Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 156 Beijing Suburban Funeral Palace (1)

In fact, it's not just one day and one night.

Yu Hehui thought silently.

When he and Wei Xun dealt with the mutual aid association's affairs before, it was on the night of September 15. Wei Xun said that he would go to An Xuefeng on September 16, but in fact he left on the night of the 15th.

Now it is the morning of the 17th, the time agreed with Zhang the Clay Man and others.

In other words, Wei Xun has disappeared for one day and two nights since he went to find An Xuefeng.

One day and two nights, if all of this is for relief...

Yu Hehui rarely dared to think further, no, or since Wei Xun and An Xuefeng connected, he dared not think about many things.

"You said they can't connect moderately, right."

He asked again for confirmation.

"Yes... An Xuefeng was in a bad condition a few years ago, and he invited me to help take a look on the way back."

The dream chaser was a little helpless and mentioned it briefly: "An Xuefeng's first level of mental illusion is an ocean. Only when the people he cares about die or are seriously injured can An Xuefeng in the mental ocean be awakened to transform. If he is forcibly awakened by outsiders, then An Xuefeng will suffer a deeper mental trauma."

"So that means that only if I commit suicide in his mental illusion can I wake up An Xuefeng and comfort him. And that is An Xuefeng's mental illusion. If I can successfully wake him up, he doesn't want me to die, so I won't die."

"But you have to know that An Xuefeng and I are not connected, and I am not his team member."

The dream chaser shook his head seriously: "Even if I really commit suicide in his mental illusion, it may not touch his sleeping consciousness, because there is no connection between us. And I still have Xingzang to save. So in the end, I failed to wake An Xuefeng."

The dream chaser said apologetically.

If he committed suicide and failed to wake up An Xuefeng, then everything would be over.

"Bing 250 can establish a shallow connection with An Xuefeng. I guess he comforted * * * when he was abducted by * * * and established some relationship with him. Or maybe An Xuefeng comforted Bing 250 first, and there was such a connection. Bing 250 then entered An Xuefeng's mental illusion and committed suicide to wake up An Xuefeng and formally connect with him in a shallow way."

After the dream chaser finished speaking from his own experience, Yu Hehui was slightly stunned: "In other words, he, Bing 250, committed suicide in Captain An's mental illusion, and then there was a shallow connection?"

My God, this is the first time Yu Hehui has heard of it!

But think about it, with Wei Xun's personality, let alone how he analyzed that suicide could wake up An Xuefeng. Just referring to the matter of committing suicide in someone else's house, with his personality, this, this might really be something he can do.

Yu Hehui was a little suffocated and subconsciously looked at the dream chaser. He still hoped to establish a good relationship between Wei Xun and Dream Chaser, after all, Dream Chaser was the guardian of his next journey. So he kept telling Dream Chaser how hard Wei Xun worked, how hard he fought, how sick he was in reality, and how he had to risk his life to survive. But now Yu Hehui felt that Wei Xun was a little lunatic who pursued excitement at all costs, and this fact had been completely exposed! Yu Hehui silently glanced at Dream Chaser, whose expression could not be seen because of the hood mask, and then looked at Clay Man Zhang. There was a hint of self-abandonment in his heart. It seemed that the character setting of Wei Xun as a good boy and hardworking boy was true, and it could not be established. "Well, what, Huihui." Zhang Xingzang, who was stared at by Yu Hehui, felt a little scared and smiled awkwardly: "Captain An, this is indeed a bit too much." "Ah?" Yu Hehui subconsciously uttered a puzzled interjection. But the next moment, he stood up suddenly and said happily: "Bing 250 is back! I'll go pick him up on the way home!" After that, Yu Hehui disappeared into the room. "Oh, Huihui, how uncomfortable he must be." Seeing that Yu Hehui couldn't wait to leave, the dream chaser sighed lightly. "Yes, it's very difficult to do." Zhang Xingzang patted the clay in his hand: "But if I were there, I would probably do the same if I only had instinctive reactions." "There's really no way. Captain An is dragging such a big way home and the sunset, he can't fall. Oh, you said that, but it's still a waste of Yu Hehui's worry." "He needs to know the severity of addiction." The dream chaser said seriously, he actually told Yu Hehui about An Xuefeng's situation on purpose. Tour guides have always been the most cherishing of their lives. Bing 250 and An Xuefeng are not related, and even from the relationship with the playful people, he and An Xuefeng may be enemies. In this way, how could he commit suicide in An Xuefeng's mind just to wake him up?

This is clearly the influence of addiction!

