Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 155 Two people walk a bloody road together


The ethereal and pleasant whale cry sounded, and the black and white killer whale drew a beautiful water mark and held Wei Xun on its head.

Walking with a whale in the vast ocean is really indescribable fantasy and romance. Wei Xun wanted to stand up when he was in the mood. He remembered the killer whale show in the aquarium, where some people would be lifted up by the killer whale's snout, jump into the air and finally fall into the water. That scene was indescribably refreshing.

But just as he was about to stand on the killer whale's head, I don't know what the killer whale thought of, Wei Xun was swallowed into his mouth by the killer whale in panic.

Wei Xun:?

"You don't want me to leave?" Wei Xun knocked on the killer whale's teeth. This killer whale was really big. He could even stand up in the killer whale's closed mouth. Under his feet was a soft, moist and warm tongue like a thick cashmere carpet. As soon as Wei Xun showed signs of going out, the whale's tongue trembled and rolled slightly as if by coincidence, just in time to make Wei Xun fall. It didn't hurt, just like falling into a pile of soft and warm cotton that was difficult to get up. In addition, the killer whale would hum a song for him gently. Or maybe this wasn't a song, but just the sound of the killer whale's call when it was happy, ethereal and pleasant, lonely and remote, as if it could remind people of the lead-gray sky, the icebergs and ice caps that never melt all year round, and the whales singing in the boundless and lonely ocean. The magnificent and dreamy feeling was intoxicating. For a while, he would only listen to the song in a trance and it was difficult to notice the passage of time. Wei Xun paid close attention to the passage of time. He was not affected by the whale's song, but stood up again and walked to the whale's mouth. When it repeated its old trick, When he was trying to knock him down again, Wei Xun lazily said: "Restrain yourself. Captain An, are you losing control? "


The killer whale let out a long cry, which contained a bit of grievance, but it still opened its mouth obediently and let Wei Xun go.

Sitting on the whale, Wei Xun fell into deep thought.

An Xuefeng's willpower was stronger than his. When Wei Xun was in his own mental illusion, he had to contact An Xuefeng to release the pain, and An Xuefeng could control the speed of release.

But in An Xuefeng's spiritual space, just referring to the ocean layer, as long as Wei Xun was there, An Xuefeng would gradually heal himself. And Wei Xun could clearly sense that he could not control the speed of relief like An Xuefeng.

The speed was under the control of this killer whale. It can even be said that Wei Xun approached the killer whale and was swallowed into the mouth of the killer whale, or did not touch the killer whale and just floated on the ocean.

As long as he was here, the killer whale could relieve itself, and it didn't make much difference whether Wei Xun approached or not.

"Are you addicted? "Wei Xun chuckled and stroked the killer whale's smooth back. Then he saw a thin, flexible black tentacle emerging from the killer whale's back and tentatively reaching out to Wei Xun. When Wei Xun held the tentacle in his hand, he seemed to hear the killer whale sigh with satisfaction and began to hum again. It sounds a bit embarrassing to have tentacles growing on a killer whale. But Wei Xun knew that this killer whale was unusual. It grew tentacles because Wei Xun was sitting on its back, and the killer whale could not touch it with its fins. Touch him, but can't hold him in your mouth.

Only when the tentacles are held by Wei Xun, it feels safe and happy.

For An Xuefeng, this is actually crossing the line.

Obviously, there is no need for contact to relieve. But he can't help but touch, can't help wanting to get closer. He doesn't want the other person to leave, and he has to stick his body together to feel safe enough.

But Wei Xun doesn't know this, he only knows that he can't control An Xuefeng's relief speed here.

