Thriller Tour Group

320. Death Sahara (9)

Half an hour ago, outside the Sahara.

"Oh, it's so boring."

On the ninth floor of the Sahara of Death, the half-life Taoist sighed melancholy, bored and playing with a zombie arm.

Although thanks to Zhang Xingzang and the others, he entered the ninth floor of the Sahara and even caught some white sand. But without Wei Xun by his side, in the safe ninth floor of the Sahara, Taoist Ban Ming felt deeply empty.

It's boring, it's really boring without Wei Xun here. He came here to pursue an opportunity, to make a breakthrough in danger and regain his strength.

But although this Sahara of Death is very dangerous, and we also encountered quite a crisis in the five levels of Red Sand Hell, the Half Life Taoist felt it was not enough.

Glancing at the well-behaved Bai Xiaoshengpai Wei Xun, the half-life Taoist Yan Sang sighed.

Zhang Xingzang, An Xuefeng, Dream Chaser and Wei Xun are still in the black desert and have not come out.

Could it be that what he calculated this time, Wei Xun's good fortune, will be used to allow the dream chaser to conquer the spiritual illusion, regain the butterfly fragments, and completely control the Sahara?

Can't he let his half-life Taoist get a little bit of it? Just a little bit.

Even the strings could not feel Wei Xun, and the half-life Taoist almost gave up.

"Deputy Half Life, I heard from Senior Bai Xiaosheng that in the last decade of metaphysics, there was a journey to 30 degrees north latitude in the Sahara?"

Look, Bai Xiaosheng is pretending to be gentle and asking questions when he comes in front of him.

"Yes, Team Chen was in control of the 'Ancient Oasis' at that time, which was almost on this territory. But you also know that these polluted and mutated scenic spots at 30 degrees north latitude will all be solved on the battlefield at the end of the decade. Lose."

Taoist Ban Ming casually said that the hotel would deal with these secret matters in a vague manner and would not broadcast them live. He had long been used to it. Everyone says that 30 degrees north latitude represents the journey back home, the hope of leaving the scary Global Hotel, but they don’t know that every decade has a journey to 30 degrees north latitude in that decade.

Maybe I hope to be on the final battlefield, but I haven't heard of anyone actually leaving.

"Look, this is a token of the ancient oasis."

After all, Bai Xiaosheng now has the face of Zhang Weixun, and the half-life Taoist looks at him with pleasure and feels a little psychological comfort. He scratched his neck and took out a necklace with a translucent stone that was as smooth as jade.

A ball of light blood is condensed in the jade. If you look closely, you will find that the blood-colored ball looks a bit like a curled-up deformed fetus!

"I heard that there were nine mutant giant communities in the ancient oasis that were as large as ten thousand people. This blood was condensed from the essence of their blood collected by Team Chen after killing the kings of the nine giants."

Taoist Ban Ming said: "But now it is just an ordinary stone. It just looks good and can be used as a souvenir."

This is the pendant that Chen Cheng gave to the next captain of metaphysics. He wanted to try to transfer the authority of the ancient oasis to Taoist Half-Life before going to the battlefield, but unfortunately he failed. Later, due to some accidents, Taoist Half-Life was gone. Half life.

When Wan Anpong became captain of metaphysics, he half-life wanted to give the pendant to Wan Anpong. After all, it was a symbol. However, the authority of this token was transferred by Team Chen, and he couldn't give it back. Although Wan Anpong didn't care, it was really embarrassing to have half a life. So he didn't stay in metaphysics. After all, it was not good, but he just couldn't let it go. In the end, he simply went to join the subordinate brigade to retire.

While he was talking, suddenly a violent earthquake struck again. The out-of-control Sahara of Death seemed to be born in an earthquake zone. There were constant earthquakes, cracks, and cracks that appeared from time to time. You need to be careful to guard against them. Everyone is already familiar with this, even though this earthquake was particularly strong. Countless rocks fell and destroyed many worm eggs. Thousands of small worms hatched out, causing some trouble.

But the earthquake stopped half an hour later, and everyone had almost killed the worms, but this time something unexpected happened!

The half-life Taoist disappeared!

* *

‘Tong Hege, do you think this is a real tree?’

