Thriller Tour Group

1118. Tusi King's Tomb (63) Black and White Pollution

As if they had a tacit understanding, when An Xuefeng looked at Yi Ling, Yi Ling also happened to straighten up. He was holding a ball of white in his hand. He couldn't tell what it was, but An Xuefeng could clearly feel Yi Ling's emotional turmoil, and his spirit seemed to be a little disordered! Without any time to think, he pulled Yi Ling to his side and took him up the river. He took off his diving gloves and grabbed Yi Ling's wrist with his bare hands - his diving gloves were corroded at some point, revealing a pair of pale eyes. hand.

Skin-to-skin contact is the fastest effective method they have tried to relieve pollution. When An Xuefeng first caught Yi Ling, he still refused to cooperate with the surface. When he struggled, he kept kicking the bronze coffin with his flippers, as if he was trying to kick it away. The speed at which he was completely exposed was so fast that he barely even managed to hit the coffin lid with his kick.

On the contrary, when An Xuefeng grasped his wrist tightly with his bare hands, his calloused fingertips pressed against the blood vessels on the inside of his wrist, as if cast from iron and unable to break free. After a second or two like this, Yi Ling's mood became obviously much calmer, and he cooperated with An Xuefeng to float upward. He seemed a little hesitant and tangled in his emotions, but he quickly made up his mind. An Xuefeng's palms felt hot and he saw Yi Ling stuff the white stuff into his hand. The eyes behind the diving goggles seemed to look at him with trust.

But while looking at Yi Ling, An Xuefeng noticed the scene at the bottom of the river out of the corner of his eye, and his heart suddenly froze. They had already swam more than ten meters and were close to the river surface. The turbid and black river water should have obscured everything at the bottom of the river, but The scene at the bottom of the river was still clearly visible to him, especially the copper coffin and the stone figurines surrounding it. The stone figurines with intact heads unexpectedly raised their heads and looked directly at them. The dark and sticky filth floated out from the hollow eye holes, like black tears floating towards them in a steady stream. The nearest black was actually very close at hand, but An Xuefeng, who was so sensitive, did not notice anything strange!

When he really looked at the darkness and filth, a chilling sense of coldness came over him. Those black 'tears' were like the rotten eyeballs of stone figurines, bringing an extremely strong and dangerous sense of 'watching'. Thin goose bumps appeared on An Xuefeng's back and his scalp exploded. This was the chill of being cursed or marked by an evil thing! He directly blocked Yi Ling, who was looking over curiously, behind him. He raised the knife with a cold face and was about to cut something off, but the next moment, several octopus-like tentacles swept from the water, followed by a tender yellow body that was bigger than a sea snake. Opened An Xuefeng and Sticky Dirt.

It’s the corn shoots that are here to help them! The flexible and powerful tentacles rolled up An Xuefeng's arm and lifted him and Yi Ling directly out of the water!


The sound of water sounded, and the heavy feeling of losing buoyancy came over him the moment the water broke out, but An Xuefeng didn't need any extra time at all, holding the tentacles of the corn shoots with one hand and looking down with the other. At this moment, the surface of the Tianci Tomb River is far more terrifying than before. The extremely long body of the corn shoots is undulating, sinking in the water and arching out of the river, like a dragon undulating in the sea of ​​clouds. Looking at this section of the river, it turns out that There are twenty or thirty places of arched tender yellow insect body! An Xuefeng and Yi Ling were gently placed on the highest arch section in the center, which was the best observation point. Looking at the river, it looked like it was boiling with foam, and all the black insects were gone. The river surface undulated like a certain A living creature. If you look closely, the surface of the water is covered with densely packed tiny tentacles!

They are criss-crossed like the fine roots of aquatic plants, spread out on the river like a large net, twisting and turning with the waves of the water, looking extremely terrifying. As for the section of the river where An Xuefeng and Wei Xun came out of the water, the dense tentacles covering the river surface were obviously black, showing a group of irregular black spots, and the black spots were still expanding, like an oil leak, and the water on the water was The tentacles were unable to digest the black filth for a while.

The black filth pouring out from the stone figurines makes even the corn shoots feel troublesome. More tentacles are coming over like dragon whiskers, layer upon layer surrounding the black spots, like a mass of enlarged dry dragon mouth vermicelli. I don’t know. There were several layers of balls, and the accumulated tentacles almost covered the entire river surface. You could still faintly see the twisted and wriggling black inside, which made An Xuefeng frown.

Half of his body is hot now, but half of his body is faintly cold. The pollution that has invaded his body is fighting against his own strength, just like a fever. It's hard to imagine what would happen if you really come into contact with those sticky black eyes. An Xuefeng didn't think his self-recovery ability was comparable to that of corn shoots. It was so huge that even if the polluted parts were completely cut off, there would be no loss. Just like now, its large piles of tentacles are still fighting against the filth on the river. But there were also small, clean tentacles that came to them, licking the remaining river water off their wetsuits. A handful of soft, corn-like tentacles were particularly aggressive in digging into An Xuefeng's hand.

Only then did An Xuefeng remember what Yi Ling had stuffed into his hand. When he lowered his head and looked down, he saw a slimy white ball as big as a golf ball, quietly sticking to the fleshy pad of his palm that had turned into a tiger claw.

Is this what Yi Zero dug out from the vortex under the coffin?

"Go down and clean up. My body smells like water now and I'm so dirty."

