Thriller Tour Group

317. Nutrient solution costs 620,000 plus more

All the sand in the Black Desert is the condensation of spiritual pollution, just like every layer of desert in the Sahara of Death. They are silent and difficult to detect. People will gradually become polluted and lose themselves when staying in the desert. The so-called ‘death curse’ of the Dead Sahara is actually this kind of pollution.

But during the period of annihilation, the 'stable' black sand will release pollution and turn into a terrifying pollution hell like quicksand. The coldness and coldness that Wei Xun felt in the black desert before were all warnings brought to him by pollution. If he is a tour guide, his sense of identity will be more acute and he will find that the surroundings are becoming more and more fragrant.

Different from grains of sand, the rocky mountains and Gobi deserts in the black desert have tighter and more stagnant pollution. Now is the second period of silence, and the black desert has turned into quicksand. But even if you are floating in the air and do not touch the sand, the strong wind will pick up the contaminated sand. The terrifying sandstorm is overwhelming, making it impossible to hide. .

Only the stony rocky mountains and Gobi are considered safe, and the pollution has not been released, so the giant fat worm that previously attacked the safe spot of the Western District Butcher Alliance hides here. In addition to Wei Xun chasing his dream, there are also many monsters hidden in this large black rock mountain, and more monsters are coming here in a steady stream.

There was a person among them.

He was wearing a wide trench coat the same color as the black sand, a hood and a gauze scarf, and was covered in black and gray sand. He looked like a traveler covered in dust, very embarrassed, and beside him were a group of deformed monsters. Each of them is as big as an adult hippopotamus, with huge sharp incisors. Their skin is exposed, and there is thick hard sand and dirt in the skin folds. Some even have some withered grass unique to the desert growing on them.

During the long journey, most of the sand and dirt were blown away by the strong wind, revealing a gray-pink fleshy body and dozens of messy long hairs. At first glance, it looks like thick pink sausages, a bit like an enlarged version of a naked mole. mouse.

They live underground all year round, and the shifting sands of the Black Desert drive them far away from their original homes. Although their eyes have degenerated, their senses of touch and smell are extremely keen, and their bodies are as long as cat whiskers, allowing them to find safe shelter as quickly as possible.


The wind suddenly picked up, and the sky became darker and darker. Several black sand pillars stretching from the sky to the ground could be vaguely seen in the distance. The black sand tornado that stretched from the sky to the ground had taken shape and was about to sweep across the entire black desert. The giant naked mole rats huddled together in fear, eager to look at the black rock mountain ahead. They couldn't wait to go into the rock mountain to escape the disaster, but the leader didn't move, and none of them dared to move.


The largest giant naked mole rat is the 'queen' of the entire group. At this moment, it stands quietly and blankly, ignoring the urging of the group rats.

It is waiting for the master's command.

The strong wind howled by, and the hem of the man's windbreaker was blown away, revealing a bit of the edge of the silver-purple cloak. He seemed to be still hesitating, but the strong wind stirred up dense black sand, and even the solid rock formations under his feet quickly accumulated a layer of sand. The desert was spreading to the edge of the rock mountain, and would soon affect this place.

Even the giant naked mole rats, which are docile and absolutely obey the orders of the 'Queen', have become manic and must make a decision as soon as possible.

This man stared at the rocky mountains in the distance, and he felt a pure, warm breath, like a safe harbor or a blazing bonfire in the cold winter, which gave him great attraction. But it was this temptation that made him even more wary.

If this rock mountain was not the closest and he could not reach other rock mountains, he would not stay here.

...If the original safe spot had not been suddenly destroyed, he would not have taken the risk and wandered in the dangerous black desert during the period of death!

Thinking of the powerful man with terrifying strength who forced the Duke to take action himself, he shrank and appeared even more low-key.

Zhang Xingzang... is really strong.