Wei Xun communicated with Tong Hege internally. When he saw the desert oasis in front of him, his first reaction was that it was a mirage. His second reaction was that when he encountered the Hamadan wind, the hotel gave him an option - one with terrifying mutated mosquitoes. An oasis away from the Hamadan Phoenix.

‘It’s a real tree’

After a moment, a trembling ferret crawled out of Wei Xun's arms, and Tong Hege's feeble voice rang in Wei Xun's mind. Tong Hege has the orange title of Mountain Ghost. He is a sharp weapon for seeing through illusions and mirages. No animal or plant, real or fake, can escape his eyes.

‘Dates bear fruit in September… mature in September and October’

October... the time is roughly right.

'How do you feel now? ’

Wei Xun found that Tong Hege had to take a breath and pause for a while, feeling exhausted. The infected person who was tied up at Wei Xun's feet was bleeding from all his orifices, was feeling dizzy, and had difficulty breathing. He was even so weak that he couldn't even sit up. I don't know if it was true or not, but this person always liked him. Wei Xun has always kept his heart.

After all, his body was in pain now. The heat and pain made Wei Xun feel like a steak on an iron plate.

‘I feel bad’

Tong Hege smiled bitterly: "Weak as ever, and my strength has dropped by at least half."

‘You said we are still in the Black Desert? ’

Wei Xun and the others are now at the edge of the date palm forest, with the yellow desert on the left and the lush oasis on the right. Wei Xun did not go in rashly. He summoned Xiaojin, the demon mosquito that had been guarding the water dispenser for a long time. Since Wei Xun's demon insects became more and more numerous, Xiaojin rarely appeared, but its high concealment characteristics are here. But very useful.

If it's a desert oasis and there are mutated mosquitoes in the date palm forest, then Xiaojin should have some topics to talk about with them, which is good for exploring the road.

Wei Xun looked at the date palm forest. In fact, the date palm tree looks a bit like a combination of a coconut tree and a palm tree. It is extremely tall, dozens of meters high, and has a head-shaped crown like a coconut tree. The leaves are hanging down and feathery. Each long leaf is several meters long. Strings of brown-red ripe dates are gathered together, hanging down from the branches and leaves, like inverted cauliflower. There are hundreds or thousands of dates in each group.

The alluring, special aroma filled the entire date palm forest. Wei Xun put on a gauze scarf, held his breath as much as possible, and took a detoxifying pollen grain offered by the Yin Yang Butterfly in his mouth to prevent the aroma from being toxic.

He saw that many ripe dates fell to the ground and rotted in the soil, exuding a rotten and sweet smell. There were also many signs of being eaten by birds and animals.

There are birds and animals, and a real date palm forest. Tong Hege also said that they are real trees, not an illusion. Wei Xun squatted down and grabbed a handful of sand and felt it carefully. He didn't feel any pollution from above.

So they came out of the Black Desert? Back to the serious Sahara Desert?

Wei Xun didn't believe it. The real leader of the Dead Sahara had not yet been determined. Unless the great worm died suddenly when biting the tip of the corn shoot's tail, and the token went directly to Dream Chaser, they would not be able to leave the Sahara no matter what.

This should be the final test for token owners?

But Wei Xun could still feel that one of the butterfly fragments in his heart was still slightly hot, obviously sensing something.

What does it sense? Why is it that only this fragment feels strange?

If Wei Xun hadn't felt the subtle attraction from the great worm when it was rear-ended just now and confirmed that there were butterfly fragments in its body, Wei Xun would have doubted whether the fragment of Sahara was taken away by his brother and put away. It was left to him among his parents' belongings.

Unable to contact the hotel, I looked at my phone again and saw that there was no signal on the Kuitu APP. There was no movement from Zhui Meng, so Wei Xun pulled out his knife and gestured in a deep voice, wanting to stab himself to see if he could summon An Xuefeng. When he was a little afraid of the pain, the "unconscious" infected person probably thought that the man was drawing the knife to kill him, so he finally spoke.

"I feel something is wrong here."

He found that communicating with Zhang Xingzang in English was very smooth, so he simply stopped talking about a few words in Mandarin: "This is the Sahara, but it is not the Sahara we were in before... This is an unexplainable attraction."


