Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 131 Exploring the Secrets of Northern Tibet (Complete)

This is the voice of ***, Wei Xun remembers it clearly. Not counting the murmurs that he heard before that could drive people crazy, when he was still in the drunken Xiangxi when 'Bingjiu' was killing corpses and transforming into the Flying Fox King, this was the voice he * * * communicated with him.

"Look what you said, how come I can't find you."

Wei Xun smiled and turned his head naturally as he spoke - but as soon as he turned his head, his eyes suddenly went dark and he went blind! No, there was a feeling of cloth in front of his eyes, more like someone was blindfolded.

"Huh? Honey, don't make trouble."

Wei Xun touched his eyes and found that his eyes were actually covered by something like a piece of cloth.

nice one! * * *Everything you can get your hands on is definitely a good thing.

Wei Xun's heart moved slightly, but as soon as he grabbed the piece of cloth, his hand was held down before he could pull it off.


The other party whispered, his fingers were very cold, and the fingertips were not soft, more like ice. Wei Xun's body trembled instinctively. A sense of crisis and extreme tension came from the point where the other person's fingers came into contact with the back of his hand. They were out of control, and Wei Xun could not control these emotions.

More like instinct.

Danger, run away.

"Is this so?"

Wei Xun was a little regretful. He ignored his body instinct and instead of retreating, he actually held ***'s fingers with his backhand.

"I want to see you...isn't this okay?"

Take a look!

Wei Xun was not only curious about the owner of the hotel, but also thinking about his phased title task called "Master". I remember that when Wei Xun received this mission in Xiangxi, he put it on hold because the progress of the mission was too slow.

It wasn't until it traveled to northern Tibet and observed various things such as swarms of evil ghosts and demonic shadows that its mission progress began to soar. In fact, when he saw the Great Demon Chabalen, its mission progress had increased by 20% and reached the first stage standard. However, its mission reward was quite special and involved selection issues. Wei Xun had no choice for the time being. Tube.

You don’t need to claim the rewards yet, just save them.

But the mission progress can continue to improve first!

Just like the * * * next to him, if he could just take a look at him, the progress of this mission might soar.

Just listening is useless, this task can only be done by 'observation'.

It's a pity that * * * won't show it.

If you are not allowed to see it, it would be great to get a masking strip.

It's a pity that * * * won't give it.

Wei Xun retreated again and again, and finally had no choice but to do the next best thing and hold ***'s finger.

Stingy, petty, and a pervert.

Wei Xun thought bitterly.

But the other party did not stop him from holding his fingers.

* * *There is an entity.

Just by holding his fingers, Wei Xun got a lot of information.

Wei Xun secretly clenched the finger and shook it affectionately. It is quite hard, bendable, and has nails. It feels different from that of a normal person. It is a bit like a stiff corpse, but it is colder than a corpse and more flexible than a corpse.

The fingers were longer than his, and the hands should be bigger than his.

Wei Xun pressed forward again, and moved his tentative hand up, trying to hold ***'s hand, but failed, and the other party avoided it.

"Do you want to... hold my hand?"

Wei Xun's heart trembled, but on the surface he was a little surprised, a little regretful, and a little hopeful: "Isn't it possible?"

Then he thought to himself: "That's right, there is blood on my hands, it is indeed not clean."

Be careful, cautious, test, see where the bottom line is, and change the subject immediately if something goes wrong.

But the other party didn't take advantage of him. Instead, he chuckled after Wei Xun's words.

"No, it's my hands, they're not clean enough."

He said casually: "It will be so dirty that it will drive you crazy."

In an instant, Wei Xun almost let go of the finger he was holding. What does it mean to be so dirty that you go crazy? For a moment, he imagined countless horrific scenes in his mind, but Wei Xun soon calmed down.

The key is not being dirty, but being 'crazy'.

Cannot hear, cannot think, cannot see, cannot touch, this is Wei Xun's initial definition of those alienated and powerful beings. * * * Naturally in this category.

When Wei Xun was a traveler, even hearing his voice would drive him crazy, his thinking would be confused, and he still couldn't understand what he was saying. Although he gradually adapted to it later, those were just the remaining powers of babble, not real speech.

But when he was a tour guide, he could hear what *** was saying clearly.

Although I still couldn't see, I could already touch him, even though it was just a finger.

Wei Xun felt that not only was he currently a tour guide, but it was also inseparable from the fact that the place he was in was an abyss.

