Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 1092 Tomb of the Tusi King (41)

"Hey, Captain An has completely transformed into a beast. I don't know when he will wake up this time. You said he slept for three days and three nights at the earliest. It might be even worse this time. I feel really unsure..."

Outside the door, Wang Pengpeng was holding Bai Feibai to complain in a low voice. Suddenly, a huge force came from the door panel he was leaning on, and the door was suddenly pushed open with an overwhelming creaking sound. Wang Pengpai, who was leaning on the door, was pushed and staggered like a ball. When he reached the railing of the corridor, he groaned.

"Holy shit, Fatty, I almost - Team An?! You woke up!!"

When he saw the tall figure coming out, the surprise immediately outweighed the pain. Wang Pengpai no longer had any pain in his stomach and numbness in his back. He kept calling Captain An, and Dian Dian wanted to ask him how he was doing. Unexpectedly, Captain An just waved his hand to signal, and then rushed towards the main room. He disappeared in an instant, as if there was a ghost chasing behind him.

"Hey, hey!"

Wang Pengpai shouted twice, looked at An Xuefeng's disappearing figure, raised his hand and touched his head with his backhand, and muttered in confusion: "Is there something so urgent? Is it the statue of the Salt God? Come on, Feibai, let's follow quickly. Go up and have a look!”

"Wait a moment."

Wang Pengpai started to leave, but Bai Feibai grabbed his arm and said calmly: "It's best not to go there yet."


"Team An may have other matters with Zero Guide."

Bai Feibai thought deeply and pushed up his glasses: "He didn't ask us to come over, and he was rarely so anxious just now. If it was just the news about the Salt God Statue, it wouldn't be like this."

"Hey, you're right."

Wang Pengpai listened to the advice and stopped, worried: "We didn't know what happened to the two of them at that time, why did Team An suddenly faint?"

The corn shoots were so huge that they blocked Wang Pengpai and the others a hundred meters away. Wang Pengpai and the others did not dare to climb on the corn shoots without Yi Ling's warning. They were anxious and worried. When they were searching the ruins, they would look over there worriedly from time to time. Although everyone had good eyesight, the corn shoots were coiled up too high, and their undulating bodies blocked Yi Ling and An Xuefeng who had turned into a white tiger. It was okay when the white tiger stood up, and they could see a bit of the tip of the white tiger's ears. But when it lies down, it really can't see anything.

Having just finished a big event like this for the Li family, everyone was excited, tired, and worried. The roar that Jun Li had previously heard in their heads was still buzzing. It was so noisy that their brains hurt, and hallucinations appeared in front of their eyes from time to time. The Li family, which has been completely reduced to ruins, cannot let people down their guard. They are always worried that the statue of the Salt God will suddenly appear out of nowhere. Lao Linjun is still restless, struggling desperately while lying in the coffin, like a living thing. fish.

Is this coffin still needed for funerals? What's Team An's situation now? Where is the statue of the God of Salt hidden? Could there be a sneak attack? In short, everyone had something on their mind at the time, and it was really exhausting both physically and mentally. Especially when they dug out a lot of bad-looking things from the ruins, the atmosphere became even more solemn.

Broken wood carvings of white tigers, plaques broken into pieces, couplets that were almost rotten but you could still see the writing on them, many insect nest-like clay sculptures, salt boxes full of human bones with black traces of blood residue, and... broken and broken of human-tiger carcasses.

The body of the girl and the skinned tiger was buried in the mud, covered with scars. Especially the skinned tiger, the broken bones pierced the flesh and came out, twisted and not like a tiger, like a puddle of mud. The human corpse contained in the tiger corpse was much better. The head was still intact, but an arm was broken. The skin that originally looked like a living person was full of cracks, like broken porcelain, and the waist was almost torn. Cut in half, the red crystal-like internal organs dripped all over the floor, and most of them were smashed to pieces.

Although there was no smell of blood, there was a smell of mixed spices that filled the air. It was so strong that it made Miao Fangfei and Lu Shucheng feel nauseous. Lu Shucheng almost vomited, and Miao Fangfei was even worse, almost fainting.

"This is a spice to repel insects. The golden silkworm Gu is not in very good condition."

After being helped to the side and drinking some water, Miao Fangfei finally recovered and said solemnly. At the same time, Bai Feibai, who observed the human-tiger corpse at close range, also brought bad news - the bones of the tiger corpse looked like human bones, not tiger bones.

This body obviously held more secrets, and after some discussion, everyone decided to take it back. Bai Feibai took Wan Xiangchun and the others to several villagers' houses next to Li's house. They tore down all the door panels and tied them into wooden rafts that could be used to put human and tiger corpses on and drag them away. Bai Feibai also led them to the place corresponding to the room behind the original shrine, and asked them to clean up the ruins here. After digging to the bottom, he led Wang Pengpai to dig out a huge white jade plate that was broken in the middle.

