Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 305 Nutrient Solution 600,000 Plus Update

When An Xuefeng's kiss fell, Wei Xun lazily hugged him back. An Xuefeng controlled his strength to pick him up and brought Wei Xun to the bed. This is Wei Xun's room, with a large and soft double bed. Yu Hehui and Tong Hege are left alone to deal with the affairs of the mutual aid alliance, and one of them takes care of the cat and Maggot Da, who is about to emerge from the cocoon, but they are not here.

They were the only two people in the room.

An Xuefeng turned over on the bed and let Wei Xun lie on top of him. Seeing his hot breath floating on Wei Xun's soft white hair on his forehead, he smiled unconsciously, and then he closed his eyes. Many tour guides and tourists have deep connections at night. The deepest secrets of people's souls are hidden in the illusion of the soul. Countless memories that do not want to be noticed by outsiders are fragile and soft.

Even if you have a connected relationship and trust each other, you need to relax if you want to be fully open. Many times, just like psychological counseling, it is necessary to match it with soft lighting, soft and vague, and then light a little aromatherapy to soothe the nerves after taking a hot bath. In a closed and safe room, it is easier for both parties to open up.

But An Xuefeng's strong self-control allowed him to completely open himself up to Wei Xun without the need for these auxiliary means. With his eyes slightly closed, Wei Xun entered his spiritual fantasy without any effort this time.


The sound of whale calls sounded, ethereal and sweet, full of joy. But when Wei Xun opened his eyes, he didn't see the killer whale, nor the ocean. There was darkness all around, and I couldn't see my fingers. There was only dim light in two places.

One is the bright red blood road under your feet, and the other is the dusk cemetery in front of you.


Wei Xun let out a confused snort. The last time he entered An Xuefeng's mental fantasy was before entering the funeral palace in the suburbs of Beijing. He remembered that he used the blood of the killer whale to enter the second layer of fantasy, and carried the killer whale on his back through the bloody road to the cemetery. . Finally, he fainted when he arrived at the cemetery and came out of An Xuefeng's mental illusion.

Unexpectedly, as soon as I entered this time, I would be in front of the second-floor cemetery.

"Killer Whale?"

Wei Xun did not enter the cemetery first, but looked around for the killer whale. After confirming that it was not there, his eyes fell on the cemetery.

There will definitely be his shadow in An Xuefeng's mental fantasy. There was a lonely killer whale in the ocean before, but what is that in the cemetery?

The bloody path under his feet extended all the way to the entrance of the cemetery, giving Wei Xun a subtle premonition. Without hesitation, he walked towards the cemetery and pushed open the narrow, rusty door. The moment he pushed the door open, dusk fell, like a faded old photo. Wei Xun did not panic, but calmly observed the changes around him carefully.

Gradually, he heard a hazy sound.

"Humph, it happens every ten years?"

Young, determined, powerful, with a bit of unruly and flying self-confidence.

"Then let our generation break it!"

It's An Xuefeng's voice! Wei Xun recognized it immediately. The voice was basically the same as the young An Xuefeng in the poster!

Break the ten-year cycle of reincarnation? Wei Xun thought this way when he first learned about the ten-year rule. Unexpectedly, An Xuefeng, who was new to the hotel and reached the top soon after joining the hotel during that decade, also thought the same way!

"Okay, boss, we'll all follow you!"

Another male voice sounded, rich, loud, and full of trust, accompanied by laughter, and it was Wang Pengpai's voice.

"Ma Liu'er, don't be so impatient, I've already finished one bottle! I won't come home until I'm drunk tonight!"

The voice of an energetic young man, with a hint of Northeastern accent, was Tong Hege.

"Go, go, don't feed Xiaole wine, he is only nine years old! If you let me see you again, I will kill you."

Wei Xun had never heard a heroic and free-spirited female voice, but nine-year-old Mao Xiaole explained that this was the return trip of the 'first generation' ten years ago, so the female voice should be Wu Lecheng.

Amidst the bustle and joy, it seemed to be a celebration banquet before departure, but someone's voice remained calm amidst the excitement: "If we follow the usual hotel rules, our probability of survival is 89.98%, but according to this For this action plan, our probability of success is only 55.95%. It is recommended that everyone write a suicide note. "

This is Bai Xiaosheng's voice.

"Just die, there's nothing to be afraid of!"

The childish voice sounded, but it carried a lot of hostility, the voice was a bit sharp, it was the paranoid and stubborn nine-year-old Mao Xiaole.

"As long as I kill more people, then I'm dead!"

"Bai Xiaosheng is right. We may not be able to come out alive this time, and we don't have a tour guide. The possibility of being contaminated and losing mental control is not low."

The steady and cold voice was very familiar, it was Yu Hehui.

"I have already written the suicide note, but..."