What he was curious about was where this power that could make people go crazy came from. Is it the power of the abyss?

The tour guide is more able to withstand the invasion of the power of the abyss, as evidenced by the fact that he still maintains his sanity after being alienated. But when the tour guide is alienated to a certain extent, or becomes powerful to a certain extent, will the tour guide also become this kind of "inaudible and invisible" existence?

That 'Ding Yi' has been kneeling outside and not looking up. Is it really because of fear, or because he can't look?


"How could I think you were dirty?"

Wei Xun said casually, then his heart moved. Zang, if that unknowable power is really the power of the abyss, then what do you think Zang said, does he have a disgusting attitude towards the power of the abyss?

Wei Xun had previously speculated through the contract that *** and An Xuefeng were the same person, and this seemed to be proof that he was hostile to the power of the abyss. Except for the tour guide, all tourists should be hostile to the power of the abyss.

But *** is the owner of the hotel and An Xuefeng is the tourist. How did they separate? When he mentioned An Xuefeng before, * * * did have a special reaction. Are they now considered 'the same person' separated from each other, or are they already two separate individuals?

"I saw An Xuefeng before."

Wei Xun rolled his eyes under the cloth and said tentatively: "He said..."

Wei Xun's voice suddenly disappeared, and a cold finger gently pressed on his lips.

"Don't mention him all the time, okay?"

* * * He said softly. Although it was a question, his gentle tone revealed a dangerous tone.

He was not asking Wei Xun for his opinion.

□□, no comment is allowed.

"This is obviously a date between you and me."

This is a date between you and me, don’t mention anyone else.

Wei Xun:? ? ?


He was shocked. Could this be considered a date?

To be honest, if he, Wei Xun, had a lover, he would definitely play all kinds of tricks to surprise and satisfy the other person when they were going on a date.

There is no preparation, no plan. When you say this, it’s a date?

Don't make trouble.

"A date in the abyss? It's great."

Anyway, they are not a real match. Wei Xun doesn't worry about it. Since * * * said it was a date, that's fine. Wei Xun immediately grasped the key point. In an understatement, he said in a tone like going to an amusement park to ride a roller coaster:

"I really like the abyss, my dear, let's go ride the magic dragon."

When he was lying on his back, he saw a huge black shadow passing by in the scarlet sky above his head. Wei Xun didn't know if it was a dragon, but it was an abyss anyway, and it was normal for there to be a demonic dragon.

He didn't come down here to chat with ***, he came down to capture the abyss creatures, establish contact with them, and mark the abyss.

"There are no abyssal dragons in your territory."

Not to mention other men, * * *'s temperament and character are pretty good.

"One hundred and thirty-five miles east, in the Bone Canyon, there is an abyss ghost dragon."

There really is a dragon in the abyss!

"What a pity, I can't live with it now."

Wei Xun wrote down everything * * * said, which is really a pity. Who doesn’t want to see a dragon? The Abyss Ghost Dragon sounds very powerful and handsome. It's good to fight against the abyss dragon, but Wei Xun still doesn't know what kind of demon his alienated state is.

Although it has horns, a devilish tail, and probably wings, it is generally humanoid.

Dragons are the coolest!

What would be the best thing for me to tag?

Wei Xun casually grabbed ***'s fingers and squeezed them absentmindedly. Of course, the stronger the marked abyss creature is, the better, but except for a few black shadows that passed across the sky, Wei Xun didn't feel any strong presence at the moment.

Maybe marking a demonic insect is the best choice. The demonic insect ball is still in a damaged state. Only by upgrading the title can there be a chance to repair it. The title of demonic insect ruler needs to be upgraded. The more demonic insects the better, and the stronger the better. .

And if it comes again, it would be better to have different functions. He currently has several demonic insects in his hand, each with its own use. If there is another demonic insect with duplicate functions, it won't be of much use.

Wei Xun was deep in thought when the person next to him spoke again.

"Aren't you going to ask me?"

ask? what?

Wei Xun still has many doubts and unknowns about sex, but at present, he knows almost everything he can know about what he is most concerned about. As for other things, he is too weak now, so it would be useless to ask, and he might not be able to listen.

And he doesn’t want to be too irritating * * *. The influence of love is still there. If he asks too deep questions, such as what is the Maria butterfly, where do the fragments on my body come from, etc., it will stimulate * * * to wake him up. , then it’s over.

