Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 129 Exploring the Secrets of Northern Tibet (73)

In the dense fog, the madman's knife slashed at the back of Pinocchio's neck. Wei Xun drew the knife too quickly and too hard. He saw the right moment, and when the blade fell, it happened to be the moment when Pinocchio swung the wooden hammer and smashed through the passage.

He had no time to fight back, couldn't free his hands to fight back!


The knife rises, the knife falls.

The fanatic's knife cut off the puppet's head!


The blade continued to castrate, and the falling of the puppet's head was not the end. The madman's knife hit countless invisible and tough thin lines, Wei Xun had expected it. It is not difficult to cut off the puppet's head, but it is difficult to cut off the puppet strings in his body.

The tough puppet strings could not withstand the sharpness of the blade, and one of them broke, but there was more than one puppet string in the puppet's neck!

The blade was blocked by other puppet threads. It vibrated unwillingly, buzzed, and clanged. The fanatic's knife cut the second puppet thread, but in the end it could not go any further!

The two puppet strings broke, and Pinocchio trembled all over. Even the sledgehammer in his hand paused for a moment, but he did not completely lose control of his body.

He reacted very quickly, turning his sledgehammer and smashing it down at Wei Xun. At the same time, the puppet string was pulling the fanatic's knife out of control and trying to break free from Wei Xun's hand!

Too strong, the other party is too strong.

This is the only weapon he can use against Pinocchio. If the fanatic's knife is released, Wei Xun will not be able to use the knife again. The wooden hammer fell, and he had nowhere to hide. If he retreated now, he might still have a chance.

After all, Pinocchio just wanted to escape and had no intention of fighting back.

But Wei Xun refused to retreat!

The madman is as strong as he is.

Wei Xun smiled. At this moment, he actually let go of his hand and let go of the fanatic's knife. However, he faced Pinocchio himself and used all his strength, leaving no way for him to retreat.

'adventure! ’

Are puppets considered living entities? Is puppet silk a living thing?

Can a broken puppet thread still be considered a living entity?

'adventure! ’

Wei Xun shouted in his heart, and he used two adventure opportunities in an instant. Two times, the broken puppet silk is not a living thing!

【Adventure successful! The broken puppet threads were reconnected! 】

Risk-taking is gambling, there is no certainty at all, but Wei Xun is extremely adaptable and his brain turns quickly. The broken puppet wires were lifeless, separated from the control of the puppet master, and reconnected. When the puppet wires broke just now, the puppet man made a strange movement - in an instant, he was close to the puppet man, and he was already close to the puppet man's back, and the wooden hammer was close to his head. , was about to fall, and Wei Xun could already feel the terrifying pressure radiated from it.

Will he be smashed into a pulp first, or--


The more gamblers gamble, the greater their chances!

The moment the heavy hammer fell, Wei Xun reached out to Pinocchio's neck and hooked his fingers.


Invisible thin threads stretched between Wei Xun's fingers. In an instant, his gloves were torn, and his flesh and blood were broken, revealing the white bones. But without hesitation, he grasped the two filaments not only with his fingers, but even with his whole hand. The palm of his hand was almost broken, and the bones of his hand were deeply scarred, but he held on!

The wooden hammer fell on Wei Xun's head, but he could not take the next step. Half of the puppet's body was stiff. One of the two puppet wires controlled the sledgehammer, and the other controlled the puppet's half!

The broken puppet threads were out of Pinocchio's control and could no longer control his body. The reconnected puppet threads could control his body, but they came so suddenly that Pinocchio had not had time to integrate them again. In control.

Wei Xun took advantage of it!

Wei Xun stepped on Pinocchio's back, but his hands were still holding on to the puppet string. The madman's knife buzzed and vibrated, and he was actually touched by him, trying desperately to break free from the control of the puppet string. At this moment, Pinocchio was trying his best to control the two puppet strings that had escaped from trouble, and his control over the Fanatic's Knife was reduced.

It itself is Wei Xun's exclusive weapon!

The puppet's thread was not broken, but the madman's knife swung with the thin thread. It swung towards Wei Xun, blood gushing and surging, and he was seriously injured and on the verge of death. It was crazy enough!

But Wei Xun's hands were controlled and he could not hold the knife. The fanatic's knife swung towards his neck. If he couldn't catch the knife, his neck might be cut off directly by the fanatic's knife. The puppet silk didn't stop the madman's knife from flying. I'm afraid Pinocchio had the same plan.

The knife can fly, can you stop it?