His voice suddenly softened, with a smile: "But there is no need to be so stressed. If the sky falls and the tall man is holding it, there are so many big tourists and tour guides up there, maybe we won't be needed at all, and the matter will be solved. "

"That's right!"

"He Hui is right!"

"What kind of suicide note should I write? I won't write it!"

"Hahaha Bai Xiaosheng, are you thinking about your childhood sweetheart in reality?"

The lively and cheerful conversation, the shouting and drinking, and the lively and energetic atmosphere almost overflowed. Until the light dims, like nightfall, and the sound of conversation gradually fades away until it disappears completely.

The back of a man also appeared in Wei Xun's field of vision. He was tall and straight, with neat short hair, a tiger's back and a wasp's waist. He was wearing a black combat uniform, military trousers and boots, and carried a return knife on his back.

Young An Xuefeng.

There was no sound around, and the silence was a bit eerie. Wei Xun glanced around and found that there were no tombstones in front of him. The cemetery he had seen before seemed to have disappeared.

But An Xuefeng in the second level of mental illusion finally appeared, and Wei Xun didn't panic at all. He walked closer and walked to the side of young An Xuefeng.

At this moment, he suddenly heard something vaguely. At the same time, some people vaguely appeared in front. Those shadows are too illusory and you can't see the real face clearly. You can only roughly tell the height, shortness, fatness and thinness. When seeing these shadows, the sounds that had disappeared came back, and the sound of fighting sounded, accompanied by the roars of unknown monsters and the screams of humans, which seemed particularly tragic.

"Hasn't Team An arrived yet? Another group of enemies is coming from ahead. We won't be able to withstand it anymore!"

An anxious male voice sounded, accompanied by painful gasps, it was Yu Hehui.

"Don't worry, I believe the captain will be here soon. Then we will kill these bastards together!"

Wang Pengpai's voice was hoarse, but he was still full of trust.

"Come on, Captain An, everyone is here, waiting for you!"

It's Tong Hege's voice.

"The layout is now complete. Captain, take action now. Our success rate is 99%."

There is a shadow that seems to be looking back here. The voice must be Bai Xiaosheng.

But young An Xuefeng still stood still, as if he hadn't heard any sound, like a stone statue. But Wei Xun became interested.

If nothing else happens, this mental illusion may represent the past events on the battlefield ten years ago! Wei Xun was most interested in the battlefield, but after analyzing it for a while, he felt a little regretful.

These may not be true. In the past events that Wang Pengpai and others briefly talked about before, An Xuefeng has been fighting on the front line, resisting the most dangerous enemies, and repelling and killing them several times. The final failure actually stems from Traitors from the rear.

Therefore, the illusion in front of him is false. It is probably the distortion and condensation of some painful memories of An Xuefeng, with the purpose of inducing the young An Xuefeng next to him to take action.

Just when Wei Xun was thinking this, the noise suddenly became louder, as if some terrifying monster was coming. Even Wang Pengpai was shocked and cried out, "I'm a good boy," followed by countless people screaming in fear and despair during the defeat. Along with the sound of cruel biting and chewing, countless people cried and called An Xuefeng's name.

"Brothers have all died. Captain, Sister Cheng, Sister Cheng is dead."

"Yu Hehui hasn't come back, I'm afraid..."

"Brother Tong, Brother Tong, hold on for a while, hold on for a while, don't sleep, don't sleep."

"Xiao Le, Xiao Le, come back quickly!"

"If the captain doesn't take action, I will avenge everyone. Let me go, I will fight it!"

"Captain, captain, why haven't you taken action? What on earth are you waiting for!"

"Should I take action?"

When the screams and calls became more and more fierce, at this moment, An Xuefeng, who had been silent all this time, suddenly spoke. Although he didn't look back, Wei Xun knew that An Xuefeng was talking to him...or maybe An Xuefeng was just talking to himself. But what the heck.

"why not?"

Wei Xun asked back. Young An Xuefeng was stunned for a moment, and finally turned his head to look down at him, his voice low and hoarse: "You know, this is a fantasy, not real."

This young An Xuefeng could actually see that this was an illusion before him?

Even in the mental illusion, he is still calm and rational.

But instead of being so rational and calm, he was trapped in it?

Wei Xun raised his eyebrows and observed the expression of young An Xuefeng. But when Wang Pengpai and the others screamed in despair, An Xuefeng's eyes moved slightly. Obviously, facing his teammates being tortured to death, even if he knew it was an illusion, he still couldn't remain indifferent.

Death again and again was cruel torture to him. But because he knew that this was an illusion and that the illusion was tempting him to take action, An Xuefeng, who was rational and calm, would not take action.

So I have been tortured by illusions.

"So what if it's an illusion? What if you take action?"

