Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 184 Beijing Suburban Funeral Palace (24)

"Is it me?"

The man whose face was covered by Yu Hehui opened his mouth to speak, but the voice that came out was Nezha Ling's, which was particularly discordant. Nezha Ling was a little surprised and a little sour: "So the brother in my brother's mind is-"

"Not you!"

Yu Hehui supported Wei Xun with one hand and covered the man's face with the other hand. He had no extra hands. In a hurry, he rushed forward and blocked Nezha Ling's mouth, lowering his voice to almost a breath: "Choose the one next to you and eliminate this one, hurry up, don't talk."

"Humph, you little fox, how dare you talk to me in this tone."

Nezha Ling muttered unhappily, although he said so, he still eliminated this incarnation.

"If it weren't for my brother, I would have sent you to Yuquan Mountain to fish for dragons long ago."

"The Third Prince is very generous."

Seeing this incarnation disappear, Yu Hehui finally breathed a sigh of relief. He smiled apologetically at Nezha Ling while brainstorming.

The live broadcast room was blocked. Nezha Ling's position just now, facing forward and backward - all the information went around in Yu Hehui's mind.

Wei Xun was facing the Leigu Hutong, and both of Nezha Ling's incarnations were facing him. Other tourists and guides could only see the backs of the incarnations.

What Nezha Ling said just now might be heard by others, but a single sentence is nothing.

The problem is -

Yu Hehui looked at the shadow of the little dragon with shining scales in the hood of Wei Xun's cloak.

"Xiao Cui is in a bad condition, please help him wake up first, Third Prince."

Retracting his gaze, Yu Hehui said solemnly. He made way and watched Nezha Ling step forward, holding the phoenix feather with Wei Xun, and imitating An Xuefeng's aura. Nezha Ling's incarnation was indistinguishable from the real thing. Phoenix feathers were originally fire, and Nezha Ling was also good at fire. The two complemented each other. As long as he didn't speak, no one could detect the abnormality.

Zhou Xiyang, who was always worried about Bing 250's situation and looked at them frequently, almost bit off his tongue!

This back view, this, this familiar feeling——

"Hahaha, hahaha, ha!"

Zhou Xiyang was shocked, and under the violent fluctuations of emotions, he was affected by the remaining joy, and he burst into laughter.

"Oh, I know you are happy."

The Taoist of Half Life also looked over there and shook his head. Although the Taoist of Half Life had never contacted the tour guide, he had been the deputy group leader of Laoshan for so many years. He had never eaten pork, but had he never seen pigs run. Of course, he saw that Bing 250's mental state was different, and he was now doing emergency mental relief.

"Even if you are happy, you have to be happy secretly." The Taoist of Half Life still thought that Zhou Xiyang was really happy, and whispered earnestly: "You... made it like this, you guys, you should pay more attention."

It stands to reason that Zhou Xiyang of the Sunset Brigade is here now, and Bing 250 has also relieved Zhou Xiyang's mental problems before. After the incident, according to the principle of proximity, he should be found. At worst, Bing Erwuling still has Yu Hehui from Guitu by his side.

But Yu Hehui still made Nezha Ling turn into An Xuefeng's appearance and imitate his breath.

What does this mean?

This means that Bing Erwuling is definitely addicted to An Xuefeng! Judging from this posture, it may not be light.

Guitu is really brave. Thinking that Bing Erwuling is a blood relative of Ximingren, Banming Taoist is simply scalp tingling.

"Haha, get out, go and guide the undead, the last quarter of an hour, must be solved, haha!"

Zhou Xiyang stared at Banming Taoist unkindly and laughed harshly.

"Hey, your attitude is so bad."

Banming Taoist muttered.

A quarter of an hour? It's funny, it would take less than five minutes to deal with all these undeads, and a quarter of an hour is just to delay time.

What is this for? Isn't it for Bing Erwuling's mental relief.

The attitude of asking people to do things is still so bad.