The storm became more and more terrifying, and he finally made a decision. The queen of the giant naked mole rat issued an order. This huge group, which scared most of the black desert monsters, quietly and low-key chose the most beautiful place in the rock mountain. The edge is the cave farthest from the middle of the rock mountain.

I will leave as soon as the death period is over.

The man thought that before entering the cave, he saw a small worm as thick as noodles with a swaying head in the black sand, which made him relax a little.

The presence of such a small and active worm means there are no giant worms nearby. Otherwise it will be eaten as food.

Even after entering the cave, even though his clothes were covered with dust and sand and were very dirty, he still kept his windbreaker and gauze tightly wrapped in a low-key manner so as not to reveal any of his true appearance. Even if he saw the little worm swaggering into the cave where he was hiding, or even burrowing into his windbreaker, the man just brushed it away without killing it.

The thick polluted slurry after the death of the macrophage worm was too troublesome. This period of silence would last at least an hour and a half. It was not worth it, and he didn't want to attract the attention of the man in the central cave.

Although he didn't know what that attraction was, he wasn't curious at all. With the scales temporarily borrowed by the Lizard Duke to cover his aura, no one can detect the token aura on his body, not even if the giant worm comes.

He just wanted to get through this period of silence quietly and low-key.

* *

"Is there someone here?"

A small bamboo shoot stayed in the cave to monitor, and a small bamboo shoot dug a hole and came back to report to Wei Xun. Wei Xun looked surprised at its words.

At first he thought of An Xuefeng and Zhang Xingzang, and then of Zhang Xingzang's illusion, but when Xiao Sun said that he was wearing a silver-purple cloak underneath, Wei Xun immediately thought of the tour guide in the West District.

Did the tour guide in the West District discover them? Found it? The silver-purple cloak, the A-class tour guide, is he a vampire baron, a voodoo doctor, or an infected person?

No, no, you can't judge just by the color of the cloak. Doesn't the puppet master also like to wear silver and purple cloaks? Maybe it was the Lizard Duke in disguise. Wei Xun immediately heightened his vigilance. When Zhui Meng Longlong came to chat with him again, he gave a serious 'shhh' and his brain was spinning rapidly.

Who could this person be? This man knew about macrophagic worms (the corn shoots turned into the color of fat worms), and he did not kill the young shoots. Worms are not a big threat to him, and this man controls a large number of monsters.

A vampire baron or an infected person?

Bai Xiaosheng had roughly mentioned the information about these people in the Western District when they were on the plane. The Blood Baron has the matching orange title 'First Embrace' and the purple title 'Blood Control'.

Like the werewolf, the person bitten by him will receive the matching green title 'Little Bat', the blue title 'Big Bat' or the dark blue title 'Lower Vampire' according to their strength. Just like the blood wolf Rex, The Blood Baron also has a group of his own forces in the Butcher Alliance.

In addition to controlling people, he can also control monsters as long as he gets the opponent's blood.

The infected can control various rodent monsters. At first people thought he was a monster alienated from human beings, a rat king or something like that. The orange title 'Infected' allowed him to spread deadly viruses and pollution through various rats, which could weaken peak travelers and make them seriously ill.

He even managed to escape from the fight with An Xuefeng through infectious diseases!

‘His title is not to control rats, but to master a bug that can infect rats and make them obey instructions’

When talking about the Insect Master, Wei Xun remembered what An Xuefeng had said to him.

'I was a snow leopard mimic at the time and was infected by him. I hesitated for a second when I killed him. ’

It was this second of hesitation that allowed the infected person to successfully escape.

‘It’s alienated Toxoplasma gondii’

Bai Xiaosheng said: ‘In traditional Chinese medicine, Toxoplasma gondii is also called the ‘Three Corpse Worm’, and it deserves the orange title.’