After all, this person can make his SAN value plummet, which is very dangerous. Wei Xun pursues excitement and does not want to deliberately seek death at this time.


Wei Xun replied with a questioning tone.

what? He didn't know what else * * * wanted him to ask.

Then let the other person say it themselves.

* * * It seemed like a sigh, the voice came from the right, he was on the right. But Wei Xun didn't feel anything on his right side, except for the finger he was holding.

* * * He is really strong. Compared with him and An Xuefeng, who is stronger?

"You're distracted."

"Feel sorry."

Wei Xun came back to his senses and apologized: "You know, I have to mark this abyss node. But now I haven't found a suitable abyss creature... Well, it's my fault, I shouldn't be in our first Thinking about this on a date.”

Wei Xun thought for a while and took out a piece of white crystal. This is a round crystal, it is as big as an apple. Wei Xun holds the crystal between his left arm and left leg, holding the fanatic's knife in his right hand, and carvings on the crystal carefully.

The fanatic's knife is really sharp, carving crystal is like cutting a cake. Wei Xun also summoned the magic fire.

The fanatic's knife was carved, the magic fire was burning and polished, the crystal fragments rustled and fell, and gradually, the round crystal turned into a crooked flower.

"Rose, a gift for you to commemorate our first date."

Wei Xun smiled, shamelessly and calmly, even though he called this thing that could hardly be seen as a flower a rose, he actually handed it to him. He felt a little regretful and said sincerely:

"Without a left hand, the sculpture looks ugly. This date came too suddenly, and I was not prepared. But no matter what, there should be a gift."

The other party seemed a little surprised. The crystal flower in Wei Xun's hand disappeared. He must have been taken by ***.

After a second or two of silence, * * * chuckled, and the emotion in his voice seemed to be more than before.

"Thank you for the rose, I love it."

"nice! You love it."

Wei Xun nodded calmly, but the words he just said were actually crazy hints!

My left hand is gone, broken? did you see? If you didn't see me tell you, you should find my left hand and pick it up.

This date came too suddenly, and there was no preparation. This is your problem.

Even if you don't care that I broke my left hand and prepared this first date so hastily, I won't be angry. I even carved a gift for you.

You should give me a gift too, right?

This is our first date!

Wei Xun thought that anyone with a normal conscience should understand some of the hidden meanings in his words.

"You are right, the first date is indeed memorable. I have also prepared a gift for you."


Wei Xun suddenly smiled brightly. Regardless of whether * * * prepared it in advance or now, even if it is an item on his body, it is definitely a good thing!

Wei Xun was still thinking about this eye-wrap before, but now he doesn't think about it anymore. * * * Since it is a gift, it must be more precious than this!


Wei Xun heard a chuckle. The laughter was so soft that you couldn't hear it unless you were careful.

"You didn't ask. I thought you didn't expect the gift I prepared for you."

? !

Wei Xun was a little convinced. So you said, ‘Don’t you ask me? 'Is this what you are referring to?

Good guy, why are you so stubborn?

"Of course I'm looking forward to it!"

Wei Xun smiled and said, "I must like the gift you prepared!"

"you will like it."

The cold finger was pulled out of Wei Xun's hand and fell on his heart.


Wei Xun's heart skipped a beat, and an unfamiliar feeling spread from deep in his heart. It was as if a fire had ignited my heart, it was hot, scorching, my heart was tight, my heartbeat was irregular, and I had an unbearable feeling of suffocation. He couldn't help but cover his heart, instinctively wanting to curl up.

This is pain.

Wei Xun suddenly realized.

This is a painful feeling.

And ***'s fingers had moved away from his chest, all the way up, from the collarbone, to the neck, to the mandible, and then to the cheek and forehead.

The finger paused at his eyes, and finally came down again, stopping at Wei Xun's Adam's apple.


Wei Xun could no longer hear what * * * was saying. He was panting violently, and the pain swept over him, like being burned by fire, but the heat was even more serious.

It was the pain that burst out from his heart and swept through his whole body. His body's instinct made him curl up, but the invisible force suppressed him, preventing him from struggling.

It hurts, it hurts so much.

Wei Xun was smiling, even though his smile was distorted by the pain.


He had never been in such pain, it was so painful that his whole body trembled and convulsed, and his soul trembled. Even the month-long nightmare before entering the hotel, in which he transformed into a monster and died, was not as painful as this moment.

