Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 187: Beijing Suburban Funeral Palace (26)

‘What the hell is this. ’

Wei Xun laughed when he saw Nezha Ling's new appearance, but Dream Chaser was unexpectedly startled by Nezha Ling.

"Yes, I am thinking about you, brother."

Wei Xun sincerely praised Nezha Ling, admiring Nezha Ling's 'new image' - when he saw Nezha Ling for the first time, he actually lost his SAN!

Sure enough, Nezha Ling still knows how to play.

"Brother, you are so beautiful."

"Just average."

Nezha Ling said happily. He casually made the lotus root bird's legs longer, making it look like a tall bird. He walked back and forth in front of Wei Xun twice with slow steps, and was finally satisfied after receiving a lot of compliments.

"I'll come see you again tonight."

Nezha Ling couldn't wait to flap her wings and said in a serious tone: "Brother, go check out the situation ahead first."

He has been trapped in the Eight-Armed Nezha City for too long, and it is rare to get out. Nezha Ling has long wanted to see the outside world. Even so, Nezha Ling still remembered her previous promise to teach Wei Xun his skills, and she did her duty conscientiously.

‘Dream Chase, have you really seen such a monster? ’

After the little red bird of Nezha Spirit flew away, Wei Xun chatted secretly with the dream chaser. When Dream Chaser Xiaolong saw Nezha Ling's new image just now, he was more cautious than surprised, which made Wei Xun curious.

'Yeah, it's something that will drive you insane. ’

The dream chaser said casually: 'Mixing the features and faces of people you know into a monster is the most common illusion that a low SAN value can create. ’

‘Transformation? ’

Wei Xun keenly captured the meaning of the dream chaser's words.

‘The illusions I saw when I dropped SAN were just pure illusions. ’

'Pure illusion? Yes, this is indeed the case at your current stage. ’

The dream chaser was confused for a moment, then came to his senses: "It will be different when you pass the team leader assessment."

It has been almost ten years since he passed the team leader assessment. He had long forgotten what hallucinations and hallucinations he encountered when he was a young tour guide. He only realized it now after hearing Bing 250's words.

'Be careful, illusions can kill, and many tour guides have died from illusions. ’

Dream Chaser warned: 'Not only will they attack you, but they will also attack your teammates. Illusions can be scary on some journeys. ’

Wei Xun raised his eyebrows: 'So that's it. ’

No wonder when discussing with Dream Chaser before, when talking about how to reset to zero, Dream Chaser directly rejected Wei Xun's proposal of 'dropping the SAN' to reset to zero, and instead advocated stabbing the heart.

‘Yangshou Town Funeral Palace… When you wait until Yangshou Town Funeral Palace, you may see an ‘illusion’. ’

Wei Xun understood: ‘The illusion of the devil businessman? ’

‘Yes, during the tour leader assessment process, he will be judged by the hotel as a ‘quasi-leader’ tour guide’’

The dreamer used a teaching tone: ‘If he has an illusion, the whole team can see it. There are many kinds of illusions, and I’ll talk more about them later. ’

For experienced tour guides such as Dream Chasers, illusions have long been a familiar sight.

But the devil businessman was nervous.

‘I just saw ‘her’ again’

The devil merchant patrolled all directions, but the white fog still lingered. The entire paper man funeral procession ran in the thick fog, never stopping to rest, and the speed was faster than expected.

It was now half past five in the afternoon, and they were about to arrive at Yangshou Town.

It was clear that the destination was getting closer, but the devil businessman's spirit became more and more tense. Just now, his guide flag was lifted. The devil businessman subconsciously looked up and saw a child sleeping on the top of his guide flag!

The little girl's hair was sparse, her cheekbones were prominent, her face was pale, her abdomen was swollen, and her limbs were thin, as if she had some strange disease. She was breathing very hard, shaking with pain every time. Especially when the tour guide's flag wavered, she twitched violently as if she was about to expire.

At that time, the devil merchant seemed to be possessed by a demon. He held his breath and kept the guide flag motionless. The funeral procession continued to run, but he stopped and remained motionless. It was Zhou Xiyang who saw something wrong with him when he passed by and reminded him that the devil businessman suddenly came back to his senses as if he suddenly woke up from a dream. He looked up and saw that the child on the top of the tour guide's flag had quietly disappeared.

