Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 128 Exploring the Secrets of Northern Tibet (72)

"A great tour guide?"

The man in the dark green cloak listened to Wei Xun's words and asked softly: "How powerful is it?"

During this process, the demon roared furiously because of Wei Xun's intrusion, and the demonic energy surged to kill him on the spot. But as soon as the man raised his hand, a butterfly flew up and took away all the evil energy.

Wei Xun's face changed slightly: "Ding Yi? No, you are not Ding Yi."

He subconsciously took two steps back and headed in the direction of Pinocchio.

"Who are you?"

"Hehe, his body is indeed Ding Yi, but the person speaking now is not Ding Yi."

Laughter rang out, and Wei Xun recognized that it was a child's voice, and turned around in shock: "You...hiss!"

He seemed to have just discovered that this person actually had the face of a strange puppet. He was frightened, but he immediately calmed down and said on guard, "Who are you?"

"Aren't you afraid of me?"

Pinocchio blinked, and the puppet's face was close to Wei Xun, as if to see the fear in his eyes. After a moment he said boredly: "It's boring."

"He is indeed the best new passenger who can convince Ding Yi on the first day."

Yin Yang Butterfly chuckled and said: "The name is just a code name, you can call me Ding Yi."

Sure enough, they watched the live broadcast outside. Wei Xun didn't pretend to be stupid, because it was meaningless. He originally thought about the worst. The personality, control, exposed title, and props revealed in the live broadcast.

What should a new traveler know and what should he not know? There is a gap in information between the outside world and him.

Wei Xun shouldn't know that Ding Yi has a superior, even if he defeated Ding Yi. But the fact that Wei Xun controlled Ding Yi and dug up his background was not exposed.

Wei Xun is not a reckless man. He takes the initiative and does not attack directly, but considers all possibilities.

When he was hidden to the extreme and sneaked upwards, but was discovered, Wei Xun gave up Plan A of hiding, observing the situation, and assassinating. After naturally raising his left hand and letting the unknown filament wrap around his left wrist, he walked up to this point and found that the devil was no match for the two of them. Wei Xun gave up Plan B of using the golden bell to stimulate the devil and disrupt the situation.

When he saw one party wearing Ding Yi's dark green cloak and the other party not wearing a cloak for some unknown reason, Wei Xun immediately chose Plan F.

This plan is very advanced. The more advanced the plan, the more risky and dangerous it is. Wei Xun was betting that neither of them would kill him immediately.

The first is that there is a "powerful" tour guide below, and he is the only one who knows the other party's information.

The second is that he is too weak, severely injured, and completely non-threatening.

The third is another excellent traveler who has not yet appeared.

With these two powerful guides, there are even more unknown sneak guides. In this case, if Wei Xun, an excellent traveler, is very weak in comparison, then another excellent traveler will be extremely powerful.

Powerful enough to deal with these tour guides and 'protect' Wei Xun. After all, the main purpose of a hotel is to solve problems. Never let them die.

In other words, these two tour guides have to be wary of the 'powerful tour guide' below, and they have to be wary of another 'excellent tourist'. They shouldn't be in the same camp, otherwise they should have joined forces to test it, instead of still dealing with the devil.

It is precisely because they are not in the same camp and may even be hostile to each other that they will start a 'fierce battle' on the devil's side and reach an agreement first.

Of course, there is a very small possibility that only ‘Ding Yi’ is the intruding tour guide and the other person is an excellent traveler. When he looked through the magic flame just now, the man only had a shadow. Wei Xun didn't see whether he had a cloak or not.

To sum up, Wei Xun is more than 30% sure that the opponent will not kill him immediately and control him.

Thirty percent was enough for him to take a gamble.

"You can call me Wan Xiangchun."

Pinocchio smiled and said: "You are right, I am a member of the returning team, an excellent traveler, and I am here to help you. I have been fighting with this Ding Yi for a long time, and he wants to open the Abyss Node."

Wan Xiangchun, the returning team...

This man is lying.

With the contract in place, Wei Xun would be able to see a glimmer of light if the people from the returning team really showed up.

Sure enough, he is also a tour guide.

"Mr. Wan."