Wei Xun chuckled and held his hand. Young An Xuefeng subconsciously wanted to break away, but for some reason, the people around him gave him an inexplicable sense of familiarity. So he didn't let go of his hand. Instead, he held it tightly and calmly explained:

"My spirit is almost out of control. Once I take action and fall into the illusion, it will probably cause extremely serious consequences."

"Why are you almost out of control mentally?"

Wei Xun asked again, and An Xuefeng rarely had the patience to continue explaining: "Because I don't have a tour guide..."

"I will be your tour guide."

Wei Xun smiled, with a rare gentle tone. He stretched out his hand to the stunned An Xuefeng, the ring on his finger flashed.

"I am your connection guide."

Wei Xun repeated, raising his chin. There was obviously a height difference, but his determined and confident expression seemed to make him look at An Xuefeng on an equal footing.

"Trust me, you won't lose control."

When young An Xuefeng heard him speak, his strong and confident tone made people want to trust him. He couldn't help but reach out and respond, holding the thin tour guide in his arms. Hearing him chuckle, she felt him tugging at her collar and whispering in her ear with a smile.

"Come on, carry me on your back."

"Then fight in."

The author has something to say: There will be 9,000 updates tonight, bam bam!

While writing this chapter, I have been listening to "Koi Chao" and "Years of Friendship", both of which are very touching songs!

The first generation of the returning team (ten years ago): [Captain] An Xuefeng (25), Wang Pengpai (27), Bai Feibai (22), Yu Hehui (18), Mao Xiaole (9), Wu Lexeng (28) ), Tong Hege (19)

Thank you to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution between 2021-10-1222:05:30~2021-10-1316:06:14~

Thanks to the little angels who threw grenades: Sichu, littleg, and holding an umbrella in the rain;

Thank you to the little angels who threw the landmines: 530205202; Little Hippie, All You Can Eat White Mousse, Time and Time, San San, Amiao Baby, 53535749, Tiantian Sui Liuwangzi, Yuan Yue, Peach Soda 1 ;

Thank you to the little angels who irrigate the nutrient solution: 90 bottles of Qinglan☆n; 70 bottles of Xia Bingfan, Youqian, and Zhezhe Xiyu; 66 bottles of Bai Yemengwawa; 60 bottles of QWQ if I don’t want to be poor, and Yuzu Wine; 59 bottles of Dream of a Nine Hundred Million Girl; Floating life is like a dream, 4242825850 bottles; 49 bottles of caviar sauce; 40 bottles of Luo Zaizai; 31 bottles of Lin Luchuanze; Olivia Fu, Guazi, Just be happy, Xiao Zhan fans have no horses, and the painting is the alluring maniac , 32866876, 30 bottles of Yunjiu; 29 bottles of iron-lock; 26 bottles of La La La; Bright as the moon, secretly begging, 53411248, Feng Yiyi, a reminder of emotion, nothing better than returning the money, Leng Cui Luo Yuqiao, Han Fei Yi, Feng Yan, Wu Yehenshang, Ji Cha. 20 bottles; kt1rk, Freehand Fengliu, Dai, Akulu Xixi, Yunzhongyan 15 bottles; Coix 13 bottles; Nine-nine and eighty-one, The cat is not bald, Amphitrite, Sugar makes me happy, Qinglian trip, silt blue, crazy ear, answer v, Xiaoye is the best, sunlight, pear and pear, - siren-k, beef eye meat, does Tim bring a pot of Wangzai, minzheng, knee ball, white white white river, 44467807, 10 bottles of Ah Ah Ah, Crisp Candy, Leaf Core, Curry, Wuyouyidai, Yan Xiaoning, Xiaowu, Wenhuangmei, Xing; 9 bottles of Lemon Essence; 7 bottles of Moon § Photo; 6 bottles of Blue Sky Above My Head ; Jasmine, Nanyou, ixture, Yutian, Li Chemu, dw—bx, the world looking forward to redemption, 30854443, xx, js, Ruo Na He Ying, Lou Lan Yue Jin, decadent! Big! More!, Luoshui, Ran Ning 5 bottles; 3 bottles of Rabbit, Mushroom, Shadow, 41120105, I Want to Rua Zaizai; 2 bottles of Yuandong, Yaoyao, Sour Lime, How to Save My Dark Circles; Chen Jian Lianchi Yue, Ye Lingxue, qianqian , Anonymous, Yu Ranran, Tide, Ning Yu, Floating in the Clouds, Chen Fu, Snow Leopard An Yongdishen, hehe1231, View only, Ye Ruosan, exiio~chyx, hhy, y, Mo Yu Ruhua, 1 bottle of Youth, Ovo_, Tian, ​​Mio, Caprice, Qin Wanyang, Gradually, Allure Little Lion, Pork Belly, Holiday Bon short;

Thank you very much for your support. I will continue to work hard.

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