Yu Hehui has not yet realized the severity of addiction, and he did not forcefully stop Bing 250 from seeing An Xuefeng. If An Xuefeng was normal, it would be fine, but now An Xuefeng's mind is very easy to lose control. Under the influence of addiction, Bing 250 is very likely to meet all of An Xuefeng's requirements, even if those requirements are excessive!

Just like suicide.

Addiction has made Bing 250 commit suicide for An Xuefeng! After realizing this, Yu Hehui should be more alert. Some things are not easy for dream chasers to say, after all, he is not a returnee, and such things cannot be mentioned too much even if the relationship is good.

But Yu Hehui can, although he is an old returnee, he is also a resurrected person rescued by Bing 250. And he seems to really care about Bing 250 and really value him.

With him as the middleman to coordinate and deal with it, the relationship between Bing 250 and An Xuefeng should be able to cool down. Besides, Bing 250 will join the team next, which is the best opportunity to separate Bing 250 and An Xuefeng.

With Yu Hehui whispering in his ear, this matter should be resolved.

If Yu Hehui knew that the dream chaser actually thought so, he would become a confused fox group on the spot.

What a joke, Wei Xun committed suicide because of addiction?

The dream chaser is so narrow-minded.

Based on Yu Hehui's understanding of An Xuefeng and Wei Xun, Wei Xun is definitely the kind of person who will rush forward even if An Xuefeng has restrained himself again and again, and has hidden again and again, and even wants to kick Wei Xun out.

In fact, Yu Hehui has some doubts that Wei Xun took the initiative to pursue addiction.

It's still unclear who is dragging who in this day and night. In other words, Yu Hehui still wants to maintain a certain external image for Wei Xun, so it's not easy to say it to others.

Especially when Yu Hehui returned home, she found out that Wei Xun was actually taking a bath in An Xuefeng's bedroom bathroom, and she felt mixed emotions.

It was only a few times, and he had already entered the house.

An Xuefeng let Wei Xun enter the private space of the bedroom and let him take a bath. Yu Hehui wondered who was addicted to whom.

In the private reception room outside the bedroom, Yu Hehui and An Xuefeng sat on the sofa opposite each other, looking at each other in silence.

It was not quite appropriate to say that they were sitting, because An Xuefeng was still in the state of a phoenix. It was wet all over, and there were still water droplets on its feathers. Obviously, the flame could dry all the water immediately, but for some reason, An Xuefeng did not do so.

Yu Hehui only saw An Xuefeng silently bowing his head and combing the feathers under his wings. Yu Hehui seemed to see a touch of white in the fiery red phoenix feathers, but An Xuefeng quickly closed his wings, and the white could not be seen.

The atmosphere was a little awkward.

"Captain An, he is still a new tour guide after all."

Hearing the sound of water in the bathroom stop, Yu Hehui took the time to say tactfully: "One day and two nights... it's really a bit too much."

"And I heard from the dream chaser that spiritual relief only involves the spirit, not the body."

You and Wei Xun relieved each other, and you still let him take a shower. This is not right.

The key is that Wei Xun actually took a shower in An Xuefeng's bedroom?

"What the dream chaser said may not be right."

An Xuefeng finally spoke, but his voice was a little hoarse.

Then he said: "The badge of the ancient, you'd better let him wear it when he starts the journey."

Yu Hehui looked at An Xuefeng in surprise. How did he know that Wei Xun had this badge?

An Xuefeng then said a few more words briefly, all related to Wei Xun's props, especially An Xuefeng also mentioned several props Wei Xun obtained in northern Tibet, and some things he sent to Wei Xun.

It was sent to Wei Xun, not to Bing 250.


Yu Hehui had endless thoughts in his mind, but with his understanding of An Xuefeng, when An Xuefeng mentioned something, he was completely sure of it.

"He should be a little tired when he goes back today."

But An Xuefeng interrupted Yu Hehui and said lightly: "When Clay Man Zhang extracts the spirit... let him pay attention."

Then An Xuefeng disappeared, and the next moment Wei Xun walked out of the bathroom. Yu Hehui saw that he was not wearing a hood, but a mask and a cloak, revealing wet pure white hair.

"Let's go."

Wei Xun looked at the back of the sofa where Fengniao had stood, and said nothing else, nor did he ask where An Xuefeng was going. Yu Hehui heard Wei Xun's voice become more hoarse, revealing fatigue, but there was a sense of satisfaction and lightness in the fatigue.

After the two of them left, a red figure appeared again. Fengniao did not disappear, he just hid his figure just now.


When the phoenix found that it had been staring at the direction where Wei Xun left for five minutes, it let out a frustrated cry. It spread its wings and took out a small tuft of white hair hidden under its wing feathers.

It was secretly bitten off when the guide was carrying it on his back in the form of a killer whale, while he was extremely tired and only mechanically moving forward.