The Taoist of Half Life went about his business with a groan, complaining in his heart. I have never seen Zhou Xiyang indulge his emotions like this before. It is not that he has not used the title before, but the tourists without a tour guide will naturally draw a line for themselves, and they cannot really act recklessly, otherwise they will have a mental breakdown and turn black and there is no way to save them.

Zhou Xiyang has always been on edge, and he will forcefully suppress his emotions and restrain himself every time. But now he is obviously a little relaxed.

Tourists with tour guides are amazing!

The Taoist of Half Life expressed contempt.

Yu Hehui moved his ears and caught their conversation. Fifteen minutes, the time should be... enough.

Yu Hehui looked at Wei Xun worriedly, and saw that his breathing gradually calmed down, and his eyes that were originally open but lifeless slowly closed, and Yu Hehui finally relaxed a little.

"I didn't mean to look at it, you know, not exploring the true identity is also the rule of our tour guides."

The dream chaser took this opportunity to express his feelings, a little distressed.

After all, the tour guides in the real world are all weak and sick, and they may die at any time. Even if the hotel can extend the guide's death countdown, the price the guide needs to pay to completely cure the disease is thousands of times that of the tourists.

Just like the hotel will not let tourists realize their dreams at will, it is impossible for the tour guide to cure his disease easily.

And the hotel has corresponding restrictions. Those powerful titles and means, even props, cannot be used on ordinary people and cannot disrupt the order of the normal world.

Therefore, if the tour guide's real identity is exposed, someone will hire an ordinary killer or mercenary, and it is very likely that the tour guide will be killed in the real world! Or the guide's parents and relatives will be captured and forced, etc.

For example, some middle- and low-level tour guides deliberately expose their true identities and are favored by wealthy tourists in the real world. In the eyes of big tour guides, they are just like seeking death.

"The situation at Bing250 is too strange."

The dream chaser said frankly: "I didn't expect it."

Normally, when Bing250 was mentally damaged, he would only be thinking of An Xuefeng. Nezha Ling transformed into An Xuefeng's figure, which also showed that the speculation was correct. Even some snow leopards, white wolves, orcas are normal.

However, the other blurry figures that Nezha Ling transformed into made the dream chaser couldn't help but pay attention. This is not right, it is actually an abnormal situation.

‘Bing 250 only thinks about team security at the moment. ’

The dream chaser sent a message to Yu Hehui with a serious tone: 'If those vague figures are not what he thought, then it is very likely that someone has 'branded' them in Bing250's consciousness.'

By coincidence, Nezha Ling's transformation was revealed.

Dream Chaser is an expert in dreams, and he also has considerable in-depth research on consciousness. Especially those portraits with vague faces are more in line with his guess, and Dream Chaser is immediately attracted to them. His first suspicion was the Black Widow. She was most likely secretly targeting Bing250.

But what the dream chasers didn't expect was that Nezha Ling would immediately transform into a person with the same clear appearance as An Xuefeng!

'This is not normal and it shouldn't be. ’

The dreamer hesitated to speak, but in the end it was just a reminder. After all, the relationship between Bing250 and him was not intimate, and there might be some secrets that Bing250 didn't want him to know.

Except for some issues of principle, the Dream Chaser is not the kind of person who wants to find out everything. He will thoughtfully leave private space for those he cares about. Who is Bing250’s true identity in reality and who is his brother? The dream chaser did not indulge his curiosity.

'If you know that person, be more careful. ’

If that person is also selected by the hotel, then be even more careful.

What can leave a spiritual imprint as strong as the bond between tour guide and tourist? Is it a mental influence or some deeper issue? The most important thing is the relationship between Bing250 and Mingxiren.

Those who play with fate control fate and play with fate.

Past experiences have made dreamers wary and fearful of life-seeking people. This person plays with the rules and is unpredictable. One moment he was chatting amiably, but the next moment he could change fate with a snap of his fingers and turn people into pigs and dogs.

An Xuefeng is powerful because even if you anticipate his choices and make various preparations in advance, he can still move forward and win the final victory through overwhelming odds. This is absolutely powerful.