Happy, morbid, surprised, dissatisfied, and in severe pain, Wei Xun dropped all pretense and revealed his truest emotions.

He is happy because of pain, sick because of chasing pain, surprised by the sudden arrival of severe pain, and dissatisfied because of * * *.

I'm really dissatisfied. Damn it, no way, no way, isn't this a * * * date gift?

"of course not."

Wei Xun, who was in a daze, heard the sound of * * *, and he gasped. At this moment, the pain in his heart intensified.

And the severe pain was not on the surface of the body, not a trauma, but spread from the heart to the internal organs.

There is no way to escape, no place to hide, as if there is a fire burning fiercely, trying to ignite your whole body.


The wetness in front of his face was caused by tears falling down his face. Wei Xun was in so much pain that he couldn't breathe. These were physiological tears.

The white hair on the forehead was wet with cold sweat, and the already pale skin seemed to be transparent. The ice blue eyes were blinded by pain, soaked with tears, and the eyes were as clear and magnificent as gems. They were no longer indifferent and alienated, and looked a little pitiful.

"What are you...hiss...doing...?"

Wei Xun's words were broken, and in the severe pain that made people on the verge of madness, a bit of coldness stood out, falling on his Adam's apple, which was * * *'s finger.

Wei Xun felt that his throat was cut open, and something entered under his skin from the wound.

It doesn't hurt too much.

But it's even more creepy.

Dangerous, terrifying, cold, hard, like an ice bead. It's a foreign object, and it's like the feeling * * * brings to him.

Did * * * stick his finger into his throat?


Wei Xun, who was in a daze from the pain, seemed to hear the roar of the White Wolf King and the intimidating roar of the Snow Leopard. But the next moment Wei Xun was so painful that he fainted. His eyes were dark and he didn't know anything.

Wei Xun didn't see the white wolf king and snow leopard's phantoms charging at them furiously, but he was slapped to pieces by * * *, but at the same time * * *'s left hand was also bitten off by the white wolf king.

The next moment, the shattered beast's shadow appeared again, still trying to kill * * *. This time he took a step back and left Wei Xun's Adam's apple with his fingers.

It seems that a very thin white mark can be seen, like a scar. But it healed quickly.

"This is the gift you wanted."

* * * He said softly, smashing the incoming beast shadow again.

"My devil, do you like it?"

The beast shadows of the White Wolf King and Snow Leopard came again, and he smashed them into pieces, but at the same time, the figures of *** also became a little illusory. Like the gradual weakening of the beast's shadow, it can also affect him. He took out Wei Xun's broken left hand and placed his fingertips on his left wrist, where the beast's deep bite marks were.

Pressing and running over it with his fingers, the bite mark gradually became lighter, but at the same time, the purple-black thorn pattern representing his mark on the other side of the wrist also became lighter.

Both come from the same source, and it is impossible to destroy just one of them. If it disappears, it disappears all together.

As soon as I let go, the mark will no longer be erased. He pressed his fingertips to the thorn pattern and drew a purple-black rope.

This is Wei Xun's original adventure. After the climbing rope broke, one section was still the "climbing rope", and the prop information was the same as before. But another section of the climbing rope turned into a shackle, able to be hidden in the thorn patterns.

After scratching the shackles with his fingers a few times, he put the shackles back on Wei Xun's wrists and connected them to his left hand.

"Goodbye, looking forward to our next date."

* * *'s figure gradually faded away, and so did Wei Xun. Soon, there was no one else in this abyss node. The huge black shadow in the sky flew past, but the alluring aura was no longer felt.


It roared in anger, and its roar set off a storm that wreaked havoc on the world. Countless monsters fled in panic, and the place suddenly became chaotic. The huge black shadow flew away, and this time it didn't look back.

* *

"Master, master!"

"Master, wake up!"


Amidst the continuous calls, Wei Xun suddenly opened his eyes, still a little distracted.

He woke up.



Wei Xun slapped the flying mink away, grinning and gasping. The mink was jumping up and down on him just now, but Wei Xun had just experienced a round of severe pain, and he hadn't recovered yet. His whole body was extremely sensitive, and he couldn't even touch it. Big reaction.

Mink cub, Stone Cave, is he back from the abyss?

Wei Xun immediately put on his passenger title and looked around cautiously. Very good, An Xuefeng is not here. The White Wolf King was beside him. But it was sleeping, but not peacefully enough. It kept kicking its legs, stretching its claws, and growling low in its throat, like a roar.