Wei Xun said coldly and sneered: "You are talking nonsense."

He is still pretending to be Zhang Xingzang. In this case, Zhang Xingzang's identity can bring him more convenience. Anyway, I can't contact the hotel now. Even if he doesn't have the title of tourist, as long as he is not alienated, no one will know whether he is a tourist or a tour guide. But the words of the infected person made Wei Xun's heart move slightly.

He had felt that dizzy feeling before, as if he was experiencing an apocalyptic explosion. It's the same place, but it's what happened on this land in the past. It was the Sahara but not the Sahara, Wei Xun had a subtle premonition.

Are they experiencing the past of the Sahara of Death? And the recurrence of this scene is a test for those in power in the Sahara?

That means the dead Sahara in the past was more dangerous than the current one.

"Ahem...I'm not talking nonsense. You're not a tour guide, so you don't understand."

The infected person was depressed and hesitated to speak. Finally, he smiled bitterly and said frankly: "I can no longer change into the alienated state."

Wei Xun couldn't change either. He originally thought it was caused by butterfly fragments, but he didn't expect that the infected person also had problems.

"Alienation originates from the abyss. When the tour guide becomes alienated, he can feel that he is communicating with the abyss, and the power of pollution will be poured into the body to promote alienation——"

"Do you think I don't understand?"

Wei Xun chuckled and toyed with the knife in his hand - according to what he and Dream Chaser Longlong said, the disguise of the fanatic's knife was tricked by Wei Xun, and it was so bright that it could blind people's eyes.

"If you want to survive, just stop talking nonsense, huh?"

At the same time, Wei Xun kept the words of the infected person in mind. But at the same time, Wei Xun was also confused. When he entered the alienated state, he never had any feeling of "communicating" with the abyss. He always changed whenever he wanted. If the SAN value decreases, there will be hallucinations, but he doesn't feel that there is any external pollution force pouring into his body.

But the most important thing is the matter at hand. If the tour guide cannot become an alienated state, then there is definitely something wrong with chasing dreams. The most powerful dream dragon could not respond, and the dream chasing egg was silent. It can be said that this is the time when dream chasing is at its weakest.

A strange location, a weak Zhui Meng, a dangerous person, and an infected person competing for power with Zhui Meng - if he were Zhang Xingzang, he would definitely kill this person first.

The infected person also knows this, but to be honest, he cannot be alienated, and he is seriously weak and unable to defeat Zhang Xingzang. The situation now is very strange. The tour guide seems to be in trouble. Zhang Xingzang is the only normal person with hard power. If you want to leave here, you may have to look at him in the end.

Therefore, the infected person behaves very docilely and does not talk nonsense. Of course, he will tell you useful news: "I can tell you a lot of information... Staying here for a long time is not good for the tour guide. If you want to go out as soon as possible, let's cooperate." Best, of course, I swear I won’t have any thoughts.”

As he spoke, the infected person struggled to push a badge from his chest with his tied hands - the badge of the West District Butchers Alliance, and he broke it cleanly into pieces. At the same time, he also took the initiative to hand over the storage crystal ball he brought.

This thing is also made by hand and is quite useful in the Sahara. But now that the infected person has tried it after entering this special place, the crystal ball can no longer be used, so I might as well hand it in to earn some trust.

And this also shows that they have no water or food. Except for the exclusive props and titles they carry with them, everything seems to be unusable here, and it is even more stringent than the original Sahara.

What could be more stringent than the attraction at Thirty Degrees North?

That is the unowned Thirty Degrees North Latitude attraction.

The infected feel that they may have fallen into a completely unexplored layer of the Sahara! It is currently known that the Sahara has nine levels, but no one knows whether there is a tenth level!

If this is a test for those in power in Sahara, then whoever conquers this level first and finds a way out will have the initiative!

The infected person understood that Zhang Xingzang must also know this, so he became even more low-key. Seeing him hand over the crystal ball, Wei Xun was moved. He tried Wang Yushu's special storage space and found that it didn't work. Wei Xun found that only his title and exclusive props could be used.