‘Back then, the Insect Master was a candidate for the next generation leader of the Truth Alliance and had many enemies, but no one had ever successfully assassinated him’

Dream Chaser also told Wei Xun: 'It's not that these people don't have the opportunity to kill, but most of them hesitate before taking action, and are killed by the evil insect master, or allow the evil insect master to escape. ’

The reason why we suspect that the infected person is part of the insect master's slices is precisely because of this similarity. It is said that the Uzbek team personally fought with infected people to confirm.

The butterfly fragments are very likely to attract the tour guide. Is it a vampire baron or an infected person? Zhui Meng said that he didn't feel any breath, and if there was no token, was it more likely that the person coming was a vampire baron?

Of course, it does not rule out that the opponent has special items with a hidden aura.

Wei Xun glanced at the live broadcast and found that the Lizard Duke's live broadcast was dark. Not only that, he could not see other live broadcasts. The Nirvana Period blocked everything.

Without any further hesitation, Wei Xun called out Nezha Ling. According to Corn Bamboo Shoots, the other party settled down in the cave like this, which was a complete provocation to them!

Whether it is a provocation or a test, Wei Xun must get rid of his momentum first. Strike first to gain the upper hand!

"Brother, brother."

Not only did he call Nezha Ling, Wei Xun took on the title of tomb keeper, communicated with his "brother", and went to Taizong's brother for help through the death token.

The opponent is most likely to be a vampire baron, an A2 boss comparable to the Yin-Yang Butterfly. You must be careful!

Here, Wei Xun is engaged in a crazy military competition. The dangers in the black desert make the brothers respond very quickly. When the golden dragon (the dragon's bones resurrected in the funeral palace in the suburbs of Beijing) gathered together, Wei Xun, who gathered the power of his third brother, immediately decided to take action!

Just then, he discovered that Dream Chaser had been quiet all along. Unexpectedly, after his "shush", Longlong, who had been nagging, actually shut up and stopped talking.

Did he discover that he was not Zhang Xingzang’s illusion, so he became autistic? That's not right. I can't see the outside scene now.

"Chasing dreams?"

Wei Xun asked, touching the big egg and tentatively saying: "There are enemies outside——"

【I know】

Zhui Meng whispered in his mind, not being as coquettish and willful as before when he was in chaos, he seemed very well-behaved [I won’t make any noise, don’t worry, don’t worry about me, I will protect myself]

After a pause, he said in despair [It would be great if I could help you... I will work hard to become stronger]

【I'm waiting for you to come back】

Wei Xun was stunned for a moment, and then his expression softened. At the beginning, rescuing Zhang Xingzang involved various interest games, but now looking at the way he pursues his dream, Wei Xun feels that rescuing Zhang Xingzang is really a good thing.

"Wait for me, I'll be back soon."

Wei Xun didn't say much, and put down the big dream egg he had been holding in his arms, and put down a piece of corn shoots to accompany him. He holds a fanatic's knife. If the three elder brothers fail, he is always ready to stab the heart to zero. Return to zero to become stronger through alienation, return to zero to summon An Xuefeng.

However, Wei Xun was swallowed into the tentacles of corn shoots and sneaked into the ground.

* *

Three seconds later.

The cave of the infected was violently overthrown! However, before the third brother could do anything, the infected person raised his hands without any resistance when he saw ‘Wei Xun’!

Zhang Xingzang actually appeared here! In other words, in the battle with the adults, did the adults fail? !

There was no time to think about it, and the sense of crisis sent out an alarm frantically. The infected person did not hesitate and shouted three words in smooth Mandarin.

"I surrender!"

* *

At the same time, Zhang Xingzang, who followed his intuition, found a dilapidated butcher alliance stronghold that looked like it had been swept by a storm. Seeing several butcher tour guides packing supplies and preparing to evacuate, Zhang Xingzang thought for a while and pretended to show up accidentally - he was using himself as bait to lure out the Lizard Duke or catch a few of them. The butcher guide comes to ask for information!

Everyone felt that he had just been rescued and had been separated for ten years. There should be a lot of people with poor strength, and there should be many people who want to catch him.

