Thriller Tour Group

319. Supplementary update


The wind howls in the Black Desert, and the sound of the wind goes straight into people's ears. It is completely impossible for ordinary people to hear other people's words in this environment, even if the other person shouts at the top of their lungs.

But the few people present were not normal people, and they all heard Zhang Xingzang's rhetorical question. An Xuefeng, who was originally standing with his arms folded, put down his hands. The mental illusion in the black mist was silenced. Zhang Xingzang suddenly fell into a brief silence after asking a question.

The wind was still strong, but not even the sound of the wind could break the inexplicable stagnation lingering between them. The first person to speak was the Lizard Duke.

"Hey, what tricks do you want to play again this time?"

The Lizard Duke snorted disdainfully, he didn't expect two Zhang Xings to hide out, it was his carelessness. But he would sneer at these two people playing the 'dragon egg is gone' trick again in front of him.

Initially, Zhang Xingzang attacked their camp with dragon eggs, but the evidence was conclusive!

Furthermore, when it comes to the handover of tokens, it is a certainty that something will happen to the infected person. The Lizard Duke has its own channels to find out the movements of the Star Diamond Worm. If it hadn't taken away the infected fragments in a sneak attack, then who else could it be? Are these stupid monsters in the Black Desert?

It's just a trick played by cunning East Enders!

As soon as Lizard Duke's voice came out, the two of them looked at him in an illusion, with indescribably strange expressions. But the Lizard Duke didn't care about this. The infected person had no tokens, and his rejection by the Black Desert became more and more serious, but the Lizard Duke was not willing to let go of this rare opportunity.

Ever since Zhang Xingzang appeared, he had been paying attention to the movement of mental illusions with the corner of his eye. It's hard to tell whether things like mental illusions are a help or a nuisance, especially those of dreamers.

He was born because of the dreamer, and brought together the countless emotions of the dreamer, both positive and negative, all reflected multiple times in the illusion. He missed Zhang Xingzang, and he rescued Zhang Xingzang countless times, but he also felt resentful and desperate because Zhang Xingzang used special methods to cut off contact before the accident and was unable to rescue him because of his own weakness.

All these emotions come together, and when you see the real Zhang Xingzang, the out-of-control mental illusion will definitely explode.

By then, the situation will be reversed.

An Xuefeng once suppressed the illusion, and when Zhang Xingzang's emotions reached the breaking point, when the mental illusion broke out out of control and targeted them, this was his opportunity as the Lizard Duke!

The Lizard Duke watched the mental vision and secretly waited for his explosion. The mental illusion looked at Zhang Xingzang, his eyes as sharp as a knife, as if he wanted to carve out a dragon egg from his flesh. Zhang Xingzang looked at An Xuefeng after a brief shock. The dragon egg and the token were not all there. Bai Xiaosheng's there!

If it's not in the hands of the illusion, it can only be on the side of 'Bai Xiaosheng'!

But An Xuefeng pulled out his Return Knife and attacked the Lizard Duke without any warning!

"Deal with him, and I'll take you to find Dream Chaser."

In addition to them, there was a third person behind Sahara. An Xuefeng suspected that both the dragon egg and the token were with Wei Xun at the moment.

But with the two tokens gathered together, it is very likely that the Star Diamond Worm has set its sights on them! Coupled with the influence of many butterfly fragments in Wei Xun, they may encounter extremely terrible things soon!

At 30 degrees north latitude, there is an unsolvable scenic spot composed of pollution and distorted spirits.

In terms of strength, An Xuefeng was of course the strongest, but it was not easy to find Wei Xun as quickly as possible to resolve the situation. When taking action, An Xuefeng had a clear mind. He was actually not sure whether using the Dream Chaser's whereabouts as bait, the mental illusion would join forces with them or become more violent and out of control, but he had to create the momentum to join forces.

Only in this way can the Lizard Duke be intimidated and forced to withdraw from the Black Desert as quickly as possible and eliminate uncertainties. He can't afford to waste time!

Wild sand filled the sky, fierce battles resumed, majestic air waves surged out, and the already fragile ruins were destroyed again. The strong wind roared past with broken pieces of earth and stone, and the dark wind pillars penetrated the sky and the earth like a tornado. , but it can't cover up the orange sword light! The moment An Xuefeng took action, the Lizard Duke instinctively sensed something was wrong and immediately evaded.