If you want to dodge, can you still be considered a fanatic? !

Wei Xun didn't hide, he even stepped forward to face the fanatic's knife, but it was not his own neck, but his mouth.

The blade scratched, it was a double-edged sword. Wounding the enemy also hurt himself, the corner of his mouth was cut and blood flowed, but Wei Xun bit the fanatic's knife. He bit the knife and then chopped at the puppet man's head.


Two more puppet threads broke!

"Wei Xun!"

A sharp and vicious roar sounded, and Wei Xun suddenly let go. Pinocchio regained control of the two reconnected puppet threads. He could no longer stop him, otherwise his hands would be cut off. but--

'adventure! ’

'adventure! ’

The two puppet threads were reconnected, but two more puppet threads were cut, and there were two more adventures!

"Wei Xun, you are so cruel."

Pinocchio spoke, still giggling: "It's so interesting, you are so interesting, but it's a pity that you are not suitable for our Shepherd Alliance."

If it’s not suitable, go to hell.

His escape had failed and was actually delayed by Wei Xun. The terrifying white wolf has already charged in, and his clone is doomed to destruction. Even though it was extremely difficult for him to become a puppet clone, his physical strength would be greatly reduced after being killed.

Who would have thought that his puppet clone of Pinocchio would die here?

Moreover, he actually had a chance to escape. This could not be regarded as being directly chased and killed by An Xuefeng, nor was he killed by that person.

It turned out to be Wei Xun who delayed the time.

Why, how could this happen?

Pinocchio felt aggrieved. He burst into tears and cried loudly: "I am just a puppet and my body is dead, but you are going to die as a whole. Is it worth it?"

As he spoke, the wooden hammer quietly cracked and shattered, revealing a sharp light. There was actually a huge sickle wrapped in this wooden hammer! The crescent moon-like tip of the knife was bright with cold light and filled with evil energy. It pierced the back of Wei Xun's head. In a few tenths of a second, he would be pierced by the scythe. However, the two puppet threads lost control and the scythe fell a few seconds slower. Wei Xun bought time.

Wei Xun ignored it and pushed his left hand into Pinocchio's broken neck. The puppet silk would suck blood, mend wounds, and invade the human body. This was instinct. He knew it from the first time he and Pinocchio fought!

Then Wei Xun lowered his head and swung his left hand with the fanatic's knife. The hand and wrist were all stuffed into Pinocchio's neck. Blood spurted out, and the two newly reconnected puppet silk instinctively rushed in. Wei Xun's wrist, but in the next moment, a terrifying momentum spread from Wei Xun's left wrist!

That is not an ordinary left wrist, it is a left wrist with the teeth mark of the White Wolf King, the mark of * * *!

This is a fanatic!

"I don't know whether I will die or not. You are going to die."

Wei Xun chuckled, but he cursed in his heart, this puppet is insidious! Who would have thought that he had a sickle hidden in his sledgehammer? !

The moment he originally wanted to cut off his left wrist, he hid himself in the stone bricks to avoid the wooden hammer. Yes, of course the stone bricks from Xiaolin Temple can also 'conquer' Wei Xun.

But the moment the sickle appeared, an extremely terrifying aura filled the air. All of Wei Xun's methods were suppressed, and except for the exclusive weapon, all others could not be used!

Fuck you, I’m not really going to die!

It's so frustrating to die. Wei Xun doesn't want to really die! In an instant, he tried every means, and even wanted to move the three Mantis brothers out to block the sword, but the damn Demonic Insect Ball was also restricted, and the title-exclusive weapons could not be used. The only thing that can be used is his personal exclusive weapon!

Could it be that he could turn his head 180 degrees and use the fanatic's knife in his mouth to stop the sickle?

This is impossible!

Countless thoughts passed by, and Wei Xun became extremely calm. At the last moment, he would become a tour guide. Even if the sickle cuts him in half, the tourists will die, and the tour guide's death countdown will at most reach zero. Even if they are all alienated, he has a name tag, and he still has a chance to put himself to death and survive!

The reason why I don’t immediately give up my title of tourist and become a tour guide is because——

"He can't die."

A low and impatient male voice sneered, coming from behind, and Wei Xun's head was held down by a big hand.

It was a man's hand, which was very big and the palm was very hot, firmly protecting the back of his head. The sickle did not fall, and the threatening and dangerous chill completely disappeared.

It was completely blocked by one hand!

"You're going to die."