"Is it because this place is too shallow? "Wei Xun didn't think it was just a matter of strength difference. After all, he had heard Dream Chaser say that even if the tour guide and the tourists with huge strength difference relieved each other, when one party relieved, the control was in the hands of the other party. It's just that the other party might be influenced by some guidance. He couldn't control An Xuefeng's relief now, and it was more likely that this ocean could only be regarded as the outermost part of An Xuefeng's mental illusion. The connection between him and An Xuefeng was very shallow, far less than the connection between a normal brigade leader and a tour guide. So much so that what appeared on this level was not even An Xuefeng himself, but the incarnation of a killer whale, and it could only rely on physical contact and slowly heal itself by sticking to Wei Xun, but Wei Xun couldn't make it get better quickly, and it even became addictive. "Since the shallow level is not enough, I'll go to the next level to have a look. "Wei Xun squeezed the tentacles, released them, and jumped off the killer whale. Plop! He jumped into the vast ocean. This time the ocean did not resist him, and Wei Xun could sink freely. He vaguely remembered that he seemed to have seen the shadow of the cemetery in the ocean last time. That should be the second layer of An Xuefeng's mental illusion. "Woo--" Wei Xun dived very deep in the ocean, and the killer whale swam beside him all the time, accompanying him. From time to time, it made worried and nervous calls, as if urging Wei Xun to return to the surface of the sea. In the killer whale's cognition, People cannot dive into the sea for too long, or they will die.

But this is An Xuefeng's mental illusion. Wei Xun has been diving for so long without any suffocation, so he will not suffocate to death like normal diving.

However, Wei Xun did not find the cemetery.

He recalled what happened that day, and it seemed that the cemetery appeared after the killer whale turned into An Xuefeng and regained consciousness.

In other words, if the first layer of killer whales is not appeased first and given human consciousness, the cemetery will not appear?

That would be too slow and boring.

What's more, An Xuefeng's willpower is too strong. If he really regains consciousness, it will be difficult for Wei Xun to control the rhythm.

"Where were you injured?"

Wei Xun was not one to give up easily. He thought for a while, swam back to the killer whale and touched the bloody scars on its body.

Last time, he discovered that the killer whale had many horizontal and vertical wounds. These wounds could not be seen to be new or old, but blood was oozing out from each one. But when Wei Xun appears, the scar will be temporarily blocked by mucus.

But it was just a blockage, not a cure. It seemed that he knew that he didn't like being dirty and was afraid that blood would stain his eyes.

Or... is it actually some kind of hiding?

When the mucus clears, the blood continues to flow.

Wei Xun tried touching, comforting, and even kissing, but he couldn't heal even the smallest scar on the whale. But the killer whale was obviously very happy when he kissed him. It chirped happily and raised its big head in front of Wei Xun. It even took the initiative to shrink its body, becoming as big as a dolphin, and squeezed into Wei Xun's arms.

No matter whether it gets bigger or smaller, the scars are still there, even more eye-catching because they can be seen completely.

Wei Xun was thoughtful.

After the killer whale kissed him for a while, Wei Xun felt the ocean's push and resistance against him getting stronger and stronger. It was An Xuefeng who felt that this relief was enough and they could separate.

How can this be possible?

Wei Xun hugged the dolphin-sized killer whale, his forehead facing it. The killer whale's eyes were full of his figure, and its beautiful eyes were full of reluctance and nostalgia. It seemed that it also knew that Wei Xun was leaving and cherished every minute and every second with him.

At this moment, Wei Xun rubbed the mucus off a scar.

Blood gushed out quickly.


The killer whale seemed a little nervous and panicked, struggling subconsciously, but Wei Xun kept comforting it, murmuring to it, and even touching its snout, cheeks and blowholes intimately.


Under his comfort, the killer whale became docile again. Wei Xun realized that the killer whale was secretly watching him, hesitant and nervous.

It seemed that he wasn't screaming because of pain, but because he didn't want Wei Xun to be disgusted by being covered in blood. And there are deeper emotions hidden in it.

"I don't hate it."

Wei Xun said softly, looking down at the blood flowing from the scar. The strange thing is that the blood did not spread in the ocean, but fell straight down, like a column of blood falling into the abyss. When it falls to a certain depth, it no longer falls, but bends over, like extending in one direction.

There is drama.

"I won't hate Xuefeng."

"I will not leave Xuefeng."

"I like you the most."

The killer whale was immersed in the other party's promise and was filled with joy. An Xuefeng's consciousness, immersed in the killer whale's body, did not stop Wei Xun in the end. The killer whale didn't notice the gentle smiling man, and lightly opened the four scars on its body.

Blood fell down like a pillar, and the blood gathered together and extended forward, like a faint blood path.


Wei Xun's guess was correct.

Without injuring the killer whale and opening the wound, there is no way to continue downward.