But his movements were not as fast as An Xuefeng's knife, and it only missed the vital point! However, the next moment a cold light struck from behind, causing his scales to explode due to the sense of crisis.

When the Zangxing Sword pierced his back, the tough and powerful lizard tail swept across like a long whip, almost breaking Zhang Xingzang's waist. However, as he was making a rescue from behind, the Returning Sword came again and slashed hard at his throat!

If the spiritual illusion also takes action at the same time, then the Lizard Duke will probably suffer a lizard-induced Waterloo here. However, this time the god of luck did not favor the East District.

An Xuefeng's heart sank, the situation in front of him was slipping towards the most unfavorable expectation. If the mental illusion comes to help, they can even kill the Lizard Duke here. If the illusion sits idly by, he can seriously injure the Lizard Duke and force him out of the Black Desert as quickly as possible.

But you can never predict the actions of the mental illusion. The next second after An Xuefeng took action, the mental illusion hidden in the black mist also moved, but the black sharp knife in his hand was stabbing An Xue. Feng's vest!

"You-all deserve to die."

In an instant, An Xuefeng, who was already on guard, evaded, but also disrupted the offensive against the Lizard Duke, allowing him to take the opportunity to escape. But before the Lizard Duke could watch the fun, the knife of the mental illusion stabbed him fiercely.

Black mist filled the air, and wherever it went, the bright yellow scales of the Lizard Duke became dim. This dark mist was actually full of mental pollution! At the same time, the black mist not only attacked the Lizard Duke, but also stabbed Zhang Xingzang. The out-of-control mental illusion was attacking indiscriminately!

"You all deserve to die!"

This voice was full of sinister hatred, rough and hoarse, and it was almost indistinguishable from the voice of young Zhang Xingzang. The black mist swept away, and the spiritual illusion originally hidden in the mist revealed its true form. Red and sea blue chains wrapped around his body and penetrated his collarbone and heart. They were the pollution of the crazy sun and Daxizhou back then.

He was supposed to have the face of young Zhang Xingzang, but he was sealed in the Sahara of Death for several years and was eroded by pollution. His face was covered with black particles like quicksand. Only one pair of eyes were normal, but they were full of crazy malice.

In the mind of the mental illusion, these people deserve to die!

An Xuefeng sealed him for several years so that Zhui Meng could no longer see him. He deserved it.

The Lizard Duke dared to steal the right to chase dreams and wanted to take away his token. He deserved to die.

And this star treasure has all five poisons, which makes Zhui Meng pursue it hard for the past few years, and it is the most damning one!

In addition, he also felt a familiar yet unfamiliar aura - it was the feeling of a pure abyss. Although it was very weak, he could not misidentify it.

The same person who sealed him back then!

Damn, damn, all these damn people gathered in front of him!

With all the elements in place, it’s no wonder that mental hallucinations go crazy!

The ruins of the ancient city suddenly fell into a big melee. The crazy mental illusion was like a mad dog, dedicated to killing all these people. No one could escape unless he was dealt with.

But the three people present were all in unison - the Lizard Duke was always afraid that An Xuefeng and Zhang Xingzang would attack him. An Xuefeng wanted to solve the problem as soon as possible and escape to find Wei Xun as soon as possible. He wanted to use the token of 30 degrees north latitude to seal the mental illusion, but there was The Lizard Duke is here. If he deals with the illusion, Zhang Xingzang alone may not be able to deal with the Lizard Duke who is beginning to show his alienated state.

And Zhang Xingzang was also afraid that An Xuefeng would strike too hard and kill the mental illusion. At first, he only sealed the illusion instead of killing him directly. It was precisely because this illusion was invested with so much emotional power by Dream Chaser. Once the illusion dies, Dream Chasing’s strength will also be unstable, which will be even worse for Dream Chasing now!

The entire ruins of the ancient city were turned into a mess. They were like balls of wool that had been messed up by a cat. It was becoming more and more messy and no one could escape!