From the moment he walked on the bloody road, no, when he first relieved himself, he had already become addicted, and it became even more serious.

He bit off this small tuft of hair without the other party's permission, almost like a thief.

Holding this tuft of white hair, countless emotions flashed through An Xuefeng's eyes, including self-loathing and regret, hesitation and confusion, and the same exhaustion and relaxation as Wei Xun.

But in the end, he still did not destroy the tuft of white hair, but cherished it and hid it in his wing feathers, rubbing it affectionately.

* *

"Wei Xun, there seemed to be something under Captain An's wings just now..."

Yu Hehui thought of the white she saw, and then looked at Wei Xun's white hair, and had a subtle premonition in her heart.

"It's my hair?"

"You knew?"

Yu Hehui was surprised and made Wei Xun a cup of magic honey water to moisten his throat. His voice sounded too hoarse, as if he had been shouting for a long time.

"How could I not know? Did he think that he would make little noise when he secretly bit my hair?"

Wei Xun sneered, drank the cup of honey water, and his throat finally got better.

"If he wasn't so heavy and I couldn't free my hands to carry him, I would definitely have to scare him. Ha, have you ever seen An Xuefeng jump up in fear?"

" did you..."

Yu Hehui did not laugh with Wei Xun. He frowned, with a bit of confusion on his face: "Although the tour guide has kept the hotel secret, no matter whether the hair, blood or other things, normal genetic information can be detected. But they are all white hair, you don't feel……"

"It doesn't matter."

Wei Xun chuckled and said, "He understands what I mean."

Wei Xun put on his hood, and after a brief exchange, the two returned to the hotel. Without the owner, the hotel location will be temporarily blocked. Both Dream Chaser and Clay Figurine Zhang are still moving as they did when they left. They can only move again after Wei Xun comes back, so Yu Hehui can go out with peace of mind.

Fortunately, Dream Chaser and Clay Figurine Zhang had good tempers and didn't care at all. Wei Xun began to communicate with the clay figurine Zhang about making puppets, while Dream Chaser was beside him to offer advice. Yu Hehui should have been involved in such an important matter as the puppet, but for some reason, he was a little distracted.

After initially discussing the appearance of the puppet, Zhang Xingzang began to follow and observe Wei Xun at close range and collect his energy and spirit. Dream Chaser also had his own things to prepare, so he left Zhang Xingzang here and left first.

However, Yu Hehui absentmindedly walked to the Iron Tree area and saw Xiao Cui eating scorpion meat wrapped in black human skin. The dipping sauce was purified magic honey mixed with white jade scorpion jelly.

In order for Xiao Cui to extract the breath of the Horse-Poison King Scorpion as soon as possible and give birth to scorpions, Xiao Cui's food was so good during this period that the mother bee next door even cried with greed.

"Yu Hehui, do you want some?"


Seeing that Yu Hehui just wanted to be alone, Xiao Cui didn't say anything more and happily ate his own food. On the contrary, Yu Hehui couldn't help but asked after seeing how relaxed he was.

"Aren't you worried?"

"worry about what?"

"Worrying...worrying about the rest of the journey."

Yu Hehui turned a corner.

"Why should I worry?"

Xiaocui takes it for granted.

"It's very dangerous. If you don't pay attention, you will die."

"As long as the master is here, if the master can live, I will definitely be able to live. If the master is dead, then I can't live either. So what should I worry about?"

"You weren't like this before."

Yu Hehui was a little speechless. When did Xiaocui become so relieved? Hasn't it been working hard to climb up and gain Wei Xun's trust?

"The more my master trusts me, the safer I am."

I have traveled with Yu Hehui several times, and Xiaocui has a fairly good relationship with him. Moreover, Yu Hehui was obviously someone Wei Xun valued, and Xiao Cui was more willing to talk to him more.

"The more obedient I am and the less I think about it, the more my master trusts me."

Xiaocui has experience in this area.

Like when he tested Wei Xun's preferences several times before and tried to win Wei Xun's favor, Wei Xun was wary of him and disliked him.

When he stopped thinking too much and just did whatever Wei Xun said, Wei Xun's attitude towards him became better.

Especially when choosing a code name for the mutual aid association this time, he and Yu Hehui both made suggestions, but it was obvious that Wei Xun had already made an idea, and the inquiry was just a matter of situation.

From then on, Xiaocui fully understood.

He explained to Yu Hehui: "Master has his own ideas on matters related to himself. You don't have to think too much."

There's no point in thinking too much.

Just keep all your speculations and plans to outsiders. You are happiest when you are a little fool next to Wei Xun.

"Want to eat something?"

This time Yu Hehui took the honey water he pushed, took a sip, looked a little confused, and finally sighed.

