Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 304 The banquet is about to begin

"Why am I so unlucky."

The puppeteer couldn't help but say.

After lurking for so many years and planning for so many years, accidents happened as soon as he emerged.

He controlled the Butcher Alliance, but the psychic took the sun pendant away.

He robbed the sun pendant, but his butterfly fragments were dug up.

It's not a loss to take away the tombstone of the Hipster.

But this tombstone is fake!

As soon as the puppeteer brought the tombstone back for research, she found something wrong. Even though she is seriously injured and weak now, she still has the most basic eyesight.

You, An Xuefeng, with thick eyebrows and big eyes, can also lie? !

Although the tombstone of the Hipster is fake, the small bits and pieces with the smell of the Hipster in the tombstone are real. How many years have the Hipsters entered the Inca Sun Gate? You, An Xuefeng, still have things with the smell of the Hipster? The puppeteer even doubts whether An Xuefeng and the Hipster are real enemies!

If all these failed, then they failed. The puppeteer had made the worst-case plan, and she also had a backup plan.

But what was most difficult for her to accept was that Fagui actually betrayed her!

...Why did she use the word "also"? Whatever, but Fagui was the person she resurrected and saved, and he should have been absolutely loyal! Why could he violate the hotel rules? !

Many times, the puppeteer wondered if the hotel targeted her because her orange title was to control puppets.

"Silverfish, silverfish..."

Deep in the abyss node, the toy termite nest, was a large group of wriggling, flesh-purple tumors. It looked like a large group of corrupted gel jelly, almost filling half of the termite nest. Teeth, hair, eyeballs and other organs were flipping out of the tumor during the wriggling.

But the orange-yellow knife light was entangled in the huge tumor, and every time the knife light flashed, a large piece of the tumor would directly turn into nothingness. An Xuefeng's return knife was still working, constantly cutting off the tumor's mutated "return". A large number of tumors dissipated and destroyed, revealing a human face that was originally hidden deep in the tumors, the only normal one, covered by the tumors.

But the human face still had its eyes closed, with no signs of waking up. The next second after a large number of tumors disappeared, more tumor tissues appeared. The human face and the tumor are symbiotic. Although she is weaker than the tumor, she is the real core of everything.

The knife light that cut off the tumor on the way back did not hurt the "normal" human face, and as long as she exists, the tumor will continue to regenerate. And after repeated regeneration and cutting, the tumor that was almost out of control gradually stabilized!

Maybe I have to thank An Xuefeng.

The puppeteer thought sarcastically.

If it weren't for the way back knife that kept cutting off the out-of-control tumor tissue, she would have been out of control and contaminated and transformed into an irrational monster. It was the repeated cutting and regeneration, like replacing the contaminated blood, that gradually made her regain her sanity.

But it must be said that her injuries this time were too severe. It took almost half a day to recover to her current appearance.

Half a day, too long, the weather outside might have changed. And before regaining her sanity, the puppeteer can only act on instinct. This termite nest and the surrounding abyss creatures have almost all been eaten by her.

It can be said that she is the only one in the termite nest now - no.

There is another person.

"Silverfish, silverfish..."

The flesh-purple tumor collapsed, revealing the unconscious person buried deep inside. Silverfish's body was covered with countless tumor tissues, and there was tumor tissue connecting his face and neck, binding him tightly like a rope. He tilted his head with his eyes closed, and under the control of the squirming tumor, he responded weakly like a puppet.

"My lord..."

"You said, the ghost is still the same as before?"

The puppeteer's voice became softer, but this voice was accompanied by the sticky and disgusting sound of water, echoing in the termite nest, sounding extremely terrifying.

"Yes... my lord..."

The silverfish under control would not lie, and it was his words that made the puppeteer, who had not yet fully recovered his sanity and was mainly instinctive, make a wrong judgment.

I believed in the ghost, and then he took away the tombstone.

Although the tombstone of this Xi Mingren is just a big stone, the betrayal of the ghost made the puppet master even more angry!

If the silver fish did not lie, then there is obviously something wrong here! The ghost contacted the bee Taoist last night, the bee Taoist, the mutual aid alliance, Bingyi...

Bingyi, Bingyi again! The puppet master felt that her bad luck several times was related to this person! This kind of incomprehensible feeling of secretly becoming unlucky and everything going wrong reminded her of certain things and certain people in the past, and she just felt creepy!

It's not safe here, we have to leave as soon as possible!

"It's not good to stay here."

The puppet master thought, she always prepared for a rainy day and was cautious. Of course, knowing her current situation, how many greedy vultures will be attracted. It is not too difficult for the puppet master to give up her business for many years, anyway, almost everything she has run is gone. But as long as she is around, everything can still be tolerated.

Not to mention that it is not a complete abandonment.

The squirming tumor tissue suddenly began to disintegrate and disintegrate automatically. The piles of tumor tissue turned into a dirty slurry, and in the core of the tumor, the human face seemed to have gained some energy and began to extend outward.

Hair, neck, body, arms...

Gradually, she turned into a human form. If you ignore the flesh-purple tumor tissue sticking to her body, she looks like a normal person. She is about 20 years old, with big wavy black hair and deep facial features, making her look like a mixed-race child.