* *

[Hiss—my head hurts so much]

In the Black Rock Mountain in the distance, Wei Xun, who was watching the dragon egg break, suddenly heard Zhui Meng muttering in his mind, hoarse and weak, with a small gasp of air. And the dragon egg that was swinging in Wei Xun's arms and about to break its shell stopped shaking, but the cracks in the eggshell became bigger and bigger.

"What's wrong, Longlong, how are you now?"

Wei Xun looked inside along the crack of the egg and could already see a little crystal clear little dragon horn. But neither Meng Zhui nor Dragon Egg responded to him. Wei Xun felt bad and immediately prepared to change places. In his mind, he called for corn shoots and called for the little golden dragon.


The golden dragon that habitually coiled around Wei Xun's wrist looked over curiously, wanting to see why this dragon looked different from him, but Wei Xun threw it onto the infected person. The little golden dragon wrapped around his neck knowingly, opened its mouth and prepared to bite it off - not everyone can bear the pure dragon energy. The infected person was rushed by the dragon's energy, and at least he was really knocked out for a while.

The infected person who was swallowed and spit out by the black shadow chased the dream and lay unconscious on the ground, but Wei Xun was not sure whether he was really unconscious or falsely unconscious. If he went to other places next, he would expose many methods, but Infected people cannot be allowed to be observed again.


Sure enough, at the moment when the little golden dragon opened its mouth to bite, the infected person 'woke up' at the right time and shouted out a series of English words in a hurry.

Although the token was handed over, he still had a special feeling in the Sahara while the real person in power was yet to be determined.

What the infected person reported at this moment was that he felt that the pollution in the black desert had undergone subtle changes, and that powerful forces hidden in nature were rapidly gathering towards them.

It is very likely that there will be unsolvable attractions coming up!

"You'd better tell everything you know."

At this moment, Wei Xun had summoned the corn shoots and planned to escape from the scene in a worm car. The infected person was right. The strong, invisible pollution was gathering rapidly. Nezha Ling couldn't bear it and returned to the small box first. When the infected person replied, the corn bamboo shoots recalled all the eighteen bamboo shoots and reorganized themselves into a complete self, but they brought bad news!

'father! The great, great worm is coming, it is coming to eat the bamboo shoots! ’

"Maybe the owners of the tokens gathered together and caused a riot in the Black Desert!"

The corn shoots and the infected person talk at the same time, and the infected person can think of more even if they can't hear the corn shoots talking. The Dream Chaser who gathered two pieces of tokens may have attracted the Star Diamond Worm, and it may be that the arrival of the worm and the meeting of the three of them caused this riot!

As he spoke, they were all wrapped up and swallowed by the tentacles of corn shoots, and they dived underground and hurriedly walked for hundreds of meters, but the sense of crisis was still getting closer and closer, with the Star Diamond Worm following closely behind, Wei Xun held the dragon egg in one hand, and held the dragon egg in the other. Pressing his heart, he felt his heartbeat getting stronger and stronger, as if something was about to break.

It's the Maria Butterfly Fragment! The fragments of the butterfly that were originally fused into the hind wings actually shattered. Wei Xun could feel that one of the fragments was getting slightly hot, as if he felt something!

Is it really the combination of the three that caused the change? But at this moment, Wei Xun didn't have time to think too much. The screams of the corn shoots made his brain buzz. The Star Diamond Worm had already caught up - its tentacles had already bitten off the butt and tail tips of the corn shoots!

And the very next moment——


It was as if I had hit an invisible, sticky film, and the world was spinning for a while, as if I had entered a drum washing machine. This feeling is somewhat similar to the reenactment of the apocalypse explosion scene in the Ming Tombs, but it is even more terrifying. The severe pain almost made Wei Xun pass out.

In an instant, he shed his title of tourist and became a tour guide. His whole body was alienated, trying to resist the tearing pain with his alienated, tough and strong body. But in the end he still lost consciousness, and there was only a faint purple light in front of his eyes, like the scales of a butterfly.

* *

The burning heat, thirst, and severe pain all over his body gradually awakened Wei Xun's consciousness.

He opened his eyes with difficulty and saw the sun.

Sunlight? How can there be sunshine in the black desert?

Wei Xun opened his eyes and his first instinct was to pick up the big dream egg that fell next to him and put away the tattered corn shoots. His body felt as heavy as lead, but he somehow lost his alienated state and returned to his human form.