Such stringent requirements are enough to show how difficult the test is in recreating this scene. Dream Chaser is still unable to contact him. He has a token and may be able to get some additional information. Wei Xun still doesn't believe in the infected.

"Without supplies, why should I feed one more person?"

Wei Xun asked deliberately, and the infected person answered simply and neatly: "I can be used as bait, and can be used for drug testing expeditions. If you trust me, I can release gerbils to explore the path, or I can use naked mole rats to search for greatness underground. The trail of worms.”

Forget it, Wei Xun is not crazy enough to let infected people use titles. He has not lost vigilance towards infected people just because he has seen too many A- and S-class tour guides. The Rune Master is the leader of the B4 Tour Guide Alliance, and for the same reason, A4 infected people must not take it lightly.

Don't forget, he was the tour guide who discovered the passage to the unstable Sahara and received some of the tokens.


Even in the afternoon, the sun was still scorching and the temperature was at least above 40 degrees. The sand was so hot that Wei Xun sweated all the way down his back. There was obviously an oasis next to it, but I couldn't go in to rest. Fortunately, a quarter of an hour later, Xiao Jin finally came back, and he brought a lot of good news - there were many ferocious mosquitoes in the date palm forest, including some with human heads. Big mosquitoes, but these mosquitoes are not demonic insects, they are more like pure mutant mosquitoes.

Xiaojin controlled a group of black-and-white mosquitoes located at the bend of the creek and got a lot of information.

Date palms are non-toxic and can be eaten, and the stream water is drinkable. There is a dry cave on the rock wall next to the stream. Although there are many mosquitoes near the stream, they can stay temporarily.

In addition, there are many animals in the date palm forest that can be hunted for food.

It was still inconvenient for the infected person to be awake, so Wei Xun gave him a bite with a small golden dragon. After truly confirming that he had passed out, he turned Tong Hege into a human form and dragged him to the cave by the stream. This is a very spacious and narrow natural cave. The highest point of the cave entrance can accommodate one person standing. It is not very deep. It is more appropriate to call it a large rock crevice.

Wei Xun tried to release a piece of corn shoots, and saw that it adapted well, so he let the corn shoots swallow up all the weeds, dead branches and floating sand in the cave rock crevices. Soon, the rock licked clean by the corn shoots There are brownish-red lines on the wall, and there are various beasts similar to cattle and birds, as well as strange totems. Obviously, these are not creatures that can be found in the Sahara now.

According to legend, the Sahara in ancient times was once a grassland oasis with lush water and grass, and there was a splendid ancient civilization. Explorers once discovered many colorful large-scale murals in the Sahara, which shocked the archaeological community. Wei Xun suspected that the murals in his rock crevice were similar to this. The rock paintings on this rock crevice stretched outward, and there were many more on the rock wall outside. Wei Xun asked the corn shoots to clean up several nearby rock walls and found that there were rock paintings.

Ancient this related to cracking this place and leaving?

Wei Xun silently put on the crow brooch, thought to himself, and decided to send corn shoots to clean the rock wall. In addition, there are also collecting dead branches, water sources, picking Elaeagnus angustifolia, hunting, exploring the size of the oasis, and exploring the traces of the great worm——

He sent ten pieces of corn shoots, then sent four more pieces to sneak into the ground to ambush, then two pieces were hidden in the rock crevices, and two pieces were placed to guard the infected people.

Although the sun is still quite bright now, Tong Hege estimates that it is about four o'clock in the afternoon, and the desert will soon get cold after the sun sets. And tonight Wei Xun is very likely to get the new DEBUFF in Doomsday Punishment.

This is an unsolvable scenic spot, and there is a huge worm hiding in the dark, and Wei Xun doesn't intend to pay any attention to it. This oasis is so rich in resources, Wei Xun always feels that there may be unknown dangers here.

"Thanks to Dream Chaser."

Wei Xun sighed and patted the big warm egg in his arms. If Zhuimeng hadn't cut the corn shoots into eighteen pieces, it would be really difficult to distribute them now. It's a pity that Zhui Meng is now completely unable to move, and the cracks on the dragon egg no longer continue to open. Wei Xun could try to open the crack to break the dream chasing dragon's shell manually, but in this situation, it is safer to be protected by a hard eggshell.