Yes, mulatto.

She is of mixed race from the East and the West, something that few people know. When she got seriously ill, she was admitted to a hospital in a certain Western country, where she fell seriously ill and fell into a coma and entered a hotel.

So at the beginning, she was actually a tour guide in the West District. The abyss node that allows the Puppet Master to be reborn corresponds to the land of the Eastern District.

After entering the hotel, whether it belongs to the East District or the West District in terms of the area seems to be not only based on nationality and race, but also other considerations, such as the 'death place' and the like. For tourists, it is their A place where some strong expectation arises.

For example, Yuntianhe is obviously a visitor from the East District and an Oriental, but he has the title of the West. Such a title makes it difficult for him to advance on the Eastern Conference journey, but it also makes it easier for him to receive trips abroad.

Just like the Puppet Master, the people in the West District, the tumor in the East District, and various coincidental opportunities, allow the Puppet Master to have a hidden identity as a tour guide in the West District. This was how she came into contact with George and the Black Widow.

She abandoned everything in the West and returned to the East. Now it seems it is time to return there again. A mass of light purple tumor lay on her abdomen, dying and severely damaged. The puppet master gave up most of the power contaminated by the abyss. What forced her to make such a decision was that the puppet master felt great crisis and terror tonight.

It seems that some danger is approaching rapidly, and if you don't leave, you will stay forever.

She couldn't even leave directly, she had to find a way to delay the enemies chasing behind her.

There is an eye on the light purple mutated tumor mass, and you can still vaguely see the style of the puppet master. The eyes swept around, and finally fell on the unconscious silverfish.

"Do one last thing for me, silverfish."

The last remaining tumor tissue invaded the silverfish's body, seeming to take away his power. The energy of Tour Guide Yiwu is enough to heal some of her wounds, but far away in the abyss, the hotel cannot control her at the moment!


However, the moment the puppet master took action, a dark light suddenly flashed through the darkness! The dark light was like a sharp blade, and without any warning, it cut the woman's body and the sarcoma in half!

The expression of shock and shock still remained on the puppet master's face, and the sarcoma was squirming as if it wanted to do something. But the speed of the dark light was faster. When the dark light came again, Sarcoma One Eye saw it. What was slashing towards her was a dark and sharp blade. Then--


There was a sound like a water ball exploding, and the sarcoma's one-eye exploded, splattering out thick and sticky slurry. Together with the woman's body, it was broken into countless pieces, like a ball of minced meat. But strangely, these minced meat did not bleed at all, not even tissue fluid.

And they are slowly disappearing!

It was only then that the slight sneer sounded. A tall figure finally appeared. Until then, the tumor, which was almost broken into a ball of thick pulp, finally began to tremble violently. She knew who was chasing her!

The person in charge! The person in charge actually came to hunt her down in person!

How could he be the person in charge! Not to this extent!

But fortunately, fortunately, it’s the person in charge...

His thoughts gradually dissipated and returned to darkness. The thick tumor slurry lost all vitality and vitality and completely turned into a ball of rotten flesh.

* * * Staring at the gradually dissipating minced meat of the puppet master, the snow-white wolf cub poked his head out of his windbreaker and looked curiously at the scene in front of him.

"Ouch?" 'Is she dead? ’

"She's dead, but not quite dead."

* * * said: "She will not appear here again."

Hearing what he said, the wolf cub jumped to the ground and Wei Xun returned to his human form. The next second, his naked body was covered with a windbreaker that still contained body heat. Wearing An Xuefeng's windbreaker, Wei Xun walked to Silverfish and knelt down to check on him. They had actually arrived a long time ago and hid here when the puppet master said, 'Why am I so unlucky?'

An Xuefeng would definitely take action directly, but *** chose to observe the situation first. The Puppet Master is a second tour guide with more tricks than expected, and she also controls Silverfish, so she should not be underestimated.

After the silverfish was completely revealed, he realized that the puppet master was going to take action against the silverfish, and * * * took action while the puppet master's attention was on the silverfish. But now it seems...

"She went to the West End."

* * * said, he pursed his lips, his eyes were dark, and his expression looked a bit gloomy.

The ‘Puppet Master’ of the East District was killed by him. But she in the West District did not die.

But back to the West End.

The owner of the hotel also divides things. As the owner of the East District, he cannot take action against the people of the West District except during year-end celebrations and other occasions. There are many restrictions in this area, but if you really want to kill her completely, it's not impossible.


* * * Walk to Wei Xun and look at the still unconscious Silverfish with him. The Puppet Master said 'Do one last thing for me, Silverfish. ’, and then allowed the tumor tissue to invade his body, as if it was grabbing the silverfish’s energy. So * * * take action directly.

But now it seems that is not the case.

"These tumor tissues established a connection with the silverfish."

* * * After a closer look, he immediately understood. Even he was a little surprised: "She gave the silverfish control of the tumor tissue."

Most of the tumor tissue has actually long since dissipated or been chopped into pieces by ***, but the tumor tissue around the silverfish still exists. The tumor tissue surrounding the silverfish was connected to his body, but it was surprisingly peaceful and gradually transformed into the breath of the silverfish.

