Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 188 Update

After the shock, the devil businessman breathed a sigh of relief inexplicably

It has to be said that discovering that Xiao Cui also had a hallucination made the devil merchant feel much more relaxed. It was probably the same feeling of peace of mind that comes from discovering a fellow patient. He even joked: "This is really a strange bird, huh-huh?!!"


The devil businessman was shocked and suddenly covered his face, looking around suspiciously. It seemed like someone had slapped him in the face just now!

‘Fart, what’s wrong with me! ’

Wei Xun comforted Nezha Ling with his kind words, thinking that it was a coincidence that the devil merchant came, and Nezha Ling happened to fly back at this time. It seemed that he had seen Nezha Ling, but Wei Xun was not panicked at all.

It's impossible for anyone to recognize Nezha Ling when he looks like this!

But why would the Devil Merchant breathe a sigh of relief? Wei Xun can see clearly.

After thinking about Nezha Ling's appearance after transformation, Wei Xun's mind turned and thought deeply. After caring about the face of the devil merchant, he said casually: "Why, you also had a hallucination."


After being on guard for a while, the devilish merchant finally put down his hand when the red bird with a human face and tentacles didn't come out again. Thinking that Xiao Cui also had a hallucination, she felt that there was nothing to hide: "Yes."

In the end, he couldn't help but asked politely: "Your illusion...don't you like to be judged impartially?"

He said "strange bird" and got slapped!

Wait, this feeling seems more like when he wants to collect blood on Drumming Avenue...

"He has a weird temper."

Wei Xun didn't let the devil merchant have time to think, and said calmly: "You know, this firebird appearance is actually one of the incarnations of Captain An——"

"Pfft! Cough cough cough cough!"

The Devil Merchant was so shocked that he coughed a series of times and turned pale with shock: "Captain An is dead?!"

Wei Xun:?

Wei Xun immediately understood that the illusion of the devil merchant was probably a dead person he valued.

"what are you saying."

Wei Xun pretended to be impatient and clicked his tongue: "How could he die?"

"and you……"

The devil merchant hesitated to speak. What kind of psychological shadow did An Xuefeng leave on Xiao Cui to make Xiao Cui's illusions belong to him?

An Xuefeng completely turned the devil businessman's mind around.

"What is the purpose of your vision?"

Wei Xun asked as he beat the snake with his stick. Seeing the devil merchant's hesitation, he became impatient: "You already know about me, why are you still hiding it from me?"

"Not really."

The devil merchant smiled bitterly: "I'm not sure what Eve will do now. Maybe she just wants to come and see me."

The Devil Merchant sighed, thinking about the weird people in this B\u0026B, and considering that he had to conduct the team leadership assessment at the Yangshou Town Funeral Palace, he really didn't have time to worry about too many illusions. He thought for a moment, his eyes moving slightly.

Wei Xun understood. He asked Dream Chaser Xiaolong to contain the Black Widow. The Devil Merchant blocked the live broadcast, and finally revealed something to Xiao Cui:

"She was very ill before she died, and we didn't have money to see a doctor. I could only find some home remedies to save her, but I couldn't save her. I remember that during the last period, Eve had been sleeping and her body was getting worse and worse. No. I go out early and come back late to make money. She may wake up occasionally, but I'm not with her."

When Eve died, he didn't have time to see her for the last time.

"Letting out, your health is getting worse?"

Wei Xun asked keenly: "Has she affected the brigade now?"

"Probably not yet."

The devil merchant hesitated, feeling a bit lucky: "Xiao Cui, you said that the passengers are so strong, they shouldn't be affected by her. I mean, if Eve doesn't intend to attack people."

After all, they are just small silver-level tour guides. Those passengers of various special levels should be able to withstand it?

And none of their illusions seem to be too offensive? A person will not die even if he is slapped.


Wei Xun was noncommittal: "Drowsiness may be fatal, and serious illness is even more so. It's very dangerous tonight."