The Life-haunting Man is also very strong, but his actions are irregular and unpredictable. You cannot find out where his limit is. Every time he returns to zero near death, he can finally reverse the situation.

Such people are the most terrifying.

The hotel is more cruel than reality. The most trustworthy thing is family affection and friendship, and the least trustworthy thing is family affection and friendship.

‘Hehui, do you still remember how you died? ’

Dream Chaser believes that Yu Hehui can understand his reminder.

Yu Hehui didn't look at the dream chaser. He looked at Wei Xun, who seemed to be sleeping peacefully, with mixed emotions. Yu Hehui couldn't help but think of the face that Nezha Ling had transformed into just now. Compared with Wei Xun's original appearance, the facial features and face shape were similar but not similar.

Regardless of thinking about Wei Xun, just looking at this face, Yu Hehui felt strange and had no impression of him. This kind of strangeness is very inconsistent, completely blank.

This shows that he sealed part of the memory himself.

The dream chaser's words echoed in Yu Hehui's mind. He thought about it and found that his impression of previous deaths was also blank.

This is the memory that Yu and Huicai sealed after their resurrection.

Sighing silently, Yu Hehui held Wei Xun's hand, and the hot temperature suddenly hit him, as if he was declaring sovereignty. But Yu Hehui did not let go, letting the scorching heat scorch his hand. Only by feeling this heat and Captain An's strong momentum and strength could Yu Hehui relax a little.

It was a blind trust, an absolute trust in An Xuefeng.

Team An is omnipotent, and as long as he cares and is here, Wei Xun will definitely be fine.

* *

On the way home, An Xuefeng stayed in the study. He seemed to have just taken a shower, his hair was wet, and the moisture softened the seriousness between his brows and eyes. At this moment, he was sitting at his desk, holding a phoenix feather in his left hand and flipping through documents with his right hand. The corners of the document are slightly curled, obviously caused by frequent flipping.

When Nezha Ling imitated his breath and activated Feng Yu, An Xuefeng reacted. But he acquiesced and even plucked out the corresponding flight feather on the other wing.

The corresponding feathers on the left and right wings of the phoenix bird have a subtle connection with each other. This is why he gave Bing250 feathers.

The blazing pure feathers are entangled with the cold and greedy devil's energy. The devil slyly entangles itself in every feather, robbing all the heat. His movements are extremely rough, like a little monster that has been hungry for hundreds of years and is very protective of its food. An Xuefeng turned against him at the slightest intention of withdrawing his feathers, and the demonic energy came over without hesitation.

But the little monster is also heartwarming. He is completely defenseless against the blazing heat that can destroy him. After roasting his tail and roasting his belly, he puts himself completely in the scorching heat with attachment and intimacy, and even excessively grabs more heat than he can bear.

It's like pursuing injury, but knowing that the other person will not hurt him.

This made An Xuefeng sigh, and finally put down the documents and concentrated on adjusting the heat, trying to satisfy the greedy and picky little monster.

The mental injury was almost healed, but the little monster was still entangled with the feather and refused to leave, greedy for the scorching temperature. An Xuefeng thought for a moment and knew that the other party had too much Yin Qi in his body and lacked Yang Qi.

The mental pollution he absorbed came from the negative emotions of the undead, so it must be heavy with Yin Qi.

"It's time to learn a lesson."

Although he said so, An Xuefeng hesitated for a moment, scratched his fingertips with his nails, and dripped a drop of blood on them. The blood fell on the phoenix feather and instantly vaporized.


The surging hot wind suddenly rose, blowing the documents rustling, and the wooden desk surface was directly ignited with a layer of flames, but it was wiped out by An Xuefeng, leaving only a scorch mark. The hottest temperature condensed on the phoenix feather, and the demonic power that was still playing tricks on the phoenix feather and refused to leave was blown away directly, as if the little monster was panicking and wanted to entangle the feather, but was overturned and filled with hot wind.

