Thriller Tour Group

316. Death Sahara (7)

An Xuefeng poked the returning knife out of the remains of the giant worm. The worm was so huge that the small hole poked out was like a toothpick piercing an elephant, but the terrifying knife energy could directly crush it. The deepest thing in the body.

Such as butterfly fragments.

If the macrophage worm hadn't been bitten by the Dream Chaser dragon, and it was broken quickly, and An Xuefeng was rejected by the black desert, this sudden blow would most likely have ended the battle directly.

"Dream Chaser suddenly broke out..."

Crossing the knife, An Xuefeng squinted at the blade, and saw some pictures gradually appearing on the return knife stained with the blood of the giant worm. It was the semi-polluted Dream Chaser biting the giant worm fiercely. scene! And the image of it scurrying away after taking a bite.


After determining the direction, An Xuefeng planned to completely destroy the macrophage worm, but after a pause, he cut off a piece of worm meat that was the most abundant and extra large, capable of filling three Wang Yushu's duplicate storage spaces. , and then set fire to completely burn it - the macrophage worm looks similar to the abyss worm, but they are completely different species, and can be said to be natural enemies that devour each other.

Many abyss worms have the habit of eating themselves. When encountering natural enemies, they will drop a part of themselves and escape like a gecko. They usually have a lovely smell but are extremely unpalatable. After the predators are driven away by nausea, or a day or two later, they will sneak back and eat their remains without wasting any time.

If it were an abyss worm, then An Xuefeng would have unexpected gains by setting a trap under its remains, but unfortunately, it was a macrophage worm.

There are billions of bacteria, viruses and mental pollution inside the macrophage worm. If there are no special means to preserve it, its remains will turn into a thick slurry in just half an hour, contaminating the entire land. New worms are born on the land for you to drive and devour.

Burning it with fire is the safest option. But despite killing many macrophage worms, An Xuefeng still did not relax his vigilance. Even though it still retains some of the habits of the macrophage worm, it has undergone huge mutations after swallowing the butterfly fragments. It has broken away from its original shackles and is developing in the direction of becoming the common king of all types of worms.

Sure enough, the blazing phoenix fire that can purify everything burned on the worm's remains, making a sharp whistling sound. It seemed like countless black shadows separated from the worm's remains, trying to escape. These black shadows had no substance. , not even a soul, very different from ghosts, and extremely difficult to deal with by ordinary means.

But the dark orange sword light lit up, and soon, these monsters were all chopped down by Xuefeng's sword.

"Dream monster?"

But after killing them, An Xuefeng frowned. These fragile shadows that have not evolved completely are similar to the alienated state of the dream chaser!

Is it the splitting of the tokens that caused the holders of the tokens to begin to 'contaminate' each other, or has the worm evolved new abilities?

An Xuefeng thought of the "Star Diamond", a giant worm monster at the bottom of the abyss in the hotel records. It is famous for its powerful digging power that can dig through the entire abyss and drill through the planet, and its terrifying slime that can corrode everything. , it is recorded in the book "Through the Silver Key Gate" that the huge body of the 'Star Diamond' can shuttle between reality and 'Dream Realm'.

The 'Dreamland' is a dimension in the Cthulhu mythology that can be entered through dreaming. The strength of the dream chaser after returning to zero and alienating is similar to it. Whether the token holders have begun to contaminate each other or the worm has evolved a new way, it is not good news for Dream Chaser!

"How is it? Have you found out where Zhui Meng is?"

An anxious male voice sounded from behind An Xuefeng, and Zhang Xingzang entered the Black Desert for the second time. After all, An Xuefeng was not a token holder and had nothing to do with the Dream Chaser. Without Zhang Xingzang, it would be difficult for him to come in.

In fact, although An Xuefeng directly entered the Sahara of Death without looking at the game of various forces outside, after he obtained the black sand on the ninth floor of the Sahara and discovered the passage from the worm to the black desert, he directly entered the Sahara. I thought Wei Xun might have gone to the Black Desert!

There are too many pieces of Maria Butterfly on him... Although it is unclear whether there is any relationship between the tokens and the Maria Butterfly fragments at 30 degrees north latitude, but this kind of place will naturally be guarded. Attractive!