The human and tiger corpses were placed on this jade plate. The blood vessels on the tiger corpse had grown together with the jade plate. They planned to take this jade plate back with them, but there were too many things. Four people were needed to hold the coffin. It took two people, one behind the other, to pull the human-tiger carcass safely. The jade plate was extremely heavy and difficult for one person to lift, not to mention that there were a lot of miscellaneous things.

Fortunately, when everyone was helpless, the corn shoots finally moved, and the tentacles bundled the rags that Wang Pengpai and the others had dug out of the ruins, Lao Linjun's coffin, the wooden rafts that tied up the human and tiger corpses, and the broken jade plates. Wrapping it up frees up everyone’s hands. Seeing the corn shoots turning around and starting to crawl toward the B\u0026B, everyone finally breathed a sigh of relief, and the tense atmosphere suddenly eased.

The Li family is at the head of the village, and the B\u0026B is at the end of the village. On the way back, you will pass through the entire Zhimata Village. The corn shoots were too long and couldn't climb very fast. Their bright yellow bodies ran across the village, so long that they couldn't even see their heads. Upon seeing this, Bai Feibai made a quick decision and discussed with Wang Yushu to order everyone to divide into two groups to search the village without letting go of any clues. Even Miao Fangfei, the well in the village, let the snake go to search.

It took more than half an hour for the corn shoots to crawl through Zimata Village from beginning to end. They didn't waste any time and found a lot of useful or potentially useful things. If they couldn't get it, they gave it to the corn shoots, and it would grow on its body. The tentacles came to tie up the things and take them back. They were so well-behaved that everyone was no longer wary of the corn shoots in the end and regarded it as a harmless luggage conveyor belt. The big guys reciprocated the favor. Bai Feibai and the others saw last night that they loved corn shoots. Greedy, he would collect all kinds of salt-covered bacon and other foods from the villagers' homes, save a small amount for study, and feed the rest with corn shoots. In the end, the humans and insects were enjoying themselves, and the corn shoots even took the initiative to let them sit on their own. On the tail end, I took everyone back to the B\u0026B.

As soon as I sat down, the tightness relaxed, and all kinds of fatigue, soreness, and dizziness came over me. When we arrived at the B\u0026B, almost most of the people were lying on the corn shoots, and they really had no energy. Wang Pengpai and Bai Feibai were also anxious to see Captain An. They simply put the things they dragged back in the tentacles of corn shoots without taking them. Everyone went back to their houses when they needed to wash up and rest. Wang Pengpai and Bai Feibai couldn't relax after seeing the huge white tiger who was still in a coma and was carried back to the room by Yi Ling himself (with the help of corn shoots lifting it with tentacles), so they alternately guarded the door.

Wang Pengpeng actually wanted to stay by the bed, so that Team An would be able to discover any situation or changes immediately. But Bai Feibai shook his head and refused. He had seen An Xuefeng in the past when he completely transformed into a white tiger. His animal nature completely outweighed his humanity. He was ferocious, lonely, and vigilant. This would make it better for him to be left alone, but it would be worse if he had someone around him. Stimulate the white tiger.

This is a highly confidential secret. In the past, Wang Pengpai only knew that Captain An would turn into a white tiger and lose control easily, but he didn't know it was so clear. He was dumbfounded, especially when Wang Pengpai knew that it would take at least three days and as long as half a month for Captain An to return to his human form after turning into a white tiger. There was also a time when he ran into the mountains and forests of the Daxinganling Mountains and was completely stunned when there was no shadow for two months.

They will be on the road tomorrow. They may have reached Wuluoshan in three days. What will happen then? Will they rely on corn shoots to hold the tiger back? But what if Director Zero refuses to let him go or even the corn shoots have to fight? Wang Pengpeng was extremely worried, and Bai Feibai also had an unusually serious look on his face.

Who would have thought that, hey, Team An only woke up after being unconscious for an hour or so, and it started raining lightly outside and it hasn't stopped yet! Even though it was strange why Captain An rushed to the main room as soon as he woke up, but judging from his speed, it should be no big deal. After listening outside the main room door, Bai Feibai and the others simply stopped worrying after hearing no sign of a fight.

"Now that Captain An is awake, it's no problem."

Bai Feibai said, walking to their room, and pressed the bridge of his nose tiredly: "I slept for half an hour, my eyes hurt too much."

"Okay, you rest first, I'll wait here for a while."