Wei Xun was slightly wary and curious, but not completely convinced. He is a new traveler. Although Jiang Hongguang and others have heard about the major brigades, he has never really seen them or felt much about them.

At this moment, you should be wary of something that is as weird as a puppet and not even human at all.

Pinocchio rolled his eyes, noticing that he glanced at the devil from time to time, and smiled: "Don't worry about this little devil, it is no match for me, Ding Yi is also very weak."

"The tour guide below is very dangerous. Did you escape from him?"

" can't be said to be an escape."

Wei Xun's face was ugly: "The injuries on my body were caused by the demonic energy. I can't get close to him at all."

Escape? How could he successfully escape from such a powerful tour guide?

Unless the other party doesn't care about him.

Why didn't the other party control him, but just let him run out like this?

Wei Xun just wants Ding Yi and Wan Xiangchun to think about it.

Sure enough, after hearing what he said, Pinocchio chuckled a few times, and Yin Yang Butterfly was thoughtful.

Even when the demon roared in grief and anger, a large piece of demonic spider web directly covered its mouth, which was too noisy and affected his thinking.

"The wounds on your body are indeed filled with demonic energy. This is not good. If it is not eliminated, you will be eroded by the demonic energy."

Pinocchio smiled and touched Wei Xun's body with his little wooden hand. Wei Xun's face changed slightly and he wanted to avoid it, but he was completely unable to avoid his hand.

"What are you hiding from? I'm helping you heal."

The demonic energy dissipated, the wounds healed, and at the same time puppet threads were buried in these scars.



Pinocchio retreated suddenly, but the little puppet hand placed on Wei Xun snapped, as if it had been bitten off by something cruel.

"Mr. Wan, I'm sorry."

Wei Xun frowned and apologized: "But you'd better not touch me. Lama Cuocao said that I have the White Wolf King to protect me."

Snow leopards can hit people with their tails, but the white wolf king is even more fierce. It bites people.

The White Wolf King is stronger than this tour guide.

This time, Wei Xun was deliberately testing. Otherwise, he would have been able to let the White Wolf King bite him when the thin thread wrapped around his wrist at the entrance of the passage.

Sure enough, the White Wolf King and the Snow Leopard are one, and the tooth marks on his wrist can still work.

"Oh, it's okay. I was not careful."

Pinocchio laughed and crushed his severed hand, and the Yin-Yang Butterfly chuckled upon seeing this.

Everyone has his own way to invade the journey. He used Ding Yi's body to invade. Although he couldn't use his full strength, the advantage was that he could stay until the end of the journey or Ding Yi died.

Pinocchio is different. When the crisis at the abyss node is lifted, he will be directly excluded from the journey.

He didn't know whether Pinocchio was the real person who invaded the brigade. After all, this man had too many puppets. If it were his true form, he would definitely be able to connect to the severed hand, but this might just be done to show him.

However, Wei Xun's 'White Wolf King' protected him, and he was able to bite off Pinocchio's wrist. Even if his strength is suppressed to a very weak level, this shouldn't be the case.

Unless, that other excellent traveler is really that one. But just as Pinocchio said that, the puppet master stopped him...

"Young man, you are very good. Are you interested in joining our return journey?"

Yin Yang Butterfly is still meditating here, while Pinocchio and Wei Xun are chatting over there. He was so small but spoke in an old-fashioned way, with a smile, he took out a contract and said cheerfully to Wei Xun:

"I'm very optimistic about you. Come and sign the contract. Our return journey is the most powerful one!"

The Yin-Yang Butterfly knew at a glance that what Pinocchio took out was the contract of the Shepherd Alliance, but it was just disguised. He knew exactly what Pinocchio wanted to do. If Wei Xun could really sign the contract, it would prove that he was definitely a Category X tourist and even a reserve tour guide.

However, if this person is really an X-type traveler, this potential seedling cannot be allowed to go to the Shepherd Alliance.

And Pinocchio is really not in a hurry at all. Could it be that the one who opens the abyss node below is someone from the Shepherd Alliance?


There was an almost inaudible sound of tearing the air. Pinocchio still smiled happily and handed the contract to Wei Xun, but Wei Xun was always wary. He didn't seem to understand at all why Wan Xiangchun still wanted to sign the contract at such a dangerous time? Therefore, he has a face of rejection and is always wary of all directions.