The devil merchant sighed and completely gave up on taking chances.

When the passengers go to bed tonight, they will be able to see what Eve's illusion means.

Is it keeping people awake, or is it causing them to become seriously ill in their sleep?

"I will tell Augustus and the others about this."

The devil merchant meant that Xiaocui could also tell his trusted travelers about this matter. As for the rest...

After all, this Deqingban B\u0026B is too weird. Besides their brigade, there are also spirits. If everyone falls asleep at night, fatal consequences may occur. The devil businessman was quite responsible and didn't want to hide anything.

"It is indeed dangerous tonight. We will leave for Xiaotangshan tomorrow. I suspect it is not just Deqingban B\u0026B that has a problem."

The Devil Merchant frowned: "I feel uncomfortable here...but what's even more uncomfortable is the direction of Xiaotangshan."

He has transformed into a ghost, hates anger, and is very sensitive to this aspect.

What the Devil Merchant meant was that if those weirdos in the B\u0026B came after this anger, then they would probably go to Xiaotangshan too.

The danger is not limited to B\u0026Bs.

"Are you talking about those monsters?"

Wei Xun said: "The danger I am talking about is not them."


The devil businessman's face turned slightly ugly.

Could it be that Xiaocui is worried about Eve?

"No, Eve would never kill anyone."

The devil merchant said categorically: She...I am here, she will not kill anyone..."

"No, I'm not talking about her either."

Wei Xun stood up and said, "Are you afraid of thunder and lightning?"

"Thunder and lightning?"

The devil merchant was a little confused. He didn't know why Xiaocui suddenly said this: "I'm not afraid."

In fact, it's still a bit scary, after all, undead like him are really afraid of this kind of thing. But the Devil Merchant is not really undead. He will have to pay the price to return to adulthood, so he is not too afraid.

"That's good."

Wei Xun seemed a little happy: "The punishment is coming in the early hours of tonight. Just don't be afraid."

"By the way, watch your illusion. Don't get hacked to death."

Curse? ?

The devil businessman was completely confused.

After Wei Xun and the devil merchant finished speaking, he took Yu Hehui out of the room. After leaving, Yu Hehui asked him worriedly: "How are you going to resist the punishment from heaven tonight?"

That's right, when talking to Nezha Ling before, Nezha Ling said that because Wei Xun had someone to carry the punishment for him last night, the punishment will come faster this time! The next divine punishment was supposed to be after twenty-four hours, but now it has been accelerated to twelve hours.

In other words, in the early hours of tonight, the punishment from heaven will come again!

"When you transform into a Sky Fox, will you face punishment from Heaven?"

Wei Xun asked Yu Hehui: "Have you ever seen a real spirit?"

"The sky fox will not be punished by heaven. After all, I am different from a serious monster."

Yu Hehui said: "Serious monsters... I have seen them before. Like the four at the door just now, the one holding a mobile phone to live broadcast is a red fox, and the tall and thin one with a backpack is a snake spirit. In addition, the man and woman are a bit strange, not like normal It’s a spirit with a lot of yin energy, it’s like something in the graveyard has become a spirit.”

"Heavy Yin Qi? It's good to focus on Yin Qi."

Nezha Ling stuck his head out and said with a smile: "My brother is really lucky. There is a lot of anger in this courtyard, maybe it can deceive the Heavenly Punishment. Besides, there are many spirits here, and there is a high possibility that the Heavenly Punishment will be dispersed when it falls." "


Wei Xun smiled and put on the crown. Turn misfortune on the necklace into luck: "I'm really lucky."

"Originally, I was thinking of asking you to practice my skills in the early morning. If the punishment from heaven comes then, I can naturally resist it for you."

Nezha sighed inspiredly: "But you also know that if outsiders try to resist, the punishment from heaven will probably be more severe and urgent next time."

"When the time comes, let the Heavenly Punishment disperse on its own, and there won't be much of a problem."

"Isn't it going to be a big problem?"