But this is the puppet master's tumor tissue after all, and not just anyone can accept it. Silverfish's expression soon became painful, but fortunately * * * was nearby and could suppress it with his momentum.

This can be regarded as a different kind of containment. If there is no ***, the silverfish will eventually be unable to bear it and die suddenly.

But if you just want to contain it, you can just use tumor tissue to contaminate it. There is no need to give control to the silverfish.

"She actually gave control of the tumor to Silverfish?!"

Xiaohong Sui, who had been given a lesson before, was also brought over. His voice was full of disbelief, envy, and even a little sourness.

"Yes, Master, I can feel these tumors...or pollution. Even the pollution in my body does not belong to the puppet master now, but is controlled by the silverfish."

what is this!

Anti-parasitic puppet master, seizing control of the tumor and resurrecting the puppet master, was originally Xiao Hong's ambition.

But now, not only was his ambition shattered—the control of the tumor was actually given to someone else!

Xiaohong couldn't understand, but Wei Xun had a vague idea.

The ‘Puppet Master’ is a tumor that originates from the person she is parasitic on. As long as that person doesn't die, there is a possibility that the puppet master will return. If she had been prepared to escape to the West District, her identity as belonging to the East District would have to be temporarily abandoned.

But it would be a pity to abandon such a huge power and the powerful tumor tissue belonging to the Jia Er Tour Guide. If she hid herself, she would be found by An Xuefeng and others sooner or later despite being seriously injured.

So the puppet master made a bold decision.

Leave it all to the silverfish!

The first is to contain the enemy.

The second is that the power of the tumor tissue is highly integrated with the silverfish. If you want to completely deprive the tumor of the silverfish, the silverfish will definitely suffer heavy losses. And by mastering this power, Silverfish's strength will improve by leaps and bounds. When Pinocchio of the third generation is seriously injured, he is very likely to become the new guide of the third generation of the second generation!

Even with the strong support of Dream Chaser and Fengdu Brigade, it is possible for him to become a new A-3 tour guide!

And when the silverfish reaches a high position, it becomes even more impossible to get rid of these tumor tissues.

In this way, these tumor tissues are preserved.

"The puppet master should have the means to control tumor tissue."

Wei Xun sighed.

Even if these tumor tissues currently belong to silverfish, who knows if the puppet master will have other means. When they meet again, such as at the year-end celebration, when all the top tour guides from the East and West Districts are present, the puppet master may recycle the tumor tissue or control the silverfish to regain everything he has in the East District as quickly as possible.

This is a conspiracy. If Silverfish can completely control these tumor tissues, then the puppet master's plan will naturally be in vain.

The problem is that there is so little time and it is already October. If Silverfish becomes the new A-3 team, they might meet in the pre-game match for the year-end celebrations in November. Even if it’s a little late, I’ll definitely see you again at the year-end celebration in December.

The puppet master was betting that the silverfish would not be able to completely master the tumor tissue in such a short period of time.

They are also betting that Dream Chasers will not peel off the tumor tissue.

Otherwise, the silverfish, whose vitality is severely damaged and whose strength has seriously declined, will have difficulty protecting itself in the following activities.

But there was one thing she didn't expect.

It was already half past nine in the evening when the unconscious Silverfish was brought back to the hotel. An Xuefeng left temporarily. He wanted to go to the abyss node again with the brigade captains who set off at ten o'clock.

Wei Xun went to the mutual aid alliance station, the most private room that belonged to him behind the main hall. Glued cracked sun hangings hung on the wall, and the Maine Coon cat nestled next to Wei Xun, its head resting on his leg and snoring. Yu Hehui and Tong Hege sat opposite Wei Xun.

Among them was a comatose silverfish lying flat on the carpet.

The tumor tissue in his body was temporarily suppressed by ***, and the external injuries were cured with props, but he was still unconscious.

"Could he be part of the Insect Master?"

Yu Hehui frowned and asked. After hearing Wei Xun's general explanation of the cause and effect, he also felt that Silverfish's current situation was very difficult.

"This is a lot of energy, and his strength can almost increase five times."

Tong Hege carefully examined the silverfish's body and made his own judgment.

This is the strength of the Jia Er guide. The puppet master has been dormant for many years, but he has accumulated terrifying power.

It's just that the ranking of tour guides is based on points. No matter how strong you are, you can't climb to a high position without leading the team to earn points. However, this rule is not absolute for Class A and Class B elite tour guides.

At this position, coupled with strong strength, even if the score is slightly lower, you can stand higher.

"But he can only withstand twice as much force."

Tong Hege shook his head. Five times the power came from tumor tissue, which is extremely difficult for silverfish to digest. By then it is hard to say whether he is a silverfish or the embodiment of a tumor.

Tong Hege carefully separated a silverfish from his body, and sure enough, he found that the originally snow-white hair ball had turned into a purple flesh with the same color as the tumor, making it even more deformed, and it was still deforming at a speed visible to the naked eye. .

"Can it be peeled off? Remove the tumor?"

"The Puppet Master gave this power to the Silverfish, which cannot be withdrawn. To completely strip it away would be to destroy it."

Tong Hege shook his head and rejected the idea put forward by Wei Xun.

