abyss? ‘

Bingyi asked keenly. He could also feel the surging and powerful force pouring into his body. The deeper Bingyi sank, the stronger the power of the abyss leaked from the cracks. This power was subtly related to the force coming from Jin Lunga. The butterfly cocoon shell of Chu Chao is somewhat similar, which calms the restless butterflies in his chest and repairs Bingyi's body.

‘The tour guide’s SAN value decreases, and the body will gradually become alienated and distorted’ @Infinitely good articles, all in @

**’s voice was deep and deep as he talked about Bingyi’s alienation.

‘Returning to zero is not a complete alienation and distortion, but a prelude to collapse’ @Infinitely good articles, all in @

The shorter the tour guide's death countdown, the weaker his vitality, the less able he is to resist the invasion of abyss pollution, and the stronger his strength. Low vitality leads to continued mental weakness, the SAN value will also continue to decrease, and the degree of alienation and distortion will become higher and higher.

But this has a limit. Returning to zero is when the death countdown and SAN value drop to zero, which means physical death and mental death. When the extremely powerful power of the abyss loses its restraint, it will lead to complete collapse. Honkai caused a complete explosion of power and made the guide extremely powerful. However, death is the end. Without the replenishment of new power, the power will be exhausted after a long burst, and the tour guide will never be able to regain his sanity without the power to repair his body and restore his mind.

Therefore, after returning to zero for a long time, many tour guides went completely crazy. They could not even be regarded as abyss monsters, but became out-of-control lunatics. Just like Bingyi, when he was alienated and distorted, he was a handsome and powerful demon, but when he returned to zero, he turned into a terrifying monster covered in scarlet power and out of control.

‘You have the power of a devil, but your appearance is different from when you returned to zero’


Bingyi was smart and understood, and thought thoughtfully: 'So the primitive abyss allowed me to return to normal? ’


*** The original abyss has never appeared in their ten years, and there is no record related to it. The collapse of Bingyi Guiling's body has begun to repair, which is the most likely reason that the power of the original abyss is at work. This is actually shocking news to the outside world. If this power can be popularized, tour guides may be able to return it to zero unscrupulously, which greatly improves the combat strength of tour guides.

But in fact, before the emergence of the primitive abyss, there were very few tour guides who could not collapse their bodies when returning to zero, and even almost completely maintained their sanity.

That's the life-loving person.

An Xuefeng had always thought that the alienation of the Ming people was special and unique, but now it seems...

There may have always been important items closely related to the primitive abyss on the life-loving person.

Indeed, judging from old dreams, if both of their mothers had been to the Jin Lunga Gap, An Xuefeng's own mother could have left relevant information for him, and the Mingxi man's parents might have also left him relevant information. Related stuff.

Primordial Abyss, Jinlunga Divide, Return to Zero Alienation, Maria Butterfly Fragments...

Thinking of the scarlet power mixed with the dark abyss power fed back from the butterfly fragments, An Xuefeng and *** became more and more solemn. The things involved may be more than they originally imagined. , when the truth is revealed that day, it will definitely shatter everyone's eyes, and this warm-up competition will probably completely kick off.

'perhaps? I don’t know, there are things you don’t know about’

Bingyi's words interrupted An Xuefeng and ***'s thoughts, but before they could reply, Bingyi's sudden movement made the two of them suddenly freeze.

Bingyi was actually very uncomfortable. Talking about the abyss with Ah Feng and the others was out of curiosity, and the other was to divert attention. The feeling of blood, bone, skin, and flesh growing and repairing was extremely uncomfortable. The skin and flesh grew first, and then the bones. The growth and pulling of flesh and blood should have caused discomfort. He endured a lot of pain, but when Bingyi came here, all he was left with was a pinprick-like soreness and an itching that made his scalp numb. If he could move, the devil's claws would have scratched his skin until it was dripping with blood, but his body, which was on the verge of being broken and had not been fully repaired, prevented him from exerting force and making large movements. There was nothing in the blood that could relieve the itching. Only two Ah Feng turned into real bodies.

One of them grabbed his finger, the other pinched the tip of his tail, and they looked serious as if they were talking about something serious. But most of Bingyi's attention was focused on the skin-to-skin contact. He gritted his teeth and swayed slightly, like a brown bear rubbing the bark of a tree to relieve the itch.