Suddenly his expression changed, and he leaned back suddenly. The bloody blade passed by, and there was a sharp sound like a sword clash. Sparks flew, and the force of the impact made Wei Xun vomit blood, and the tiger's mouth cracked. In fear, he held the knife in both hands and used all his strength to block the danger of death from above his head, and the contract was cut into pieces.

"Ding Yi, how dare you take action against Wei Xun?"

All this happened in a flash of lightning. Pinocchio roared angrily, and the wooden hammer in his hand suddenly became as tall as an adult. He jumped up and hammered into the air fiercely, and there was only a crackling sound, like a large piece of glass being smashed by him, but the remaining blade arm of the invisible mantis was directly broken by him!

"Brother Wei Xun, are you okay?"

When he landed, he grabbed Wei Xun's collar and dragged him back to avoid the sharp pieces falling. Wei Xun's hands seemed weak and he couldn't hold the knife steady. The Madman's Knife was about to fall, but Pinocchio caught it.

It cannot be used, its function cannot be seen, and its name cannot even be known. In the hands of Wei Xun, a newcomer, this knife was actually able to withstand the blade of the invisible mantis instead of being cut off directly.

Personal weapons.

Wei Xun should have completed the main mission of the journey, and this should be his exclusive weapon of choice.

At this moment, both Pinocchio and Yin Yang Butterfly deduced the origin of this knife.

A new traveler... really talented.

Ding Yi, garbage!

One of them was still smiling, the other was smiling calmly, but they were cursing at the same time in their hearts.

No matter how strong a new passenger is, Ding Yi should not be completely trampled under his feet on the first day.

What a disgrace to the tour guide!

"Here, your knife."

Pinocchio stuck a piece of puppet silk on the madman's knife and returned the knife to Wei Xun. Exclusive weapons for completing the main line of the journey. Each one has extremely high growth potential and will be extremely powerful in the future. If the tour guide takes these weapons, they will usually be destroyed directly, without giving the enemy a chance to grow.

But the weapon also depends on the type. Pinocchio judged that Wei Xun's knife was purely offensive, or a weapon with stronger attack power the more seriously the owner was injured. However, this kind of offensive weapon pays the most attention to the level of the owner.

The stronger Wei Xun is, the stronger the weapons will be. He was now seriously injured with a knife, and his strength was at its strongest, but it was still only able to stop the invisible mantis's blade arm. He could only cut a crack in it, but could not repel it.

Strong, but only strong.

Wei Xun's strength limited the performance of this sword.

The truly terrifying exclusive weapons are causal and rule-based. These are the weapons that can reverse the situation. No matter how weak the user is, they can turn the tables against the wind, just like An Xuefeng's knife.

They were both swords, but his sword was different from Wei Xun's. Pinocchio has seen many exclusive weapons, and he has a very sharp eye and will not admit his mistakes.

In this case, it doesn't matter if the knife is returned to Wei Xun. The most important thing is that he wants to leave a puppet thread.

Wei Xun's body is weird, so the puppet thread can't get wrapped around him, so just leave it on the knife.

"Ding Yi, do you think I really can't kill you? If you try again, I'll make sure you look good!"

Pinocchio screamed threats and frantically threw a sledgehammer at the invisible mantis without sparing a hand. The Yin-Yang Butterfly did not make a sound, but directly took back the mantis. The sledgehammer hit the devil's head, smashing its head to pieces.

What a powerful force!

Wei Xun's pupils suddenly shrank, and the ten-meter-tall demon swayed and fell, like a mountain collapsing. The sound of rumbling and cracking could be heard endlessly. In panic, Pinocchio pulled him and ran. Wei Xun did not refuse. After the violent shaking subsided slightly, he discovered that they had somehow escaped from that area and reached the middle of the passage.

"It's over, there's no way out."

Pinocchio shook his head and sighed, and the eyebrows on the puppet's face were frowned: "It's such a heavy demonic energy. I'm afraid the abyss node is opening. Xiao Wei Xun, we have to deal with these two tour guides."

