Thriller Tour Group

1119. Tomb of the Tusi King (64)

"Xue Feng? Xuefeng? An Xuefeng!"

Yi Ling behind him was still calling him, but he was not happy to be called by his full name. But how could An Xuefeng get up and go over? The diving suit and tights were no different, there was no cover at all. He was sure to make a fool of himself by getting up. So An Xuefeng was determined not to look back, and even picked up the waterproof bag next to him and put it on his lap to block it, to guard against Yi Ling coming - and he did come!

"Can't you hear me?"

With a burst of cold water vapor, the soft silver-white hair fell down beside An Xuefeng's cheek. Yi Ling was standing behind him, leaning down and touching the tiger ear on An Xuefeng's head with his cold jade-like fingers. The semicircular tiger ears stood up energetically, shaking slightly when being stroked, stroking Yi Ling's fingers. This time An Xuefeng could no longer pretend to be a fool. He turned his head sideways, his pupils dark and expressionless.

His appearance is very intimidating and handsome. Even when he smiles, he doesn't look very kind. Now when his face is expressionless, it is even more oppressive. His gaze is like a blade scraping across Yi Ling's face, leaving a chill behind him. The atmosphere between people became a little subtle and anxious, especially when Yi Ling swallowed unconsciously and his Adam's apple moved slightly, a very existential gaze fell on his throat. For a moment, Yi Ling felt as if his throat was being bitten by a beast. , the air becomes thinner.

But most of his attention was not on An Xuefeng at the moment, and he didn't pay much attention to the changes in his eyes. It was so fragrant that Yi Ling swallowed again and couldn't help but stick close behind An Xuefeng, putting a hand on his broad and strong shoulders, and intoxicated and deeply breathed in the fragrance that diffused from the white balls. This was far worse than when he saw the white ball for the first time. His hunger that time was not satisfied, and the thirst that had been engraved deep in his body. When he smelled the almost identical white ball again, that thirst was quickly awakened, like A prairie fire burned through his internal organs, and greedy desires screamed, forcing him to satisfy his body's needs.

Just like people need to drink water when they are thirsty and eat when they are hungry, physiological needs are the most basic needs of the human body. People in an extremely hungry state can do anything. Yi Ling was in this state now. He was a little dazed. Unknowingly, he was pressing tightly on An Xuefeng's back. His breathing was rapid and his pupils were trembling slightly. There was something wrong with his whole state.

Fortunately, as Yi Ling expected, after getting close to An Xuefeng, his sanity obviously returned a lot and his thinking became clearer. I can clearly feel the burning hunger, but I can also think about the current situation. It is known that his contact with An Xuefeng has the effect of removing pollution and relieving his spirit, and now his contact with An Xuefeng also has an effect on alleviating this hunger - is the pollution on the white ball causing his hunger? Or does he just want to eat pollution?

Eating pollution... This conjecture caused Yi Ling to flash the image of corn shoots in his mind, and his breath froze. No, no, no, he can't be a worm! Yi Ling struggled to bury his head on the skin of An Xuefeng's neck that was not covered by the diving suit. He breathed hard and resisted hunger more resolutely. No matter how strong the temptation was and his stomach twitched with hunger, he would never raise his head.

I have strong willpower, it’s like I’ve quit drugs.

Yi Ling couldn't help but sigh.

Having strong willpower is like quitting drugs.

This sentence suddenly flashed through An Xuefeng's confused mind. It was so appropriate for the current situation! He froze, not daring to move. If he tilted his head to the left, he would touch Yi Ling's arm on his shoulder. If he turned his face to the right, he would rub Yi Ling's cold and smooth hair, and the tip of his nose. Pressing against the side of An Xuefeng's neck, the tight blood vessels and veins can clearly feel the rapid, moist breathing, and the cold and flexible body presses on his back, like a mermaid that has just landed, tempting humans, with countless contradictions. Thoughts collided in An Xuefeng's mind, and the choice between left and right seemed like the biggest problem in life.

Yi Zero did it on purpose.