"If you can't peel it off, can others swallow it?"

Wei Xun nodded briefly and came up with a new idea.

"She only gave control of her power to Silverfish."

Tong Hege repeated this sentence, how could others swallow it? But after thinking about it for a moment, his expression suddenly became subtle.

"Yes, that's what I meant."

Seeing Tong Hege's thoughts, Wei Xun smiled: "Suppose that when you were still splitting, the puppet master gave this power to Tai Sui... Then can Polygonum multiflorum and Ginseng essence share this power?"

Yes, the puppet master only gave control of the power to Silverfish, and no one else could use it.

But there are many people who are none other than Silverfish!

"This... is theoretically possible."

Tong Hege pondered for a moment: "Although we are not the same, we are essentially the same person."

"If there are four such people to share the pressure, Silverfish's mutation will be minimized and it will not affect his doubling in strength."

But normally speaking, even if they are resurrected from death, who can cut into pieces so many times? !

This is not even sliced, it is simply shredded!

But there is one person who can do it, and that is the Insect Master!

Wei Xun put the big maggot cocoon on the silverfish. The aura on the cocoon changed rapidly, and in an instant it was almost like a silverfish. After touching the tumor tissue tentatively for a while, they tried to wrap up the maggot cocoon. The influx of powerful energy caused the cocoon of the maggot to begin to shake slightly, which was actually a sign that the cocoon was about to break out!

It is indeed feasible.

Wei Xun smiled.

Maggot Taizheng thinks he doesn't have enough energy to break out of his cocoon and transform. If Maggot can break out of his cocoon before going to the Sahara, then Wei Xun will give him more help. But Wei Xun soon discovered that the message Maggot sent to him changed from happiness to panic. Those tumor tissues were frantically occupying the energy that polluted it. It was too powerful, and Maggot was completely unable to resist!

If it continues, what emerges from the cocoon may be a small sarcoma!

Wei Xun took back the maggot, just as Tong Hege said. Just one or two people cannot withstand the pollution of this power.

But it doesn't matter!

The maggots are not big enough, but if we add Taoist Feng and Xiaohong, then maybe it will be OK! There are already three people, and the evil insect master may have even more. An Xuefeng told Wei Xun before that a single maggot plus Xiao Hong only accounts for one-eighth of the evil insect master.

Even if Xiaohong is now a melted ghost, if the maggots are complete, Wu Laoliu and the others should be included, but I'm afraid there are others out there, slices of the evil insect master.

The person who knows this best, apart from the Wu team, is probably the Dream Chaser.

"Four is safer."

Tong Hege suggested, and Wei Xun thought for a moment before making a decision, and said to Yu Hehui: "Contact the Dream Chaser."

* *

The dreamer no longer knows how long he has been insomniac.

One big thing happened one after another, the life-seeking man was suspected to have returned, suspected to have found his slices, Bingyi was suspected to have a pure abyss aura, butterfly fragments appeared, An Xuefeng * * * was suspected of fusion, the hotel puppet master disappeared, the silverfish disappeared - —

The dream chaser felt that he was about to die suddenly, especially when he saw the name of the puppet master turned gray on the tour guide ranking list.

The puppet master of Jia Er is dead!

He became the new top two!

But instead of bringing any joy to Dream Chaser, the news of his promotion made his eyes dark. I couldn't help but curse out loud.

"Fucking An Xuefeng!"

It's not even ten o'clock yet, okay? We agreed to leave together at ten o'clock, but the puppet master died just after nine-thirty? ? Even dogs wouldn’t believe it if you said you didn’t act privately! Did the puppet master die suddenly? ?

Someone definitely killed him! Being able to find the Puppet Master here accurately and kill him, Dream Chaser didn't think so at all!

"The black team is coming, help me stop him."

Without any time to say more, Dream Chaser hurriedly told Zhang Xingzang and went out. The little silverfish fur ball in his arms chirped weakly. This was a silverfish that had been separated from the silverfish before and was entrusted to him for safekeeping. It was a completely free silverfish. .

But now, this little hair ball has begun to turn gray-purple, and the fuzz on the surface has fallen off, as if it is turning into a tumor! The blue-purple halo is scattered, which belongs to the dream power of the dream chaser, and can barely suppress its transformation.

Something is definitely wrong with Silverfish, and Dream Chaser is worried. If Team Wu knew this news, he would probably go crazy with anxiety, but now Dream Chaser is worried about handing over the little furry fish to Wu Yun.

He went directly to the home station! On the way home, Dream Chaser received a message from Yu Hehui and immediately turned back to the Mutual Aid Alliance.

When they arrived at the Mutual Aid Alliance station, Dream Chaser finally saw the unconscious Silverfish.

"...That's just the way it is."

Yu Hehui told him roughly what happened, and Dream Chaser finally moved his eyes away from Silverfish and fell into Bingyi's hands.

It was a cocoon, and it looked like the thing inside was about to burst out of its shell. The cocoon was stained with a lot of gray-purple pollution.

"This is Wu Laoliu."

Bingyi said calmly: "He cannot share the pollution power of the silverfish."

"No, there's still—"

Aren’t there still bee Taoists?