"Are you going to kill him?"

Wei Xun said in a deep voice that Pinocchio had saved him just now and killed the devil with one hammer, showing his overwhelming strength and making him sincerely convinced.

Pinocchio glanced at him with a smile, his red face looking very strange: "Little Ah Xun, we are just tourists, don't be like the Butchers Alliance who always fight and kill. This is not good."

"Have you had enough fun?"

Yin Yang Butterfly said lightly, compared to Pinocchio, he was a bit more embarrassed. Ding Yi's body was too weak and his cloak was also weak. Pinocchio's attack was too sudden, and it was so terrifying that it could really kill the invisible mantis. The residual power of the demon's fall and the earthquake cracked affected him, making him look a little disgraced.

"You refuse to go down and keep stalling for time. Is this really the puppet master down there?"

"You refuse to go down and keep delaying. Is it really Mr. Psychic down there?"

Pinocchio learned the words like a robot, and then said with a smile:

"If we don't go down, aren't we fishing?"


Yin Yang Butterfly said softly: "I'm fishing for a big fish."

They didn't kill Wei Xun, not even the powerful tour guide who opened the abyss node below, just to use him as bait to catch a big fish!

Snow leopard, white wolf, and the blessing of the white wolf king can bite Pinocchio's hand to pieces, and neither spider silk nor puppet thread can invade his body.

"That's not just a big fish, it might be a whale that could swallow us."

Pinocchio echoed with a smile: "Yes, yes, so let Mr. Psychic come up quickly, otherwise you won't be able to deal with him."

"Mr. Wan, what are you talking about?"

The more Wei Xun heard, the darker his expression became. He originally looked at Ding Yi warily, but now he turned around in shock, as if to question, but in an instant the blade fell, and he actually drew the knife at the same moment he turned around!

The demonic flames burst into flames, the stone bricks were knocked down, and Gu Xin's skin rolled away. The pure magic power and demonic energy stirred together, and the momentum was astonishing. Even the mink cubs pounced on it, and the momentum was astonishing. Wei Xun instantly used all his means, and it was a thunderous strike!

"Go to hell!"

"So cruel."

The blade cut down, but Wei Xun's expression changed. Stone Brick could not be controlled, the magic flame collapsed, Gu Xin's human skin fell dimly, and the mink cub screamed and flew backwards. He slashed at the puppet's neck. The head tilted back and there was no blood, but there were countless thin lines connecting the head and the neck that were invisible to the naked eye!


The knife was directly thrown away, and at the same time, a wooden hand penetrated the magic flame and shot out, grabbing Wei Xun's neck!

"I surrender."

Wei Xun didn't resist at all, he was straightforward.

I surrendered.

"Why don't you continue playing games with me."

The magic flames dissipated, and Pinocchio came out, with his eyebrows hanging upside down and a mournful face. The hand holding Wei Xun's neck continued to tighten.

"Why, why why?"

"He would have discovered it a long time ago."

Yin Yang Butterfly said softly: "I'm just playing games with you."

Yes! As soon as Wei Xun came out, he discovered that Pinocchio and Yin Yang Butterfly were both tour guides, and they were both here to open the abyss node! But between a powerful tour guide below and two tour guides above who can fight demons, he is caught in the middle and will surely die!

So he immediately recognized the cloaked Pinocchio as another outstanding traveler and dealt with them. This was quick wit and the only way to slow down the fight.

When Pinocchio talked with Yin Yang Butterfly, Wei Xun realized immediately that Pinocchio was no longer going to play or hide, so he did not hesitate to use all means to attack directly. This was his last chance.

When it was discovered that the attack was ineffective, he immediately surrendered without any resistance.

Quick-witted, bold, decisive, ruthless, flexible and flexible.

This is Wei Xun. Pinocchio and Yin Yang Butterfly watched the screen recording of the entire journey to northern Tibet. Wei Xun is such a person.

"You're fine."

Yin Yang Butterfly said softly: "It's just too weak."

"Ahem, cough, cough, yes."

Wei Xun was choked and coughed a series of times, but with a bright smile on his face: "But the weak are also useful, aren't they?"