"I'm still worried..."

An Xuefeng should know about Wei Xun's dual identity, but he didn't say anything.

In front of An Xuefeng, Wei Xun no longer had a particularly watertight way of hiding his identity.

It is equivalent to both parties knowing that the other party knows, but they tacitly agree and do not talk about this matter.

This worries Yu Hehui more than confessing directly.

Wei Xun's psychological Yu Hehui could not guess. This man really had too many unexpected ideas.

But Yu Hehui could roughly guess what An Xuefeng meant.

He saw Wei Xun's dual identity, but didn't say it. This was to show his attitude.

An Xuefeng wanted to treat it as "I didn't see it".

In this way, in the future, if one day the two sides become hostile for some reason, they will break up. If Wei Xun comes back in another identity, he will pretend that he doesn't know and still provide him with protection.

Bing250 is the tour guide connected with him.

Wei Xun is the desired and valued traveler on the way home.

For Wei Xun, An Xuefeng will give him two opportunities to protect him.

But this also means that in An Xuefeng's understanding, it is very likely that they will become hostile in the future.

Yu Hehui had actually been worried that Wei Xun was a blood relative of Xi Mingren and would be closer to the forces of the Butcher Alliance. Will be enemies with them in the future. So after realizing the meaning of An Xuefeng's words, Yu Hehui felt that 'my worries have come true', so he became even more restless.

He wanted to change this situation, but didn't know where to start.

Because both An Xuefeng and Wei Xun look so calm!

Gan, is he really the only one worried? But he is so worried that he almost loses his hair!

So Yu and Huimo, who were worried and had no one to talk to, changed their mind and just put the matter on others, and started chatting with Xiao Cui.

"If it were you, how would you help your two friends?"

"Do they need help?"

Xiao Cuiqi glanced at Yu Hehui: "According to what you said, they had a preliminary contract (connection) the first time they met, and the second time they met, they did it for a day and two nights. The principle of two-sided people began to backslide after they met. , the other party also has a deep understanding with the other party...what else is there to worry about? "

"Maybe they will get married after the third meeting. Before you finish worrying, they have already given birth to thousands of babies...ah, can't humans give birth to thousands of babies?"

"They can't have babies... No, that's not what I meant."

Yu Hehui's thoughts were led astray by Xiaocui, and he was about to refute, but he was stunned.

It seems, it seems, what Xiaocui said makes sense!

Yes, Captain An obviously retreated from his principles. Normally, he would never do such a thing. Two more chances? In the past, if there were threats that had not yet grown up, An Xuefeng would not have given them any chance!

They must have a deeper connection, Yu Hehui was convinced. Even though An Xuefeng seems to be unable to influence Wei Xun in terms of concepts and ideas, the sense of mutual trust and security between the connected tour guides and tourists will definitely exist.

This is the contact and fusion of spiritual illusions, gradually leaving each other's breath in a deeper place. To the point where Dream Chaser and Clay Figurine Zhang are like each other, they can understand what the other person is thinking with just one look. This is a tacit understanding. Those are true comrades who understand each other's beliefs and beliefs, and understand the choices and decisions of both parties.

It was not only An Xuefeng who was affected, but also Wei Xun.

It's not about addiction, but something deeper. Wei Xun was actually willing to take a shower in An Xuefeng's bedroom instead of returning to the brigade station!

Although Wei Xun was a mysophobic and wanted to wash it immediately and didn't want to delay it, there was definitely an aspect where he felt safe.

At least for now, Wei Xun thought it was safe to take a shower in An Xuefeng's bedroom.

"It's chaos if I care."

Yu Hehui murmured that he had always been smart, but Wei Xun and An Xuefeng were both important people to him, and he did not want to see the possibility that the two would be on the opposite side in the future.

But what Xiao Cui said woke him up.

After just two joint relief efforts, both parties have undergone such big changes. Then if there are more reliefs...

At this moment, Yu Hehui's thoughts changed subtly.

* *

Wei Xun and the clay figurine Zhang Zuzu spent a whole day together. During this day, whether Wei Xun was going to the abyss node or dealing with matters of the mutual aid association, Zhang Xingzang was always with Wei Xun, meticulously observing all his words and deeds.

This made Wei Xun a little irritable.

It’s not because of the conscientious Captain Zhang, but...

Wei Xun wanted to touch the golden-red feather that An Xuefeng had given him.

But due to his inexplicable desire for exclusivity, Wei Xun didn't want others to see this feather that belonged to him.

He still processes all kinds of information and prepares things very efficiently, but on average he thinks of An Xuefeng every five minutes, and every seven minutes it's like touching his feathers.