Dream Chaser almost blurted out, but Bingyi's tone made him understand something.

This level of pollution power cannot be shared by two or three people. If one of them is not good, they may all be dominated by the power of tumors.

Both Taoist Feng and Wu Laoliu seemed to be absolutely loyal to Bingyi, but Silverfish's situation was obviously different. He is the tour guide of Yiwu, connected with Team Wu, and is also a friend of Dream Chaser.

This is different from ordinary resurrection. For a suspicious person like Bingyi, he will definitely weigh the pros and cons before giving.

He rescued Yu Hehui and Tong Hege.

But the salvage fish, or the resurrected bug master, he was weighing. This is human nature. After all, three is a critical number. If you want to resurrect him, you will encounter far more dangers and resistance than before. What's more, none of his family members have been resurrected on the way home, and Tong Hege's younger brother Tong Hele doesn't know where he died yet, so why should he focus on the resurrected insect master first?

Maggot Master and Bee Taoist are both useful enough, but Evil Insect Master is unfamiliar. Do you really want to resurrect him?

Unlike An Xuefeng, Dream Chaser was fully aware of Silverfish's previous help. He was able to save Silverfish this time, and personally helped suppress the mutation in him. Being able to take action is definitely for Bingyi's sake. This can already repay the friendship.

Don't talk about feelings, just talk about pros and cons.

"Silverfish's situation is very different."

After a brief thought, the dream chaser took a deep breath and became serious: "You must have discovered that he is a tour guide recognized by the hotel."

To be able to obtain the title and be able to stand in the B-5 position, there is no doubt that Silverfish is a tour guide within the hotel system.

"But he's also part of the Insect Master."

Dream Chaser recounted the past: "Compared with tourists, tour guides accumulate points very slowly and their ranks rise slowly. Especially for mid- to high-level tour guides, it seems that their rankings will not change. But in fact, they accumulate points. It’s not slow.”

"In hotels, many tour guides have puppets, with dual or even multiple identities, and can even go on multiple trips at the same time. This is the case for me. This is a loophole in the hotel, or a loophole that the hotel deliberately leaves for the tour guides."

The number of tourists and tour guides is completely disproportionate. The higher the level, the smaller the number of people in each group, basically less than ten. There are not enough tour guides, and the hotel turns a blind eye to their practice of using puppets to play trumpets.

But at the beginning, no one dared to do this. What if I violate the hotel rules and get killed by the hotel? Most tour guides cherish their lives.

"The Insect Master is the first person to do this."

Dream Chaser said: "He has many abyss nodes and has formed bonds with different powerful insect-like abyss monsters. It can be said that he has many different alienated states."

This happened many years ago, but the Dream Chaser still sounded amazed when talking about it.

"Later, he didn't know how to do it. He actually peeled off a certain alienated state from himself and gave it an identity recognized by the hotel!"

Wei Xun became interested when he heard this. Isn't this the mutant puppet master?

No, what the Puppet Master did was obviously not as outrageous as the Insect Master. After all, she is still with her original self, and she has two identities in one person. But the evil insect master directly became "two people"!

"This information was kept secret in the past, and even the Wu team he was connected with didn't know much about it. I also learned about it by accident, by chance."

Dream Chaser shook his head, why did the insect master do this? Is it to accumulate more points and earn more points? Or is there any deeper intention? but no matter……

"He broke the hotel's rules."

Dream Chaser said, this is different from using a puppet. Theoretically, the Insect Master is one person, but in fact, his alienated states can become the same as his breath! Wei Xun realized that An Xuefeng had told him before that when a person binds his identity to the hotel, some of his aura will be intercepted by the hotel.

The production of those posters and the hotel’s control over tourists and tour guides all stem from this.

So what happens if two people with the same aura appear?

Even thinking more deeply, can the evil insect master pass this point... and finally deceive the hotel and escape from the hotel?

"Anyway, he failed."

Dream Chaser was profound: "But he also caused the biggest collapse of the hotel. The chaos lasted for half a month before it finally subsided."

"I guess...many people have speculated that the Insect Master may have gotten a glimpse of the hotel's secrets. He even had a back-up plan."

Otherwise, why didn't the Black Team who was connected with the Insect Master die because of the Insect Master's death? Many people speculate that the Insect Master is actually still alive, perhaps somewhere in the abyss. Especially his alienated states, in the end they were no different from normal people.

The puppet master resurrected from the abyss, Fa Gui. She discovered that after Fa Gui's resurrection, he was quickly recognized by the hotel and had his own identity in the hotel. The association came from this.

In fact, the puppet master is not sure whether Silverfish is, because his rank is so high that he is almost under the nose of the hotel. But the combination of Silverfish and Black Team can be regarded as some kind of proof.

And Taoist Feng, who is full of ghosts and persistent hostility, seems to have a possibility of something like that.

After all, the puppet master's focus is still on the sun, and he hasn't done much research on this side. Dream Chaser knows almost as much as Captain Wu: "Silver Fish, Bee Taoist, Fa Gui, Wu Lao Liu, and the infected person in West District A4 are all him. I know this, but I'm not completely sure if it's him." all."

It turns out there is another A4 infected person.