An Xuefeng curved the corners of his lips, with a smile in his eyes. When the demonic power on the phoenix feather was gone, he finally looked away, put away the feather, and tidied up the desktop that was messed up by the hot wind.

The document was also blown to the corner of the table, and An Xuefeng took it back. The originally closed page was blown open by the wind, revealing a photo of a man wearing gold-rimmed glasses and a faint smile. This is a file.

[Name: Wei Xuechen]

[Gender: Male]

* *

"Is there any water?"

Wei Xun's mouth was dry. The first thing he did after he put away the demon wings and woke up was to find water. The dream was not real. He just felt like he was frozen into an ice cube, his bones were frozen, and he didn't hesitate to stick to it when he felt the familiar heat.

But even if he was so cold, drinking "magma" was still too much. Wei Xun touched his neck, and his throat seemed to still be burning hot. That drop of blood was as hot as magma.

So this is what drinking magma feels like.

Wei Xun exhaled a breath of hot air and squinted comfortably.

He wanted to try again.

"You're awake!"

Yu Hehui was very excited and immediately took out the thermos cup and unscrewed it for Wei Xun. After drinking a cup of magic honey water, Wei Xun recovered. But the heat had not yet dissipated and filled his whole body. Wei Xun was like a snake that had been basking in the sun. He was so hot and lazy that he spoke in a long voice.


Wei Xun saw Nezha Ling holding his hand at a glance.


Seeing Wei Xun wake up, Nezha Ling stopped consuming energy on the spot and returned to his original form. Hearing this brother, Nezha Ling felt happy and his little uneasiness was gone - his younger brother still recognized him as his brother!

"Brother is really great."

Nezha Ling said generously: "This time, my younger brother helped me a lot. Just tell me if you want anything!"

The rewards for the two commissioned tasks were shabby even if added together. Nezha Ling was too lazy to mention it and directly asked Wei Xun to ask for something.

"What's the situation now?"

Wei Xun was not in a hurry. Anyway, Nezha Ling would not regret his promise, so he could think about it slowly.

"We will soon complete the Leigu Hutong scenic spot. Zhou Xiyang, Banming Daoren and Bai Xiaotian are seriously affected by mental pollution..."

Yu Hehui told Wei Xun the general situation, and secretly used his voice to change Nezha's spirit into various virtual images, and finally changed into a cold man with a similar appearance to Wei Xun, and the dream chaser also told him what he saw.

"I know."

Wei Xun nodded casually, without any change in his mood and tone, which made Yu Hehui unsure of what he was thinking.

Let the dream chaser Xiaolong hide under his cloak again, Wei Xun raised the SAN value back to 50 points, and then took Yu Hehui to the devil businessman and others. Banming Daoren and others who were originally dawdling noticed the arrival of Bing 250, and they all shuddered. They didn't know what they were feeling, but their hands moved faster, and they all looked very hardworking.

"How do you feel?"

The devil businessman has adjusted his mood and treated Xiao Cui as usual, asking with concern:

"It's pretty good, but the hotel is too stingy."

Wei Xun said disdainfully: "If I were a tourist, I would definitely get 10,000 points as a reward."

The hotel is really stingy. Wei Xun completed the commission of Nezha Ling, and there was only a reward from Nezha Ling. The hotel didn't even give a penny!

When Wei Xun was in the beautiful Xiangxi before, there was at least a new scenic spot opened up. Killing a corpse flying fox could get some rewards, and there was a full 100 points of bonus for completing half of it-

Fuck, it's so funny, the bonus is only 100 points, how stingy the hotel is to the tour guide.

"No wonder the people above are forming an alliance."

Wei Xun sighed.

How long was he unconscious just now? About ten minutes, and another 250,000 points and a large amount of insect eggs, pollen, poison scale powder and other items arrived.

Yin Yang Butterfly took out the savings at the bottom of the box and directly krypton a senior councilor.

Fortunately, we organized a mutual aid meeting before departure.

Wei Xun sighed: "I think the higher the level of the tour guide, the less extra income."

The third level of extreme danger is a real "pure play group", there is not even a shopping spot, how can the tour guide make money!