Wei Xun, who had rested for the moment, suddenly remembered the strange pet egg that Fei Hong gave him. I wonder if this egg can still be hatched here. Is it a prop or some kind of living thing?

Tong Hege was also curious. According to him, props cannot be used here, and the hotel cannot be contacted, such as the more stringent journey of 30 degrees north latitude, which is currently being developed. Although the storage props were handmade by Wang Yushu, they were imitations of hotel props. They were not made out of thin air and were also restricted.

But eggs are different. The method of raising pet eggs seems to be a secret passed down from generation to generation by Feihong. It has nothing to do with hotels. In theory, it can be hatched in reality.

So the probability of hatching it is high.

According to Qi Lecheng's words, Wei Xun was about to break his fingertip, so he took a breath of cold air and dripped blood into the egg in pain.


The blood falling on the eggshell is like hot water dripping into the snow, directly eroding a hole. Then the whole egg began to shake, starting from the hole and cracking outward. Wei Xun felt a faint sense of intimacy and dependence from the egg. It seemed that the creatures inside the strange pet egg couldn't wait to come out!

What could it be? Although the note says ‘It’s just a little pet! Don’t expect it to help you kill enemies and clear attractions, but Wei Xun also hopes that this thing can be more useful. If attack power is not applicable, then practicality should be considered.

Black-footed cats that can hunt, fennec foxes that can explore paths, deer gazelles that can eat, camels or African ostriches that can ride are all good.

Wait, can such a small egg hatch into a camel or an ostrich?

‘Father, Father! ’

Just when there were more and more cracks on the eggshell, a corn shoot cleaning the rock wall in the distance suddenly called Wei Xun urgently, which immediately attracted his attention.

What did the corn shoots find? After careful identification, Wei Xun found that the tone of the corn shoots was full of surprise and joy, without too much panic.

‘Father, Father, you are on the stone’

‘Don’t be afraid anymore, this is our home! ’

Um? What are these corn shoots talking about?

The words of the corn shoots were unspeakably weird, and Wei Xun was horrified. He looked over with the eyes of the corn shoots, and saw a large rock painting that he had just cleaned - the rock painting was painted with a huge humanoid figure. biology.

Wei Xun was dumbfounded. He was so stupid. When he saw a man painted on a rock painting, he thought it was him. In particular, the man in this rock painting is still a giant. It is only a bust, but it is more than six meters tall. The body and limbs are disproportionate, the limbs are extremely long, the head is extremely large, and only the eyes are painted on the facial features.

One of the eyes was in the center of the face, and the other ran to the side of the head. It looked very crooked and twisted, and he even wore a spherical, huge helmet-like hat on his head.


Wei Xun discovered that this mural resembled a Saharan rock painting known as a 'prehistoric miracle'! The giants on the rock paintings are just like what you see in corn shoots. They are grotesque and funny. They wear spherical helmets and thick 'clothes'. They look a bit like space suits. They are jokingly called the 'Great Mars' by some scholars. God ''maybe a visitor from outer space''.

But Wei Xun thought of the reminder from the hotel a long time ago, "The giant in the depths of the Dead Sahara seems to have escaped its shackles." Be careful, that huge blood-red eye may be staring at you in the dark,' I couldn't help but feel a shiver in my heart.

If there are really mutated giants in the Sahara of Death, then maybe there are some here too! This rich oasis covered with date palms may be the 'orchard' of the desert giants!

Wei Xun ordered the corn shoots to continue cleaning the rock paintings, while the other corn shoots explored the distance. He stood up and asked Tong Hege to help him recover as much as possible - if there are really desert giants here, then they must leave before nightfall and find shelter!

At this moment, the strange pet egg that cracked in Wei Xun's hand suddenly became heavy, as heavy as a dozen lead balls. He couldn't hold it at all and dropped the pet egg directly to the ground.



The eggshell cracked directly, accompanied by a childish and loud shout, and Wei Xun was stunned for a second. Even the infected person who had just woken up but was pretending to be comatose was shocked.