Wei Xun was also amazed. The evil insect master could be considered a master of Chinese and Western knowledge. He was present in the East District, the West District, the Abyss, and in all the journeys!

How can such a person be resurrected? Can he really be resurrected?

"No matter what else, Silverfish saved me, I owe him a life. As for the resurrected evil insect master, I have no idea."

Returning to the topic, Dream Chaser said sincerely: "I originally promised him to deal with the puppet master and take him away from the Shepherd Alliance."

But now the Puppet Master and the Shepherd Alliance are gone.

"I definitely want to save him."

The dream chaser said firmly, and then pondered: "I can take you to the Sahara of Death, tomorrow... or in the future."

Tomorrow was about to set off for the Sahara of Death, but the Dream Chaser considered that Bing might not be able to make it in time, so he did not prepare too hastily, so he simply extended the time.

"But the problem now is there's not enough staff."

Wei Xun also said bluntly that just because of the maggots' size, Xiaohong and Feng Daoren could not fully share the pollution on the silverfish, and there was even a possibility of being contaminated. After all, their strength is no better than that of silverfish, and their endurance is even worse.

Like Tong Hege said, Wei Xun didn't even think it was enough to find four people.

Once it cannot fully bear the burden and allows the tumor tissue to gain the upper hand, it is time to train a reserve force for the puppet master.

But if this problem can be solved, Wei Xun still wants to try it. After all, tumor tissue can also be regarded as a great supplement.

Let Taoist Feng, Xiaohong and Maggot all double their strength, how fragrant they are.

"If the devil is in your hands, it's okay to add one more person."

As soon as Bing relaxed, the dreamer immediately smiled and said slyly: "There is another person, I can call him right now."

"A4 infected person?"

Wei Xun was curious, but Dream Chaser shook his head: "This man is a bit troublesome, but I'm not talking about him."

A quarter of an hour later, the Uzbek team appeared in the mutual aid alliance. The person the dreamer said is the dark cloud! Dark clouds and silverfish are deeply connected, and their auras are essentially the same! He can also bear a share of pollution, and as a tourist, he bears more than the tour guide!

After paying a large amount of points, special products, props, and materials, he signed a series of contracts with the Mutual Aid Association with a straight face, and eventually he became a glorious mutual aid knight. Once you become one of your own, it will be easier to talk. When he saw the wave of 'people' released by Bingyi, Captain Wu's eyes became a bit straight.

The unconscious silverfish was leaning on his shoulder, but it was covered by the mask and cloak, so no one could see that he was unconscious. The handsome boy Xiao Hong (hair ghost) looked innocent and smiled at him curiously. Taoist Feng with golden eyes looked at him carefully with a stern expression. The maggot-sized cocoon was carefully held by Captain Wu in his hand.

Wei Xun, Dream Chaser, and Wu Team reached a tacit understanding and did not let Taoist Feng know his true identity for the time being. In fact, Silverfish has also been kept a secret. Knowing this matter does not bring much benefit to them. On the contrary, it is more dangerous for them to be targeted by the hotel.

This is a gathering of demonic insects and demonic insect tour guides.

Wei Xun said so, and even released Xiaocui, the responsibility devil insect and corn shoots. Taoist Feng understood and released his own Abyss Worm No. 1. For the first time, Greedy Corn Bamboo Shoots was obviously more interested in No. 1, probing his head. It just so happened that it was too big to get in the way, so Wei Xun simply let it go and have fun.

Then Wei Xun took out the Abyss Bell and turned off the light.

On the surface, it was said that the life-seeking person appeared and gave him a breath of pure abyss. But in essence, under the cover of the abyss, in an invisible darkness, they were feasting around the silverfish. While eating, the silverfish woke up.


What's going on here? Silverfish's memory still lingers on when he was knocked unconscious by the puppet master. It was still daytime, why is it dark now? Is it night?

"That's it."

Dream Chaser controlled the dinner time, and everyone said he wanted to leave when they were almost done eating. No one objected, especially Taoist Feng who was extremely silent.

He is still in shock!

Lord Jia Yiming appears! The puppet master of Jia Er is dead! The former Class A 3 dream chaser has become the new Class 2 dream chaser!

Now the entire hotel forum is going crazy! The private group chats of the tour guides were also filled with various messages. No one in the entire hotel could sleep tonight. Everyone was discussing who the new first-class tour guide would be!

Is it Yiyi’s crying psychic all the time? Or is it the Yin-Yang Butterfly who defected to the Mutual Aid Alliance in public today? Or maybe it's Pinocchio...that's unlikely. Is it the ten thousand year old fourth rune master, or the Yi five silver fish?

Various theories emerged one after another, and there were discussions everywhere, but Taoist Feng had other ideas in his mind. When Bingyi called him to the mutual aid alliance, his whole heart was tense. I was nervous and excited at the same time.

He always felt that Bingyi would tell him, ‘I am A3! ’

In this way, they can hold a celebration ceremony for the vice president's promotion to Class A tomorrow, and then collect a lot of money!

...Well, as expected, this is just imagination. In the end, Bingyi didn't do the triple jump. He just asked him to come over for a meal. Although the meal Taoist Feng ate was tasteless and absent-minded at first, he was soon shocked by the majestic and terrifying power.