I didn't see the great worm, but the infected person fell next to him, looking confused as he had just woken up. He seemed to be more affected, and he was already bleeding from all his orifices, which was convenient for Wei Xun to tie up the infected person's hands and feet with a ***** climbing rope.

Then he stood up and looked around. They seemed to have left the black desert. The dazzling sunshine was scorching the earth in front of him. Only the lush date palm forest could bring a hint of coolness, and an extremely rare stream in the desert. It flows by, and it is it that gave birth to this oasis.

An oasis in the desert.

The author has something to say: There are still ten thousand days in the evening, bam bam!

Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution between 2021-10-21 22:39:10~2021-10-23 17:30:56~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the rocket launcher: Don’t touch me, Zixu 1;

Thanks to the little angel who threw the grenade: fresh fish, 53535749, salted fish girl 1;

Thanks to the little angels who threw the landmines: Tiantian Sui Liuwangzi, 53535749, 53000780 2; 1. A cabbage 007, Chi @yue, hhhhhyqaq, Zihuai Mountain Road, Xiao Ximi, Mo Yuxi, Alien Wants to Live In the TARDIS, Moo, Peach Soda, Yu Qingqian, Dian Yuqi, Mingyue Manqianchuan, Y., Ellen, Acheng Chengchengcheng, and the star of the day are 1;