A two-meter-tall humanoid creature hatched out of this tiny eggshell! It has brown skin that looks like it has been coated with olive oil, a big head, a big body, and chubby limbs. It is just like the juvenile body of the weird giant in the mural, and this 'pet' stood up neatly as soon as it landed on the ground, and then Gave Wei Xun a bear hug.


* *

At the same time, deep in the sand sea, a camel caravan appeared in the sunset, and they were walking towards this oasis.

As if they had gone through a hard battle, both camels and people were covered with sand and scars. In order to reduce the burden on the camels, most of the camels were loaded with supplies. People led the camels with one foot deep and one foot shallow while walking on the hot sand. However, two camels carried seriously injured and unconscious people.

But at this moment, the leader suddenly stopped.

"Captain, what happened? Isn't the oasis in front a shopping spot? Xiao Cheng can't stand it any longer."

Someone asked in a hoarse voice, someone complained, saying that it was only a super dangerous trip, why was it so difficult. It was all because of the damn butcher guide, etc.

When the captain spoke, everyone fell silent.

The captain said coldly: "It stands to reason that the front should be a shopping spot and a resting spot tonight."

"But I sensed the breath of a desert giant."

The author has something to say: Ding! Merchant Wei Xun is about to go online, and he brought a desert giant cub who can help sell goods (?)

This is a desert giant, it is helping you sell goods, saying, thank you giant!

[It's equivalent to a scene replay! It's not a time travel back to the past! ]

There will be another 4,000 words updated at 1:30, and the little angels can also go to bed and read it tomorrow, muah!

Thanks to the little angels who cast the tyrant votes or irrigated the nutrient solution for me during 2021-10-23 17:30:58~2021-10-23 23:15:12~

Thanks to the little angels who cast mines: Lu Huangmo, Muxue, Chaoxi, Xiao Ximi, Danqing, Guyun, Coke and Jelly, Kanta Bailiu Koushui, Azell, A Miaobao, Fenger, Meow 1;

Thanks to the little angels who irrigated the nutrient solution: Xia Jiu 105 bottles; She 100 bottles; Yu Linling 70 bottles; Chen Yanrite, 46093113, Nuannuan 60 bottles; abdaekglkg 53 bottles; Cream Mushroom Tea, Chopped Pepper Fish Head, Ange, Want to Eat Crabs QAQ, You Shi 50 bottles; Cen Bo 48 bottles; Qing~, 20056043, Qiu Ri 40 bottles; Coke and Jelly 35 bottles; Shui Yuzhezhi 34 bottles; Qinling Autumn Wind 32 bottles; Stubborn, Tibet North and South, Shu Yu Duan, Bo Mian 30 bottles; Home Qiaoqiao, Ke You 28 bottles; Wuxian Yin Banxian 23 bottles; Tangyuan, Eight Bowls of Rice Every Meal, Shui Luo, Talented and Learned, I became bald and stronger, A Yu, C Someone, 39172220, Qingyajian, Azell 20 bottles; Tanqing 19 bottles; Meow 14 bottles; Anna Anna Dianna, Bei Bei, Mao Tuaner, Crane Li, Naming is Really Difficult, Nan Zhengya, For the Giraffe's Face, Crk @, Re2020ns, Fu Er, Deng Lin, 50804490, Healthy, Happy, Good Mood, Bi Feng Wei Mian, Mathematics Love Me Again, Que Xi, Perilla Summer Snow, Cabunoqi Manor, 31396709, It Turns Out to Be Marilyn Monroe, RabowFlower, 77, Jiu Su Chi Tao', Hui, Su An 10 bottles; Painted Fairy 9 bottles; Chi Luo Qiu, South Has Wood 7 bottles; crh0, Shao Ling, Colorful 5 bottles; Your Little Cutie 4 bottles; Jiu Tian, ​​Eat Lychee Branch, Fish Eats 3 bottles; Sour Lime, Flowing Years and Bright Moon Like Your Heart 2 bottles; Green Flower, Cat, Ask Who You Are, y, Shallow Dream Li, Butterfly, Tide, Night Snow, Chu Yue, White Willow's Reverse Cross, Ning Yu, A Lake Swan, Jiang Jiuxun, I See How Charming the Green Mountains 1 bottle; Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard

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