Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 132 Mutual Selection Meeting

"Sunset Troupe... What kind of troupe is this? Is the sunset red?"

Fei Lezhi asked curiously, but Ji Hongcai gave him an annoyed look: "What sunset red, sunset red... Hey, don't say it, it really counts if you say that."

"After all, the Sunset Tour Group only accepts 'old people' and basically does not accept newcomers."

Speaking of this, Ji Hongcai felt a little regretful: "No matter how potential the newcomer is, he or she will not be immediately favored by the big brigades. This is inappropriate."

"Why is it inappropriate?"

Fei Lezhi immediately defended Wei Xun: "I think Brother Wei is good everywhere!"

"Hey, you really are."

Ji Hongcai nodded at him and smiled at Wei Xun: "Chief Wei, it's not that you are not strong. After this journey, everyone will respect you. You are the one."

Ji Hongcai gave a thumbs up, then shook his head and sighed: "But the Grand Brigade looks at many aspects. The better the rookie performs for the first time, the less likely the Grand Brigade is to want them."

"I didn't realize the horror of the journey, I wasn't vigilant enough, I wasn't alert enough... Sometimes one person can destroy the entire team."

Jiang Hongguang said: "The better the newcomer's performance, the better his talent. Even if he can overwhelm the veterans on the first trip, yes, he is very good."

But the better the person, the easier it is to die.

They are unwilling to be mediocre and will continue to take risks to strengthen themselves. The journey for newcomers is not too difficult, and the hotel has a biased protection. They can crush them on this journey. Excellent newcomers can indeed do it, but they are afraid that from now on they will think that the journey is not difficult and the hotel is biased.

This kind of knowledge can cause people to miscalculate the danger and even lead to death.

"Don't tell me, although the tour guide is fucked up, he can still teach new tourists a lesson."

Ji Hongcai said: "Just like you, boss, what you said, the fish effect..."

"The Catfish Effect."

Jiang Hongguang smiled.

The word is said to come from sardines. The price of live sardines caught by fishermen is higher than that of dead fish. However, the return journey is too long and the fish do not move. Many fish will suffocate to death in the middle. Later, some fishermen put catfish, which feed on fish, into the fish tank. After seeing the catfish, the sardines ran away and became active, but in the end there were more fish alive.

Although most tour guides are not good, no matter how bad the tour guide a newcomer encounters, they are unlikely to be butchers. The right bad tour guide, external pressure, and turmoil within the brigade can make people mature quickly and become vigilant and cautious.

Vigilance is crucial during the journey.

But Jiang Hongguang is not too worried about Wei Xun. Wei Xun has his own ideas, is powerful, and is destined to be an extraordinary person. He doesn't need any 'catfish' stimulation. Jiang Hongguang even feels that maybe Wei Xun will become a 'catfish' for new tour guides.

Whoever is stronger will be the disruptor.

He was a little worried about newcomers like Fei Lezhi. I said this in the hope that Fei Lezhi and the others would listen.

"The Grand Brigade, of course, is good. But it may not be the most suitable."

Jiang Hongguang added: "Passengers can choose their own journey, but the journey they can choose is only the most difficult one based on the passenger's rank. You know this."

"But no matter how difficult it is, there will always be a limit. If you are a junior passenger, you will not be able to receive a dangerous journey."

"But if you join the brigade, there are no restrictions. The brigade depends on the average strength."

Ji Hongcai sighed: "Who the hell doesn't want to increase the size of the brigade, but the purpose of joining the brigade is to become stronger and to have good teammates, not to die."

It's like a big brigade. If they are all top-notch travelers, and you join in, the itinerary recommended by the hotel will be extremely dangerous.

No matter how talented the newcomer is, his title has not yet been formed and his experience is not sophisticated enough. He can gain experience in a difficult journey. Going to a higher journey in advance is simply seeking death.

Pull the seedlings to encourage growth.

No matter how evil you are, you still need time to grow up.

And there is another question. Do you think that in this case, will the people in the brigade take you with them during the journey?

If you don't take it with you, you will go on a difficult journey alone with the rest of the group. The level is so low that you don't know how you will die.

If I take you, you will probably drag down the members of the brigade.

So why bother.