The touch of the Ah Feng seemed to be able to suppress the itching sensation, but one of the two Ah Feng only pinched his fingertips, and the other only touched the tip of his tail, which made the itching in other places even more unbearable. Bingyi didn't want to reveal the true state of his body, but perhaps returning to zero made him less cautious and rational. Successfully dominating allowed Bingyi to let go of his guard, and the previous protection of the sword light made him feel more at ease.

So he did not hesitate to press his whole hand, forearm and even half of his chest on the right side of Ah Feng's body. The long demon tail behind him wrapped around the left side of Ah Feng's wrist. The sharp silver-white bone spurs were as docile as a tame one. The hedgehog is like a snake that is lazy and greedy for warmth. It seems to be cunning and complacent, but it also contains threats. It can fight back at any time with its fangs filled with venom, but in fact, it has unconsciously revealed an intimate attachment that it has not even noticed.

Feeling that the two Ah Feng's movements were slightly stiff, Bingyi chuckled in his heart. While thinking about the profound meaning of the light of the sword on his ring finger, he leaned back without realizing it, and the demon's deformed body returned to zero. Extremely tall, over two meters tall, making even Ah Feng look dwarfed in comparison. But Bingyi felt that they would never let him go and let him fall weightless in the river of blood.

And just as he expected, two bodies, one on the left and one on the right, embraced him from behind. He couldn't explain the joy that suddenly surged in his heart at this moment. The bodies that were in contact with Ah Feng no longer felt sore and unbearable, making Bingyi hum happily. Once, but then his expression became subtle.

There was something pushing against him, two.


Bingyi was unusually confused. It probably wasn't what he thought. He didn't believe that Ah Feng was a pervert. No one would be interested in a flesh-and-blood demon, right?

However, he didn't know that this was too sweet torture for An Xuefeng. The clothes of the alienated demon had been torn to pieces, and were corroded and melted by the poisonous blood. Bingyi only had one cloak on him. . The power of the original abyss repaired his body, and he was no longer a bloody mess.

Too pale skin, remaining blood, pitch-black claws, long and dangerous devil tail, and a body that is both beautiful and powerful under the cloak. If you've never tried it, you might still feel at ease, but knowing how wonderful that feeling is that makes your soul tremble, it's hard to resist once you start.

So when the girl who only dared to play with her fingers was suddenly suppressed by her mouth and arms, along with half of her chest, she was very close to Yin Hong, who was extremely close to the butterflies. When An Xuefeng, who only dared to play with the tip of his tail absently, was wrapped around the entire devil's tail, and his fingers could touch the root of the tail hidden under the shadow of the cloak. If An Xuefeng was not a true ninja, he would have been killed long ago. He couldn't help but hold the amnesiac Wei Tao in his arms.

But no matter how much he could endure it, no matter how hard his body was to restrain himself, An Xuefeng could no longer control it when Wei Tao deliberately fell into their arms. After all, he could only endure it, not a eunuch. And it's not just him. After being dominated by Wei Tao, he was separated from the control of some hotels. To a certain extent, he was able to integrate with An Xuefeng and feel the same way with him. Things that he had once been unable to feel and had no interest in suddenly surged with unprecedented impulses. It made his eyes darker and darker.

Unfortunately now is not the place.


This thought came to both of them at the same time, and they were both filled with deep regret.

‘The Jinlunga gap appears, and those people on the ice sheet are coming in’

‘It’s just affected by the aura of the abyss, it will close again soon, it’s not the real Ragnarok yet*

The two whispered, and the figure suddenly disappeared, replaced by a familiar figure, with snow-white hair, blue eyes, and handsome face. Wei Tao appeared in front of Bingyi, glanced at his body, and then fainted. The yellow return sword light fit Bingyi's body, covering it like a dark golden underwear.

The Knights of the Apocalypse and the Frost Giant Rocky have both been killed. Dan Lin and I were the first to come down. As expected, other powerful travelers will also appear here soon.'

It's hard for him to stare at Bingyi with strange eyes and remain calm and calm. If it weren't for the strange feeling that still lingers on his lower back, Bingyi would really believe that he is a serious person.


The devil smiled, remembering that the two Ah Feng suddenly disappeared as if they were running away, and his eyes became more interested. This is more interesting, isn't it? But before he could open his mouth to tease the puppet, the devil's pointed ears suddenly trembled slightly.

'As you said, someone is coming

It's a pity that this is not the place now, Bingyi thought with regret. He felt the volcanic lava lizard egg he dominated trembling slightly, as if it was vaguely involved with someone, and an uninvited guest was coming.