His heart was beating so fast that it felt like it was about to jump out of his chest. The devil merchant broke into a cold sweat and told the black widow on the spot.

‘Oh, I forgot, my little boy is still a baby who has not completed the team leader assessment’

The black widow spider chuckled: "Don't be afraid, relax, this is just your illusion."

'Of course - it's not an illusion that can only scare people. If things go badly, it can kill you, and it can kill everyone in the brigade. ’

Although the Black Widow was not as detailed and thorough as the Dream Chaser, the Devil Merchant also understood what she meant. He floated forward again to lead the way and looked at his SAN value.

Since approaching Yangshou Town, his SAN value has been dropping, and now it is only 35. 30 is a critical point. In the hotel classification, if it is lower than 30, it means a severe SAN loss, and if it is higher than 30, it means a moderate SAN loss.

Due to the suppression of team leader assessment tasks, he and Xiaocui's highest SAN value was only 50, which was a moderate SAN loss. Therefore, the Devil Merchant just maintains the SAN value and does not let himself fall into a situation where he loses SAN severely. He saves the use of precious SAN-returning items.

Even though just now, the sense of crisis and horror filled his heart, the Devil Merchant did not blindly use the SAN props. After all, he had lost SAN moderately anyway, and the situation would not change.

‘When will the illusion appear and how will it disappear? Who will it attack first? ’

While Black Widow was happy to answer the question, the Devil Merchant pressed on to the key point and asked.

'The more you think about it, the faster it comes, and the sooner you kill it, the faster it disappears. Maybe it will attack the person you hate the most first, maybe it will attack the person you love the most, maybe it will kill you first, you can’t tell. ’

Black Widow said with a playful smile: 'Of course, maybe it won't attack anyone. It's just here, thinking about you, wanting to see you, and even protecting you in times of crisis - just like George, who is such a fool. ’

The black widow spider wiped his eyes and sighed sadly: 'Yes, he won't attack other people, he just wants to see me. But as long as he is around, mental pollution will always envelope the brigade, making people go crazy one by one. Alas, this is really a sweet trouble. If I continue to destroy the team like this, I will almost become a butcher tour guide. ’

'You know, the Duke has contacted me many times, but being a butcher is too bloody and not good at all. ’

The devil businessman was horrified and broke into a cold sweat!

George is said to be the Black Widow's late husband and her taboo. Anyone other than her who mentions that past event will be quietly poisoned by the Black Widow.

He had found it strange before. It was clear that Black Widow and the tour guides from her alliance mostly took the route of controlling tourists to raise pigs, which was actually similar to the East District Puppet Master. But Black Widow's reputation among high-level travelers is extremely bad, and the reputation of the entire alliance is very bad, almost on par with the West End Butcher Alliance.

That’s why!

‘You mean, only I can kill ‘her’? ’

Thinking of the girl who just appeared on the flagpole, the devil merchant felt a little depressed.

'Of course - if you are as strong as me and can protect your illusion'

Black Widow took a big breath and said with a smile: "Otherwise, tourists with special titles and tour guides traveling with you can kill her."

‘Listening to what you said, it seems that she is your sister or daughter? You didn't protect her well before, but now you see her and you can't bear to let her go? ’

The Devil Merchant did not say anything. He had exposed too much in front of the Black Widow just now. He was also wary of the Black Widow and did not want her to see his true side.

But the phantom thing is really serious, and Black Widow still needs guidance. Although the devil merchant has mental pollutants such as Qianjia paper pulp in his hands, which can forcibly interfere with the arrival of the black widow's consciousness, using this is equivalent to tearing her face.

So the Devil Merchant turned back to find Xiao Cui - with Xiao Cui, Black Widow's attention would always be on the Dream Chaser and would no longer pay attention to him.

"Xiao Cui, are you okay now?"

"Devil Merchant, what's wrong?"

Here Wei Xun purchased a large amount of healing drugs from the hotel, and after eating them all, he was finally able to sit up again.