When An Xuefeng picked up the white ball and looked at it, Yi Ling, who was sitting in his arms, leaned back and said. Yi Ling's voice was a little tight, as if he was trying his best to suppress some emotions. When An Xuefeng looked at him, he found that Yi Ling was staring directly at the dark place covered with layers of corn shoot tentacles. I wonder if it was an illusion. , he heard Yi Ling swallow twice, as if he was very hungry.

Is he hungry? But An Xuefeng always felt that something was strange. He didn't say much, and followed Yi Ling's instructions to lead him up. He carried the salt god's body and the severed arm of the zombie in the copper coffin in one hand, and the overstuffed waterproof bag. The other hand held a white ball, and followed it. The arched body of corn shoots is a long bridge all the way back to the shore. There are no shower facilities here, and naturally there are no conditions for taking a bath.

But Yi Ling was already prepared. He was wary of the poor environment in Wuluoshan and had nowhere to bathe. Before leaving Tujia Amei B\u0026B, he let the corn shoots drill into the well and swallowed five or six tons of well water to store in his body for convenience. He could take a shower at any time, and now An Xuefeng could take advantage of it. Under the 'shower' of the corn shoot tentacles, the two of them first put on their wetsuits and rinsed briefly, then took off their wetsuits and took a shower.

An Xuefeng just rushed in wearing a diving suit, and then went to deal with the funerary objects brought up from the river bottom. In particular, the remains of the Salt God and the severed arms of the zombies should be kept with caution. He asked Maizhu for the sturdy wooden coffin that once contained Lao Linjun, and put the Salt God's body parts and zombie's severed arms into the coffin, along with a series of golden arrow clusters.

In the myth, it was the first generation Linjun who killed the Salt God, and he was shot with an arrow. The copper coffin zombie is obviously the inheritor of the Tujia bloodline. It has the bloodline to suppress the remains of the Salt God. With the broken arm of the copper coffin zombie and the cluster of golden arrows, the suppressed body of the Salt God is like a real stone, honestly Locked in a coffin. But the problem before An Xuefeng was not completely solved... The sticky white ball that Yi Ling stuffed into his hand began to release pollution.

The good news is that its pollution seems to be able to overpower the black and dirty pollution, and it is extremely overbearing. After eroding into An Xuefeng's body, it first expelled all the remaining black pollution from his body.

The bad news is that the white ball pollution has eroded into his body. Although An Xuefeng's body has not been deformed yet, some bad conditions have emerged. Yi Ling was taking a shower behind him, and he didn't feel uncomfortable at all. He showed his body openly and even hummed a song in a happy mood.

An Xuefeng tried his best to match the tune, and could barely make out that he seemed to be humming the ballad that Wei Xun had sung before when he surrendered to the river. However, Yi Ling's hum was a bit strange, and the tail tone was light and long, like willow catkins with nowhere to rely on. It makes the listener's heart feel like it is gradually being suspended. When thinking about it carefully, they only feel a splitting headache and a subtle creepy feeling.

But after being eroded by the white ball pollution, An Xuefeng's ears seemed to have a 'filter' added, and he actually felt that Yi Ling's singing sounded particularly good. The vague humming before became ethereal and melodious, as if it had become two tracks. One is a normal folk song, and the other is an ethereal and strange whisper - this is the resonance of power. Just looking at a powerful enough existence is full of pollution that people cannot understand. The sound can naturally carry pollution, and it does. It is pleasant to the ear, because it is full of mysterious power, and the existence behind it is terrifying and great, just like the abyss where all pollution is born and longs for.

Ordinary people can only hear the sound of the two combined into one. It is precisely because of the inaudible sound that the song of Yi Ling sounds good at first, but when you taste it carefully, it makes people feel hairy behind their backs and feel scared. .

But now An Xuefeng feels that Yi Ling's singing is extremely beautiful. This is absolutely abnormal. He can no longer hold this white ball full of pollution.


An Xuefeng wanted to ask Yi Ling what he planned to do with the ball and what it was. But as soon as he turned his head, he saw a piece of bright white that he shouldn't have seen. It was as light as the pink of tender petals. He could hold it with one hand with his narrow waist. There were water droplets on his snow-white eyelashes, and his blue-purple eyes were as if they were covered by rain. The beaten iris flowers are hanging down, and the slender fingers with distinct joints are combing the slightly shiny silver-white hair, which is more beautiful than the elf.

But Yi Ling was obviously not in a pretty mood. His hair was almost reaching his ankles. It was smooth but thick, and it made him very impatient to wash it. The well water here was too astringent, and his hair was astringent and messy after washing it. Seeing An Xuefeng turn his head over and back again suddenly, Yi Ling was not in the mood to tease him. He tinkered with his hair twice and then gave up, taking it for granted. : "Xue Feng, come here and help me wash my hair."

He called An Xuefeng over not only to wash his hair, but taking a shower when you are hungry will only make you hungrier. Now Yi Ling felt that he was so hungry that his stomach twitched into a ball, and he was eager to swallow something - such as The white ball in An Xuefeng's hand. This white ball gave Yi Ling a very similar feeling to the white ball found in the body of a human-tiger before. Except that this one was more solid than that one, and there was a little yellowish color like pollen in the white, they were almost exactly the same.

Yi Ling really wants to eat it...but he can't eat it just by looking at's okay if he doesn't eat it and smell it. An Xuefeng's strength can suppress him. This person has a very high sense of responsibility and treats him well. It's also interesting, I won't sit back and watch him eat unknown objects.

This is really a perfect plan, Yi Zero can't wait to smell the ball and trick his stomach. However, An Xuefeng seemed to be deaf because of his age. He sat there motionless as if he were hatching eggs. He even changed his sitting position slightly, but he just couldn't come over!

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