"I know some information about the tour guide below. I can also sense that the White Wolf King is approaching here quickly. Hurry, he is coming soon."

Wei Xun, the bachelor, said: "Anyway, you can kill me easily, so it will be the same as if I'm dead, and it won't affect you."

"So funny, you're so funny!"

Pinocchio smiled. Living was as good as dead. Yes, although their guides were still alive, they were all dying people with no future. No matter how much life time you save, if it is all wiped out at once, there will never be peace.

"You have so much potential. Do you really not want to be our shepherd?"

Wei Xun really has the potential to become a tour guide.


Yin Yang Die, who was watching, saw that Pinocchio's tone was brisk and his hands were harder and harder. Wei Xun's face turned purple when he pinched him. He couldn't stop struggling. When he was about to die, he shouted softly. An orange-red butterfly like a fireball flew by, and Pinocchio's puppet hand pinched Wei Xun and broke.

Orange butterfly? But the butterfly I just saw seemed to be blue.

Thoughts flashed by, Wei Xun coughed violently, and fell to his knees unable to do anything. But before his legs even touched the ground, he was grabbed by Yin Yang Butterfly.

"Tell me everything you know."

Wei Xun is easy to kill? No, he is not easy to kill. Wei Xun will be a useful shield, Pinocchio will not strangle him. But this person has to take control of it.

Pinocchio was too moody and angry, and when he pinched Wei Xun's neck, Yin Yang Die felt a sense of crisis in her heart, as if a disaster was imminent. There was a black dung beetle as big as a fingernail lying on top of his head, and it was rolling a black ball with its hind legs. This is the bad luck of the Yin-Yang Butterfly.

But it couldn't roll cleanly no matter what, and was so frightened that it kept trembling. The Yin-Yang Butterfly could see the death aura on Pinocchio for a moment, and both of them were doomed with bad luck.

In a daze, Yin Yang Die heard a furious wolf howl. His expression changed, he grabbed Wei Xun and walked down.


"I turned into a snow leopard cub and hid in the crevices of the rocks, but a terrifying bug discovered me. It was fiery red. I took a look and my eyes went completely black."

Wei Xun was being held away this time. This position was not comfortable, but he quickly told what he knew.

"It has the aura of demonic insects, which is very strong."

Yin Yang Die said, Wei Xun did not lie.

That was the bloody ladybug that Wei Xun deliberately left in the cave.

"Hey Demonic Insect, he is indeed a member of your Butcher Alliance."

Pinocchio followed closely, his broken arm reattached and intact as before. He was several meters away from Yin Yang Butterfly and Wei Xun, neither far nor close, not behind. Seeing Wei Xun looking at him, he smiled brightly.

"Little A'Xun, you'd better stay away from him. People from the Butcher Alliance don't cherish toys. They like to destroy toys the most."

As he spoke, he unscrewed his own wood: "This kind of destruction!"

The hand bitten off by the White Wolf King has not healed, but the hand cut off by 'Ding Yi' has healed. Of course, it could also be that ‘Ding Yi’ didn’t use his full strength. Wei Xun also heard the wolf howl. At the moment when the wolf howled, he saw that they went straight down without hesitation, and Wei Xun understood clearly.

In terms of strength, the White Wolf King is greater than 'Ding Yi' than 'Wan Xiangchun'.

Not only that, they were also wary of the tour guide below, and both sides were still suspicious of each other.

"I saw the tour guide, but he was too strong. As soon as I took action, my vision went dark. Then I found myself covered in injuries and had already left the cave."

"Control, hey, what should I do? This is what the puppet master is good at."

Pinocchio put his wooden hand in his mouth and looked horrified: "Oh my God, it's not really the puppet master down there. Xiao Dingyi, you'd better run away quickly, if it's really a puppet Master, you have to be her puppet."

"You are so good-looking, she likes you very much."

"Manipulation, many people can do it."

Yin Yang Butterfly said calmly: "He's just a new traveler, and there are demonic insects suppressing him. I'm afraid he can't even see the color of that person's cloak."

As he said this, he actually slowed down a little, and walked side by side with Pinocchio again, but their speed was still not slow, and they were less than ten meters away from the cave where the abyss node was located. And they were walking so fast, and because of the terrifying sense of crisis, the breathing of the ferocious beast seemed to be right next to their ears.