"We're almost at Yangshou Town, and the Yin Army hasn't caught up with us yet. Do you think the fog will dissipate by night?"

asked the devil merchant.

The Yin Army did not pursue them from beginning to end, all thanks to the thick fog.

"It will definitely break up."

Why did the devil businessman come suddenly? What happened?

Could it be that the illusion came out as Chai Meng expected?

Wei Xun thought as he said, "The water vapor is too heavy, and it keeps raining."

It has been raining since we left the city, and the fog has lightened a lot. From the thick fog that made me unable to see my fingers, now I can almost see clearly the fog ten meters ahead.

If this continues, the fog will definitely lift tonight.

Logically speaking, it would be most reasonable to take advantage of the fact that the fog has not completely dissipated, and go up Xiaotangshan to the Yangshou Town Funeral Palace overnight without stopping after arriving at Yangshou Town. However, even Yu Hehui was soaked in the rain for such a long time, let alone Paper people.

Although this is just ordinary rain, the paper people are supported by the undead in their bodies, so they will not be destroyed by the heavy rain. But it has also softened a lot, and its attack power has dropped. The most important thing is that if this rainy day continues, the paper on the coffin may be soaked and slip off.

We must find a place to rest.

What's more, she also had an illusion... It's still unclear what kind of harm she will cause, and the devil merchant is more inclined to find a place to rest. And when he arrived at the Yangshou Town Funeral Palace... his assessment mission was about to begin.

Before that, some adjustments are necessary.

After the two tour guides negotiated, the tourists had no objections. The group speeded up their pace again and finally arrived at Yangshou Town at 5:50 in the evening.

"Yangshou Town is adjacent to Xiaotang Mountain in the north and has a beautiful environment. It is said that the villagers here often bathe in hot springs and are in good health. It is a well-known longevity town."

"But for some reason, one day, the villagers of Yangshou Town moved collectively and left the town in a hurry, as if they were running away. The government did not move any more people in, and even turned this area into a restricted area, and Yangshou Town ended Increasingly deserted.”

The path leading in and out of Yangshou Town is now overgrown with weeds, and the only sound is the pattering of rain. The Devil Merchant led the team to explain from the front, while Wei Xun rode a white fox to hold the line from behind. Just as he expected, the fog gradually faded, and now he could see the surrounding scenery clearly.

Wei Xun looked into the distance, ignoring a certain black cat that was sneaking over and was very embarrassed by the rain, and looked in the direction of the Eight-Armed Nezha City. There was a large shadow on the path in the forest, which was the Yin army that was catching up.

But the Yin army seemed to be 'stationed' there and did not take another step forward, which made Wei Xun very concerned.

Either they plan to launch an attack late at night when they are at their strongest, or there is something in Yangshou Town that even the Yincha Yin Army is afraid of.

"... In recent years, Yangshou Town will be unblocked, but no one has done anything to deal with this abandoned town. Gradually, it has become an adventure paradise for domestic and foreign spirit exploration enthusiasts, anchors and others. I heard that some people have seen splendid high-rise courtyards here, some have heard the sound of opera, and some have encountered mountain people asking for directions, only to find out that the person they met turned out to be a shadow puppet. "

The sky was dark, and the devil merchant's voice became erratic amidst the sound of rain, becoming scary and strange:

"There is a reason for this. It is said that Xiaotang Mountain has beautiful scenery and many natural hot springs. It was once the emperor's palace in the past. It is said that an emperor loved drama, shadow puppets and other folk arts very much. Every time he came to Xiaotang Mountain, he would gather several theater troupes. Come and enjoy.”

"There are those famous troupes in the countryside who want to fly to the sky and perform for the emperor, and there are also eunuchs and ministers who want to be in the emperor's favour. As soon as the two sides hit it off, the new troupe will be temporarily arranged in Yangshou Town."

"The 'Deqing Ban B\u0026B' we are going to stay in today is named after a legendary shadow puppet troupe. This troupe emerged in the countryside, but it was loved by the emperor for its unique shadow puppetry. When I heard that the emperor became famous, The Deqing class was the only one he named before his death, and he wanted to be buried together..."