I can't bear it anymore.

What is he trying to do, some new prank?

Really looking for death.

Are you still a human being if you don’t do this?

Yi Zero may not be human.

Adults should be responsible for their own actions.

According to Yi Ling's race, is he an adult?

Is it dangerous to be around the Tianci Tomb or is it inappropriate to be in the wilderness?

The tent fits right next to it.

Oto-rei trusts his self-control.

But it's like a deer wandering next to a well-fed tiger, but not being eaten by the tiger. As a result, he naively believed that the tiger would not hurt him, and wandered in front of the tiger all day long, grazing leisurely. Such a poor little thing deserved to be eaten by a tiger.

What is their relationship now?

No matter what the relationship is!


An Xuefeng couldn't bear it anymore. He tilted his head and skillfully brushed away the messy hair piled on Yi Ling's cheek, and bit him unceremoniously. The sharp tiger teeth grabbed a small piece of cool and pale skin and rubbed it, leaving a red mark. But An Xuefeng didn't exert any force until then. His hand was still holding the waterproof bag tightly, and he restrained himself from holding Yi Ling's wrist. If Yi Ling gets up and wants to run, he won't stop him.

But Yi Ling didn't get up, or even cry out in pain. He was still leaning closely on An Xuefeng's back, seemingly unaware of the dangerous aura. Just wondering why he did this, he turned his face sideways.

So An Xuefeng directly bit Yi Ling's lip, forced his tongue into his mouth, swept across Yi Ling's neat teeth and upper teeth, and probed deeper. An Xuefeng not only had tiger ears, he also had tiny fleshy spines on his tongue. When he repeatedly licked the fragile soft flesh of his palate, it felt numb and itchy, and the swelling was unbearable. He opened his mouth wide to hide, but who knew it was worse than humans? The longer and more flexible tongue cunningly took the opportunity to explore deeper and licked the throat.


Yi Ling finally let out a muffled groan. There was nowhere to hold on to the smooth diving suit. His hands could only hold An Xuefeng's head randomly without using any strength, but he didn't push it away, and he didn't use much strength. On the contrary, he raised his head, hesitantly, tremblingly and relaxed his throat. When he swallowed saliva, his throat contracted, and his Adam's apple kept sliding, as if he wanted to eat An Xuefeng's tongue, very greedy.

He is really good at swallowing. This assumption made An Xuefeng's eyes darken and his forehead veins throb. He couldn't help but hold the back of Yi Ling's neck, hugged Yi Ling from behind to the front, and sat with him in his arms. onto his lap. However, he still restrained his hands and did not move down. He just pinched the back of Yi Ling's neck tightly. He did not change the kiss to other places, focusing on licking. This scene is obviously enough to make people blush, but it is also inexplicably innocent.

Until a large shadow fell over it, it was the end of the "hunting" of corn shoots, so I excitedly came over to take a look. An Xuefeng pressed the back of Yi Ling's neck hard and released him. The big hand still holding the back of his neck was possessively kneading the red soft flesh on the back of his neck, showing full aggression. Bai Hu was not full yet, but Yi Ling's face was flushed with satisfaction, and his eyes were filled with joy, and he covered his stomach.

"Finally not hungry anymore."

He sighed from the bottom of his heart. He really didn't expect that kissing An Xuefeng could suppress his hunger, making his soul tremble with joy and contentment. This feeling was so good that Yi Ling thought about it over and over again, and even regretted that they wasted two days - he should have tried it with An Xuefeng on the first day!

"I am full?"

An Xuefeng's meaning was unclear, and his voice was low and hoarse. Yi Ling was satisfied, but it stimulated An Xuefeng to death. From his point of view, Yi Ling's eyes were red, he was caressing his belly lazily, and he was leaning in his arms defenselessly, as if he was fed and filled. As if they already had this extremely close and unique relationship, An Xuefeng's heart was beating so fast that he didn't care whether the corn shoots were around or not.