Let the newcomers grow up first in the place where they should be. Only after they have grown to a certain level, become solid and will not die easily, can they enter the selection range of the Grand Brigade. This is the current situation of most people.

"You guys should be careful, don't let some brigade come, just go directly after talking about it."

Ji Hongcai then warned: "There are some inhumane idiots who recruit new people to bring down the average."

The top brigade does not do this kind of thing. After all, everyone is a top traveler. If a pure newcomer comes in, even if it is averaged, it will not lower the difficulty.

On the contrary, those small and medium-sized brigades that are on the line of life and death love to do this kind of thing.

In fact, many passengers' levels are rising step by step. It may not be because of his improvement in strength, but because of good luck or being with a tour guide. As long as he doesn't die, his level will keep going up.

The level has increased, but the strength may not necessarily increase. The journey within the optional range is too difficult. What should I do?

Recruiting new people! The newcomers must all be junior passengers. Using newcomers to lower the average strength of the brigade so that they can take less difficult journeys is what those brigade teams love to do.

They don't care about the life or death of the newcomers in the team, after all, they want low-level passengers. When all the newcomers are dead, it’s time to recruit another batch.

There's nothing better to cajole than a new guy.

"First ask about the highest mortality rate, historical mortality rate, and then talk about treatment."

Jiang Hongguang said: "It would be best if we could join a brigade."

There is a difference between a brigade and a brigade. Some people think that a brigade is more free. They can go on the journey together and everything they gain is theirs. But that's not the case with the brigade. The Grand Brigade has a clear division of labor. While providing protection and information, it also needs to hand over some of the harvested items after a journey. Each has its own pros and cons.

But the brigade is definitely the most stable, at least the teammates can be trusted.

"The three largest brigades now belong to the three major brigades."

Jiang Hongguang introduced: "The Sunset Brigade serves the strongest brigade on its way home."

"The Crimson Brigade, serving the Second Brigade Phenom."

"Laoshan Brigade, serving the Third Brigade Metaphysics."

"This name..."

Fei Lezhi grinned and heard that Jiang Hongguang was giving Wei Xun a detailed introduction. He didn't say it out loud, but secretly complained in his heart.

Sunset Troupe sounds like Sunset Red Old Man Music.

The Crimson Brigade sounds like a girl band.

Laoshan Tour Group, don’t mention it, once you hear it, people can’t help but think of Laoshan White Flower Snake Grass Water and Laoshan Beer.

The names of the brigade are very serious and nice, so why do all the brigade groups have the same name?

In fact, each brigade has its own bias. The passengers trained by the subordinate brigade are also to fill the vacancies in the big brigade and must cooperate. Therefore, the recruitment and training directions also have their own biases.

"The Laoshan Brigade likes to recruit Taoist priests most, no matter the sect, Zhengyi, Quanzhen, Fuzhuan, Maoshan, there are all kinds."

Jiang Hongguang first talked about the top ten brigades, and then focused on the top three: "In addition, they also like to accept travelers with zombie and ghost titles. The zombies and Taoist priests, ghosts and Taoist priests in their brigades can all They have very powerful coordination and fight across levels. In addition, they like to collect those with precognition titles, five element titles, such as metal, wood, water, fire and earth, as well as sky thunder, yin and yang. "

Jiang Hongguang said: "The guards are not afraid of resentment. This time they have surrendered the devil and fought against the devil many times. They will definitely be favored by the Laoshan Brigade."

Although demons seem to be more Western than ghosts, in the land of the East, they belong to the East. Even compared to more Taoist priests, the Laoshan Brigade is more rare in demons, ghosts, zombies and the like. Although Taoist priests subjugate demons in reality, because they know themselves and their enemies, they can cooperate better in the brigade.

The person who best understands the limits of ghosts and monsters, and knows how to break out ghosts, is of course the Taoist priest.

Jiang Hongguang didn't ask Wei Xun if he had the title of demon or ghost, he just pointed it out. In his opinion, the probability that the Laoshan Brigade would invite Wei Xun as an exception was very high.

"The Crimson Brigade likes to accept those with the title of monster, regardless of sea, land or air, monster or beast, they all accept them."