The other hand, carelessly, grasped Pinocchio, not too fast. But this little puppet was completely unable to move and seemed to be completely suppressed! The passage created by the wooden hammer was not wide. The man protected Wei Xun with one hand and held the puppet with the other. Wei Xun was enveloped by his body, almost in his arms. Wei Xun heard a low cough, and the man's body Things don't seem to be going well.


So strong!


Even the Madman's Knife was silent. It dared to buzz and be mad in front of Pinocchio, but under the pressure of this man, it did not dare to be mad anymore.

It is the sword of a fanatic, not a dead apostle!

In the flash of lightning, Wei Xun's face changed slightly when he thought of the identity of the person behind him, but what he was thinking about was not trust, safety, or relaxation.

Instead, run!

This person is too strong. If he seizes the Abyss Node and his strength greatly increases, there is still some hope. But now, Wei Xun felt that when he freed his hands, he would have no secrets at all in front of him, and would even be suppressed.

* * * Already strong enough, why is this person so strong?

This is not possible, this is not possible!

Puppet silk, puppet man, invisible mantis, a series of clues and fragments gathered together, and at this moment Wei Xun made a decision. With a sharp knife in his mouth, he killed Pinocchio like a madman.

kill you!

"Very fierce."

The man said, but he didn't stop him. After all, his hand was only protectively pressing on the back of Wei Xun's head, not clamping or holding him. Moreover, Pinocchio's sickle was useless in front of him and he was suppressed to the limit.

Wei Xun cannot be hurt.

Pinocchio was terrified, and of course he had the last resort to save himself. When Wei Xun forced his left wrist into his neck, Pinocchio did it before An Xuefeng could take action, so the probability of him running away was quite high.

When he was dealing with the devil before, he used puppet silk to break the invisible mantis, but he buried a small puppet inside it. He can use puppet positioning to teleport to the invisible mantis.

This is his old profession, and even Yin Yang Butterfly cannot find it without searching carefully.

Pinocchio wanted to run away, but he ran away by himself and fled to the Yin-Yang Butterfly. Was it useful?

I'm afraid Yin Yang Butterfly has already made peace with that person!

He died in the past too!

Now it was Pinocchio who was delaying them for time. When An Xuefeng killed him and then went over there, the abyss nodes would probably be opened.

Pinocchio is not a good person, he will not give in!

Biting murderous intent struck from behind, and it was Wei Xun who came to kill him again. At this moment, Pinocchio is too lazy to resist. Anyway, the clone must be destroyed, whether to pass it on or not...wait!

It's useless for him to pass it over, but he can pass it over to Wei Xun!

An Xuefeng defended Xun, and the matter of the returning brigade was by no means groundless. If Wei Xun is passed over, even if his Pinocchio clone will be destroyed, An Xuefeng is a very defensive person and will definitely face off against that Yin-Yang Butterfly.

The person who will come here to open the abyss node may have expected An Xuefeng to appear. In the end, even if his Pinocchio clone dies first, the Yin-Yang Butterfly's consciousness will be destroyed, Wei Xun will probably die, and An Xuefeng and that guy will both lose in a fight.

This is perfect!

Why is he running away? He should let Wei Xun escape!

At this moment Pinocchio realized.

The broken piece of wood actually bounced into Wei Xun's arms without the control of the puppet wire. The next moment, his body was crushed by An Xuefeng. The piece of wood had no killing intent, and Wei Xun did not hesitate or dodge. Hug the wood. For a moment he and Pinocchio looked at each other.

The puppet's head is cracked, but he's smiling.

Wei Xun's face was covered in blood, but he was also smiling, full of surprise.

He was betting that Pinocchio, the great tour guide, would definitely have a way to escape. Moreover, since he doesn’t get along with Yin Yang Die, he might also want to trick him.

I didn’t expect it to actually exist!

"Damn it."

An Xuefeng punched Pinocchio, and Pinocchio's body shattered. He was wearing special gloves, and the space was shaking when he held his palm. Even if Pinocchio teleported away, he would probably be directly shattered by the space, and he would not be able to die anymore. .

But the one he transferred was Wei Xun! If the space is shattered, Wei Xun will die.

At the critical moment, An Xuefeng stopped his hand. In the next moment, Wei Xun's body disappeared, and the world began to spin. Wei Xun opened his eyes again and found that he appeared next to Yin Yang Butterfly, with the Abyss Node right in front of him!

At this moment, Wei Xun smiled brightly, his face was covered in blood, and he looked really ferocious.

Very cooperative!

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