This, what is this?

Pure abyss breath? No, it's not! This is not pure abyss breath!

Taoist Feng is a person who has seen the world. When he felt it carefully, he suddenly felt frightened.

This crazy proliferation of out-of-control energy, this terrifying and powerful breath of the abyss, this, this irresistible feeling of pollution...

Thinking again of the freshly dead Puppet Master...

They, they won't eat the puppet master!

Otherwise, what kind of "food" requires Dream Chaser, Wu Duan, Yu Hehui and Tong Hege to compete at the same time?

Even if he is not a puppet master, it is definitely some energy related to the puppet master!

After the brief shock, Taoist Feng's eyes burst out with a fanatical light! Eat, you can eat anything! He felt that his strength was growing rapidly. Soon, his strength nearly doubled compared to before!

With his current strength, it would be no problem to defeat the top twenty tour guides in the second class!

Taoist Feng was filled with emotion. Before joining the Mutual Aid Alliance, who would have thought that Taoist Feng would be where he is today. A woman is afraid of marrying the wrong man, and a man is afraid of getting into the wrong profession. Joining the mutual aid alliance can be regarded as the best decision he has made in his life!

What a ghost, what a puppet master, what a Shepherd Alliance, what a Truth Alliance, these are all nothing in the eyes of Taoist Feng! Brother Bing is the first one, connecting with tourists is the first, and good friends are the second. Only by following such people can we have hope for the future!

Taoist Feng was filled with emotion when he thought of how Silverfish's head had been resting on Wu Dui's shoulder during the dinner just now.

So what about the tour guide Yiwu? What’s the point of connecting the passenger to the captain of the fourth brigade? Wouldn't it be better for the black team to recharge and join their mutual aid alliance to become a knight, so that the silverfish can get involved with this puppet master?

It’s smaller, the layout is smaller! What to expect from the captain of the fourth brigade. In the future, we still have to look at Bingyi and their mutual aid alliance!

There seems to be a lot of connection between Corn Bamboo Shoots and No. 1. Do you want to kiss each other? Anyway, if you invest in Bingyi, you will definitely not lose money! Mr. Feng was full of confidence in the future and walked away with vigorous steps. The Uzbek team is also confident.

It was all just conjecture before, but now it's almost confirmed. Bee Taoist, Fa Gui, and A Da are all slices of the evil insect master! In addition to the other Wu Laoliu and A4 infected people in the Tomb of the Tusi King, there may be a few other small bits and pieces, but most of the evil insect masters have been found!

Bingyi is really a talent!

Not only did he resurrect Tong Hege and Yu Hehui, but he also found so many insect masters so quickly, which was almost as efficient as his for several years. This really convinced Captain Wu.

"Bingyi is really good."

On the way back, Team Wu and Dream Chaser sighed: "What a pity, we contacted An Xuefeng!"

Is the name of the first passenger really so famous? Why did all the outstanding talents run into An Xuefeng's nest like they were blind? It's definitely not his fault that Bingyi is such an excellent tour guide, it's all An Xuefeng's fault!

"It would be great if Bingyi went to metaphysics."

Captain Wu sighed that they all had silverfish, and Bingyi was just ruining him when he came over. But metaphysics is good. When the evil insect master was still there, the number one was still metaphysics. At that time, the evil insect master always urged him to work hard to reach the top.

But what does it mean to be number one? The first brigade didn’t even have a tour guide and had to be watched and supervised by the hotel. There are so many little secrets about the Insect Master, it's no fun to be the first. Anyway, Wu Dui wasn't interested, and he still isn't interested. He just has some subtle thoughts about metaphysics in his heart.

As soon as I saw an excellent tour guide, I wanted to persuade him to go to metaphysics, so I quickly occupied the space to save someone who was always thinking about the metaphysics stationed tour guide.

Haha, Dream Chaser didn't even bother to listen to his beep. When Zhang Xingzang disappeared, a few years later he met Wu Yun once. The two chatted. The man seriously said that there is no need for tour guides to be widowed for tourists. Zhang Xingzang definitely doesn't want you to be like this, otherwise you will go to metaphysics... Angry Dream Chaser It gave him a nightmare for half a year.

I really don’t know how Silverfish can tolerate him.

"If you have any questions when you get back, just tell me."

Before leaving, Dream Chaser told Silverfish: "It's best tonight. After I leave tomorrow, if there are any more problems... you can go to Bingyi."

Will there be any other problems in absorbing the pollution from the Puppet Master? Even with the addition of the Black Team, the pollution that none of them absorbed was within the controllable range, and it was even slightly less than the Dream Chaser expected (but safer), but Dream Chaser is still worried.

If he hadn't gone to the Sahara tomorrow, he would definitely have kept the silverfish with him.

If you need anything, just go to Bingyi. This sentence comes from the dream chaser, and there is no sense of violation at all. He was obviously just a third-class tour guide, but they had already put him on an equal footing.

Bingyi is really excellent.

The dream chaser thought that this time the Xinxing Tour Guide was really extraordinary and outstanding. Even though Wei Xun who was on his way home was very good as a new star traveler, compared with Bing Yi, he was still a bit inferior.