If you don't continue downward, you won't be able to fully heal its pain.

Killer whales are also little liars.

It makes people think that as long as they have company and comfort, they can gradually recover.

In fact, it is indeed useful. With comfort and companionship, An Xuefeng will gradually wake up and take control of the overall situation.

In fact, just a layer of mental comfort can allow him to exert most of his power.

As for the second layer, which would create a deeper connection and inspire a closer relationship, he would not let people go down easily.

Who is a normal tour guide who can trust each other and enter his inner fantasy world to scratch someone's wounds as soon as they come up?

Normally, you should take a quick look at it first and see how it goes.

But Wei Xun wanted to be faster and closer. He is naturally incapable of pain, and is naturally biased towards the pain of others. He can open up An Xuefeng's scars without changing his expression.

Let the blood flowing down condense into a bloody road leading to the cemetery.


The killer whale seemed a little weak. It could not float and sank. When it sank, the killer whale still looked at Wei Xun reluctantly, with his shadow in its eyes.

"Don't worry, I will always be with you."

Wei Xun only opened four wounds, and as soon as they could condense into blood paths, he stopped.

In fact, Wei Xun vaguely knew that if more wounds were opened, the killer whale would be completely weak. The killer whale's weakness means An Xuefeng's mental weakness.

In fact, the weaker his spirit is, the more Wei Xun can invade and control him.

But in the end, Wei Xun still didn't do it. If he had taken action before, Wei Xun had never been a good person, and everything was based on self-interest.

but now……

"If you don't take action, I will pay you back once."

Think of it as just for that feather.

When the killer whale finally landed, it was completely powerless and motionless. And Wei Xun also stood on this bloody road.

He originally wanted to move forward, but Wei Xun noticed that the scars on the killer whale's body were increasing rapidly, as if the blood path had caused endless harm to it.

When Wei Xun carried the smaller killer whale on his back, the scars on its body no longer increased. But Wei Xun felt unusually heavy, as if he was carrying a mountain on his back. His waist was bent, and he swayed for a long time before gradually standing up straight.

It is not easy to walk this bloody road.

Leave the killer whale behind and quickly reach the cemetery by yourself? Or carry it on your back, bear the weight, and move forward step by step?

The former strong man and former protector has now become a heavy burden. Are you willing to stand up and carry him forward together?

Of course I am willing, Wei Xun is not stupid, if he really abandons the killer whale, An Xuefeng might push him out of the mental illusion on the spot.

This bloody road requires two people to walk together.

"I haven't carried anyone on my back yet."

Wei Xun gasped lightly and took a step forward. This step is extremely slow, extremely heavy, but extremely determined.

"You are the first."

Another step.

"After walking this bloody road... I will enter the second level of your mental illusion."

Take one step.

"Then I'll be faster than you."

Another step.

In fact, Wei Xun didn't do this out of good intentions, he just wanted to see An Xuefeng lose control and An Xuefeng become addicted after being relieved quickly.

Does it make sense to carry an extremely heavy weight and walk on a bloody road just for this kind of thing?

For Wei Xun, this is quite interesting. Those who don’t know are fearless. Wei Xun dares to do things that even Dream Chasers dare not do.

Many times, no one can understand Wei Xun's thoughts. In reality, he has also been called crazy and unreasonable. But some people who have sunk into the abyss can only be rescued by a madman.

Step by step forward, Wei Xun's body gradually began to bleed due to the heavy pressure. His blood mixed with the killer whale's blood and remained on the blood path he walked on, like a new blood path formed with the blood of two people, covering the old one.


I don’t know how long it took, it seemed like a long, long time. The weak killer whale was whispering, as if to persuade him not to continue. If it continues like this, Wei Xun will really be in too much pain.

"I'm in pain right now. You have to make me feel twice as happy when the time comes."

Wei Xun smiled, his vision blurred by blood, but his eyes were bright and clear.

The cemetery is just ahead.

* *

At this moment, in Wei Xun's station, the dream chaser who came on time, the clay figurine Zhang, Yu and Hui sat across from each other in silence.

"It's been a day and a night..."

Yu Hehui said quietly: "Chai Meng, if you have experience, can you tell me, is this the time that should be allowed for normal relief?"


Dream Chaser choked for words.

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