Wei Xun thought about the bloody road he walked with An Xuefeng on his back. By the end, he had completely forgotten time and could only move forward mechanically. When he really walked to the cemetery gate with An Xuefeng on his back. Wei Xun had almost lost consciousness.

But when he staggered to the ground, the killer whale turned into a human and hugged him.

Wei Xun seemed to hear a 'thank you' and a 'are you okay? ’

The other party was still calm and collected, but the hand holding him was trembling, and Wei Xun felt it. When he spoke, he was so close to his ear that he could feel his hot breath. An Xuefeng placed his hand on Wei Xun's waist in a regular manner. He did not touch it randomly, but his hand was very strong and he held it tightly.

Their embrace was very restrained. Except for An Xuefeng's hand holding his waist and Wei Xun's head resting weakly on An Xuefeng's chest, apart from these two points, they had no other contact at all, but it was like Patients suffering from skin hunger have found each other’s only medicine.

When he first came out of the mental illusion, Wei Xun was indeed in a trance. The strength gap between An Xuefeng and him was too big. This was equivalent to overstepping the comfort level and consumed a lot of energy.

Wei Xun only remembered that he complained and muttered "I want to take a shower" because the blood on his body was too sticky.

But he didn't expect An Xuefeng to take him to the bathroom in his bedroom to take a bath.

In fact, An Xuefeng woke up immediately after leaving the bathroom, but he was not the kind of person who would run away. He finished the shower calmly, wearing a mask, and recalled the feeling that was strange to him.

Touch, hug, safety, relaxation.

From birth to now, Wei Xun's memory has been that his family members have hardly hugged him, and there has been no skin-to-skin contact. His brother seemed to have held his hand when he was about to go to college, but only this time.

Wei Xun is used to being independent and relying on himself. He was very jealous and suspicious. All his family members were missing. Wei Xun even filled his home with cameras. I had reconciled with You Ziming before, but I also felt that my life was not going to be long, so I had to find a home for the pie.

Any contact is purposeful.

But this time the hug at the gate of the cemetery was uncontrollable and completely instinctive. It's a sense of security, it's relaxation, it's a feeling Wei Xun has never experienced before.

It was different from the pleasure brought by pain, but it also made him feel happy.

"You know, physical contact is more refreshing when it comes to mental relief than complete mental comfort."

After finishing his chores, Wei Xun sent messages to the devil merchant and chatted with Zhang Xingzang.

“Really, everyone should experience it.”

Wei Xun said casually: "I think the previous connection between tourists and tour guides was too superficial, and they didn't grasp the true meaning at all."

“I’ve been connected to Dream Chaser more times than you’ve ever eaten rice.”

Zhang Xingzang sneered. He had already started kneading the clay embryo. Before he actually started carving the clay figurine, he could still distract himself by chatting with Wei Xun.

"Next time you can try hugging the dreamer after you feel relieved."

Wei Xun sighed: "It is very tiring for a tour guide to relieve himself mentally. A hug after relief can make the other person completely relaxed and feel safe."

"After all, you and him have been separated for so many years, and the relationship between the two of you must have faded a bit. Physical contact between the tour guide and the tourists is the best way to build a relationship."

"Tsk, my relationship with Zhui Meng will never fade."

Zhang Xingzang fucked loudly, but the speed of making the clay embryo was faster, and he subconsciously glanced to the side.

Tsk, it does feel a little strange that Zhui Meng is not around.

The clay figurine who had been chatting with Wei Xun while making clay embryos opened his mouth and began to concentrate on accelerating the carving of the clay figurine. Wei Xun saw that he was getting faster and stopped talking. Instead, he read the message from the devil merchant.

[Be careful, Pinocchio from the Shepherd Alliance attacks me, and the information about our confrontation mission may be exposed]

Wei Xun replied: [It’s not that the information was exposed, it’s that he wanted to kill you and replace you. Come and be a tour guide with me]

[Yeah, to be honest, a lot of people want to attack me when I go on the trip and become a tour guide with you. Then I will kill you during the journey and take away your token of 30 degrees north latitude]

[Although An Xuefeng, Dream Chaser and Puppet Master said they would protect you, any unexpected danger is possible during the journey]

The Devil Merchant was indeed attacked, but he got lucky after joining the Mutual Aid Association. He rolled the item [Members of the Mutual Aid Association will gain more advantages in the fight against the ancients], and suppressed the magic mirror. A thrilling escape.

Therefore, he became more curious about several other rules of the Mutual Aid Association. The Devil Merchant was keenly aware of the benefits, but he stayed put and did not directly rise to the rank of middle-ranking member.

After all, this is an organization founded by Bing 250. Who knows if there is something fishy in it. They have a competitive relationship, and the devil businessman will not let himself get caught up in it.