Wei Xun asked humbly: "Will the punishment from heaven be more severe because of the gathering of spirits?"


Nezha Ling said proudly: "These spirits probably hide in the deep mountains and forests on weekdays, and they should also have treasures with hidden auras, just to prevent heaven's punishment. They dare to covet the spiritual ginseng as spirits, and they are not afraid of death."

"Meeting you here is their destiny!"

* *

"Ah sneeze!"

A red fox was carrying a mobile phone on its back, wandering around the guest room where the tour guides were staying. Its fur was as red as flames, and its paws to its calves were all black, as if it had its own black boots. It looked very good.

"Huh? Why do I have an ominous premonition?"

The red fox muttered. It raised its big ears and carefully observed the movement around it. It silently moved closer to the door step by step. Then he put his nose against the crack of the door like a madman and sniffed up and down. Suddenly, it sneezed slightly, and the fox's face was full of surprise.

"Aha, I discovered it!"


The red fox was very happy, carefully holding a piece of snow-white fox hair in its mouth, and its tail wagged wildly with joy.

"Woohoo, my ancestor's fox fur, this is a treasure that can be brought back to the clan as an offering, and it will also open the eyes of those grandchildren!"

It muttered to itself and was about to run away on the spot: "Okay, it's time for me to leave. The outside world is too dangerous. Where can we touch the ginseng essence? Good guy, I'll leave tonight... Ah, this, This this……"


Wei Xun and Shan, who came back from outside, looked at him.

Yu Hehui Bushan, who was standing next to Wei Xun, looked at him.

The red fox was so frightened that he collapsed on the spot and became flat, with white fur falling in front of him. After trembling for a while, Red Fox realized that he was not dead. He looked at Yu Hehui and then at Wei Xun, and finally mustered up the courage: "Hi?"

"You should be familiar with the fairies here."

Wei Xun didn't allow it to have any doubts: "Come, introduce it to me."

[Pleasure value for the master: 20-40]

[Yu Hehui joy value for the master: 50-100]

When he came back, Wei Xun saw two joy points in Red Fox, and he thought of taking him into custody. When the joy bomb exploded before, Hyo Sandai frantically absorbed the joyful emotions and successfully overstuffed himself. Although it has not reached the level of growth of the Responsible Demon Insect, it has also evolved to a certain extent.

For example, now, after putting it into the Demonic Insect Ball, Wei Xun can not only see the other party's happiness towards him. You can also see the other person's joy level towards the characters closely related to him.

For example, Red Fox's joy level for Yu Hehui is really high. It seems that Tianhu is really popular among the fox clan.

"It's like this. This time the ginseng essence is born, I am the only one from the fox clan. You can call me Xiao Hu San."

The red fox turned into a human form, like a frustrated little daughter-in-law, who only dared to sit next to a chair.

"Hu San?"

Yu Hehui looked at him carefully: "Are you the new Mr. Hu San of this generation?"

"No, no, I'm not yet."

Xiao Hu San quickly denied: "I haven't reached that level yet. At best, I am just a backup for Mr. Hu San. You can just call me Xiao Hu San."

"Tell me how the situation is here."

Yu Hehui looked really fierce. He was so frightened that the tips of Xiao Hu San's ears turned white. He told all the monsters in Deqingban B\u0026B in his chatter. Finally, he said:

"That's all I know. However, there seems to be another person who came on the same day as you, sir. He has extraordinary strength and is drawing territory to win over all parties. It's a bloody storm."

Xiao Hu San lowered his voice: "It doesn't seem to be here for the ginseng essence, but it covets the coffins of adults."


Wei Xun became interested. Could it be that the hotel saw that the Yin Army couldn't get in, so it added foreign aid to Mekel and the others?

"Tell me, what is it called?"

"Seems to be--"

Xiao Hu San racked his brains and said uncertainly: "It seems to be called..."

"The Six-Tailed Tanuki Flower Essence?"

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