Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 185 Nutrient solution 420,000 plus more

At Xizhimen, the two sides were in a stalemate. Bai Wuchang made it very clear that all tour guides and tourists can leave the city, and they will not stop them at all. But the underworld will not tolerate the funeral of paper figures. This is also the rule of the underworld!

This was to give Nezha Ling face, and it also gave him no reason to take action.

"It seems you are determined to make me angry!"

But others may be reasonable, but Nezha Ling is not! Wei Xun had just helped him get rid of his serious problem, and Nezha Ling saw in Wei Xun's consciousness that the brother he had in mind was not what he looked like. Under the circumstances, Nezha Ling wanted to perform well and cheer up his brother, but Bai Wuchang could not hold on to his words.

Nezha Ling took a step forward aggressively without looking back: "Follow me."

It's obviously just a red ball, but it looks full of evil energy. Flames ignited on his body, the burning Yin energy roared, and the hot wind swept away, forcing the Yin army to take half a step back.

"I'm leaving the city today, who dares to stop me?!"

"The situation is a little bad."

Taoist Ban Ming, who was walking at the front as Mr. Yin and Yang, retreated to Zhou Xiyang's side, feeling a little headache.

"We can't let Nezha Lingzhen fight with the Yin Army."

Zhou Xiyang lowered his voice and said solemnly: "Otherwise Emperor Dongyue might come out."

The gap in strength between Nezha Ling and the Yin Bing Yin Army was like crushing. Before, all the passengers thought was that Nezha Ling would come out to intimidate the Yin soldiers, so they quickly evacuated from the Eight-Armed Nezha City. But who would have thought that Liu Yin led the Yin army to block the door, and Nezha Ling was also stimulated to have real fire.

"All the undead souls in Leigu Alley were saved... I'm afraid this is also the reason."

There are too many undead and negative emotions accumulated in the Eight-Armed Nezha City. If the courtyard is still there, there must be a few shady people trapped there. But now that all negative emotions have been cleared away and the souls of the dead have been saved, tourists have received nearly full value rewards at this attraction.

But the intersection between the Eight-Armed Nezha City and the underworld has been eliminated, but it has also indirectly liberated the underworld.

The journey is like this. The more successfully you complete the last attraction, the more the hotel will feel that you have not reached your limit and failed to exert your full strength. The difficulty of the next attraction will soar.

For an immortal group like them, it will only get harder and harder.

"I have no choice but to fight. Feed Team Zhou for a while and then you can make the sunset shine brightly."

As long as Nezha Ling takes action, Emperor Dongyue may descend on Yin Chai and restrain Nezha Ling. They need to deal with those Yin soldiers and Yin soldiers.

However, if Nezha Ling does not take action, Emperor Dongyue will not appear. These are all chain reactions.

"It's still up to you."

Zhou Xiyang lowered his voice and said, "San Mao Zhenjun."

Ban Ming Dao's face was a little green, and he muttered distressedly: "My token can only last half an hour."

Infinite Heavenly Lord, his three mao tokens are still damaged. On weekdays, I carefully cultivate it and don’t dare to use it too much. Who knew that this time I would use it to death!

The donkey who pulls the mill is not as diligent as his half-lived Taoist priest!

Not only Zhou Xiyang and Taoist Ban Ming, but except for October 10th and Augustus who carried the coffin, and Mia who led the team who couldn't take action, the other passengers were also ready for battle. Because in just a few seconds, Nezha Ling had already approached Yin Chai.

The underhanded villains had to take action!

Bull heads and horse faces, black and white, are arranged on the left and right, protecting the gold and silver generals. I saw General Silver Lock holding the token in his hand, and his body suddenly glowed with majestic golden light! Before the divine power arrived, he first sacrificed his token and issued an ultimatum to Nezha Ling.

"We are following the orders of Emperor Dongyue——"

"God should do the work for the true king!"