If he relies on the hotel to pay, he will starve to death. However, although he did not get any points, he did get some rewards in other aspects.

[Ding, you triggered the title task! ]

I don't know when this hotel prompt appeared, maybe when he was mentally ill and crazy, anyway, Wei Xun noticed it after he woke up.

[Task name: Legend]

[Task introduction: You have completed a difficult commission related to the folklore of the East District "Sweet Water and Bitter Water"! And successfully established a good relationship with the mythical character Nezha Ling! Please continue to explore, it seems that you really have the luck and talent to explore the secrets of the legend! 】

[Task reward: legendary purple title/exploration purple title]

[Task progress: 30%]

[Task prompt: I heard, I saw, I experienced - let’s explore more legends! 】

[Note: This title mission has tendencies, please choose carefully! 】

"Indeed it is."

The Devil Merchant agreed. He is also a knowledgeable person: "In the league I am in, most of the gold-level tour guides earn only wages after completing a journey."

Gold-level tour guides have passed the group leader assessment and will have certain rights of independent choice in leading groups. Most of the tour guides in the Western District are 'mercenaries', unlike the Butchers' Alliance and the Shepherds' Alliance, which are located in hidden locations. Instead, there is an information desk in the virtual lobby above board.

Tourist groups can go to the Tour Guide Alliance, which recommends tour guides to them upon request. Every time a deal is reached, the alliance will draw a certain commission. If the tour guide is selected more frequently and has a higher survival rate, he will be used as a signboard and given corresponding bonuses.

"That's interesting."

Wei Xun was very interested after hearing this. The ecology of tour guides and tourists in the east and west districts was quite different. On the other side, he told Yu Hehui about his new title mission.

‘Related to East End folklore – there are quite a few opportunities like this. For example, Wong Tai Sin Temple, Tianhu Temple, Green Snake and White Snake can be counted, but you can't just look for them. ’

Yu Hehui analyzed: "The note prompt is 'I heard, I saw, I experienced.' From the 'hearing' point of view, it should be the hotel giving relevant folklore for you to find." If you find it, it counts as ‘I saw it.’ If you complete the commissioned task like this time, it counts as ‘I experienced it.’”

‘If you find more, you should have the purple title of exploration, if you complete more, you should have the purple title of legend. ’

‘I have no shortage of purple exploration titles’

Wei Xun said that he still has a "Treasure Hunter Series Title Quest". As long as he takes more risks, he will not worry about not getting the purple title.

‘But…I am not lacking in the purple title. ’

Wei Xun uttered wild words!

It's obvious that he doesn't even have a serious purple title that can be used as a code name, but he said such words. Anyone who listens to it will probably have to advise him to play slow and cautious, and be careful if he takes too big a step and hurt his eggs. But Yu Hehui understood Wei Xun's meaning.

‘This legendary mission is probably the prerequisite mission for the orange title’

Yu Hehui calmly said: ‘Myth’

The mythical character Nezha Ling is involved, how could it just be a purple title! To be honest, has Wei Xun really completed his mission to find sweet water? No. But Nezha Ling said he had completed it, so he had completed it, and thus activated the title mission.

Judging from this, Nezha Ling’s priority is definitely higher than this ‘legendary’ mission!

Others may not be able to tell, but veteran travelers like Yu Hehui hit the nail on the head. Otherwise, why would the hotel specifically mention that they have successfully established a good relationship with the mythical character Nezha Ling! 'This sentence?

To sum up, this clearly implies that the importance of Nezha Ling is much higher than this ‘legendary’ title task.

‘This is the tenth year, and the year-end celebration is different from previous years. ’

Yu Hehui reminded: ‘If you plan to go... you’d better have an orange title’

Logically speaking, Wei Xun should pursue the purple title first. But to be honest, the purple title is not ranked at all in this year's year-end celebration.

Currently, there are two missions where Wei Xun has a chance to obtain the orange title, but the 'Dominator' series missions require observing a lot of resentment and progress is slow. The "Treasure Hunter" series of missions are now stuck in Adventurer. The number of adventures per day is limited and cannot be advanced quickly.