Sure enough, not long after An Xuefeng locked the passage, Zhang Xingzang and others came over. After a brief discussion, An Xuefeng shielded the hotel from the gaze of Wang Yushu, and the two exchanged identities. Wang Yushu became "Wan Xiangchun", while An Xuefeng restored his own identity, and then came to the Black Desert with Zhang Xingzang. middle.

Only the two of them, after all, they were the only ones who could completely block the hotel's gaze.

"Did you feel it?"

An Xuefeng asked back, and Zhang Xingzang was extremely anxious and gave up on himself: "As long as we go out, I will immediately, immediately, quickly restore a deep connection with Zhui Meng, but now, I can't sense him!"

"Didn't you say you could sense Bai Xiaosheng?"

Then Zhang Xingzang asked: "With Bai Xiaosheng's intelligence, he can definitely find the dream egg, right?"

An Xuefeng was silent, thinking of Zhang Xing hiding on the ninth floor of the Sahara and secretly asking him why Bai Xiaosheng was not there. Did he enter the Sahara of Death with Dream Chaser?

Bai Xiaosheng was not among the group going to the Sahara Eye. Although Zhang Xingzang was anxious, his observation skills were still there. He noticed something was wrong at a glance, but did not say anything.

"Bai Xiaosheng has been studying the poster gallery of metaphysics for so long. I heard that the 'ancient oasis' opened by the previous captain of metaphysics is also on the Sahara side. Bai Xiaosheng has been studying the posters for so long, maybe there is something magical about it." ’

Zhang Xingzang has his own opinions, which are quite plausible, but actually he is more lucky - if Bai Xiaosheng and Dream Chaser enter the Sahara together, with Bai Xiaosheng's cleverness, he will definitely be able to protect Dream Chaser Egg. , dealing with those group of butchers and tour guides, right?

An Xuefeng:......

Seeing that Zhang Xingzang's spirit was stretched to the limit and he couldn't bear any more stimulation, An Xuefeng's silence was regarded as acquiescence. This gave Zhang Xingzang new hope - with An Xuefeng here, he would definitely be able to contact Bai Xiaosheng and find Dream Chaser!

So when An Xuefeng said that during the dead period in the Black Desert, communication was impossible, even the live broadcast was invalid, and Bai Xiaosheng could not be found, Zhang Xingzang was shocked and opened his mouth: "Even if other contact methods fail, you are not connected with Bingyi Are you there? You are a connected brigade captain, you can definitely find your team members!”

"I don't have a deep connection with Bingyi!"

How can I sense him without a deep connection? Zhang Xingzang couldn't find the dreamer without a deep connection, how could he find Wei Xun!

"Zhang Xingzang, calm down."

An Xuefeng said solemnly: "Sense carefully. You can find out. Go and sense. Dream Chaser is now polluted and mentally out of control. You can feel it."

"But I might sense the illusion of dream chasing."

Zhang Xingzang wiped his face in pain. Most tour guides had mental hallucinations, such as the famous 'Black Widow's George'. After Dream Chaser failed to rescue Zhang Xingzang, he went on a rampage after returning to zero in despair. He released his mental illusion and beat up the life-seeker. The price was that he almost lost control completely. The extremely terrifying and dangerous rampage illusion was also blocked. To the depths of the Sahara of Death.

But now that the Sahara is in chaos and in a period of death, the possibility of it appearing in the Black Desert is very high.

Zhang Xingzang was helpless and laughed at himself: "The illusion of chasing dreams is me back then. You know, there are probably two Zhang Xingzangs in the black desert now."

"It's good to find the illusion."

An Xuefeng made the final decision: "Through illusion, you can better understand the location of dream chasing, right?"

The two agreed and finally decided to take the southeast direction where the Dream Chaser last left as the general direction on the return knife. The black desert was too big and the period of death had already begun for a quarter of an hour. It would become more and more dangerous in the future and they had to move as soon as possible. Just find the dream chaser/Wei Xun!

* *

On the other side, in the cave deep in the Black Mountain, the corn shoots returned to a bright yellow color, and their soft and fat tentacles intertwined together to make a sofa for Wei Xun. After being chopped into eighteen pieces, it seemed to have awakened some new skills and was keen on slicing.