Wei Xun felt that the wolf's head seemed a bit bigger, but that didn't matter. He sensed it carefully, then thoughtfully, touched his throat and clasped his fingers.

Wei Xun pulled out a dark red stone from his Adam's apple.

This is the appearance of the abyssal node he marked.

When he completely fuses this crimson stone, Wei Xun's alienated state will grow rapidly and even enter adulthood, possessing strong combat power.

[Excellent traveler Wei Xun, you have completed the hotel’s summons mission and performed the mission for the first time. You have performed well! 】

[For your outstanding performance, the hotel will make an exception and reward you with a photo crystal! 】

[Name: Photo Crystal]

[Quality: Rare]

[Function: Record images with unlimited capacity, immune to any harsh and supernatural images, and the captured images are as clear as a live broadcast in a hotel. 】

[Note: From now on, you can use the photo crystal to shoot short vlog clips, upload them to your homepage, set the purchase amount yourself, and then start earning points! 】

Wei Xun picked up the diamond-shaped crystal and patted it casually, taking a picture of the White Wolf King waving his limbs and 'fighting bravely' in his sleep. After playing around for a while, he found that he could control the segmentation of the shot, but if he wanted to upload it, he had to bind his identity.

Wei Xun was not bound. He put the diamond-shaped crystal into the fox cub's belly, touched his neck, and fell into deep thought.

The demon seed, * * * planted his own demon seed into Wei Xun's throat, and it was sleeping at the moment.

Wei Xun didn't feel any discomfort, and he was not in a hurry to wake up the demon seed, communicate with it, and see what effect it had.

He was thinking about something.

After the demon seed entered his body, he left the abyss node.

In other words, he established contact with the abyss creatures and marked this abyss node.

Is it this demon seed, or * * * itself? The demon seed is not only a condensed body of * * * power, just like the demon seed planted by the great demon Chabalen in the chest of the high priest Yangjin. It is not only a mass of demonic energy, but also can affect the cognition of the high priest Yangjin. .

It can be said that the devil is the weak clone of the devil. It does not exist independently, but is part of the main body.

In other words, the demon seed planted in Wei Xun's throat cannot be considered an independent individual or a complete abyss creature.

He has established a connection with ***, and the demon seed is the symbol of the connection between the two of them.

Abyssal creatures... * * * Are they considered abyssal creatures? But he regards the power of the abyss as dirty. What's the secret in it?

Crimson stones mark the appearance of nodes in the abyss. Logically speaking, this appearance should be closely related to the abyss creature he marked. For example, if Wei Xun marked an inferior demon dog, it might appear to be a dog tooth.

This dark red stone is semicircular and not very big. What does it have to do with * * *?

Wei Xun looked at his left hand, which was reattached.

The mark on my wrist is still there.

Wei Xun was deep in thought. He held down his left wrist and pulled out the shackles from the thorn pattern.

This shackle has two functions, one is to mark (* * * is your admirer, He marked you), and the other is to record (record every bit of the relationship between you and * * *).

Wei Xun wanted to see if the shackles had recorded anything new during this 'date'.

Sure enough, under record 1, there is a new record 2!

[Record 2: On a certain year, month and day, on our first date in the abyss, you took the initiative to hold my finger and gave me a crystal rose carved by my own hands, and cursed angrily, ‘Damn An Xuefeng! ’, I am deeply convinced and will give you his precious demon seed in return. The two of you are in love and the ceremony has been completed. I wish you happiness. 】

[Then the evil beast attacked, * * * protected you from the attack of the beast, crushed the beast several times, the beast was defeated! 】

Wei Xun's eyes twitched when he saw it, it was simply unbelievable. What kind of rubbish record is this? Why is it even recorded that he cursed "Damn An Xuefeng"? What the hell is Wish You Happiness? There was also the beast attack from behind. He fainted and had no memory at all.

With * * *'s strength, it's just a matter of crushing a ferocious beast. How difficult is it?

Wei Xun dismissed it, flattering him inwardly. Because he remembered a very scary thing.

When he was in so much pain before, he thought, 'Although it hurts, this is not a date gift! ’ this sentence, and then * * * replied ‘Of course, no’

Did he read it out accidentally, or could * * * see through his thoughts and read his thoughts?

too strong,* * *!

Wei Xun sighed, and deeply felt that the name "Chachacha" in his mind was too simple, crude, and unsuitable for his status.