Without saying any more words, he closed his eyes and began to do his best to absorb the power of the primitive abyss. As A Feng said, the breath leaked from the primitive abyss was gradually weakening, as if the cracks in the abyss were about to close. Bingyi really wants to go into the cracks of the primitive abyss to find out, but he is in no hurry now. Just like a child who gets a new interesting toy, he will not pay attention to the new toy for the time being.

He will take his time and grasp everything in his hands.

** @Unlimited good articles, all in @

Deep in the crevices of the blood river, in the darkest and bottomless place, there is a small red lizard drifting in the poisonous blood water.

The scales all over its body were corroded by the poisonous blood and were in ruins, and the dull, protective red light on the surface of the scales became darker and darker. However, it still swam deeper into the darkness with a clear goal, as if it was guided by something.

If Yu Hehui and the others were here, they would definitely be vigilant. What kept going downstream was actually the small volcanic lava lizard that disappeared a few hours ago, and it swam deeper in the cracks of the blood river, even deeper than Yu Xiangyang and others! It's not like it just jumped in after a crack appeared in the blood river, it's more like it's been lurking here before!

The little lizard felt unlucky. He temporarily got rid of Bingyi and others and went deep into the magma flow. After going through all kinds of hardships and damaging countless giant lizards, he finally found a place where the flames of the Fire Country and the mist of the Mist Country met. It spent all its efforts to break through this place, and finally found a trace of the breath of the primitive abyss.

However, it had just dived into the depths along the extremely thin crack in ecstasy. Before it reached the deepest point, it felt the crack shaking violently, like an earthquake and tsunami. Its small body could only follow the crack in the abyss. I drifted with the tide of the earthquake, but somehow I survived, and by chance, I fell into a deeper place.

But before the little lizard could be ecstatic, it felt some kind of weak, familiar power fluctuation coming from deeper within the cracks in the abyss.

It is the power fluctuation of its eggshell.

How could its eggshell appear in a place like this? ﹖ It was impossible for Bingyi to throw away the eggshell. All kinds of thoughts passed through the little lizard's mind, and finally landed on the most incredible one that made it feel depressed.

The change in the abyss may be caused by Bingyi, who has not reached the eggshell despite all the hardships.

If it hadn't left the eggshell to venture out on its own, it could now ride on the Bingyi express train.

Is Bingyi really some shitty chosen one? The little lizard felt suffocated, but it didn't regret its decision at all. As a tour guide, he has been so suspicious, violent, sensitive, and gloomy all the way to the present. He can never place all his hopes on someone. He is not as crazy as the black widow, who has no way out.

The little lizard has his own arrogance, but for Fenrir the little wolf, he suppressed the tour guide's desire to monopolize his belongings and remained silent. Tour guides who are used to zeroing in are more or less prone to self-destruction, especially the black widow. Serious, while Lizard Duke is relatively mild. Facing a hopeless future, he has countless bad ideas, but perhaps leaving an escape route and an extra way of survival would be a better choice.

Even if there is little hope of leaving the hotel, he still wants to do his best to survive longer and take the little white wolf he picked up with him. Thinking of the little wolf who had basically obtained Fenrir's wolf identity and authority, the lizard felt more relaxed and comforted. Even though it found that the breath of the primitive abyss was rapidly weakening and it had only swallowed a little bit of the power of the primitive abyss, the lizard was rare and not anxious.

Maybe it doesn't have to be too anxious, there are still many opportunities in this competition.

However, the rare Buddhist mentality turned into something unbelievable when encountering the white-haired travelers heading upstream from deeper into the crack.

Bingyi is the most

Why is Wei Hai there too?

It can't be that he can swim faster than it. The little lizard doesn't believe it, so there is only one possibility.

It was Bingyi who got him down!

How can a tour guide take tourists on an adventure? The Lizard Duke, who was used to going on adventures alone, didn't understand. He always spoke of a one-stop dictatorship and a pure idea of ​​a great tour guide. He had always scorned the behavior of dragging families around. As a butcher tour guide, he would only destroy the family. . Besides, this abyss is also where their tour guide should be, so why are the tourists joining in the fun?

However, no matter how many slanders he had, when he saw the powerful silver and black demon wings suddenly stretched out behind the white-haired passenger, and when he saw the terrifying demon with a handsome appearance and powerful aura, who had returned to zero but still retained a normal face, the little The lizard's eyes widened and he couldn't help spitting out bubbles in horror.

This is--

"Life-haunting person?!"