"Featuring shadow puppet elements, we will restore the legendary Deqing class that was most loved by the emperor for you."

After the words were settled, the funeral team walked to an antique building. The antique door was open, and on both sides stood a shadow figure as tall as a human. Looking in from the door, you can see that this B\u0026B is built like a courtyard house, with a special "stage" in the patio.

But unlike the imagined desolation, at the door of Deqingban B\u0026B, there were actually several young people in modern clothes taking photos, and some were even live broadcasting on their mobile phones!

"My dear grandchildren, look, this is the legendary Deqing Class."

The person broadcasting the live broadcast was young, with a head of red hair that could not hide his handsomeness. He was wearing long black leather gloves and black boots, but he said he was a master, with a heroic spirit of pointing out the country: "Grandpa, I will show you today." Insight... Damn it!"

These people were all startled by the paper figures, horses, and wreaths of paper flags in front of the funeral procession. The person broadcasting the live broadcast quickly turned off his phone and apologized: "Sorry, I didn't notice you guys... Don't worry, I didn't even take the picture. What about that? Why don't you look at it and I'll buy some paper money, yellow paper wreaths or something like that? apologize?"

"No need."

Zhou Xiyang declined, and the man didn't bother much. He smiled apologetically and stepped aside to let the funeral team stay first.

The devil merchant glanced at him as he walked by, and the man smiled at him, but his smile chilled the devil merchant's heart.

The paper people and horses clearly walked in by themselves, but why didn't these people react at all?

How could ordinary people come to stay at a specially designed accommodation for the journey?

Unless - these people are not real people.

It’s an ‘inhuman’ who doesn’t know anything.

Is it because of 'them' that the Yin Army and Yin agents refuse to enter Yangshou Town?

Thinking of this devil businessman, he shuddered, and the kind smiles of those people suddenly turned sinister in his heart.

Wei Xun and Tianhu were always behind, but they didn't hear the dispute in front.

But after the funeral team all entered, Wei Xun, who was walking behind, also saw those very polite 'people' waiting by the door.

There were four people in total, roughly divided into three waves, including a man and woman who seemed to be a couple, an 'anchor', and a tall and thin backpacker with a gloomy face.

When Tianhu approached with Wei Xun on his back, the expressions of the four people suddenly changed at the same time, and they all took three big steps back!

"Look, look, grandsons, that's the true ancestor! You're lucky to see him!"

After Wei Xun and Tianhu passed by, the young and handsome anchor breathed a sigh of relief, secretly took out his mobile phone and took a photo of Yu Hehui's shadow.

"What? Why don't you take a picture of your body? Hey, you little fox grandson, can you blindly see my grandfather's body! It's been a blessing for you to see his shadow for eight hundred lifetimes!"

The tall, lanky and gloomy backpacker not far away covered his eyes. He waited until Wei Xun was far away before finally letting go of his hands. However, he still shed a lot of tears in response, and his pupils shrank suddenly, like the eyes of a snake.

"It's too glaring."

He murmured, hissing with lingering fear.

"It's actually the True Fire of Samadhi... Sure enough, the spiritual ginseng is about to grow, and all the ancestors have come out."

The couple-like man and woman were whispering: "I smell...that one looks like a sky fox, but his aura is weak. I'm afraid he suffered a lot of injuries and lost a lot of strength."

The man greedily sipped his saliva and said with a smile: "Even if you can't win the spiritual ginseng, the Tianhu inner elixir will be a great supplement."

"Not only that, have you seen that coffin? The smell inside is really alluring..."

Amidst the undercurrent, they walked into Deqingban B\u0026B. After a while, another wet black cat and dog wandered over and transformed into a teenager at the door of the B\u0026B.

"What a strong evil spirit."

Mekel frowned and sniffed carefully, thoughtfully.

"The Yin and Yin soldiers were all blocked outside Yangshou Town and were unable to enter the town. No wonder..."

As mentioned earlier, the hotel divides the tourists into two camps. On the monster side, Mekel is in the light and Augustus is in the dark. If they sabotage the funeral and take away Grandpa Zhi's 'corpse', it will be considered a success.