In fact, it stands to reason that Rising Star Tour Guides and Rising Star Travelers are usually a good match. Normally speaking, if Bingyi did not enter any major hotel, but chose to connect with travelers, then Bingyi would actually have a high chance of connecting with Wei Xun.

As a result, An Xuefeng came between them!

When I think of An Xuefeng as a dream chaser, I get inexplicably angry. Putting aside his strength and other aspects of his character, in terms of relationships, joining Team An is really... ugh!

After hearing Qi Lecheng say that Wei Xun's eyes were red when he came back today, Dream Chaser thought that he should take more care of Wei Xun after going to the Sahara tomorrow. To be honest, Dream Chaser still doesn't agree with taking Wei Xun along this time, especially after something like this just happened.

Young people are the easiest to think about, but on a journey like the 30th North Latitude, you can't be careless at all.

* *

Wei Xun returned home with a strange expression. Xiaohong is a smart person. She felt Wei Xun's indifference towards him and Wei Xun's kind attitude towards Maggot and Feng Taoist. She had been observing carefully during the dinner and suddenly realized something.

But Wei Xun didn't care about his expression of loyalty. In fact, what Dream Chaser perceived was right.

The energy of the puppet master's tumor should have been enough for Wu Dui, Silver Fish, Xiao Hong, Maggot Da and Feng Daoren to absorb it, but part of it was missing.

This small part was sucked away by Wei Xun!

Wei Xun really didn't expect that he could also suck it. He was not a pest master, and his breath was different from him. Why could he also suck the pollution from the silverfish?

In the final analysis, Wei Xun thought of the butterfly fragments he had taken from the puppet master.

After returning to the house, he handed over the maggot that was about to emerge from the cocoon to Yu Hehui and the others, and then took off his clothes.

Sure enough, the butterfly tattoo on the chest reappeared. The blue-purple butterfly tattoo was extremely beautiful, and this time it was unusually long-lasting, and it didn't even last for five minutes.

Wei Xun studied it for a while, but couldn't figure out the reason. While the butterfly tattoo was there, Wei Xun simply drew a few more bottles of blood in case of emergency. When An Xuefeng came back, he saw Wei Xun's face getting paler and he was drinking blood-tonifying medicine. An Xuefeng knew what Wei Xun had done with just one glance.

"Drink this."

He gave him a higher-grade blood replenishing potion, and Wei Xun's face instantly turned rosy as soon as he drank it.

"Adjust your physical condition. After going to the Sahara, many props will no longer be usable."

An Xuefeng said: "Wang Yushu can only copy a few potions."

"Will he make medicine for airsickness?"

Wei Xun joked: "To be honest, I'm a little airsick."

It was customary to hold a pep rally on the way home tonight, but the death of the Jia-2 puppet master was too shocking! The mobilization meeting was simply moved to tomorrow morning, October 3rd.

After the mobilization meeting is over, they will arrive at the airport around 9 a.m. to take a flight to the Kingdom of Morocco in North Africa. After about 27 hours of flight, they will arrive at Marrakech Airport and then head to Dream Chaser's small Sahara location. Safe house in the town of Merzouga.

It was the first time for Wei Xun to use such a traditional method of traveling abroad after entering the hotel. Wei Xun felt it was a bit novel.

"After all, you don't have a passport right now."

An Xuefeng was talking about the hotel passport. Although Wei Xun is currently on the return trip, he has not participated in any journey since joining the return trip. Therefore, some preferential treatment will be implemented after he and Gui Tu travel together.

“Will Dream Chaser also fly with us?”



Wei Xun just asked casually, but he didn't expect An Xuefeng to give a positive answer! If so, wouldn’t we be able to see the real version of Dream Chaser?

"Because Zhang Xingzang is also going with us this time."

An Xuefeng explained: "Zhang Xingzang is currently considered a hotel gangster, and he can only take normal transportation to go abroad first."

This time they were traveling on a private trip, with no itinerary designated by the hotel and no necessary tourist attractions.

The only hotel mission is [Exploring the Sahara of Death]!

An Xuefeng seemed to be thinking about something. He first frowned and checked the butterfly tattoo on Wei Xun's chest. After giving him a thorough physical examination and confirming that there were no major problems, it was already half past eleven.

It's time to go to bed.

The two of them went to wash up one after another. When Wei Xun came out after washing up, they saw An Xuefeng, who had finished washing up first, standing at the door of the bathroom, with his tall figure almost completely covering him. There seemed to be stars twinkling in his deep eyes.

"The Sahara has reached its halfway exploration level. As soon as we enter, we will go directly to the danger zone."

An Xuefeng said seriously: "And your current strength level is too different from ours, and you may appear alone in a safer zone. The original risks in the safe zone have been basically eliminated by us, and I will find it as quickly as possible." You, but..."

However, the butterfly fragment on Wei Xun's body was in a strange state, and An Xuefeng was still worried.

"Let's connect us deeper."

He lowered his head, his breath completely enveloped Wei Xun, and a fiery kiss fell on the tip of his cold nose.

"I'll take you to see..."

"The cemetery in my memory."

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