The one chasing me is coming, and getting closer and closer!

Even if they work together, they are absolutely invincible. Only the great tour guide who joins forces to open the abyss node has a chance to fight back. With Wei Xun here, the opponent will definitely chase after him!

That's the opportunity!

"Who said that? I saw the color of his cloak."

Less than ten meters, nine meters, eight, seven...

Wei Xun calculated the distance. If he was fast, he could wait until he was five meters away from the entrance of the cave. But 'Ding Yi' was walking too slowly. He would have been better if he walked faster.

While thinking about it, he said: "That's a dark red cloak——"


There was only a loud roar, and a huge wooden hammer fell directly, hitting the road ahead, blocking the road completely. Wei Xun was pulled down hard, and his face directly touched the puppet's face. His black and white eyes were wide open, almost terrifying:

"what colour?"


Under the gaze, Wei Xun's mind flashed, and he directly told the truth - it was indeed a crimson cloak. He used a mountaineering bag to place his cloak on the Abyss Node. From the entrance, it looked like someone was squatting on the edge of the Abyss Node.

But Pinocchio only asked about the color.

Wei Xun had a strong willpower and instantly got rid of control. His whole body was shaking violently. Was there an earthquake? No, no, it was Pinocchio who caught him and was shaking violently!

Big beads of sweat fell from his wooden skull. His eyes were getting bigger and bigger, but the black eyeballs were getting smaller and smaller, as if he was about to roll his eyes away. How is this going? The next moment, Wei Xun was pulled over by Yin Yang Butterfly. He found that the man was also shaking, and the dark green hood fell down, revealing Ding Yi's face. But now Ding Yi's face is distorting.

Black filamentous tentacles sprouted from the forehead, and the eyes turned dark green, protruding outwards, with a pinpoint-sized black spot in the middle. Is it alienation?

Why is it suddenly alienated now! And it's not Ding Yi's alienation, it's the tour guide who has invaded his body!

"what colour?"

The same question, the voice was erratic, as if it had a buzzing sound, Wei Xun's ears were buzzing, and he told the truth:



A heart-piercing scream made Wei Xun's ears bleed, and he suddenly regained consciousness. It's Pinocchio screaming! He suddenly put away the wooden hammer, turned back immediately, and was about to run away! But as soon as he took a step, he turned back. Wei Xun heard an anxious and worried wolf howl, very close, very close.

The wolf is coming!


The next moment, Pinocchio actually picked up the wooden hammer and smashed it directly against the rock wall next to him. With no way back, he actually had to break out a way to escape! Wei Xun's face changed suddenly when he saw this scene, but he was cursing in his heart. He thought about many things, such as the two tour guides not believing him, and the fact that they saw through the illusion of the cloak at a glance.

But I really didn't expect it. Why would this person run away just because he heard the color of his cloak? !

If you run away now, wouldn’t my arrangement be a loss?


Wei Xun gritted his teeth, this distance is barely enough, just blow it up for me!


A loud noise like thunder suddenly came, and 'Ding Yi' behind him disappeared directly. Wei Xun didn't care where he went, when he saw large clouds of smoke coming in, instantly filling the entire passage. This rocket launcher only made noise and smoke but had no lethality at all. It didn't even blow up the passage. But its smoke is thick enough, just like when fighting the Flying Fox King in western Hunan, far more than ordinary smoke bombs.

Wei Xun wears a gold necklace, which brings bad luck! When the thick fog filled the air, he rushed towards Pinocchio, who was smashing the road with a wooden hammer frantically, completely ignoring Wei Xun behind him. Of course he felt it, but he had to run away now. Wei Xun's previous two attacks, even with the fanatic's knife, were unable to cause any harm to him.

Even if Wei Xun cuts him, he won't be able to kill him!

Thick fog obscured the figure of the person. The person covered in blood and bruises quietly put on the crown, and a dice rolled down.

The score is six.


He didn't say "go die". When he really wanted to kill someone, he wouldn't yell out loud.

The sword rises, the sword falls!

A small but powerful weapon, a true fanatic's sword!

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