In this way, the Yincha Yin Army can be regarded as their help, and the success rate is not low. However, both Mekel and Augustus were working hard, resulting in no progress in the task.

Of course, the hotel has long anticipated this situation. In addition to being punished accordingly if you fail to complete the task, it has also set up characters of the corresponding camp in the attractions.

Just like the four spirits at the door, there are more spirits that 'checked in' at Deqingban B\u0026B earlier.

These monsters are not hotel NPCs, nor hotel employees. They just happened to gather in Yangshou Town on this date, and the journey time was stuck at this node.

"I'm so angry. What on earth is in this Deqingban B\u0026B?"

Mekel muttered, then his face fell.

"Oh, we still have to fight for territory."

We can no longer be passive and sabotage our work. Even if we don’t attack the passengers, we must at least develop our ‘power’. Mekel sighed and took out a bucket of paint. After thinking about it for a while, he shook the paint bucket. When he opened the lid, there was a sticky gray, black and brown paint inside, emitting a pungent smell of paint.

Mekel was so smoked that she sneezed a series of times on the spot, turned into a black cat with tears in her eyes, and jumped into the paint bucket.

After waiting for a few seconds, he jumped out again. He had turned into a tabby cat that looked very capable of fighting. With one hip and three tails whipping out, Mekel swaggered into Deqingban B\u0026B.

"Something's wrong."

After setting up the funeral procession, pushing several tables together, and carefully placing the coffin on the table, the tourists gathered in the room where the coffin was placed, with serious expressions on their faces. During the funeral process, the coffin was not allowed to fall to the ground before arriving at the funeral palace. Zhou Xiyang planned to stay in the room all night.

Originally I thought it was just to stay one night and carry the coffin to Xiaotangshan early the next morning, but now it seems that the situation is not simple.

"The name Yangshou Town definitely has a profound meaning."

Taoist Ban Ming was thoughtful and patted the restless red zombie: "There is a lot of life in this town."

"But if it's so prosperous that the Yin Cha Yin Army doesn't dare to enter, that's very incredible."

Zhou Xiyang said in a low voice and looked at Taoist Ban Ming.

"Is there some kind of fountain of life in this village?"

Augustus stretched his shoulders and carried the coffin for a day. He was not involved in all the major events, but he was overwhelmed. Now when he sees a discussion, he joins in directly, even if the discussant hates the half-life Taoist, he doesn't mind.

"That's a good thing. I got a bottle of golden lamb's milk in the Greek labyrinth before, and it has a lot of vitality. I threw a seed in, and the seed actually sprouted-"

"Too perverted."

Taoist Ban Ming was heartbroken and whispered beside Zhou Xiyang: "Let the lamb produce milk, tsk tsk."

Augustus:? ? ?

“This is not the West, there is no golden lamb, there is no fountain of life.”

Before Augustus could react, Zhou Xiyang changed the subject: "We in the East have Eastern characteristics."

With so many spirits gathered together, what could be the source of the powerful vitality?

* *

"Spiritual ginseng becomes essence?"

On the other side, Wei Xun and Yu Hehui walked towards the room where the tour guides rested.

"Yes, I smell a strong ginseng smell."

Yu Hehuidao, however, was deep in thought, as if thinking about something. Wei Xun did not disturb him, but turned back to look at the devil merchant. This time the devil merchant arrived slowly. Wei Xun waited for a quarter of an hour before he saw the shadow of the devil merchant.

The devil businessman was absent-minded and turned pale. Just now, the little girl-like illusion appeared again! She fell asleep in pain and was about to wake up. The devil merchant fell into the situation of being gentle and reluctant to wake her up. Black Widow didn't wake him up this time. By the time the Devil Merchant woke up on his own, ten minutes had passed!

This really bothered him.

"Xiao Cui, you said this time -"

The devil merchant turned around and floated next to the white fox. He was about to say hello when he saw a strange spotted red bird wearing a mask, a human face, and a tentacle tail flying down next to Xiao Cui.

The moment he saw the red bird disappear beside Xiaocui, the devil merchant's scalp was numb and his heart was beating wildly!

What is this stuff? ! Did Xiaocui also have a hallucination? !

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