It can be said that Nezha Ling is just right!

But when Wei Xun asked Yu Hehui what was special about this year's end-of-year celebration, Yu Hehui couldn't tell. His memory in this regard was fuzzy and he couldn't recall it.

"The West District has few people and cannot withstand such a fight."

While Wei Xun was talking to Yu Hehui, he was also chatting with the devil merchant.

The struggle in the East District is fierce, more like a cruel cultivation of poison. I heard that the number of new tourist guides entering the hotel every year in the East District far exceeds that in the West District. I don't know if this is true.

“If Director Cui is willing to come to the West District to lead a group, no matter which league he joins, he will definitely be the main attraction.

A gentle female voice sounded, and Mia smiled gently at Wei Xun.

The third level is extremely dangerous, and no one has died so far. I have cleared two attractions with the optimal solution, and I have also gained a relationship with Nezha Ling - which traveler doesn't dream of having a tour guide like this!

Mia said this in front of the devil businessman, but the devil businessman didn't feel anything at all. His ambition is not to join the alliance as a sign.

But some people can't stand it anymore.

"Shut up, you idiot. If you can't speak, don't beep."

No one expected that it would be Yun Lianghan who attacked Mia! He didn't look at Wei Xun, but just stared at Mia with an evil look in his eyes: "Our tour guide, go to the fucking West District, you are daydreaming!"

"Hoar—shit, how dare you yell at her again?"

The white werewolf Orion stood directly in front of Mia and roared fiercely at Yun Lianghan. Yun Lianghan was not a good person either, a cold light flashed in his eyes just as he was about to take action.

But a ray of holy light came, causing the shadow he was about to attack to shrink back.

"Stop it!"

Zhou Xiyang also noticed the chaos here and directly intervened violently. But O'Lean and Yun Lianghan, who were each beaten by Zhou Xiyang, were obviously not convinced yet.

"Why did you stop me just now?"

Yun Lianghan growled angrily at Yun Tianhe, his face full of suspicion: "If it weren't for you, I would have succeeded."

"Why do you want to stop Director Cui from going to the West District?"

Good guy, Yun Tianhe's face was more serious than Yun Lianghan's, and he sternly accused: "Are you trying to hinder his development?"

"Yun Lianghan, I'm warning you, if you have the slightest idea of ​​hindering Director Cui, I won't hold back on you!"

Ah this...

Yun Lianghan was furious but was confused by Yun Tianhe.

Is not allowing Bing250 to go to the West District to hinder his development? What is the logic?

Yun Lianghan subconsciously wanted to see Bing 250's attitude, but he turned his head halfway and froze, so he didn't dare to look.

Yun Lianghan's strength as a tourist is not top-notch, but he is considered high in the butcher alliance. He had never met the Ming Xiren, but he had heard Yin Yang Die say it several times. Yun Lianghan's astonishing strength and cruel and ruthless methods left a deep impression on Yun Lianghan, making him shudder when he thought about it.

In Bing250's alienated state, he detonated emotional bombs to purify mental pollution monsters, and the half-life Taoist shouted something like "life-loving man". Yun Lianghan was always at the end, but he didn't actually hear or understand clearly. .

But he couldn't bear to have Yuntianhe buzzing in his ears all the time!

Yun Lianghan actually didn't believe it, but when he thought about it a little deeper, he felt confused. Master Xie Ming is so terrifying, anyone who dares to have a relationship with him... must really have some connections.

Otherwise, how dare you!

This made Yun Lianghan so entangled that he subconsciously did not dare to look at Bing250 again. Before, Bing250 was fine at a distance, but now that he was approaching, Yun Lianghan was dodging and feeling uncomfortable.

"Okay, speed it up for me."

Bing250 was ready, Zhou Xiyang stopped delaying and shouted directly: "We will leave in two minutes. We will leave the city before 4:30 this afternoon."