"Just call me Xingxing from now on."

Wei Xun's heart stopped. He tried to stand up, but his whole body was weak and he staggered. Wei Xun fell down and turned into a leopard cub.

He should have conquered and fused the crimson stone immediately, but Wei Xun didn't. He wore the title of traveler again. For a moment, the crimson stone was a little restless, and Wei Xun also showed signs of alienation. But under the title of Journey, he cannot alienate. Under such a contradiction, he may break his body.

It would be fine if he turned into a leopard cub.

Go out first, study later.


Wei Xun felt that he had grown up a bit. Although he was not yet a full adult, he was no longer a young leopard cub. The cry also changed from a childish chirp like a bird's song - but it wasn't any better. Even the cry of an adult snow leopard is more like a powerful cat's meow. If you want to have that kind of very domineering and intimidating roar, it will be impossible for the snow leopard in this life.

Maybe turning into a wolf?

Wei Xun pushed against the White Wolf King with all his strength until he woke up. Little Snow Leopard was thinking, although the puppets and 'Ding Yi' are very strong, even if we include 'hostile tour guide Bing 250' and 'newcomer outstanding traveler Wei Xun who needs to be protected', the four of them together can fight against the powerful For An Xuefeng, it wasn't a big deal.

When he received this assignment, he was a bit overqualified.


Wei Xun was too lazy to walk by himself, so the little snow leopard climbed on the back of the White Wolf King and was carried out by him. Before, he saw that the White Wolf King's head seemed to be bigger. It was not an illusion, but more like it was swollen. Wei Xun wanted to rub his face intimately, but the White Wolf King dodged it.

Who swollen the head of the White Wolf King?

Wei Xun calculated it and found that only *** had this strength.

Fierce beast, could it be that the ferocious beast that * * * is talking about is the White Wolf King?

Wei Xun made random guesses and shook his head, this shouldn't be the case, what a grudge, there was a special note in the record, 'Beast, defeated! ’, this is not the case. If true, it seems that the relationship between *** and An Xuefeng is not particularly harmonious.

Even a wolf has to be beaten violently, who makes you An Xuefeng's pet?

Wei Xun licked the white wolf king's hair lovingly. He suddenly remembered that Lama Cuocao had told him that according to the Buddha's omen, the powerful demon-killing messenger should arrive in a year.

Wei Xun now wonders, could this 'demonic messenger' be An Xuefeng? White Wolf, and his journey to northern Tibet, were originally supposed to be just exploring the road.

It should be because the White Wolf King is here and on this journey, so the second outstanding traveler summoned by the summoning order is An Xuefeng.

A day in the life of a snow leopard...

Wei Xun recalled the day he saw the snow leopard during his adventure. In the snow leopard's memory of that day, it was indeed very close to An Xuefeng. It was not an ordinary master-pet relationship.

It is only right that he will be called by the White Wolf King.

Wei Xun suppressed the strange feeling in his heart.

"Brother Wei, it's Brother Wei!!"

"The guards are out!"

After returning to the ground from the underground, the teammates cheered and shouted with excitement, echoing throughout the world. The sky is still full of clouds, but there are no more heavy rains. The land is devastated, the shores of Serin Lake are in a mess, and there may be news of another major earthquake in northern Tibet.

But it will only be a normal earthquake, and there will be no demons.

There is no longer a crazy Prince Shang Hung who wants to prove himself.

Wei Xun stood on the back of the White Wolf King, overlooking the shores of Serin Lake. He seemed to see a silvery shadow that almost disappeared.

It is the soul of the wrong lama.

One person and one soul, looking at each other across space and time. Lama Cuocao seemed to be smiling. After seeing Wei Xun's return, he no longer had any worries. Xiaolin Temple is gone, the devil is dead, the sacrifice has not been completed, and the last 'bloodline of King Xiangxiong' has been lost.

There is nothing left to remember.

He faced Serin Lake and slowly bowed down, as if he were offering sacrifices to the lake for the last time. As he bowed down, his soul gradually dimmed and dispersed. Dissipated between heaven and earth, dissipated by the sacred mountain and holy lake.

It is dissipation, not death, but the great perfection of the soul. Inside the fox cub's belly, the diamond-shaped body also dimmed. It is still a diamond, but the condensed spirit within it is gone.

Wei Xun watched off Lama Cuocai, this respectable old man. Then he jumped to the ground, and police sirens sounded in the distance. The demonic power dissipates, the evil altar collapses, and the rest returns to the human world, and travelers no longer need to stay here.