Tonight they were going to stay in Wuluo Mountain. Life and death were hanging by a thread and there was no chance. It only took less than two hours to visit the tomb sent by God. There was still time - it was so beautiful, I wanted to seduce him. Surrounded by distracting thoughts like inner demons, An Xuefeng reached down and saw Yi Ling's body suddenly stiffened, trembling like a snow-white butterfly.

This was the first time An Xuefeng helped a man other than himself, but it was very successful. Yi Ling was a bit too fast, and they couldn't keep up with each other, but Yi Ling recovered quickly and was very active. He learned to be polite the second time, and asked for kissing and moving at the same time the third time, and was no longer satisfied with being separated by a diving suit. . He unzipped An Xuefeng's one-piece diving suit from the front to his lower abdomen and reached in.

Yi Ling:? !


He let out a shocked exclamation, and suddenly a new interest arose. An Xuefeng indulged him and let him mess around, slowly rubbing his hand from the back of Yi Ling's neck to his graceful back, until Yi Ling finally had enough and wanted to leave. Only then did he realize that An Xuefeng's big hands had wrapped around his waist, making him unable to escape. A long time passed, and when An Xuefeng finished for the first time, Yi Ling's abdominal muscles and legs were all red.

When the passion dissipated and the cold wind blew, An Xuefeng held Yi Ling in his arms, inexplicably wanting to light a cigarette and think about life.

What kind of relationship do they have now?

What does this mean to Yi Zero?

"You were very hungry just now."

An Xuefeng's heart was churning with countless thoughts, but when he opened his mouth, he was concerned about Yi Ling's abnormality just now: "Is it because of it?"

He only used one hand to interact with Yi Zero from beginning to end, because the other hand that turned into a tiger claw still held the sticky white ball. Yi Ling's condition returned to normal, but An Xuefeng could still feel the pollution brewing in his body... The pollution permeating the white ball was very troublesome.

But now the white ball has calmed down, and the pollution has restrained a lot, no longer corroding his body.

"Yeah, it's weird."

People who are happy are easy to talk to. Yi Ling smiled happily and said: "But it's okay now - and maybe it will be okay in the future."

He sat in An Xuefeng's arms very naturally, leaned forward and picked up the waterproof bag that fell on the ground next to him with a hook of his fingers. The extremely tough waterproof bag was twisted and deformed, with all the marks left by clenching it with fingers. It was even completely cracked and broken in the middle - it was torn into pieces by An Xuefeng. A tattered bag wrapped in a jade token slipped out. It was already in a state of tatters, and the token almost completely fell outside.

It doesn't look like there are many traces of carving, just like a jade bar with a small hole underneath. This white ball is extremely peaceful next to the jade order, and it no longer releases pollution.

"This may be a secret order from the chieftain king or the mountain god."

Yi Zero thought thoughtfully. He originally planned to use the same trick of using the human skin map to contain the contaminated white ball, but now he has changed his mind. He took the tattered bag and put it in An Xuefeng's hand. Sure enough, the bag was just right for the white ball, and there was a place to hang the token next to it.

"The vortex under the copper coffin is the source of water flow, and it is also the real reason for the formation of the Tianci Tomb River."

Yi Ling said, sorting out his thoughts: "It is probably connected to the underground river leading to Wuluo Mountain."

I don't know if this white ball came out from Wuluo Mountain, or if it was dropped by the copper coffin zombie. Just by looking at how this jade token can withstand the pollution of the white ball, you know that its level is extraordinary.

It is very likely that it belongs to the chieftain king of Wuluo Mountain or simply the god of Wuluo Mountain.

After all, the Salt God is a god, and the Bronze Coffin Zombie is not the first generation of Linjun. If we want to completely drive out the Salt God, zombies alone will definitely not be enough.

This jade token may represent the will and order of the Wuluo Mountain God or Tusi King to "expel the Salt God". Now it has fallen into their hands.

No matter what it means, this is an important token from the Tusi King or the Mountain God, which is likely to protect them from various pollution attacks, and may even allow them to travel unimpeded in some areas of Wuluo Mountain!

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