Just like the 'Ideological and Moral Class', the Devil Merchant didn't listen to even one of it.

In fact, the title of this course is not well chosen, it is too suggestive. Even if it is named something like ‘Communication and Mutual Help Time’, people may not be so afraid.

After habitually thinking about the development prospects of the mutual aid association, the devil merchant continued to send messages.

[So, do you want to cooperate? 】

【Um? 】

[You pretend to be me and I pretend to be you, how about that? We can interchange cloaks and disguise mask body shapes. In this way, if someone wants to sneak attack and kill you after getting in the car and seize the token, he will come to me]

[Are you daydreaming, devil businessman]

Wei Xun was unceremonious [There are seven people from the east side and three people from the west side on this trip. Do you think they will kill you first or me first? 】

Even if you want to kill Bing 250 to seize the token, the first thing to do is to eliminate dissidents. Bing 250 is weak. If he kills the devil businessman, he will be completely controlled by the tourists. When the time comes, he will be snatched alive and killed. Can't he just do whatever he wants?

[But cooperation is possible, here's the thing, I have a puppet...]

"Did you tell the devil merchant about the puppet?"

"This puppet is not that puppet."

Late that night, Zhang Xingzang ended his day's observation and began to seclude himself on the clay figures. Wei Xun showed Yu Hehui the chat record with the devil merchant today. After all, it was mostly Yu Hehui and Xiaocui who had been communicating with the devil merchant.

"The 'puppet' I'm talking about is you."

Wei Xun smiled and picked up a light blue cloak of his own and put it on Yu Hehui. He took two steps back and looked at it, feeling very satisfied.

"When the time comes, you will turn into what you were the day you met the devil merchant. Put on your cloak and get in the car with me."

"Don't you need me to hide next to you?"

Yu Hehui was surprised: "I'm actually better at assassinations and sneak attacks."

"No, just stand behind me openly."

Wei Xun smiled and said: "This way they will think that I have a more powerful trump card than you."

Hidden methods are the trump card. Bing250, who has three parties speaking out to protect him and has embarked on a journey to the 30th degree north latitude, is participating in an extremely dangerous journey. Doesn't he still have a trump card?

Wei Xun does have his trump card, but it's not easy to take it out. For example, * * * demon species, * * * love, and some mental pollution related to 30 degrees north latitude.

In this way, let's put Yu Hehui on the bright side. Tianhu is still very bluffing, and Bai Xiaosheng and the others should know about Yu Hehui who was rescued by Shi Bing250.

With Yu and Hui on the bright side, Wei Xun would naturally attract allies on the way home. You must know that this time, together with the Sunset Brigade, three people came in!

Moreover, Bai Xiaosheng hid his identity, but he was a member of the Laoshan Brigade. This time, Taoist Ban Ming, the deputy leader of Laoshan, also came in, totaling four.

There were a total of ten people on this trip, four from my own side, three from the West District, and three travelers whose positions were unknown. The forces were fairly balanced.

"And even though I say I'm real, you're a puppet..."

Wei Xun drawled his voice and joked with a smile: "Will the devil merchant believe it?"

"After all, you are the one who has been meeting him all this time."

On the night of September 18, Zhang Xingzang made the puppet. The little clay figurine is only about the size of a palm, wearing a light blue cloak and a mask. It looks a bit Q-shaped. But when Wei Xun injected his own power, the little clay figurine quickly turned into a puppet exactly like him.

Almost identical, there seems to be no difference at all.

"It's best to keep it with you and interact with people you know. It will automatically learn how you behave when interacting with others."

Zhang Xingzang suggested.

After Zhang Xingzang left, Wei Xun took back his power and turned the puppet into a clay sculpture again. Then he took on the title of Passenger and regained his strength.

The puppet this time is Wei Xun.

On 9.19, Wei Xun took the little clay figurine for a day. He went to see Mao Xiaole, had a long-awaited breakfast with Mao Xiaole, and got the lucky charm that Mao Xiaole drew for him. At lunch on the way home, Lu Shucheng and Bai Xiaosheng were not there. Wang Pengpai said that they had something to go out and would be back soon.

If you go out for something, you will be back soon. In fact, you have just gone on a journey. Experienced travelers will say this, the more casual you say something, the more likely it is to come true. The more solemn it is, the more likely it is a FLAG.

This can be considered a kind of jargon.

"It seems that Bai Xiaosheng and Lu Shucheng should have already left for the capital."

After returning, Yu Hehui said: "Most tourists check out the spots in advance."

Veteran travelers do not have the benefit of "one-click transfer" for newbies. They all arrive at the journey location first like normal travelers. After the group departure information is fully displayed and the hotel bus arrives, they will board the bus according to the prompts and wait for the arrival of the tour guide.