Wang Pengpai responded immediately. He was in good spirits. Although he was tired, he could still hold on. Letting Bai Fei sleep on his bed, Wang Pengpai stayed in the corridor, flipping through his old book with his own, and pondering for a while about the jade plate that looked like a Hades weapon, but he was a little absent-minded. There was a sound over there, as if someone had hit the ground. He immediately became energetic and stretched his neck to eavesdrop on the movement over there, ready to "draw his sword to help" at any time.

Although Team An and Director Ling probably wouldn’t fight... ahem, Director Ling personally brought the white tiger back, put it on the bed and combed it. This matter confused Wang Pengpai like a little deer. When they bumped into each other, he felt that these two people were a bit fishy and gossipy. But after that sound, there was no sound coming from the main room again. Wang Pengpai didn't dare to really get close to listen. For a moment, he felt as if a cat was scratching him, and he was anxious.

However, the scene in the main room at this moment cannot be seen by others, as it is particularly easy for others to misunderstand.

An Xuefeng didn't know how it could develop to this point. At this moment, he pressed Yi Ling firmly under his body, grasped his wrists with one hand, and covered his mouth with the other hand, not giving him any chance to deliberately make any noise. An Xuefeng was much bigger than Yi Ling. He was like a fierce and huge beast covering him, crushing him tightly. His hands directly covered half of Yi Ling's face. His soft white hair was scattered on the quilt, and a pair of blue There was a wicked smile in his eyes, and the flames of the fire pit danced in his eyes, sparkling, lively and cunning, like a cat, a fox, and a beautiful snow leopard.

An Xuefeng thought that maybe the aftereffects of turning into a white tiger were still there. He was too impulsive. After entering the main room, he saw Yi Ling holding a Polaroid photo in his hand for the live broadcast. He reached out to grab the photo and was about to say something with a straight face. , glanced at it and was surprised to find that these photos were not of him, but of some other white tiger. She is thinner than him, much smaller than him, her eyes are not bright, and her hair is not as thick and thick as his. Compared with him, she is like a thin dog.

"In short, the audience and family members should support our Baishan Cult."

How is this going? Blinded. Before An Xuefeng could react, Yi Ling grabbed his hand and pulled him in front of the camera. He greeted the audience with a smile, and greeted him with a frivolous and affectionate manner.

"Let me give my family one last look at my white tiger. I also took a lot of photos of him, but I can't show them to everyone."

"This is my white tiger."

The author has something to say

If you're a man, you can't help but let Zero Guide's silky little combos happen!

Even a ninja can't help it!

Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution between 2023-12-2002:46:24~2023-12-2022:54:43~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the rocket launcher: Wow wow wow wow 2;

Thanks to the little angels who threw the landmines: 3 Xiaoqing; 2 Xinyao listened to Xunmi and praised Ximi; 1 wow wow wow wow, Big Dandelion, Qizhan, and Lazy Cozy;

Thanks to the little angels who irrigated the nutrient solution: poppy 233 bottles; Red Ghost Horn 101 bottles; Bubu Nanshan 100 bottles; Du Kang Jieyou Cao Jili 90 bottles; Ge Qintai and Kaibe 80 bottles; tedah 77 bottles; Su Mou 43 bottles; Dugu 31 bottles; 30 bottles; 28 bottles of salt and vinegar; 25 bottles of Xian丨xi; 20 bottles of Bamboo Last, shelf life 72 hours, Heehee Mimi Happy Life, Summer Like Flowers, Good Travel, Dejunhu Illuminating Moonlight, Cat God Meow Sauce; Black sesame flavored paste, empty cicada Eeeellen, Mu Dansheng, big dandelion, sour lime, rotten fall., purple mist, Canglan, Lingsu, bracken seed, dedicated to falling pit, Changan 10 bottles; Yan early morning 7 Bottles; 5 bottles of Sanjiu, When Will Wei Xun Lose His Horse, Yan Wu Qing; 3 bottles of Moonlight; Ban Meng Fu Sheng, strawberry-flavored donuts, hugging Xun’s baby on the left and hugging Xun’s baby on the right, come back for a long time to take a look, all given Lao Tzu 992 bottles;. , Ye Lingxue, 52095666, Lu Li Qiguang, Orange Road, 3927 Summer Garden, Kingship, Qian Liushang, You Are the Cat Lady, Chattering, The Fat White Man Who Grows Flowers, Wandering in the Clouds, Go Lai, G Protein-coupled receptors, Xinxinbukengcp, Mu Gui, Shuo Ye, Xiao, aon, Axu, Miracle stopped without hair, Du Lulu, Ji, a cat in the left hand and a meow in the right hand, Sheng Lingyuan, Qin Baochuan's Xue Yu Stop, (ーー゛), Jiangshan Old Lady, Poria Cake, Ziyu, ckily 1 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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