The half-life Taoist held the token in his hand, stepped forward solemnly, and asked directly without distinction, "The Yin time has not yet come, why did all the Yin soldiers lead thousands of Yin soldiers to break through the Yin gate and come out to the world? Break the rules and let the Yin Qi surge and all the ghosts become restless?"

Although Lord Sanmao doesn't care about the Yin soldiers, he still comes to control hundreds of ghosts and suppress the gate of the Yin Palace. This is what Taoist Taoist Ban Ming points to!

He was like a stick thrusting in, causing Nezha Ling and Yin Zai, who were about to fight, to be stunned.

"The sun has not set and the Yu Yuan has not opened. The underworld must not interfere with the Yang world."

At the same time, Zhou Xiyang also took a step forward, his eyes were red, and he had gained momentum, but the pressure was still not enough - after all, even in the autumn of late September, it was only 4:30 in the afternoon, which was far from sunset, and not yet. When he can borrow some strength.

But this just proves that it is even more inappropriate for the Yin Army to come to the world before dusk!

‘They are all mythical figures? ’

Over there, Zhou Xiyang and the others showed off their special abilities, while over here, Wei Xun and the Devil Merchant watched the fun with great interest. It's just that the devil businessman is blind and thinking about it on his own, but Wei Xun has Yu Hehui and Dream Chaser explaining it in a small way.

‘Yes, Nezha Ling, Lord Sanmao, Emperor Dongyue, Sunset Yuyuan, to be honest, they are all characters in mythology. ’

The dream chaser reminded: ‘To be precise, it is an Eastern myth. ’

‘If Taoist Half Life can collect all the tokens, it will be an orange title. In the same way, Team Zhou’s Sunset Yu Yuan and Team Qi’s Three-legged Golden Crow are essentially orange titles. ’

Yu Hehui said: "I was selected by Grandma Hu Santa when I was a child. After entering the hotel, I merged with Mrs. Hu Santa, but it was only after I went to Qingqiu and found the Fox Fairy Cave that I got the orange title."

‘But the orange title also has strong and weak points’

Dream Chaser knew more about this aspect. He smiled and said: 'I said Wang Pengpai's orange title 'Old Driver' is more practical than most mythical titles. Do you believe it? ’

‘Is it because most journeys to the 30th North Latitude require the use of transportation? ’

Wei Xun's mind was spinning very quickly. Dream Chaser used the strength and weakness of the orange title as an example. Obviously, he was talking about more than just extremely dangerous journeys.

The journey that even the orange title is not enough is of course the highest level of unsolvable journey, the Thirty Degrees North Latitude!

'You can say that. ’

The dream chaser smiled, but also sighed: "Another point is that except for your tomb of the Tusi King, all other journeys to the 30th degree north latitude were not within our country." ’

‘Although mythological titles are good, they are mostly limited to one place, such as Sanmaojun, Yuyuan, Tianhu, etc., which are all myths of our East. If you want to get a mythical title through Nezha Ling, this is also the case.

‘A single-district title has its own limitations. ’

Wei Xun was keenly aware.

'Yes, of course, if you've been in the East End, the East End Native Myth title works super well. ’

Dream Chaser gave an example: "You see, Taoist Half Life's San Maojun doesn't even have a token, so he can't be called an orange title, but he can still deter ghosts."

If it were the title of a West End mythological figure, the underworld would not recognize it at all.

'But this involves a problem. ’

The dream chaser said: 'The three-legged Golden Crow is the sun, and Apollo is the sun god. Who is stronger between them? ’


The devil merchant suddenly took a breath of air. It turned out that while they were talking, Nezha Ling took action against Yin Chai! As if the stalemate had lasted so long, General Yinsuo, who was holding Dongyue Emperor's Order, couldn't bear it any longer. His divine light swept across, and he directly attacked Taoist Taoist Half Life, trying to cut off the divine light on his token!

The divine light has been cut, and the token is basically useless. But what kind of character is Taoist Ban Ming? He deliberately stood very close to Nezha Ling as soon as he came out. As soon as the sense of crisis came out of his heart, he didn't have any shame in it, and rolled like a lazy ass behind Nezha Ling!