"Lianghan, I'm sorry. I had a bad attitude just now."

Yun Lianghan absentmindedly stuffed the undead into the paper sticks, while he pricked his ears and listened to every move on Bing250's side. All I can think about is: If Bing250 came to me, would I believe it? Kneel or not?

I deserved it for attacking him before, but I can't be entirely blamed for this. I was only following Lord Yin-Yang Butterfly's orders. Alas, why would Lord Yin Yang Die send me to kill Bing 250?

Yun Lianghan had already imagined the scene where Lord Yin Yang Die brutally killed him, and his heart was filled with desolation and grief. Now Yun Tianhe apologized to him, but Yun Lianghan was completely too lazy to pay attention to him.

But Yun Tianhe was really good-tempered at the moment. Regardless of Yun Lianghan's cold face, he sincerely reflected: "I know that you have your own stand and your own bias when it comes to treating Director Cui. This is not wrong, but the pattern is too Smaller.”

Yun Tianhe originally apologized, but as he spoke, he seemed to be talking to himself: "Director Cui should not belong to a certain brigade, a certain alliance or a certain district. He is the greatest shepherd. It is the salvation of all travelers.”

"No matter the East District or the West District, regardless of skin color or race, when Cui Dao becomes the supreme leader and only Cui Dao's voice is heard in the entire hotel, tourists and tour guides will truly reconcile, and every passenger's face will eventually show smile."

"Fucking retarded."

Yun Lianghan's self-pity was completely interrupted. He glanced at Yun Tianhe with disdain, walked to the end of the line, and then boarded the white paper car and sat down.

As if he didn't know what Yun Tianhe was thinking?

Ha, their Butcher Alliance has almost poached the Shepherd Alliance. Why, this crazy sheep is so courageous and dares to poach them?

Master Yin Yang Butterfly can kill him with just one finger!

Master Bing250 has indeed not slaughtered the team, not even a single person has died... So what, this is all because of the task of leading the team. If too many passengers die, wouldn’t the mission of leading the team fail?

Bing250-sama will never fail!

Furthermore, look at what he did just now. If Lord Bing250 wanted to massacre the team, could he still succeed?


The real butcher is like this, turning his hands into clouds and rain, and controlling everyone's life and death!

Yun Lianghan thought deeply.

Zhou Xiyang has a good sense of time. Two minutes means two minutes. Two minutes later, there were no more undead in the entire Leigu Hutong, and the gloomy haze that seemed to be shrouded in a layer of mist disappeared.

[Hey, the first attraction project is completed! 】


The street door shook, and the wooden door panel fell down. The courtyard where they stayed for one night rapidly aged, decayed, and finally dissipated, as if it had never existed. The cold wind of autumn blows away, blowing away the last ray of gloom.

"The door couplet on the door panel has disappeared."

Zhou Xiyang cautiously stepped forward to check. The door panel seemed to have passed a hundred years in an instant, and it was broken at the slightest touch. However, this courtyard house located in Nezha City disappeared without any Yincha showing up, which gave Zhou Xiyang an ominous premonition.

"They're probably outside the city."

Taoist Ban Ming also became serious and looked at the funeral procession. From the moment they left the Zhijia compound to now, the entire team has shrunk from a few hundred meters to a hundred meters. Although no one among the passengers has been injured or killed, the paper people have suffered a lot.

The good news is that the paper people who are still in the team have one to several undead souls in their bodies. Even if a large number of Yin soldiers are seduced at the same time, the paper people will not fall immediately.

But they have to go out before 4:30. If the Yin army blocks the door——

"Take Xuanwumen, Xibianmen, Fuchengmen or Xizhimen."

Comparing the east and west sides, the west side corresponds to death, and it is in line with the rules to use the west door for funerals. Just like when burning paper to pierce golden boys and girls, you have to fold their legs back and kneel to the southwest to burn them.

Which door you choose is very important.

"Go to Xizhimen."