An unbelievable voice sounded from it, and Yu Xiangyang and others who jumped into the blood river and dived quickly also saw this shocking scene!


"Look! The cracks in the blood river are starting to disappear!"

"Has the blood river also become narrower and shallower? It's not an illusion."

"I wonder how Yu Tuan and the others are doing..."

On the Vatnajökull glacier, in the Thor chariot, Miao Fangfei and others looked anxiously at the Blood River, praying for everything to go well. The God of Thunder's expression was more solemn. There was a raven on his shoulder. At this point, Odin, the King of Gods, was bound to come. If Ragnarok came early in the Golden Lunga Gap, even if he no longer wanted the Asa clan, Will be ready for battle!

However, when they saw the dark crack in the blood river gradually disappearing, both Odin and Thor breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, the Jin Lunga gap has not completely appeared, and they still have some time. But the two Nordic gods did not relax. The scarlet blood in the sky did not dissipate along with the dark cracks. On the contrary, it became more and more scarlet, revealing a bit of ferociousness and weirdness against the lead-gray thick clouds. The invisible pressure made people almost gasp. Out of breath.

Just then, the sound of rushing water suddenly sounded, breaking the suffocating silence. Several figures suddenly jumped out of the blood river like swordfish and landed on both sides of the blood river. Lisa fluttered her wings and flew in the air, and poisonous blood dripped from their bodies like a black rain.

"It's Yu Tuan and the others who are coming out!"

Shao Yuan said excitedly, and then frowned. He felt something was wrong in the atmosphere. These powerful pinnacle passengers are all in the state of the strongest title, staring at the river of blood as if facing a formidable enemy, with murderous intentions floating around. The weak passengers feel their blood boiling as if they have been hit hard at just one glance, unable to stand straight. See.

What exactly is in the river of blood? To make six top travelers so fearful? The terrifying aura of power made it difficult for Shao Yuan and the others to look directly at the river of blood, but the audience in the live broadcast room was not affected. The barrage filled the screen with heated discussions and various speculations. But in the next second, countless exclamation mark barrages passed through the live broadcast room, and they were so dense that they almost covered the screen.

The first thing that emerged from the blood river was a pair of devil horns. It was powerful and its curved arc revealed a magical beauty. The poisonous blood was like a string of jet-black gem beads, sliding from the tip of the horns and falling on the jet-black hair.

With long black hair, pale skin, elf-like long ears, and powerful devil wings, the extremely handsome Mr. Devil fluttered out of the blood river. The blood slid down his pale chin, and his devilish eyes were dangerous and charming. . This image is familiar to the audience. It is the alienated state of Director B, but he has clearly returned to zero. Why is he still such a handsome devil? !

Isn't he broken? Didn't he lose control? Why does he still look so calm and elegant? Some viewers took it for granted that Director C was so special. However, the top tourists and tour guides who had stood high enough to see what the most special return to zero meant were all stunned. Some even flipped the table in shock and disbelief.

"grown ups!"

Seeing the figure of the devil, the special guest psychic medium in the live broadcast room shouted out of control, 'Sir! ’, at this moment he grabbed the live broadcast screen and stared at the figure above. He wished the devil could raise his head and take a look, and just as he wished, the devil in the live broadcast screen raised his eyebrows and looked at the sky with interest. From the perspective of the live broadcast, he seemed to be looking at the screen, looking towards Everyone outside the screen is the same.

This sight made many strong men clenched their weapons and used the title of the strongest in a panic. This sight also shocked some people who were originally calm. Originally, when he saw the alienated form of Bing-gui-zero, his pupils suddenly shrank, and the astrologer, who did not lose his voice, stared at the demon's body. The giant's dark and poisonous pus and blood had slipped from his body, but his cloak was still Black.

The dark tour guide cloak! A special color like never before! Only tour guides who have reached the A/S level can have a unique cloak color. This is a symbol of strength and represents the recognition of the hotel and all the owners.

But how could Bingyi get a new color cloak now? Is this really a jet black cloak? ! The astrologer's eyes looked at every part of the cloak. At different angles, the dark cloak shone with different lights, with various colors. The cold wind blows, and the corners of the cloak fly. The dark blue and purple lines are like wisteria iris petals on the hem of the cloak. Only when you look closely can you find that they are actually butterfly lines.

No, not just butterflies!

When a severely mutilated blue-purple butterfly flew around the devil and finally landed on his chest, the calmest guest astrologer was horrified and lost his voice.

"Maria Butterfly?!"

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