But it is still afraid of Dream Chaser. At this moment, a large corner of the 'sofa' is missing, which is the part where Dream Chaser's black mist dragon's tail wraps around Wei Xun's ankle.

[I saw it, you can control the worm]

The voice of Dream Chasing kept chattering over and over in Wei Xun's mind.

[You have the smell of 30 degrees north latitude and the smell of the abyss. I can feel it - don't think I'm a fool! 】

Dream Chaser raised his voice, and the big egg of the hand warmer also jumped in Wei Xun's hand like a reproach.

[If you were Zhang Xingzang, how could you not know my current state? I know why you asked me, phew, I know it all]

Dream Chaser said to himself [Do you think you are pretending to be good? I know it, you can't fool me, you can't fool me]

"I won't lie to you, Zhui Meng."

The first time he heard Dream Chaser say this, Wei Xun was a little shocked, but this was already the third time Dream Chaser talked about it. Wei Xun's expression was calm, and he even felt a little better. Strange.

It wasn't Mingxiren or Zhang Xingzang, but it wasn't Bingyi or Wei Xun either. Dream Chaser seemed to recognize him as someone else, and Wei Xun inferred from the trust in its tone that this person was trusted by Dream Chaser. The status of the 'others' is almost the same as that of Zhang Xingzang.

Is this appropriate? Isn't this appropriate? I've never heard of it. Is Chaimeng thinking about someone else?

With the protection of Dream Chasing, the period of death did not affect Wei Xun for the time being, and he could continue to talk. But chasing dreams is like a drunk person, nagging sadly, sometimes getting angry and even making no sense.

【You asked me to pursue my dream again! 】

【You are not allowed to call me that! 】

Chasing Dreams is extremely fierce, but Wei Xun is not afraid, and even wants to laugh a little. However, this time it seemed that the stimulation was in place, and the mood for chasing dreams came up, and I no longer repeated what I said before in a loop: "Stop pretending to be Zhang Xingzang, I know you, just call me Long Long!" I know who you are, let's talk, right? 】


Wei Xun perked up his ears.

Zhang Xingzang——Tell him to pursue his dream

? ——Call him Longlong

And both parties are trusted by dreamers.

this? who is it?

Wei Xun continued to talk nonsense - without him, the confused Longlong opened the chatterbox, and Wei Xun soon learned a lot of secrets.

The most important point is that the dream chaser has a mental illusion of a rampage and is sealed in the Sahara of Death (probably appearing in the Black Desert). The appearance of this mental illusion is exactly that of the young Zhang Xingzang!

Isn't this a coincidence? He can control worms (has been sealed in the Sahara for a long time), has pure abyss breath (illusion), makes Dream Chaser Dandan trust him (Zhang Xingzang), cares about him (asks about Dream Chaser's situation), but cannot directly Feeling (without connection).

Wei Xun was dumbfounded. The dream chaser in the chaos actually recognized him as his own illusion!

Hearing his laughter, Zhui Menglonglong was simply sadeo [What are you laughing at? I'm normal, okay, I have no problem, right? 】

"Okay, okay, okay, yes, yes."

Wei Xun was perfunctory, but after laughing he fell into deep thought. If you are really in the Black Desert now, you can make use of this violent mental illusion that the dream chaser talked about. Although he has the Dream Chaser Big Egg and the Dream Chaser Chatter Dragon, one of them has no attack power, and the other is currently seriously polluted, which makes it easier to attract enemies.

However, it is currently unclear about the true state of Chasing Dreams’ mental state. The relationship between spiritual illusions and tour guides is very complicated. Usually they will protect their tour guides, but the existence of spiritual illusions itself will bring disaster, both to others and to tour guides. .

[Why don’t you speak, Xingzang, I’m asking you, do you want to ignore me? Why are you ignoring me? 】

Seeing that he remained silent, Zhui Meng began to murmur again: "I didn't want you to come out back then. I asked you to go back, but you refused..."

He suddenly raised his voice and asked, "Do you think I can't beat you?" 】

"If you beat me well, if you beat me well, you can kill two of them with one punch, cough."