"Let's see if there's anything else we can buy."

Wei Xun bought another broken inner elixir for Yu Hehui. The number three is extremely important to the nine-tailed fox. When its tail grows to three, six or nine, its strength will be greatly improved.

The three pieces of broken inner elixir restored Yu Hehui's strength by far more than 3%.

Now the attributes of Yu Hehui are:

【Tianmen Fox Fairy】

[Nickname: Xiaobai]

[Master: Wei Xun]

[Status: 30% recovery]

[Strength: Heaven level five stars (special four stars)]

[Loyalty: 100]

"Special four-star, you are as strong as the strongest traveler in the brigade."

Wei Xun smiled.

"Most of them suppress their strength, but I will try my best."

Yu Hehui said seriously.

Yu Hehui didn't sleep that night. He practiced with the little green bee all night. Wei Xun was sleeping soundly, and An Xuefeng was in his dream. Maybe this is not a dream, but a connection. When the dreamer is mentally active and the other party has a strong tendency to contact, the other party will be dreamed of.

It stands to reason that the next step should be to pull into the spiritual fantasy and comfort each other. But An Xuefeng was stunned and turned into a phoenix and flew away!

This made Wei Xun frown in his sleep.

On the same night, Taoist Feng packed up all the props and items. He took all the precious ones with him and sold most of the ordinary ones. He is going to find Silverfish to redeem the reward for going to the Abyss Node.

Feng Taoist nervously took out his badge and looked at it. The golden and blue badge meant that he was a mid-level member of the mutual aid association and enjoyed two welfare rules.

[Members of the mutual aid association are more likely to gain the friendship of the ancient demonic insects]

[Members of mutual aid associations will have better luck]

These are the two welfare rules he rolled! In fact, compared to the illusory luck, Taoist Feng wanted [members of the mutual aid association, it is easier to establish relationships with abyssal creatures in the abyss node]. Unfortunately, with his luck, he could not roll the two he wanted most.

It's acceptable now.

" also important."

Taoist Feng said in a deep voice.

He could stay in the Abyss Node for a whole day. He had learned about the Silverfish Node before, and it contained the abyssal creatures he most wanted to establish contact with.

That is the Abyss Worm Queen Bee!

It is said that it is a variant of the Queen Bee and the Abyss Worm, possessing the powerful power of both. Taoist Feng invested all his wealth and resources in it this time. What he wanted most was to be promoted to the alienated state!

It is an alienated state, which limits his development potential. This time, Taoist Feng can be said to have broken the cauldron and sunk the boat.

Do or die!

"Fa Gui Yi 49, I will always stand in front of you."

Taoist Feng cheered himself up fiercely and left the brigade station.

* *

"Sure enough, you can establish a connection with that kind of abyssal creature."

Shepherd Alliance, the puppet master looked at the translucent cocoon shell in front of him. The creature inside was completely different from before. It was translucent all over and looked like a ghost. The creature was restless and wanted to wake up.

"Don't wake up in such a hurry, I won't need you on this trip to Bing250."

The puppet master patted the cocoon shell comfortingly, calming the restlessness inside.

"This time... it's very lively."

She chuckled and said, "I want to go and see for myself."

Pinocchio failed to kill the devil businessman, and the ghost No. 49 did not wake up. In the eyes of others, the efforts of the Shepherd Alliance seemed to have failed.

But the goal of the puppet master has never been these. This is just a cover-up she threw out!

She had her own way of sneaking into this journey in a special way.

* *

In the early morning of September 20, a 12-seater minibus drove from the Juyongguan Great Wall to Beijing. After the station, tourists got off one after another, and eventually even the driver got off the bus.

But there were two people dressed as Taoist priests in the car, but they never got out of the car. As time went by, the surrounding area gradually became noisy, with pedestrians coming and going, and traffic police directing traffic. The minibus was actually parked in the wrong place, but no one cared at all.

"Alas, I am a little less blessed."

The sickly and dejected young Taoist priest among them sighed and touched the air vent above his head. I don't know when it started, but the wind outlet was blocked by a small word "福".

This character "福" is like the one posted on the door during the Chinese New Year. It is a square piece of paper with the character "福" on it, but the left radical is missing a little.

"The journey has not even begun yet. We have to cut off our luck. Oh my God, it looks like it will be difficult for us this time."

The Taoist priest rambled on. He took out a box of cinnabar from his yellow cloth pocket, dipped some cinnabar on it with his index finger and then stretched out his hand towards the word "Fu": "Let me see if I can turn this word "Fu" upside down. It's okay if there is less blessing, as long as the blessing can truly be achieved. It’s good to be here... Oops!”