Jiang Hongguang explained: "The title of monster is not just for monsters. For example, those who can control monsters or communicate with monsters, such as those who are immortals, shamans, etc., are mainly for cooperation."

"The guards have wild hearts and have now successfully transformed into snow leopards. This snow leopard should not be an ordinary snow leopard. The security team of the returning brigade had a very powerful snow leopard that could tear up the ghost king. From then on, travelers with the title of snow leopard were particularly popular with the Crimson Brigade. The Guard will definitely be invited!"


Wei Xun spoke hard and bit off a handful of White Wolf King's hair. The White Wolf King shook his ears without getting angry and licked the little Snow Leopard's ears indulgently. Wei Xun turned his ears away to prevent the White Wolf King from licking them.

The white wolf's face was not swollen very quickly. He only had time to take a few pictures with the photo crystal, but now the swelling has completely subsided.

Wei Xun heard Jiang Hongguang mention the word "coordination" several times, Taoist priests and Taoist priests, Taoist priests and zombies, Taoist priests and ghosts, monsters and immortals, and shamans.

It’s all for the purpose of exerting the strength of one plus one which is greater than two.

"This kind of title is so unique."

Fei Lezhi was a little disappointed when he heard this: "Although my title is of little use, Xu Yang's title is very powerful. If they recruit people like this, won't they miss out on a lot of geniuses?"

"There are so many geniuses, and those who can be selected by the hotel are all talented in some way."

Jiang Hongguang smiled: "But most of the top brigades in the east and west regions have local distinctive titles. Like our Taoist priests, monks, demons, demons, ghosts, Miao Gu and the like in the East. The werewolves in the West, Vampires, bishops, wizards, etc. all have their own characteristics.”

"It's not that other titles are not strong, but the growth potential of these titles is higher."

Many titles are series and have corresponding higher-level titles.

In this way, those titles with no roots and no pings may be strong for a while, but it is difficult to stay strong forever.

The brigade recruits people based on their compatibility with the brigade, growth potential, and temporary strength, but they may not take it too seriously.

"We'll arrive at the finish line in a while. When you get off the car, look at the mutual aid meeting. The Taoist priests may be dressed as new observers of the Laoshan Brigade. They have demon ears and tails, so they may be members of the Crimson Brigade. There are also ghosts and undead spirits. The person who appears in this form may be someone from the Fourth Brigade Youdu. If there is a monk, it is very likely that he is a new observer from the Fifth Brigade Lotus."

With Wei Xun here, there will definitely be new observers from the Grand Brigade. Jiang Hongguang is confident.

"What about the people from the Sunset Brigade?"

After hearing what he said, Fei Lezhi couldn't help but interrupt:

"The Sunset Troupe rarely accepts new recruits."

Jiang Hongguang didn't want Wei Xun to have a bad impression of the Sunset Troupe, so he tactfully said: "If he wants to accept them, it doesn't matter what the title is, but he only accepts newcomers with the initial purple title."

"Look, the end is ahead!"

Ji Hongcai and Jiang Hongguang were old friends. Sensing his embarrassment, Ji Hongcai immediately changed the subject and said with a smile:

"After we get off the bus in a moment, we will take the bus directly. You newcomers will have a newcomer ID card, and then you can enter the mutual selection meeting."

"Ours here is only an entrance. The other newcomers who complete their journey today will all enter the mutual selection meeting on this day! Of course, we are the entrance to northern Tibet. If there are any newcomers who like our brigade, they will The people from the group will definitely stay here so that you can see them as soon as you enter the mutual selection meeting. Look, in front of you is——"

Suddenly, Ji Hongcai's words stopped abruptly. His eyes widened and he lost his voice in shock.


Jiang Hongguang, who had always been calm and collected, was so shocked that he almost braked suddenly and threw the car away.

"Damn it, why are there so many animals in front? Oh my god, is there a zoo here?"

Fei Lezhi was also shocked, it was an eye-opener: "Such a big python, a white wolf about the same size as our White Wolf King! Wait, how many tails does that fox have? I saw that right. Fuck, that's not right. , This is not an animal, this is a monster!”

"Brother Wei! This is the Crimson Brigade. There are so many people from the Crimson Brigade coming to pick you up!"

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