Thanks to the little angels who irrigate the nutrient solution: 323 bottles of Jia Sansui; 211 bottles of the little mushrooms picked by the girl; 170 bottles of Aizen Abai; 150 bottles of Jiujiu; 148 bottles of Zhen Meier; 140 bottles of Bo Xue Sanwei, Yun Dan Feng Qing Bottles; 130 bottles for Can and Lixia; 125 bottles for Chu; 100 bottles for Chu, Yin Yuling, Q and Qingtian; 90 bottles for Chukong, Huangyue, 11558554; 89 bottles for Little Orange Puff; 88 bottles for 46165714; 85 bottles for Zaizai Deyi; single 80 bottles of Zhou and 86’s Love Whip; 72 bottles of This Stone is Not Jade; 70 bottles of Wu Ling, Prove, Laplace Demon☆, and Mei Chiyao; 66 bottles of Yu Qingqian; 65 bottles of Su Zixin; 65 bottles of Wu Mosha, Althea, Sisi Nian, Orange, 60 bottles of Beizhi, 60 bottles of Beizhi; May, 57 bottles of Shiba; 54855566, 46093113, Sinan, Lan Yan, —д—, Qisha, Shishizhou, Mad Sheep Virus, Fanchao Fall 50 bottles of city; 44 bottles of orange pink and malachite green; 43 bottles of minions on the run in the flower market; 41 bottles of AGG Xiaoxiang; 40 bottles of Xiaoximi, loveweqal, banmo, 41109126, white, white, white, white, and nonsense; 37 bottles of night flight, Yi Yi bottles; two jio gold-swallowing beasts 36 bottles; 52512790 34 bottles; a sand sculpture netizen, Shanfeng, Uruk's Hua Fengjun, today's Jiang Ran read English well, Mo Sheng, Ruan Mianmian, He Shi, Lan Zhiyi Yi, Yin, Olive, I want to knock on any cp, Chen Shi, A little hair that is about to fall, Everything goes with the fate, 30 bottles of Huangzhu; 29 bottles of Ning Chenxing, Rosebay; Will Tim bring a bottle of Wangzai, Ling, Kuai 28 bottles of Snow Mustard Shiqing; 25 bottles of Fuluoli, I don’t know its name, and Dengji; 23 bottles of Don’t Touch Me; 21 bottles of Fo Liqiu; Mo Xue Wu Sheng, Wen Xiaohui, Taking Corruption as the Tao, Dog Dragon Why are there no two roots, Angelica dahurica, Xiaosheng is just a mosquito essence, Benwu is a thousand years old, Jiajiajiajia, Pika Pikajiu, Yongban., Zimo, Low Sing, Zambibo is better than the best in the world, Life-haunting Man , why don’t you come out yet?, Ji Ji Ji, Chen Hai Lun, Lu Gao Zi, Bai Yunsheng, Ku Lou Jia, I want to dig Suosuo, Squirrel Mandarin Fish, Mo Sheng, let me paralyze for a while, I am a fish with short memory, 28513559, Jin , It’s really hard to name, the first day of junior high school, Yiyi, Luoxi Jingxi, Qin Louyue, Lin Jinghong 20 bottles; What should I call it? I often have literary shortages, Eat Fish Tonight 19 bottles; Xuechuan Qingliu, Drunk 18 bottles; 16 bottles for people without names; 15 bottles for Liang Xin, lxy Baibai, Mo Linchen, Zhan, hhhhhyqaq; 14 bottles for Chujiu and Juanyi Xifeng; 13 bottles for being weak, helpless and pitiful but capable of doing things; LLLLLL, Li Nianジ, and afternoon 11 bottles; Spark, ~yang~, Weak Worms Are Never Enough, Yu Lun Pao, Drink More Hot Water, Xun Mu, Yi Mo Ya, Ink Stained Dust Frost, 31667940, Amano Yuno, Mixed Food, Lan Tian Yu Nuan, Yun Miaomiao, Bai Roy Feng, You should be happy every day even when you are 30, Yuqing, Guilingtang, Ji Linchen, Zihuaishan Road, A ghostly cat, Beibei, Sunny Day, Cat in the Arms, The proposition is not Hanhan, 25579581, Jingyue , Meow Meow likes ice cream, dipping sauce, An Zhi Ruosu, Jiu Ge, The Other Side ~ Scenery, Luo Mu Xiao Xiao, Qi Si, T_T, li00000000, Xiaowu, The cat who fell in love with taka, Yiying, Yue Mijin°, Lazy Cat Master , A bud, Flora, 53945491, Li Zeyan’s wife, Juniper berry w, Xuan Maoyou, Sheep, 53020520, Fire Charm, Dancing in the Spring mist, Deer Song, Yunzhongyan, Sunny, Capnochi Manor, Wei Xuechen’s Wife, I Got a Rabbit, Wuyu, Song Song, Huan Zidie, Let That Girl Go, Lan Xia, Nan Yan, I’ll Change When Wei Xuechen Comes Out, Xuan Yixian, Daze in the Quilt, 18604022, Ben Yin Yang The teacher lives just for, Wuyanweiyu, Gu Jiuqing, Tingtian, Yi Er, Sky Paotu Ren, an unimportant ordinary reader, Niuyanrou, Mao Zaizi, 666, Silent Color, Xi Xian Diao, Matcha Milk Cap , soft mother, Xin Shu 10 bottles; Xi Xi, Qiao Yi, Shui Wanfeng 9 bottles; 52095666, salt ginger scallion flower fish, 54887139 7 bottles; two-way tide, deserted, where is sweet text, Sai, Nanhaihuakai 6 Ping; Fu Xia, my wife has ten thousand days! ! ! , Yoyo, Falling, Sleepless Phoenix, 47887530, Deicide, Xiao Fan, Pepsi Lovely, Dairy Products' Second Class, Cutting Bamboo, Yan Chenchen, The World's No. 1 Princess Weiwei, Wei Liang, A Pumpkin?, Yunyan Fengyue, 28870699 5 bottles; How to Save My Dark Circles 4 bottles; Lianluoluo, Bayberry So Sweet, Angelica Sinensis, Sanshui Sun and Moon, Little Monster 3 bottles; Star, Chuyue, L, Sleepy Brownie, Tide, Spring Deep Missing 2 bottles of March Deer; Ye Lingxue, Mu Xianzhi, 37503673, Xun, Ningyu, Rufo, Guiyun Yiliang, Shuo, Leo., Cottonwood, Pork Belly, Biellu Chuyun, Miaoyu, A-Luyu ., No one is seen, Yu Ranran, Diemaomao, Liu Xixi, Dating Yezang, 44891705, Ranranburan, ###, Jiang Jiuxun, a lake swan, OvO_, 42436327, Allure Little Lion, xxxxxx , 49829408, Lazy Cat One, Monarchy, Guokoda, Yanxin, Snow Leopard An Yongdishen, Jiang Liang., Polygonum Lanlanlan 1 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support. I will continue to work hard.

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