It was dusk and the police sirens were blaring, but no one noticed a few off-road vehicles leaving.

[A ridiculous sacrifice, a crazy transaction. Existences that have disappeared into the past should not return, whether they are demons from the past, people from the past, or countries from the past. The story of Zhangzhong Kingdom and Xiaolin Temple has gone far away, but the sound of eagle flute still echoes on the grasslands of northern Tibet. But the man who plays the eagle flute is no longer Gan Dan Bai Ju. 】

[Hey, the third attraction project is completed! 】

[Exploring the North of Tibet - Devil's Lake is colorful and forest-filled, with a 100% completion rate]

[Task reward distribution——]

[You get 10,000 points (100% completion, excellent traveler, multiple points reward!)]

[You get the ancient kingdom’s witness to destruction (badge)]

[Name: Witness of the Ancient Country’s Destruction (Emblem)]

[Quality: Rare]

[Function: To suppress the ancient kingdom and its inheritors]

[Note: Quack, you are like a crow! You have witnessed the complete destruction of an ancient country, and of course you can witness others. As soon as you appear, you will make them feel fear and feel the pressure of destruction! Let those old immortals see, destruction is their only way out! The world belongs to now! 】

[The more destruction of ancient kingdoms you witness, the stronger the badge will be! 】

[You are the well-deserved captain of this brigade and have been recognized by the hotel. The reward points will increase by 50%]

The leopard cub Wei Xun lay comfortably in the arms of the White Wolf King and yawned lazily.

Under his claws is a black bird-shaped badge, a bit like a crow, as if exuding an ominous bad luck.

The fox cub didn't like the badge very much and resisted Wei Xun stuffing it into his stomach, but his reaction was not too violent.

The ancient country, the inheritor of the ancient country...

The Shang Shung Kingdom of 1,600 years ago is considered an ancient kingdom. So far, it can only suppress countries younger than 1,600 years ago.

As for China, it cannot suppress its five thousand years of history.

It can be used to determine the identity. For example, this badge was left like this and did not cause any reaction from Jiang Hongguang and others in the car. It only aroused a weak reaction from the fox cub.

These people cannot yet be regarded as 'inheritors of the ancient country'. Their titles and identities are not enough.

Tianhu can count, is it because of its identity?

This badge is a good thing. Wei Xun only hopes that the "ancient country" included in it can be made in a newer year, and that the years from 1600 onwards can be included.

In this way, many not-so-old Western countries are within the scope of the badge's suppression.

After all, the demon merchant is still waiting for him. Recently, this guy gave Xiaocui several gifts and then lost contact. Maybe you think there are enough soul contracts? Or was he hollowed out?

Anyway, Wei Xun let Xiaocui and the fox cub share most of the things he sent. The things that were useful to women (females) were given to Xiao Cui, and the things that were useful to the fox were given to the fox cub. It was perfect.

"Brother Wei, which brigade do you want to join?"

Fei Lezhi, who was in the front row, turned around, scratched the back of his chair and asked Wei Xun happily.

"Brother Hong said that our newcomers are different from their elders. When we get to Qiangtang, there will be a mutual selection meeting or something. Maybe there will be people from the brigade to choose people!"

The brigade is the subordinate team of the brigade. It is impossible for those small and medium-sized brigades to have brigade groups. Those who have brigade groups are all powerful large brigade teams.

There is usually no shortage of people in these large brigades, and with their reputation, strong men will naturally come here. Therefore, we will come to the mutual aid meeting to recruit new people, most of whom are new groups, small and medium-sized brigades that are not too strong and not attractive enough to mature tourists. Brigades are rare.

Unless you are a particularly outstanding, astonishingly outstanding new traveler.

"People will definitely come, maybe even more."

Jiang Hongguang also smiled, he was going to Qiangtang Nature Reserve in half a day. Their journey is actually over, and there will be no more danger next, just to leave.

In other words, this half day should be their last time together. Everyone was quite reluctant to leave. There was no tour guide to cause trouble, and Wei Xun was the main one. There was no friction in the brigade. Everyone got along well with each other, and almost all of them exchanged contact information.

"Maybe... someone from the Sunset Brigade will come."

Ji Hongcai was mysterious and lowered his voice, his eyes full of excitement.

"That's the subordinate brigade of the returning brigade!"

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