Wei Xun couldn't help but laugh, but the next second he suddenly frowned and covered his chest.

The butterfly tattoo... trembled just now, and the subtle touch was like a bug crawling on the chest. With Zhui Meng around, he couldn't help but pull off his clothes to see, but Wei Xun felt something.

Something is coming!

Is it an abyss worm carrying butterfly fragments? No, no, Wei Xun didn't feel that the butterfly fragment showed the kind of 'greedy desire' when he saw the dealer opening the door. Instead, it was more like...

Are you releasing pure abyss energy?

Wei Xun felt that Dream Chaser's big egg in his arms was pressing against him again, and Chase Dream also hummed comfortably. He was surprised and felt that this was indeed the case. The Maria butterfly is closely connected to the abyss, and it seems reasonable that the butterfly fragments can release the pure aura of the abyss. Wei Xun began to wonder if there was a butterfly fragment sewn into the suit, but Wei Xun soon came to his senses.

What is it releasing its breath for now?

It's not something for dream chasers to eat, it's more like the feeling of temptation...

"Longlong, do you feel anything?"

Dream Chaser shook his head and said no, but Wei Xun was really curious. And what the butterfly tattoo is trying to attract may be very dangerous.

Out of caution, he placed a piece of corn shoots into the stone

* *

At this moment, outside the stone mountain, in the vast wind and sand, a person was walking.

The author has something to say: [Zhang·Xing·Zang holds a meeting]

【‘We three’】

[A moderately connected brigade leader is not worthy of finding a tour guide (?)]

【Shock! Wei Xun personally admitted that little Ximi couldn't bear the power of Dream Chaser's half-punch! 】

Little Hippie:?

There will be an extra update at noon tomorrow, bam bam!

Today is the 500 red envelope from the angry little hippie, meow!

Thank you to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution between 2021-10-20 10:33:18~2021-10-20 23:08:33~

Thanks to the little angels who threw the landmines: Huahua Fafa, Sesame Stuffing, Tiantian Sui Liuwangzi, Wang Shaner, 46866285, Li Dingmin, Elegy and Dancing Like the Night, Han Shuiyue, A Cabbage 007, Tomato Pigeon 1;

Thank you to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 150 bottles of unforgettable but only 150 bottles; 100 bottles of Hu Xinyi and daily licking lemon; 90 bottles of Meow and Jiuyao; 80 bottles of Little Match Girl; 64 bottles of passion fruit selected in 95 days; 60 bottles of the cat that predicted the season; 50 bottles of Yueying Chenxi, Yao Ion Fennel, and Liuianian; 41 bottles of fighting against the school belle for Zaizai; 40 bottles of ice water; it’s Xixi, Xiaoqi, Guess, Senmu, and Xia Che 30 bottles; 29 bottles of A Bowl of Honey; 28 bottles of oranges; 24 bottles of Ilya Oran; 20 bottles of Wang Shaner, 17084370, 37890631, Giraffe, Foggy Rose, An Zhidinglan, Elegy and Dancing Like the Sun; Sanshui, Jill Bu 18 bottles of fantasy; 15 bottles of pomelo green; 13 bottles of losing ten pounds every day; Jue, mint green, tomato dove, Leo., weak insects are never enough, Qingming, little spring mushrooms, did I win the lottery today? , Mr. Tian’s Tail, Yiyan Lai, Shall You Eat a Hawthorn, Qixian, Zhanzhanzhanzhanzhan, Butterfly Queen yyds, Ji Linchen, Changle, cxz 10 bottles; 584715816471512 9 bottles; Crk @7 bottles; one by one 6 bottles; 5 bottles of Shi Niao, The World Looking Forward to Redemption, Have I Salted Fish Today, I Never Read Little H Articles (That’s Weird), Three Stone Bridges, Xi Xi; 2 bottles of Snow Leopard An Eternal Drop God, Fen Deer; Yay's Xiaolou, Miman, Pork Belly, Yuranran, Ye Lingxue, tanchyx, FANYG, Tide, Be Happy Every Day at 30, Cottonwood, Qinglie 1 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support. I will continue to work hard.

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