The Taoist priest touched it with his fingers dipped in cinnabar, and the word "Fu" fell down lightly. And behind the word "福", there was actually a small piece of paper money stuck to it!

"Hey, it turns out that there is such a sinister plan behind the word "Fu"... Hey, little God, go and tape the words "Fu" on the air-conditioning vents of other seats with tape."

The Taoist said righteously: "Don't let them fall. Paper money looks too unlucky."

As he spoke, he carefully tore off the paper money with the character "福" on it, and then glued the character "福" back on it upside down, admiring it:

"This is your blessing, Xiaotian, why don't you go quickly?"

Xiaotian, the silent Taoist priest next to him, obediently glued all the other blessing characters together. When he came back, another tourist happened to get on the bus. The man's face suddenly pulled down, like a horse's face, his eyelids were drooped, and he looked unhappy.

This new passenger turned out to be a tall Westerner with red hair and green eyes!

"Oh, horror in the West is always about killing. A big bloody guy can scare people to death. How can you understand the charm of our East? Those who don't know our traditional Chinese culture, be careful not to die without knowing what happened."

"Deputy commander, it's not good to curse people."

Xiao Tian said nonchalantly: "He doesn't seem to understand either. How about you speak English?"

"Why should we speak English when we are already in this land in the East? Xiaotian, you idiot!"

The Taoist hated Tiebuchengang and patted Xiaotian's head vigorously, snorted coldly, and finally muttered to himself: "The sky is full of spirits, the earth is full of spirits, blessed by the infinite God, there is only one Westerner..."

But soon after, two more Western faces came up.

The Taoist's face turned completely dark. Fortunately, after a while, five more tourists from the East District came up, including some acquaintances, which made him happy, but he was not in a hurry to strike up a conversation.

Including him and the three Westerners, all the passengers were staring at the door of the minibus.

I don’t know who muttered:

"The tourists are all here, so the tour guide should be here too."

That’s right, the tour guide will be here soon!

They tried every means to squeeze into this trip, just for that tour guide! For the trip to the 30th North Latitude!

【Itinerary information】

[Leigu Hutong, Zhijia Courtyard, Yangshou Town Funeral Palace, Tianshou Mountain Mausoleum, 10-day nine-night ultra-dangerous and thrilling group tour of the Beijing Suburban Funeral Palace]

[Level: Level 1 Extremely Dangerous]

[Group type: 10 people small group, special car, two guides]

[Tour guide: B125, B250]

[Itinerary date: Departure on Wednesday 9.20-Return on Saturday 9.30]

[Brief description of itinerary:]

[According to legend, in the past, there were two types of funerals after death: large and small. Small funerals are carried from home to the funeral palace, while large funerals are carried from the funeral palace to the mausoleum. Only when funerals, large and small, are complete can the soul of a person after death rest in peace and go to the eternal life. But now, modern funerals have long replaced the past funeral customs. The past has disappeared with history, leaving only traces in the pile of old papers. 】

[However, now, Granny Zhi of the Zhi Family Courtyard has passed away. Her request before her death is that she be sent to the mausoleum according to the rules of funerals. 】

Why do people keep disappearing late at night in Leigu Hutong for a hundred years?

What is the origin of the Zhijia Courtyard that does not exist in the records?

Eyewitnesses said that they could see paper figures walking freely on the streets at three o'clock in the middle of the night. Is this true or false?

A super dangerous and thrilling group tour of the Beijing Suburban Funeral Palace for 10 days and 9 nights, let us escort Granny Zhi, fulfill her last wish, and explore the secrets hidden in the city]

[Hey, you choose to take the team leader assessment on this journey! 】

Wei Xun opened his eyes and found that he was standing next to a minibus. Yu Hehui, wearing a cloak, stood behind him. And the tall devil merchant wearing an indigo cloak stood beside Wei Xun.

Wei Xun nodded at him and made a gesture to signal the devil merchant to get on the bus first. After all, he was the leader of the brigade.

But in fact, both Wei Xun and the Devil Merchant were a little absent-minded. He found that the difficulty of this journey had jumped from extremely dangerous level one to level three!

Shouldn't we jump to the second level? Why did you go to the third level directly? !

Obviously this has something to do with him, no, it should be that they all plan to conduct the team leader assessment on this journey.

This is troublesome.

The devil businessman's face was solemn behind his mask and hood, but his appearance remained calm as he prepared to get in the car.

But at this moment, a yellow cloth bag that looked very heavy suddenly hit him.

"Get out of the way! Don't get in the way!"

"Don't block us from seeing Bing250!"

"Director C, Director C, are you there, Director C?"

Devil Businessman:? ? ? ?

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