The divine light flying straight towards him looked like it was shooting towards Nezha Ling!

"Be bold!"

Nezha Ling was waiting for this opportunity! He was furious, and his red ball-like appearance suddenly transformed into a young man with black eyebrows, red lips and white teeth! He suddenly jumped into the air, stretched out his hand, and shouted sternly:

"Huntian Ling!"

The brigade was walking through Xizhimen, and the weapon held by Nezha Ling's second hand from top to bottom was Hun Tian Ling!

Wei Xun held his breath and stared intently at the sky. He heard a loud roar, the earth shook, thick clouds rolled in the sky, and birds flew around. Channels of red light burst out from behind Nezha Ling and fell into the Eight-Armed Nezha City.

Inside and outside the Forbidden City, the historic zigzag red palace wall looked like a long folded piece of cloth, or like a dormant red dragon. Attracted by Nezha Ling, it suddenly rose into the air and was held by Nezha Ling with one hand. on the shoulders. For a time, the sky was filled with rays of light, and the dark clouds were dyed golden and red, which was divine and glorious!

"Brother, watch carefully!"

In mid-air, Nezha Ling laughed heartily and happily: "This is my brother's Huntian Ling!"

He held the Hundian Ling in his hand and whipped it down. It rustled like a long whip and dispersed the Yin army with one whip!

"Hahahaha, so happy, so happy!"

"Nezha Ling used Huntian Ling, it's time for Emperor Dongyue to descend from the gods."

Yu Hehui is not optimistic: "The time is coming."

It's already 4:25 now, and it will be 4:30 in five minutes! Nezha Ling can only use Huntian Ling, but cannot suppress Dongyue Emperor and the Yin Chai Yin Army. When the time comes, they will have to delay.

If you can't leave the city on time, you won't be able to arrive at the designated temporary resting point tonight on time, and you will eventually be in danger.

Zhou Xiyang and the others also knew that the situation was dangerous. They took advantage of Nezha Ling to disperse the Yin army and rushed out of the city with the funeral team. Passengers were guarded in all directions, but the queue was too long to take care of them all. As long as the coffin is okay, the other paper figures can't care about it.

At one time, there were hundreds of paper figures seduced by the Yin army, and their Yin energy and ghost energy surged into the sky.

This was a time delaying strategy, and the token in General Silver Lock's hand was shining with divine light, but the divine power had not yet arrived - after all, the Yin Cha Yin Army had blocked Nezha Ling's city gate, which was somewhat unreasonable. But looking at how bright this divine light is, if Nezha Ling takes action again, Emperor Dongyue will definitely come.

Rationally speaking, it is of course best for Nezha Ling to stop now. However, Nezha Ling saw that the Yin Army dared to take action, as if he despised him, so he was furious!


Huntian Ling jumped up and drew again. General Silver Lock did not dodge, he flew up, raised the token in his hand and frowned angrily, intending to collide with Huntian Ling!

But at this moment, a dark shadow rushed out very quickly, rushing in front of General Silver Lock and blocking the way between Hun Tianling and the Yin Army Yin Cha!

When Nezha Ling pulled out Huntian Ling, Wei Xun was fascinated. He was deeply fascinated by the scene where the vermilion palace walls turned into Hundian Ling, and the mythical story combined with the reality before his eyes. But Zhong Wei Xun remained calm. He found that his "legendary" mission had not changed at all after seeing Nezha Ling pull out Hun Tian Ling.

Is it because the contact is not enough or the level is not enough. That's right, if just one look at Huntian Ling can give her the title of Mythical Orange, then all the passengers present will probably have it.

How can we have deeper contact?

This opportunity cannot be missed, without the Eight-Armed Nezha City, the Nezha Spirit may not be able to pull out the city wall and turn into Huntian Ling as it does today!

Wei Xun made a decision in the blink of an eye. When Nezha Ling whipped him for the second time, he suddenly opened his demon wings and stood between Nezha Ling and the Yin army!

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