Zhou Xiyang and Taoist Ban Ming looked at each other and understood tacitly that Nezha Ling and Bing 250 now have a very good relationship, and Bing 250 is even more kind to Nezha Ling. If you walk at the right door and encounter the Yin Army blocking the door - Nezha Ling might be able to help.

Having said that, Nezha Ling's actions may be limited based on Bing 250's face alone. After all, it is the tourists who are being assessed at the tourist attractions. Normally, the tour guide is not in too much danger, so Nezha Ling does not have many reasons to take action.

It would be better if there is some reason.

Xizhimen, during the Ming and Qing Dynasties, was the gate through which waterwheels carrying water from Yuquan Mountain to the imperial palace had to pass, so it was also called Water Gate*

Yuquan Mountain transports water - from this perspective, Nezha Ling might have a chance to take action.

Paper money was flying in the air, and the funeral procession began to move forward. Under the leadership of Zhou Xiyang, they stopped and walked, crossed the Drumming Avenue, and walked towards the city gate.

"Brother, do you know what I'm holding in the four hands on my left?"

As the team moved forward, Nezha Ling was teasing Wei Xun. After the pollution was eliminated, his temperament became much livelier.

"From top to bottom are the Nine Dragon Divine Fire Shield, Hun Tian Ling, Yin Yang Sword and Fire Point Spear."

Wei Xun said casually that this was not a problem for him.

"My brother is right - well, it's a pity that after so many years, many buildings in the city have been destroyed, and my brother's special weapons are no longer available."

Nezha Ling said regretfully: "Now there are only three treasures left, two for the left hand and one for the right hand."

Yu Hehui's ears twitched slightly after hearing this. His many years of travel experience allowed him to instantly understand what Nezha Ling meant - he was clearly hinting - no, no, no, this was almost explicit.

If you can guess what treasures Nezha Ling has left, and then choose the right door, and select Nezha Ling's 'weapon' hand, you can get corresponding help from Nezha Ling!

"Really? That's such a shame."

Looking at the direction the funeral procession was going, it was obvious that it was going to exit from Xizhimen. Wei Xun calculated in his mind which hand corresponded to Xizhimen and what weapon it corresponded to. He no longer worried about the brigade, but focused on Nezha Ling.

That legendary mission inspired Wei Xun. If he wanted to get related mythical missions, he should have a deeper look at Nezha Ling and learn his moves or other things.

Now is a good opportunity.

"Let your younger brother see how heroic his elder brother is."

Wei Xun smiled.

At a quarter past four in the afternoon, the funeral procession finally reached Xizhimen. After exiting this gate and leaving the Eight-Armed Nezha City, the second attraction, the Zhijia Courtyard, was completed, but as soon as they arrived in front of Xizhimen, everyone felt something was wrong.

The sky was as dark as ink, and the heavy yin energy condensed into fog. The yin energy was so dense that ghosts were crying and wolves were howling. Looking outside the Xizhi Gate, one could see a vast expanse of black.

They are all Yin soldiers and Yin soldiers!

And the black and white impermanence, the bull's head and the horse's face, the gold and silver generals and the six ghosts are all arrayed in front. The ghost energy is overwhelming and the yin energy is terrifying. Behind the six ghosts, a giant statue a hundred meters high has formed, with a green face and fangs, eyes wide open, overlooking the funeral procession!

However, they also cunningly did not enter the Eight-Armed Nezha City and did not give Nezha Ling a legitimate opportunity to take action.

This is bad!

As tour guides, Wei Xun and the Devil Merchant stood at the front. It stands to reason that they should communicate with the Yin Chaos when things like this hinder the brigade from completing the scenic spots, but the Yin Chai completely ignored them.

This matter cannot be done well!

"Okay, how dare you block my door!"

Nezha Ling didn't care about these things. Seeing that Wei Xun was blocked and couldn't go out, he felt humiliated. He was so angry that he wanted to act violently on the spot. But the Yin soldiers immediately ordered the Yin army to move out of the way.

"Tour guides and tourists can all leave the city."

Bai Wuchang's voice was sharp and harsh: "But the paper man - no!"

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