Zhang Xingzang thought this way, pretending to be a rookie and not hiding his figure. Sure enough, soon, a butcher tour guide discovered him.

The next second, the man gasped in horror! Don’t hesitate to drop everything in your hands and run! While running, he shouted: "Zhang Xingzang is here again! Everyone, run away!!"

The author has something to say: This is a lost A4 infected person. He sent you a Sahara token and said, thank you infected person!

Thank you to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution during the period from 2021-10-20 23:08:33 to 2021-10-21 16:29:33~

Thanks to the little angel who dropped the shallow water bomb: Wuming Wuming 1;

Thanks to the little angels who threw the landmines: Rong Jian, Tomato Pigeon, Xuan, Naga, Chizhu, Midnight, 53535749, Donor, Poor Monk, Beimu, Ye Xiu, Ah Meow Baby, 46866285, Aci, Tian Add 1 more, such as Siu Liu Wang Zai, Xiao Xi Mi, Mi Yue, and Wu Wu Ai Ai;

Thank you to the little angel who irrigates the nutrient solution: 150 bottles of White Frame; 124 bottles of pills; 100 bottles of Bahaha; 88 bottles of Duzong; 80 bottles of coconut jelly; 56 bottles of Purple Cherry Aster nlight; 52 bottles of Mingyue Manqianchuan; how can I grab it? Sign, Ellen, Hua Xiaofafa, Mixed Eats, Late at Night, Daily Lying Corpse, 46600746, The White Sword on Ah Xu’s Waist, Green Shadow, 50 Bottles of Strawberry Soft Cookies; Jiang Yamu, Geng Sheng Le Yu, Xiao Yao 40 bottles of ory; 30 bottles of Bunny Meow, Huahua, Xiao Mengke, Aqu, and Nothing; 29 bottles of Unnamed Zhouzi; 27 bottles of Water Pipe; Xi Zhengke, Feng Yiyi, Nini, Miracle, Mo Cold, thorough, a watermelon powder, 34697901, lovely mountains and seas, half-reincarnation of life, collar, 15360263 20 bottles; don’t check my grades 19 bottles; I still want to be happy every day at the age of 30 17 bottles; ah blah blah blah 15 bottles; Mo Liao 12 bottles; Qi Niang, Ye Ye Dan Tui Ren, Xiao Yue, Lu Ge, Xiao Nie Bi Bu Stay Up Late, Calo, Li Yue, Donor, Poor Monk Yao, San San, flute player, Yun Meng Xitian, Yikong, Yunye, 26819014, Non-chief is not fat, Xuanyixian, Thirty, Xiaoyanyanyanyanyan, Owl, caprice, Zhang Guangzong, Naihe X Wangchuan, Sleeping has no future, Mu Yixiao, Jia, 28243306, don’t like hot milk, Amphitrite, Taiougui, 51984834, Su Xiao, Xieshi, Qin Beiyi, Zi Su Xia Xue 10 bottles; Yan Nan Que, Meng Ling Xin Yi 9 bottles; Shen Yuesu., Have you made sweets today, Wuwu, Dai, Yuewei~, Jasmine, Chaochaozi, He Zhici, _empty nest old basin 5 bottles; 42436327, Qiao Yifan 4 bottles; Loulan Yuejin, Hao Xiang rua 3 bottles of Zaizai; 2 bottles of Rong Jian, Xuebao An Yongdishen, Ju Zizi, Niuyanrou, Yanbei, and Yuqi; Cecilia, Chunse Nong, Xie Tangzhu, Yunting, Tide, Qianqian, Cottonwood, Ye Lingxue, Chu Yue, Xiangyun, Ling, Ningyu, Huahua fafafa, Su Xin, OvO_, White Dove Comes with the Moon in its Holding, Universe Visitor, Junquan, 26872chyx 1 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support. I will continue to work hard.

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